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Made Men 3: The Red Slipper (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 14

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Vito gripped her hips and she lowered down and Vito slapped her ass one cheek at a time.

  Smack. Smack.

  “Vito.” She moaned and rocked her hips, riding Vito as Morano massaged her body.

  “Here.” Angelo tossed Morano the tube of lube.

  “You know what got me through not pulling you off that stage and hiding you in my office tonight? You know?” he asked her and stroked a finger of lube into her ass.

  “Oh, Morano. What…what stopped you?” she asked and then exhaled as she continued to rock her hips. Vito felt his cock get harder, thicker, and if his brother kept this talk up, he was going to come inside of Caprice before Morano shoved his dick in her ass.

  Smack, smack, smack, smack.

  “Oh!” She moaned.

  “This ass, and knowing that as soon as I was going to get you home that I would fuck this ass. That my brothers and I would make love to you. That you would be in our bed with us and no one else. That’s what got me through it,” he told her.

  “Yes. Only the three of you, ever. I love you guys. I love you!” she exclaimed.

  Vito cupped her cheek and ran his thumb over her lip. “I love you, too, baby.”

  Morano began to slide his cock into her ass and leaned over her next to her ear.

  “I love you, too. You belong to us. Forever.”

  Vito gripped her hips and thrust upward as Morano thrust into her ass. “I’m in on this, too,” Angelo said, and eased closer, then gripped her hair and guided her mouth to his cock. The three of them made love to her together. That deep connection, that protective bond and possessive feeling, was triple time as they thrust and stroked, then heard her moan and shake as she came and the three of them followed.

  Caprice released Angelo’s cock and then feel against Vito’s chest. He caressed her hair and back as Morano eased out of her ass, kissing along her shoulders, then down her back.

  “We love you, Caprice. You’ll never want or need for anything ever again. We’ll give you the world, baby. The world,” Morano said, and then gave her ass one more smack.

  Chapter 10

  Elsie Sassone sat in the small apartment watching TV when she heard a knock at the door. She glanced at the clock. It was after eleven. She figured her husband forgot his key, or was too drunk to open it. He did that all the time, the last time just two nights ago. He had been in a rotten mood, said that Caprice was sleeping around with some connected men, and that they paid off the debt to Billy O. Instead of being happy, her husband complained that she ruined the plans to make money off her singing and selling her off to some other connected guy. Elsie was upset. They argued about it and he told her that things needed to be done.

  She opened the door and was surprised to see her husband Larry with two big men. He was drunk, as usual.

  “This is the bitch. Make it good and her whore daughter will come,” Larry said to them and Elsie stepped back as the two men came at her at once.

  She went to scream and one covered her mouth as the other began to strike her. She was crying and moaning in pain. Punch after punch, hit after hit, and then the final strike to her head with the barrel of the gun. She was on the floor moaning, her vision blurred, and heard the commotion. They were making a mess, breaking things, and then she lost consciousness.

  * * * *

  Morano, Vito, and Angelo were already up as Caprice lay in bed sound asleep. Antonio and Rogan just changed shifts with Corrano and Maverick, and they were all in the kitchen talking about her performance last night and about the upcoming jobs.

  “Obviously, some things need to change. I think Caprice is supposed to go by the Red Slipper and see Brandy perform on Wednesday night,” Angelo said to them.

  “We’ll all go. I heard that she’s really talented, too,” Vito said to them.

  “She’s also dating Ivan and Victor. Who would have ever seen those two settle down with one woman?”

  They chuckled and then heard Caprice enter the room. She was holding a cell phone and crying. She wore just one of Morano’s dress shirts, and immediately Morano, Vito, and Angelo hurried to her.

  “What’s wrong?” Morano asked her.

  “It’s my mother. Someone broke into the apartment last night and beat her, Morano. They don’t know if she’s going to make it.”

  Morano pulled her into his arms as she cried and he held her tight. He locked gazes with Vito and then Angelo before he looked at his men. “Corrano.”

  “I’m on it, boss,” he said, and pulled out his cell phone and walked out of the room.

  “Well get the SUV ready and wait for you,” Maverick said.

  * * * *

  Caprice covered her mouth and sobbed when she was finally able to see her mom. She was unconscious, and so badly beaten that her eyes were swollen shut, her arm broken, and she had broken ribs and a severe concussion. The doctors were worried about her brain swelling, and that there was some bleeding. If it didn’t subside, they would have to do surgery to drain it.

  Angelo gripped her shoulders and pressed up against her back.

  “We’re getting the best medical care for her, Caprice. The best doctors she can have,” he told her.

  She knew they were, and the medical staff was extra attentive, and her mom had a private room. She glanced at her father, who sat in a chair and stared at Caprice with daggers in his eyes, or maybe in disgust, as Angelo, Vito, and Morano remained right by her side. He never even acknowledged that her men took care of his debt, or that they were the ones taking care of the medical bills for her mom, and took care of Caprice when her apartment got flooded. She was starting to really lose any bit of desire to keep a connection with her father.

  She reached up and covered Angelo’s hand with hers as she leaned back, needing his support. Morano and Vito walked out of the room to take some phone calls, and then Angelo did the same thing.

  “Do you need anything to drink or eat?” he asked her before he walked out.

  “I’m good. Thanks.” Angelo glanced at her father, that same nasty scowl on her dad’s face showing no respect for Angelo or his brothers. As soon as he walked out of the room, her father exhaled.

  “If you were home in the apartment, nothing like this would have happened,” her father said.

  She wasn’t that shocked. The man always found ways to blame others, especially her, for his faults.

  “First of all, you should have been home instead of out drinking and building up a bigger tab with Billy O. Secondly, if I was there, what makes you think it wouldn’t have been different and that I wouldn’t have gotten beaten up too?” she asked him.

  “It never would have happened if you were home in the apartment, doing as I say, instead of spreading your legs for three men.” He stood up and tears filled her eyes.

  She hated him, despised him, yet she couldn’t get up the gall, the anger to disrespect her father and tell him off. To tell him that he was never, and would never, be even a quarter of the man one of her men were. She watched him stand up, walk closer to her, and flick her hair, making her flinch, before he walked out of the room.

  The second the door closed the tears emerged and she stared at her mother. Should she have been home in the apartment with her? No, she knew she didn’t belong there. She didn’t even have a decent relationship with her mother either. Hell, her mom hadn’t stood up to her father or stopped him from making Caprice responsible for his debt. But she was still her mother, and seeing her like this broke Caprice’s heart. Who could have done this? Who would be so cruel, so evil, to beat up an older woman alone in her apartment, and steal from her. It wasn’t right. Something wasn’t right. Her head was throbbing and the door opened and Vito came back in. She looked away and wiped her tears. He narrowed his eyes at her.

  “What happened? Did your father say something to you?” he asked, as if knowing right away the difference in her tears, her demeanor.

  She pulled him close and hugged him tight. “I can’t take this anymore, Vito. I coul
d never do anything right in their eyes, and never enough in his eyes.”

  Vito rubbed her back and held her snugger. “No, baby, that isn’t true. The problem isn’t you. It’s him. The best thing you ever did was separate yourself from him and his problems. With us is where you belong. This situation and the events that have been taking place validate that. You have nothing to prove to either of them. You’re a good person, and sometimes because it’s family, it’s harder to say no more and good-bye.”

  More tears fell and she continued to hug him, finding support and encouragement in his arms. She tilted her head up to look at him.

  “I love you so much. I wouldn’t survive any of this without you and your brothers.”

  He gave her a small smile. “Sure, you would, because you’re strong and you’re smart. We’re just backup.”

  She closed her eyes and he continued to hold her until the doctor came in with an update.

  * * * *

  “I don’t want to leave her, but this is a serious situation.” Angelo said to Morano over the phone. Angelo was at the hospital with Caprice and her friends were coming in and out, visiting. Gisella was due here any minute.

  “Corrano, you remain nearby. That way if she needs anything she knows she can call you,” Angelo said to him and he nodded.

  “Okay, Morano. I’m heading to the seaport now with Maverick. I’ll let you know what I find out.”

  “Good. Vito is going to talk with Vincenzo Gorinno and seal up that deal on that end. Hopefully this little situation doesn’t get things all fucked up.”

  Angelo ended the call and then walked toward the room to see Caprice talking with Gisella outside of it.

  “Perfect timing. I need to run out for some business. Corrano is going to stick around in case you need anything. I shouldn’t be more than an hour,” Angelo told Caprice.

  “Don’t be silly. Take your time. All we can do is sit and wait, hoping my mom wakes up and gives us info on who did this,” Caprice said.

  Gisella squeezed her hand and gave a sympathetic smile. The brunette was very attractive, and word was his cousins Collin and Fedaro were very interested in her.

  Angelo gave Caprice a kiss good-bye, and then gave Gisella a kiss hello and good-bye on the cheek.

  “Take care and see you soon,” he said, then headed out of the room.

  “I can’t get over how big Angelo is. Doesn’t he intimidate you?” Gisella asked.

  “Not anymore. I mean, not all the time. I guess I like how big he is.”

  Gisella smiled. “You’re in love with him and his brothers, aren’t you?”

  “Big time,” she said and Gisella chuckled.

  “I had a feeling.”

  “So, have you heard from their cousins, Fedaro and Collin, at all?” Caprice asked.

  “Well, that was what I wanted to talk to you about.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You know what I mean. You know more about this whole lifestyle. My understanding is that Fedaro and Collin are pretty high up in this stuff. They’re also very demanding and seem like disciplinarians.”

  “Yup, that about sums all of them up. They expect respect and obedience.”


  “Not like them ordering you to go sit down like a dog. More like a protectiveness, and possessiveness that makes you feel like nothing bad can happen to you when one of them is around you,” Caprice said to her.

  “Or one of their guards?” she asked and eyed Corrano.

  “Even their guards are badass,” she said, and Caprice chuckled.

  “They respect Angelo, Vito, and Morano, and the brothers respect them. It’s definitely different. A lot better than what I’ve grown up with.”

  “It’s been tough, I’m sure. I wish I had known about the debt and what you were going through. To be honest, I was a bit insulted that you didn’t come to me, or hell, to Adelina, since she seems to know so many people.”

  “I know. I guess I was embarrassed, but I’m learning that I can’t be responsible for other people’s actions and decisions. I have to live my life and start thinking about what I want and need.”

  “That’s great, Caprice. You deserve so much.”

  “I have so much with Vito, Morano, and Angelo. I don’t even care about the club as much as I care about them and need them.”

  “You deserve to be a star and shine on stage. It suits you and you’re such a great performer. I still can’t get over the dresses you wore, and especially that first one. Wowzas,” she said and they chuckled.

  * * * *

  Morano sat down, talking to Gorrino Vincenzo. He wanted to finish up this meeting when he got the call that one of their shipments had been robbed coming into port. He alerted the team, as well as Fedaro and Collin. They sure didn’t need the feds or cops knowing about this, but it seemed that Gorrino had a little info that helped.

  “So, what else did they say?” Morano asked him.

  “That a shipment came in from overseas and was stopped at an earlier port, emptied, then set back off to dock at the original location. My guy says the truck with all the goods was transported to a large warehouse on the upper east side of the Bronx.”

  “An address?” Morano asked.

  “Working on it. So, what do you think this is all about, and do you foresee this being a problem for our deal?” Vincenzo Gorrino asked.

  “Whoever ripped off this shipment is going down. We’ve got too many people working for us. Finding out who was stupid enough to do this will just take a little time.”

  Then Vincenzo’s cell phone rang and he answered the call.

  “Yes.… What? …Are you sure?”

  Morano narrowed his eyes at Vincenzo.

  “I don’t believe it. I want proof, and don’t tell anyone else right now.” He ended the call and stared at Morano, looking pissed off.

  “My guy said it was Don Pasanno that stole from you.”

  “Don Pasanno?” Morano asked and then stood up. He dialed Vito and got him on the line.

  If the Pasanno family wants to rip off the Fiorres and start a fucking war, then so be it. He isn’t going to get away with this. I’m calling his old man. If Frado was a part of this, then we need a meeting with the bosses and fast. This shit is unacceptable.”

  * * * *

  Caprice’s father walked out of the room and outside for a cigarette. He was acting funny, giving Gisella dirty looks, then asking when she was going to leave. Last time Caprice checked on Corrano, he was on the phone and looked pissed off. He walked down the hallway several times and wasn’t in sight the last time she peeked out. She wondered where Angelo and Vito were and if they would be coming back soon.

  Her mom started moving around and moaning.

  “Oh God, she’s waking up, Gisella,” she said and hurried to the bed.

  “Should I get the nurse?” Gisella asked.

  “Yes, go get her, please,” she said, and then moved closer to her mother.


  “Yes, Mom, I’m here.”

  “It’s your fault,” she said, and Caprice’s heart ached and her gut clenched.

  “What’s my fault?”

  “They wanted to kill me to get you to come.”


  “You should have listened and done what Billy wanted,” she said and then moaned.

  “Billy? Was it Billy who did this? Who hurt you? Who beat you up and robbed the apartment?” she asked her.

  “Your father,” she said.

  “What?” Caprice asked as tears rolled down her cheeks.

  “Caprice, the nurse is here,” Gisella said to her.

  Caprice wiped her eyes. “That son of a bitch. He did this to her, Gisella. My dad was the one who put her in the hospital. Him and Billy O’s guys.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  Anger hit Caprice’s belly.

  “I’m going to tell him that I know. I’m telling him it’s over, I’m done with him and
I never want to see his face again,” Caprice said firmly.

  * * * *

  Gisella watched Caprice walk down the hall toward the corner and around the bend. She then looked for Corrano, but he wasn’t there. She didn’t know what to do, but something was wrong and she didn’t have Morano’s, Vito’s, or Angelo’s numbers. She looked at her cell phone and hit the button. Fedaro Fiorre. He and Collin exchanged numbers with her the other night. It rang twice.

  “Fedaro?” she asked.

  “Hey, Gisella, I’m in the middle of some business. Can I call you back?”

  “Um, it’s not about me. It’s Caprice. I’m at the hospital and I don’t have Morano’s number. Something is wrong. Caprice’s mom awoke and I think she told Caprice that it was her father and Billy O’s men who assaulted her.”

  “What? Where is Caprice now? How about any guards?”

  “Caprice went after her father to tell him off. Corrano got a call and went around the corner.”

  “Shit. Get to Corrano or to Caprice.”

  Gisella looked up and saw Corrano.

  “Corrano, something is wrong. Caprice went after her father. She found out it was him and Billy O’s men that hurt her mom.”

  “Fuck. Which way?” he asked and she pointed.

  “Gisella, stay with Corrano. Tell me what’s going on. Collin has Morano on the line.”

  Gisella ran down the hallway and saw the back door opened. She hurried through and heard the gunshots. She screamed and ducked as it hit the door next to her. Corrano went down.

  “Gisella?” Fedaro yelled.

  “Corrano’s been hit. He was shot.”

  “Help is on the way. Are you okay?”

  “The bullets hit the door and missed me. Oh God, he’s bleeding!” she yelled into the phone. “I’m fine,” she said and knelt next to Corrano.

  “I’m fine. A fucking flesh wound. Are you okay?” Corrano asked her.

  “Yes, but where is Caprice?” she asked.


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