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Power Games

Page 19

by David Applegate

  “Just guide us to the nearest dock, please,” an angry Bethany said.

  Bethany turned off communications, looked at the co-pilot and asked, “Did you signal anyone before we left the Night Queen?”

  “No, my lady,” the co-pilot said.

  She is telling us the truth. Bethany smiled and said, “After we dock, I will use the space lift to return to the surface, and you shall return to the Night Queen.”

  “Yes, my lady,” the co-pilot said.


  Abelle and Emi sealed each hatch as they headed aft. They each put a couple of air tanks into the airlock, along with the cutting lance, four power packs and a crate of rods. They each took turns cutting the retaining bolt on the knees of the landing gear. Once they had cut the second of the two forward legs, the craft nosed down as they pushed off the legs. The jets in the nose activated and lifted the boat.

  After they had cut the bolt on the last leg, the craft started to rise. They dropped the tools and scrambled out, release the short line and raced for the hatch. The rising boat lifted Abelle and Emi off the ground; they climbed the lifeline and scrambled into the airlock. The shield chewed up the tools as they passed through it. The ocean crushed what was left.

  Emi and Abelle pulled the hatch closed and sealed it. They started the pumps and sat in the airlock. They shared an air tank as the water lowered. They had burns on their hands, bruised bodies, aching joints, and difficulty breathing. Exhausted, all they could do was sit and wait.

  The craft rose fast. The drone could not keep up. The media reported from boats near the ring of warships. The only thing Kaede, Izanami and Nori could do was to sit in their seats and watch. Nose up, the submarine shot out of the water and briefly hung in the air before it slammed down into the water with a great splash. Even though they each wore a harness, they were shaken, but unharmed.

  Watercraft and rescue helicopters raced to the submarine. A helicopter lowered two members of the naval rescue team onto the boat. They opened the outer hatch and ran into the chamber where they found Abelle and Emi unconscious on the floor.

  The rescuers wrapped them in a rescue blanket and put them onto stretchers. They were each winched up to a rescue helicopter and flown to a nearby naval vessel.

  Inside the bridge, Nori wept as she watched the rescue on her screen, Kaede removed his harness and came to her. He put his hand on her shoulder and said, “See, I told you they’re alive.”

  “They don’t look well,” Izanami said as she watched a medic put a breathing mask on Emi.

  “Nami!” Kaede said as Nori sobbed.

  Kaede wiped Nori’s face. She said to Kaede, “I have never been so scared in my life.”


  It was late at night when Takahiro woke, Kenta sat beside the bed. Takahiro turned his head.

  Kenta stood up and said, “How do you feel?”

  “Good,” Takahiro replied.

  “No more needing to cast enlarge on your cock,” Kenta remarked. He tapped the sheet and said, “Take a look.”

  Takahiro lifted the sheet and looked down, his penis was huge, and hard, “Nice work, goodbye micro-penis,” Takahiro said, he dropped the bedsheet.

  “I will get you your clothes,” Kenta said.

  “Just like that?” Takahiro asked.

  “You slept for nearly a day. The healing process completed ten hours ago.”

  “It’s been a long time since I had a morning stiff.”

  “Take it easy at first, no more than a couple times a day.”

  “In my prime, I used to fuck a dozen girls a day, twice as many on a Sunday.”

  “Yes, but you just recovered in a day from major surgery.”

  “Yes, thanks to magic, I hate to think how long I would have been in bed without all your hard work.”

  “Which is why I am asking you to take it easy and wait for the treatment to be complete.”

  “What do you mean?” Takahiro asked, getting out of bed.

  “For the first week, I want you to undergo a full-body scan. If you don’t have any problems, we will scan you once a month for a year.”

  “A year?” Takahiro asked, looking at his penis. It was still erect.

  “I expect you to remain on a strict diet and exercise daily,” Kenta said, heading to the door. He took a gown off the hook and handed it to Takahiro.

  “Only one exercise interests me.”

  “Want some hand cream and tissues?”

  Takahiro glared at Kenta and growled “No. I am going to the teahouse to fuck a dozen whores.”

  “I just said, take it easy; you just got a new heart.”

  “If I have a problem, I’ll have Toshiko call you.”

  “Take your time and get a rest after three; the average male can only achieve and sustain an erection six times in a day.”

  Takahiro took the gown and whispered, “We need to have a chat about Mako and Miko.”

  “You don’t have to worry about the girls, they don’t know you got a penis enlargement,” Kenta said, “But I had to tell Patya. I think Dain and Viktor overheard.”

  Takahiro felt like he was kicked in the guts; He wiped his face and looked around and said, “Well, Dain will have told everyone.”

  Kenta grabbed the gown and helped put in on and whispered, “I am sorry old friend, take the loss. Like it or not, Kaede is now in charge. Kaede called earlier and left a message.”

  “What did he say?”

  “If you ever tell Alard to demand repayment in full again, you will be found face down drunk, naked and high in a park near a school.”

  Takahiro eyes popped open, and his jaw dropped. He slowly nodded to Kenta as tears ran down his cheek.

  Kenta hugged Takahiro, and said, “Have a shower, your clothes will be here soon, and Toshiko is waiting to take you home. If you want my advice, sit down and cooperate with the boy.”


  On Sunday morning Fukuhina brought Kaede, Nori and Izanami to the parking garage. Masako was waiting with Sora, Akiko, Mako and Miko. A black racing kart flew around the makeshift racetrack that was marked by cones.

  “Good morning,” Masako said.

  “Good morning, Lady Masako. Ready to race?” Kaede asked.

  “You bet,” Masako asked.

  The black kart stopped behind them. Takahiro got out and came over. “Sorry, could not help myself.”

  “Hey!” Masako said, “That’s my kart.”

  “Sorry, I saw the new kart and assumed it was Kaede’s,” Takahiro said.

  “You know his kart is blue and white, you have seen it plenty of times. Stupid old goat,” Masako said.

  Kaede put his hand on her shoulder and said, “Relax, Masako, I got this,” he turned to Takahiro and asked, “How was it?”

  “Too slow and it is heavy in the rear,” Takahiro replied.

  Kaede grinned and asked, “I thought you would be sitting with Raijin on the end of the jetty fishing?”

  “That’s for the old and retired,” Takahiro said as he came over. “Can we talk in private?”

  Takahiro removed his helmet and walked away from the karts.

  Kaede said to Masako, “Don’t worry Masako; everything is under control.” He turned to Izanami and Nori and said, “I will be back soon, you can start without me. Izanami, you need the practice.”

  Izanami and Nori rushed over to the karts, while Masako pushed the black kart over to the bay. She replaced the battery and started cleaning the seat. Izanami pushed her red and white kart out while Nori pushed her aqua and white kart over to the track. Emi came and said, “Sorry, I am late,” and walked over to the dark purple kart.

  Kaede caught up with Takahiro, as he led Kaede to a kitchen, he said, “I haven’t had this much energy in centuries.”

  “I am glad the treatment worked,” Kaede said.

  “Worked?” Takahiro said as he flexed his arm. “It is amazing. You’re going to make another fortune with it.”

  “Something you
want to ask me?”

  “How was your journey to the bottom of the ocean?”

  “Thinking about it, maybe I should have had you and father come with me,” Kaede said as Takahiro closed the door.

  “Plenty of room for us on the next trip, we can go over the holidays, make it a longer exploration,” Takahiro said as he went to the refrigerator, “Still, I am jealous, but it is an amazing achievement.”

  “My ratings soared,” an excited Kaede said. “It is amazing standing on the bottom of the ocean.”

  “Did you have to spend the night on the bottom?”

  “Viktor wanted me to take pictures of the fissure and perform a range of tests exposing the shield to heat and pressure at the same time.”

  “Did you fake the drama?”

  “No, we made a mistake. I have a team working to improve the system. The scanner will monitor the landing gear and give an alert long before the submarine is stuck.”

  “How is your new friend?” Takahiro asked with a chuckle.

  “Who?” a puzzled Kaede asked.

  Takahiro replied, “Puberty.”

  “Oh,” Kaede replied. He blushed and said, “It was very embarrassing to give a press conference explaining how Dark Energy will brighten the future when everyone is chuckling about the lump in my pants.”

  Takahiro put a bowl of meat on the preparation table and said, “It was hard to miss.”

  Kaede laughed and said, “Not to brag, but it is rather big.”

  “Did you use the goo?”

  Kaede blushed and looked around. Takahiro took the meat out of the bowl and grabbed a chopper and slammed it down and proceeded to dice the turtle meat, “I take that as a yes.”

  “Are you going to make trouble?”

  “No,” Takahiro said with a grin.

  Kaede laughed and asked, “Are you going to brag?”

  “Bragging that my grandson is well hung?” Takahiro asked, pointing with the chopper, “That’s the kind of thing that makes people think you’re a creep. But Kenta should run some tests on you and make sure you’re not suffering from any abnormality.”

  Kaede walked around behind Takahiro to the refrigerator, as he did, he stated, “You should know that many people know you have been casting spells, unsupervised.”

  “By many people, you mean Patya?”


  “So, what? Legally inside the walls of the Palace, I am inside my home. I can carry and use a wand in private. So, what if I use it to give myself an unfair advantage? You have been doing that for me my whole life.”

  “You think you’re so smart. You stood on the shoulders of real geniuses and took all the credit.”

  Kaede took Takahiro’s pocket watch and said, “Speaking of standing on the shoulders of genius. Remind me how you helped Lilith become the richest in the Empire? No, wait; that was you.”

  “Not my fault she left,” Takahiro remarked, he held his hand out.

  Kaede glared at Takahiro. “Are you going to defend my rights to use magic in my home?”

  “Are you going to attack me again if I don’t?” Takahiro asked.

  “I told you, only if you try to break our agreement,” Kaede replied. He saw the green zero. He has used all of his time pockets today plotting against us.

  Takahiro held out his hand. Kaede smiled and put the watch back in Takahiro’s pocket, and as he did, Kaede said, “Relax. I wasn’t going to steal your watch.”

  “What agreement? If you are referring to our loan agreement. I am not breaking it. Your debts are too high, and I think it is time to protect the clan. I am demanding repayment in full, at the original interest rate. Your plan to mine Alcyone Prime is too dangerous. I will shut it down and investigate later.”

  “I cannot trust you. You ignored all the warnings. Sooner or later, the public will try to remove you. Many people fear that you’re a tyrant.”

  “Me? You’re the tyrant, bullying people into giving you favourable business deals and profiting from stolen technology. You bought up hundreds of projects and now take full credit for them.”

  “I plan to compensate everyone with a share of the profit.”

  Takahiro chopped hard and said, “As head of the Treasury, I am going to open a full investigation into you and your companies for violations of the tax code.”

  “If it ever came out you deliberately let fuel stocks run down, so you could ration fuel and drive up prices so later you could make a huge profit, by selling them fuel from the Ogres, the Senate will tear this house apart.”

  “It will be a long and nasty enquiry that ultimately will divide society further. You know the result, many Lord’s on many worlds falsely under-reported consumption while others under-reported production to avoid tax. Who ordered them to do it? Not me, it was Toshiko using my name. She will be going to jail, not me.”

  “If you don’t intend on honouring it, my friends and I are going to rip that crown off your head.”

  “Grow up, deals change,” Takahiro said. “If you dare take the crown by force, the Dragons and others will move against you so fast; your head will spin.”

  “I don’t recall you telling anyone ‘deals change’ when they want to back out of a deal with you?”

  “Don’t be naïve. Always deal from a position of strength. You were and always will be weak. You are nothing without the girls. For all your talk of hard work, the only hard worker is Izanami.”

  “You’re one to talk. You took advantage of Toshiko and Lilith. Now you want to pin all your crimes on Toshiko.”

  “I am calling on all your debts. You can sign over everything now or watch your friends go to prison.”

  Kaede stood up and said, “See you in court.”

  “Good luck. The only deals we have in writing are the loans I made to you. Officially, you don’t have mineral samples or mineral rights to prove there is anything more than carbon dust in Alcyone Prime.”

  “I can and will prove the minerals exist, and that there is more than enough to cover my debts.”

  “Go ahead, tell everyone what you found. The Senate will delay you in court while they file and backdate their claims. The Lords will take sides and eventually agree to carve up the asteroid fields amongst the wealthy. You’ll start a gold rush the likes of which you cannot imagine. My shipyards will be pumping out ships to miners. Izanami will be in a laboratory working for me, while you watch me behead Mako and Miko from a cell in you sit in a cell in the Ice Fortress. Sora and Akiko can play football until they are old.”

  “To think I defended you. Was one word of praise or encouragement real? Did you ever intend to hand me the crown?” Kaede asked with clenched fists. Tears rolled down his cheek.

  “Grow up. Girls don’t go home with the nice guy. They go home with the winner.”

  Kaede shouted, “No wonder Lilith left you.”

  “Last chance. I will buy you out. If you take my offer now, I will let you and your friends live in the mountains and enjoy a peaceful life,” Takahiro said, “But as for Toshiko and that whore, Masako. A shallow grave awaits them in the woods, and just in case you think of double-crossing me again, you will plead guilty to falsifying records to get a loan, tax evasion and selling securities without a licence. When I am done prosecuting you, the court will ban you from running a company for life.”

  Kaede raced for the door. Takahiro grabbed and held him. Kaede struggled and elbowed Takahiro in the face as he tried to break free. Takahiro managed to get his wand out and pin Kaede to the door.

  Kaede saw the blur of a ghostly figure, shaped like a red Dragon. It approached Takahiro from behind. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw another invisible figure approach from the side. Kaede stopped struggling and burst out laughing.

  “What is funny?” Takahiro asked.

  “I underestimated you,” Kaede said, “father warned me not to trust you. He said you are the most underhanded, double-dealing bastard in the Empire. I didn’t believe him until now. I never thought you would dare k
illed Toshiko and replace her with Chou.”

  “Unlike Toshiko, Chou is loyal and will do anything for me. After she has killed Toshiko, she will be my new head of security.”

  “You don’t have the support of many lords. Soon they will help Dain dethrone you.”

  “Those Lords only support you because you can pay them. Dain will not help you. He will be happy you are out of the way.”

  “Dain isn’t as selfish as you think.”

  “Grow up and take the loss. I have the papers ready, all you need to do is put your signature on the dotted line, and I will pay you a silver coin per sale of your processor, but the rest is all mine.”

  “How will you get away with killing Toshiko?”

  “Lady Toshiko passed information to you on my research into dark matter, which you then used to create Dark Energy. When I confronted her with the proof, she attacked me and put me in the hospital. Chou had no choice but to kill her. Kenta will expose Mako and Miko as dangerous psychopaths who held him at gunpoint with the help of Toshiko and the Yakuza.”

  The lights went out, and the room filled with smoke. Toshiko cast speed on herself and ran up to Takahiro. Able to move much faster, she got to him before he could react. As she knocked him to the side, she grabbed Kaede, while Clíodhna spun Takahiro around and punched him in the face, knocking him up against the wall. He fell face down on the floor.

  Toshiko pulled Kaede behind a kitchen bench and ran her hands over him. “Are you all right?”

  “We can have this discussion later; I have to leave soon. I have flying lessons with Rudolf in a real jet.”

  “What about him?” Clíodhna asked.

  Kaede walked over to Clíodhna, who held Takahiro down with her tail on his back. She handed Takahiro’s wand to Toshiko. “Sorry, we are late,” emanated from her mouth, “but I wanted the whole villain monologue recorded before we rescued you.”

  Kaede kissed her on the cheek and knelt beside Takahiro. He bent over him and said, “Clíodhna I want you to cast a couple of Geas onto him. If he resists, paralyse him and leave him in the care of Mako and Miko.”

  “What do you want me to forbid him to do?” Clíodhna asked.

  “Don’t be too cruel. Just make my Grandfather unable to harm me physically, emotionally, financially and not to break any deal with me,” Kaede replied.


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