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Power Games

Page 18

by David Applegate

  “It sounds different to one on a starship,” Abelle remarked.

  “Yes, my shield combines a deflection field with reflection and absorption fields,” Kaede replied.

  “I have never heard of a dark energy reactor,” Emi said.

  “I would be worried if you did, it is classified Omega,” Kaede said.

  “Is everything on this submarine classified Omega?” Emi asked.

  “Yes. Every system, excluding the hydro-jet, is for a size 0 starship,” Kaede replied.

  “What is a hydro jet?” Abelle asked.

  “It uses a micro ram scoop to pump water into a high-pressure tank. From there, the water can be directed to one or more of the twenty-four outlets around the hull. Each outlet can adjust and direct the water. It can push us forward, back up, down, spin, rotate, flip, or turn the boat,” Kaede replied.

  “What is a Size 0 ship?” Nori asked.

  “Starships, under 1,000 segments such as shuttles, fighters, and cargo pods,” Kaede replied.

  Emi leant over to Nori and whispered, “I thought you were studying to be a starship captain?”

  “Dad only gave me manuals on the uniform code and cookbooks. He said queers like me become a hostess on a transport ship, not a captain of a cruiser,” Nori muttered.

  Emi hugged Nori, and said, “Don’t repeat his trash talk.”

  Abelle gasped and said, “How horrible.”

  “Shinji wasn’t always like this, but when Nori didn’t get good grades, he panicked and teased him. When he found out that Nori wanted to be a girl, he became abusive,” Emi said.

  “If you want, I can pay him a visit and fix his attitude,” Abelle said as she punched her hand.

  “No, please, don’t. father is just upset with my medical bills,” Nori begged Abelle.

  “Oh?” Abelle asked Emi, “You never said anything.”

  “Shinji sent Nori to the Mind Witches,” Emi replied.

  “Oh,” a shocked Abelle said.

  “No, it is good, the Witches agreed to fix me,” Nori said.

  “Fix?” a confused Abelle asked.

  “Make him a girl,” Emi said.

  Abelle tried not to laugh when a beeping startled her, Nori, and Emi. Kaede looked at different camera angles, while Izanami slowed the ship.

  “What’s wrong?” Abelle asked as she raced to the helm.

  “That was the collision alarm; we are 1,000 metres to bottom. Izanami slowed our descent so we can land at a safe speed,” Kaede replied.

  “Landing mode activated,” Izanami said.

  “Landing mode?” Abelle asked.

  “Yes, the boat has landing gear. Once down, the collision alarm will ignore the bottom,” Kaede replied, “obviously we could not deploy landing gear if we did not have a force field.”

  Izanami turned and asked, “Want to go outside?”

  “What? We are below crush depth,” Abelle said.

  “Remember, we are inside a force field, inside of which is only one atmosphere,” Kaede said.

  “How does it work?” Abelle asked.

  Kaede replied, “The pressure field uses fluid dynamics to be hard against fast-moving objects, but soft against slow-moving objects. The system constantly adjusts the shield to match the outside pressure.”

  “It must have been expensive to develop, but I don’t see the need for it,” Abelle said.

  “The pressure shield is one of three fields. There is a field to deflect intense radiation, one to reduce pressure, and the last forms a protective barrier. It is stronger than any starship shield system,” Kaede replied.

  “You developed it for a submarine?” Abelle asked.

  “No, it was designed to get close to a star and can withstand much higher pressure on it than that found at the bottom of this ocean,” Kaede said.

  “What if we hit something?” Nori asked.

  “It can withstand multiple impacts, and the system will warn us well before it collapses. Relax, if we need to, the emergency surface system will activate and surface the boat fast,” Kaede replied.

  “What about the cold?” Abelle asked.

  “Our environmental suits may not look like it, but they are armoured spacesuits without the bulk of one. They have thermal control, long-lasting air tanks, and can protect us,” Kaede replied.

  “I will go outside,” Emi said.

  “How can we go outside?” Abelle asked, “You said the shield hugs the craft.”

  “Yes, normally it does,” Kaede replied. “But we can expand the shield to create a bubble. However, it will be full of water but at one atmosphere pressure.”

  Emi went over to the camera and waved. She sat at the communications console and said, “I know you just heard what was just said. What does my father think?”

  “Standby for orders from Grand Admiral Niemi,” a nervous voice said.


  Dain followed Patya and Viktor into an office and closed the door.

  “You’re seriously not considering this?” Dain asked.

  “I am one of Kaede’s legal guardians, legally it is up to me,” Patya said.

  “Shouldn’t we call Emperor Takahiro?” Dain asked.

  “Yes, in this case, we should,” Viktor said, sitting behind the desk. He reached for his phone.

  “He is unavailable. I also have a limited power of attorney for the Emperor,” Patya said.

  Dain raised his eyebrows. Viktor stood and asked, “That can only happen if the Emperor is dead or dying?”

  “Neither, it also applies when he is getting medical treatment. Kenta is with him now,” Patya said.

  “This is news to me. I am calling Kenta to find out what is going on,” Viktor said.

  “Yes, clearly we have not been treated as equals,” Dain said.

  “The Emperor is getting his penis enlarged and didn’t want anyone to know,” Patya said.

  “Why are we learning about Takahiro’s treatment from you and not from him?” Dain asked.

  “I spoke to Kenta, he said that the Emperor was in an accident, I spoke to Toshiko, and to cut a short story into a shorter one, Takahiro broke his dick,” Patya replied.

  Viktor snickered.

  “You expect me to believe that?” Dain asked.

  “To cover up his embarrassment, he claimed he drove one of Kaede’s karts into the wall, but he slipped while performing sex acts with a friend on a swing,” Patya said. He tried not to laugh but started laughing.

  Dain tried not to laugh, Viktor burst out laughing, and Dain joined in.

  “Where is he getting his bent wand repaired?” Dain asked with a chuckle.

  “Kaede’s medical research teams are working on a substance that will revolutionise medical treatment. So, Takahiro was flown over. In his haste, he prepared a press release and gave it to Toshiko claiming he injured himself karting. Masako found out and left him. She now works for Kaede to organise his Palace staff and help Freya,” Patya said.

  “He is lying,” Dain said.

  “I am with Dain. Everyone knows he has a tiny dick. I fear he is using Kaede’s research to get an enlargement,” Viktor said.

  “I will find out,” Patya said.

  “Not only bill him for the treatment but fine him,” Viktor added.

  Dain chuckled and said, “Be sure to enlarge it.”

  Patya snorted.

  “Are you going to charge him with anything?” Viktor asked.

  “After an extensive Senate investigation, which we will bill him for,” Patya replied, “We should all visit the facility and have Kenta demonstrate the procedure on us.”

  “That will teach him,” Viktor said.

  Dain chuckled and said, “Of all the vain things to do. Get a penis enlargement.”

  “Like your son?” Patya asked.

  “Abelard, like me, is naturally endowed with a massive cock,” Dain said.

  “Speaking of massive cocks,” Viktor said. “When is the old man back?”

  “I am in no rush to
have him return,” Patya said. “Dain?”

  “No rush. We should have Kenta order as many tests as he can dream up and bill the old cock for each one.” Dain replied.

  “We need a win today, so we let Kaede walk on the bottom. While he does that, we take advantage of the old cock being away,” Viktor said.

  “What do you have in mind?” Dain asked.

  “We tell the people that the days of high oil and electricity prices are over and show off the micro-reactor,” Viktor replied.

  “I would rather focus on artificial oil, but because we need more oil to go to plastics than fuel, you have my vote,” Patya said.

  “I think we lead with Masako leaving the old goat,” Dain said.

  “Maybe we do not go that far, but we use this to get funding to more of Kaede’s lifts in operation and reduce the number of launches,” Viktor said.

  “To be safe, we say Takahiro took one of Kaede’s electric karts for a spin, to promote the new battery for electric vehicles and dropped it on his lap,” Patya said.

  “We must give credit to Kaede for ending fuel rationing, or we all look bad,” Viktor said.

  “I agree,” Dain said.


  Emi put the headset down and turned around to see Abelle, Nori, Kaede and Izanami staring at her. Emi said, “They took a long time to say it, but my father said we could EVA for 45 minutes each, and we are not to go more than 10 metres from the craft.”

  “How big is the bubble?” Abelle asked.

  “A little over 200m,” Kaede replied.

  “Will fish get in?” Emi asked.

  “No, it is harmful to anything trying to pass through it,” Kaede replied.

  “Suit up. Stay close to the airlock and return inside when I tell you to,” Emi said to the group. She turned to Abelle and said, “Just in case, I have an underwater gun.”

  While Kaede and Izanami raced to the rear of the craft, Abelle nodded to Emi.

  Emi stood and noticed Abelle sitting at the communications console. “You’re not coming with me?” Emi asked.

  “Someone has to mind the boat,” Abelle replied.

  “I can do it,” Nori offered.

  “No, Nori. You should go outside,” Emi said to Nori. She turned to Abelle and said, “I will come in early and give you time in the water.”

  “Are you sure?” Abelle asked.

  “When else will you get to walk on the bottom of the ocean?” Emi asked, “Besides that, billions of people are watching. If you miss out, my husband will tell every reporter I am a bitch, and no matter what you say, many will believe it.”

  Abelle nodded.


  Abelle stood in the airlock; the water filled the chamber. She wore a body-hugging black environmental suit. The boots had toes, and the helm had a wide faceplate, with a powerful lamp on top beside a camera. She admired the gloves and boots; The material did not restrict movement and moved like skin as she flexed her fingers and wiggled her toes. The chamber was full, yet inside her suit, she was warm and dry. The light turned from red to green. She shouldered the underwater gun, opened the outer door and stepped out.

  Abelle stepped out and saw Kaede, Izanami, and Nori standing in a row around a large red rock jutting out of the sand.

  Abelle put her hand on the rock and said, “It’s warm.”

  “We are two kilometres from an open fissure,” Kaede said.

  Abelle gasped. Izanami came over and grabbed her hand. “Are you all right?” Izanami asked.

  “An open fissure?” Abelle gulped.

  “The water rapidly cools it,” Kaede replied.

  “Did you tell Viktor?” Abelle asked, looking around.

  “Yes, but this is the deepest point,” Kaede replied.

  “Oh my gosh, I am standing on the bottom of the ocean,” Abelle said.

  “To think, you were amongst the first Elves to step foot on this planet,” Kaede said.

  “Technically, we have walked on the bottom of the ocean before,” Abelle said.

  “Not this deep,” Kaede said.

  “Relax, walk around,” Izanami said.

  “Don’t go far, Viktor said ten metres,” Abelle said.

  “Smile for the camera,” Kaede said as he pointed the underwater camera on a tripod at Abelle.


  Kaede sat at the controls, he turned to Izanami and said, “Ready to rise.”

  Izanami pressed the controls, and a loud alarm sounded.

  Nori screamed. Emi hugged her. Kaede reset the alarm, and it stopped.

  Abelle came and asked, “What happened?”

  “We’re stuck,” Izanami replied.

  “What do you mean stuck?” Abelle asked.

  Kaede tapped the control screen and displayed a diagnostics screen. It showed red on the landing gear.

  “The landing gear will not retract,” Kaede said.

  “I will go look,” Emi said.


  Emi, in a wetsuit, examined the craft’s landing gear and saw that sand had covered the foot. She watched for a few seconds and saw that the submarine lowered.

  Emi raced to the airlock. As soon as she could, she stopped her tanks’ airflow, removed it, and she ran to the bridge.

  Emi opened her faceplate, and in a low tone, she said, “We’re worse than stuck, we are sinking.”

  “What?” Abelle asked.

  Nori started to cry. Kaede came and hugged her.

  “What do you mean we are sinking?” Abelle asked.

  “We are sinking into the sand,” Emi replied. Worried, she added, “We need to act fast.”

  Izanami looked up and asked, “Could the jets pull us out?”

  Kaede shook his head and replied, “I doubt it, the system would shut them down to prevent damage to the craft. Worse, it could tear them off and cause a leak. The only option we have is to cut off the landing gear.”

  Nori sobbed. Abelle looked at Emi and said, “Go, aft, I will join you.”

  Emi hugged and kissed Nori. In a soft voice, she said, “Be good.”

  A frightened Nori clung to Emi. Abelle grabbed Nori and passed her to Kaede. Nori sobbed while Emi kissed Kaede on the cheek and hugged Izanami. She nodded to Abelle before she left the control room.

  Kaede said to Abelle, “After you leave, I will seal the bridge and hold the craft steady for as long as I can.”

  “Will you send a distress signal?” Abelle asked.

  “They can see and hear us. Viktor knows it will take hours for the second craft to reach us, and the sand could disrupt the shield well before help arrives,” Kaede replied.

  Nori screamed, Kaede held her tight, while Izanami turned away and wiped her eyes.

  “Will a cutting lance slice off the legs?” Abelle asked the console.

  Viktor sat at the console aboard the dive boat. He had the manual open on his lap. He replied, “The manual says you need to slice the retaining bolt on the knees. Do so from the outside and push off with your legs when you do. Make sure you first clip yourself with multiple lines, one to the airlock, and one to the bar on the hatch where you work. Also, Kaede, extend the shield to its maximum size.”

  Abelle kissed Kaede on the cheek and left.

  Chapter 21

  Bethany and two identical tall, blonde, Field Elves with the same green eyes watched Kaede’s submarine surface. It rose fast. Nose up, it left the water and crashed down. Two rescue helicopters raced towards the submarine.

  “Impressive technology.”

  “I think that was a test of a new shield.”

  “A type of deflector?”

  “Likely, but how is it powered?”

  “Our antimatter reactors would be too big for such a small craft.”

  “What if it can protect against nuclear weapons?”

  “That would be a game-changer for us.”

  “The Nāga will try to get a hold of it.”

  “We could use small ships to swarm the Ogre’s defences wi
th the shield.”

  “Yes, we must have this technology.”

  “We must make a deal with the Chosen.”

  “What about the sword?”

  “What about it?”

  “We must beat the Nāga to it.”

  “If we have the sword, the Nāga will negotiate.”

  “The Nāga will be contacting the Chosen.”

  “Our priority should be the Mega Bomb.”

  “Our priority is finding a way into their archives.”

  “Yes, that is where they store their secrets.”

  “Finding that will lead us to the sword.”

  “Plans to their new shield.”

  “The secrets of the mega nuclear weapon.”

  “Then it is settled, we find the archive, and keep the Chosen from giving it to anyone but us.”

  The trio nodded to each other, and they left the apartment which was inside a starship.

  As two of them headed forward, one of them went to the shuttle bay. One entered the bridge of a starship, while the other went to a dining room and sat down to eat sauerkraut, sausages and white wine.

  The shuttle left the starship; It was one of the hundreds of ships in high orbit. The pilot spoke on the radio, “Space Traffic Control, This, is Lady Bethany requesting landing at the New Singapore Space Centre.”

  “Will your shuttle be returning to space?” the controller asked.

  “Yes,” Bethany said.

  “With cargo?” the controller asked.

  Bethany said, “Hold on,” and she turned off communications and turned to the co-pilot, “What is going on?”

  “The Ljósálfar are directing as many small craft to dock at space stations as they can. They are trying to get everyone to a space lift,” she replied.

  Bethany frowned. After a long pause, she turned on the microphone and said in a pleasant voice, “I am returning home from my yacht, I am only carrying personal luggage. I am sure a cargo inspection is not legally required.”

  “This is space traffic control. We are directing all small shuttles to use the space lifts unless you are lifting heavy cargo into space. There are three docks, Hashimoto, Hartman or Niemi docks, with a Space Lift. The fees are less than a ground landing,” the controller said.


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