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Made Men 3: The Red Slipper (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 13

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “What’s with the robe?” Morano asked, pulling her into an embrace.

  She held it tight. “I don’t want you to see the outfit.”

  “Why the hell not?” Vito asked.

  “Because then you won’t get the full effect of the act, the dance and song. You need to wait like everyone else does,” she said to him.

  He shook his head.

  “Kiss me, and then we need to head out to the booth.”

  She kissed him and then Morano released her to Vito, who smoothed a hand over her ass.

  “It feels skimpy,” he said to her and she gave his arm a tap.

  “You will wait and be surprised.”

  Vito squinted at her.

  Angelo pulled her close and kissed her, when he released her he gave her a wink.

  “Did you look out into the audience?”

  “No. Why?” she asked.

  “All your friends are here.”

  “What?” she asked and swallowed hard.

  “The whole gang. Adelina gathered them together. Bella, Major, Mateus, Alessa, Alda, Donata, Fina, Giada, and Gisella, too. Dominick and Giuseppe are sitting with us, along with Fedarro and Collin,” Angelo told her.

  Tears filled her eyes. “I can’t believe this.”

  “No tears, sweetie. It will ruin your makeup. We’re so proud of you, and so are your friends,” he said to her.

  “Ten minutes, guys,” Charlie said to them and they gave her winks.

  “Break a leg, doll.” Vito told her and she smiled. As soon as they walked out of the room, Charlie exhaled.

  “I’m going to get my ass chewed out for this,” Charlie said to her as he helped her out of the robe.

  “She looks incredible and no one else but her could pull this dress off. I’m so jealous,” Alanna said, and then fixed Caprice’s makeup and hair. “Ready, gorgeous?” she asked.

  “More than ready. This is more than I’ve ever dreamed of.”

  They both smiled.

  “It’s a packed house, so strut your stuff, draw them in, and make them want more,” Charlie said and Caprice chuckled.

  She made her way to the entrance by the curtain and caught sight of Mike. He gave a wink as the MC introduced her. The lights lowered as the crowd cheered, and she heard her friends call out her name. It was super packed in the club, and nervousness filled her belly. She could do this. This was the most amazing night of her life, and all because of her men. She loved Angelo, Vito, and Morano, and she was going to be sure to tell them that later tonight.

  The music began to play. Slowly, sexy, she made her way out to the front, doing her wiggle, getting into her zone and throwing out some hums and long, deep notes. The crowd whistled, loving the sound of her voice and feeling the beat. Then she started to sing. “I put a spell on you.” As she wiggled and slid up against the pole and mic, the crowd, roared, cheered, and whistled. She got caught up in the music, in singing, dancing and playing her role, and when she hit the high notes, she hit them perfectly. By the time she sang the last line and let her voice trail off, she got a standing ovation, the crowd erupting even louder and asking for more.

  She absorbed it all, bowed as Mike and the band stood and clapped, then the MC said she would be back for another two songs in just a bit.

  She walked backstage and Charlie and Alanna were there. Alanna had tears in her eyes and pulled her into an embrace. The other performers all gave her compliments and congratulated her as the next act took the stage.

  “You were incredible. Did you hear that crowd? Oh, my God, they loved you. This is awesome,” Charlie said and hugged her again.

  “I’m shaking,” she said and Charlie grabbed her hands.

  “Your men are impatiently waiting for you, I’m sure. I told them I would walk you out to them and your friends,” he said, and as they headed toward the side stairs and into the crowd, people were stopping her and giving her compliments. Corrano and Antonio were there escorting her with their hands on her waist and parting the crowd. When she looked up, she locked gazes with Morano, then Vito and Angelo. Their eyes roamed over her body and she went right to them.

  Morano hugged her and she kissed him. He gave a small smile and then Vito kissed her and hugged her next, then Angelo as they told her how amazing it was and her voice was incredible.

  Morano kept a hand on her hip as their cousins, Collin and Fedaro, complimented her, eyed her, then gave her hugs, too. As her friends came over they carried on complimenting her and she thanked them all for coming.

  “Hot damn, woman, that was some badass singing and major sexy dancing up there. If I was a guy, I’d be all over you right now,” Donata said, and her friends started laughing.

  “That dress is hot, and so are Vito, Morano, and Angelo. When the hell were you going to tell us what was going on? We need a girls’ night out,” Fina said, and Giada and Gisella agreed.

  “We’ll plan it. So much has been going on,” she said.

  Adelina placed her hand on her shoulder. “Hey, hot stuff. I guess it all worked out?” Adalina asked.

  “Thanks to your help, too. It seems that way. I finally feel like my dreams are coming true, and to top it off, I have Angelo, Vito, and Morano,” she said and looked over her shoulder to see her men and their cousins all looking at her and the dress. She was in serious trouble with them. She knew it, but shock and awe had been what she was going for with that number and this dress.

  “How about a drink?” Giada asked her.

  “Oh, I can’t. I have two more numbers and then I can have a drink with you ladies, if you’ll be sticking around,” she said.

  “Are you kidding? I can’t wait to see what act two is like, and to know there’s an act three? Holy mama, I’m excited,” Gisella said, and Morano and Collen walked over.

  Caprice felt Morano’s palm against her ribs and the crisscross strands against her skin. He stepped up close against her back, and whispered into her ear, “We have to talk about your wardrobe. Next act, I get to see what you’re wearing before you go out on stage showing off this body.”

  She turned slightly in his arms to tilt her head back to look up at him.

  “I told you I wanted you to get the full effect like everyone else,” she whispered.

  He kissed her ear. “Full effect? Honey, if your friends weren’t here, or my friends and cousins, you’d be up in the office bent over my desk and I would be balls deep inside of you.”

  Her face flushed and she lowered her eyes. Then she turned into his arms, stood up on tiptoes, and kissed him. He held a possessive palm over her lower back and ass as Collin caught her eye.

  “You have a fantastic voice, Caprice, and a real stage presence. My cousins are very lucky men indeed,” he said to her, holding her gaze.

  “Thank you.”

  He then glanced at Gisella. Her friend looked right at Collin and then shyly looked away as she took a sip from her martini.

  “Who’s your friend? The brunette?” Collin asked her.

  “That’s Gisella.”

  “She sing and dance too?” he asked.

  “No, she works for a real-estate company in Manhattan.”

  “Interesting,” Collin said.

  “Gisella.” Caprice said and Gisella looked at her and smiled. She headed over, and looked classy and sophisticated in the short black cocktail dress. It was sleeveless and showed off her thin arms and long tanned legs, and the tiny heart of diamonds around her neck was feminine and petite. Her light green eyes stood out the way she did her makeup, and Caprice couldn’t help but smile as she introduced Gisella to Collin, and both of them stared into one another’s eyes. A moment later, Fedaro joined them, too.

  “If you’ll excuse me, I need to change and get ready for the second performance,” she told them.

  “What’s it going to be this time? Something sexy again?” Gisella asked and winked.

  “Maybe,” she said and smiled.

  “You’re such a tease. Break a leg, sweetie,” she
said to her, and Caprice smiled.

  Morano guided her along the crowd with Corrano leading them and Antonio right behind her. A glance over her shoulder and she saw Gisella shyly nod her head, then Collin placed a hand at her lower back and he and Fedaro guided Gisella toward the booth they were sitting in. Caprice hoped Gisella knew what she was getting herself into. Fedaro and Collin were head bosses in the Fiorre family. Gisella was conservative and classy, but was around a lot of wealthy men more often than not. Caprice supposed if anyone could handle made men with the power and reputations those two had, it might be Gisella.

  As Morano walked her into the dressing room, Charlie left them alone so she could change. But as the door closed, Morano pulled her into his arms and kissed her tenderly. His hands felt incredible along her hips, over her ass, and then to the zipper. She pulled back. “Morano, I only have a few minutes.”

  “I know that, but if my brothers and I were forced to watch you come out in this number just like all the other men now drooling over you, the least I can get is to watch you undress out of it. Now move,” he told her.

  She walked behind the changing curtain, and he helped her get out of the dress. Of course he used his mouth and tongue to arouse her nipples, and even stroked a finger along her pussy. She slapped his hand. “I won’t be able to perform.”

  “I think you’ll perform perfectly, and exactly where you perform best. In my bed, with my brothers and me,” he said and suckled her neck while cupping her breast.

  “Enough,” she said, and then jerked as he slapped her ass.

  “Later,” he scolded, then pointed at her and walked out of the curtain and waited by the door.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, looking at her body in the mirror and seeing, never mind feeling, how hard he made her nipples. She shook her head.

  “I’m waiting to see what the next outfit looks like so I’m not shocked. Otherwise, it will add to your punishment,” he told her, and the door opened.

  She shimmied into the slim-fitting gold shimmering dress. It was strapless, accentuated her breasts, and had high slits up both sides. Angelo, Vito, and Alanna came in.

  “Okay, you three need to get out so I can help her,” Alanna said as Caprice held the top against her chest.

  “I need to get zipped up,” she said, looking over her shoulder in a sexy, sultry manner. All three of her men looked hungry.

  “I got it,” Vito said, and walked toward her. He kissed her shoulder and her neck as he zipped the dress up.

  “This is tight,” he said, and slid a hand up along her waist and into the slit. She smacked his hand, laughed, and stepped back.

  “It’s supposed to be,” she told him.

  “Okay, out. Her hair needs to be fixed and she needs jewelry,” Alanna said, and more people came in to help fix her hair and makeup. She waved goodbye to her men.

  “See you soon.” She giggled as they exited the room.

  “They are never going to let you out of their sights, woman. My God,” Alanna said, smiling.

  Caprice looked into the mirror. She was glowing, and it was not just because she was performing onstage. It was because of Angelo, Morano, and Vito. Her everything.

  * * * *

  “Jesus, look at her. Fuck, she is super-hot,” Angelo said to Morano as they watched Caprice come out on stage and do another sexy number. It was her own version of “I’m a Woman,” and goddamn, did he have a constant erection since the first performance she did. His brothers agreed. One look around them, and the expressions on the men’s faces, Angelo was ready to start tossing people. He would definitely be working out in the gym tomorrow morning.

  By the time Caprice did her third and final number, they were all ready to take her home and make love to her all night. But her friends were here and ready to party it up, so they stood by watching over her until slowly everyone began to head home and call it a night.

  Angelo held Caprice against his chest as they rode up in the elevator. Her face was pressed against his dress shirt and her arms wrapped around his waist. She leaned up and kissed his chin. His brothers, plus Corrano and Antonio, were there. They punched in the code to get into the penthouse, and then Corrano and Antonio said goodnight as Maverick and Rogan greeted them.

  “All good?” Morano asked them.

  “Yes, sir,” they said.

  “We’ll see you in the morning, then,” Morano told them, and they said goodnight, then locked up and headed to their security rooms.

  It would take an army to get into the penthouse, but it would be impossible to do unannounced. It was one of the requirements of being made men.

  “Right to bed, baby,” Vito told Caprice.

  “Shower first, and I don’t want to get up early. Please let me sleep in,” she said as Angelo began to unzip her dress.

  She was exhausted and only had one drink because she said she felt it right away. He smiled, thinking about how gorgeous she looked tonight, and how much she impressed so many people. There was buzz in the news about the performance, and Vito already received reviews and the added hype over her. Charlie and Alanna were going to be hysterical worrying about what type of show to do next, and who might show up to see it. It was an amazing time, and he couldn’t help but be thrilled that Caprice belonged to him and his brothers.

  Vito started the shower as Morano went to check some messages he had and on the delivery of some business this week. They needed to be sure they had enough people in place and everyone was doing their jobs.

  “I can’t believe it’s over. My first big night on stage at Club Magique, and it’s done,” she said, and the dress fell from her body. She then reached for Angelo’s shirt and began to undo the buttons as he slid off his suit jacket, and then his holster and gun. She stepped back as he passed the gun and holster to Vito, who went to put it away. When Angelo looked at Caprice, her lower lip was between her teeth and she stared at him with desire in her eyes. He got the feeling that the fact he and his brothers carried guns turned her on. He reached for her and they started kissing. He lifted her up and carried her into the extra-large walk-in shower, the water a perfect temperature as he pressed her against the wall and she straddled his hips. He pulled from her lips.

  “You’re everything to me, Caprice. Everything,” he said, and lowered down to suckle her nipple and part of her breast into his mouth.

  “I need you inside of me, Angelo. For the three of you to make love to me and end this perfect night together,” she said, and he aligned his cock with her pussy and slowly pressed into her cunt. She gripped onto his shoulders and they both exhaled. “Ohhh…” they moaned.

  Angelo took his time stroking into her tight, wet cunt. It felt so good, so perfect, and seemed to get better every time he made love to her. He cupped her cheek and neck, tilted her head back, and stared into her eyes.

  “I was so jealous of other men looking at you tonight. Wanting you, fantasizing about you.” He thrust a little harder.

  Her lips parted and she moaned.

  “No one but you, Vito, and Morano, ever.”

  “That’s right,” Angelo said and then picked up speed. He was thrusting into her faster, gripping her hips and clenching his teeth. He needed to mark her, stroke deeper, and make her never ever leave him.

  “I love you, Angelo. I hope you don’t freak out, but I love you,” she said and came.

  He was shocked and he hugged her to him, suckled her neck while thrusting his hips. He whispered into her ear as the orgasm hit him and he came inside of her. “I love you, too, baby. More than anything.”

  * * * *

  Vito waited for Caprice to dry her hair, and when she walked into the bedroom, she was naked and ready to make love to him and Morano.

  Morano just started to get undressed and put his gun into the drawer by the bedside table. She looked at him and smiled, then climbed right up on top of Vito and kissed him.

  Vito rolled her to her back and made love to her mouth. The thoughts going through his h
ead after tonight were barbaric and wild. He wished there was a way to mark Caprice, to ensure she stayed with them and would never stray. He never did commitments to women. He never wanted to, and here he was feeling insane worrying about how she felt, and if she would accept them fully, danger and all.

  She released his lips and slowly began to ease down his body kissing his skin, rubbing her palms along his chest and ribs. When she got to his cock, she licked the tip and immediately brought it into her mouth.

  “Oh yeah, baby, so good. Damn, woman,” he said and exhaled as he ran his fingers through her hair.

  “Lift up and show me that ass. You’ve got punishments coming,” Morano chimed in.

  The little minx jerked a second and then lifted her ass and even put her hands behind her as she sucked Vito’s cock.

  “Hot damn, woman. She learns fast,” Angelo chimed in and then sat on the bed.

  Morano gripped her wrists and then stroked a finger into her cunt. She moaned and thrust back.

  “You know what’s coming, baby. You were very, very naughty to wear that dress tonight and hide it from us by wearing a robe. You knew how we would react.”


  She moaned and Vito grunted.

  “Fuck. Get up here, Caprice. I want to make love to you with Morano,” he said to her.



  “Oh.” She moaned, releasing his cock from her mouth.

  Morano gripped her hips and leaned over her.

  “There’s more coming, baby. Ride his cock. Show Vito how badly you wanted his cock in that tight wet pussy tonight. How you couldn’t wait for us to strip you and make love to you,” he told her.

  “Yes. Oh God, yes. I wanted all three of you all night,” she said and aligned her pussy with Vito’s cock and sunk down onto his shaft.


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