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Our Time

Page 9

by Jessica Wilde

  "I know, Joss. But I really wanted to. I have for a while now," I said. Our faces were so close, all I had to do was bend my head just a fraction and my lips would be on her.

  It took everything I had not to kiss her right then.

  She hesitated for a moment before her eyes dropped down to my mouth which nearly knocked the breath out of me. She nodded and turned to Olivia with a big smile, "You ready to try out your new stroller, babe?"

  Olivia giggled and tried to say stroller, but couldn't quite get it right and kept saying 'stower'. Jocelyn praised her for trying a new word and kissed the top of her head. I was still reeling from having her in my arms.

  When we started the mile walk to the park, I stopped fighting against the urge to touch her and wrapped my arm around the small of her back, resting my hand on her hip. She leaned into me and that was all I needed.

  Madison had been no help in getting any information from her, but she reminded me that words weren't everything. Jocelyn took obvious comfort in my touch and it made my chest swell with satisfaction. Tonight, I was going to tell her that I wanted more than just friendship. I wanted her. All of her.


  The fair was going full swing by the time we got there. Maddy and Ty were waiting for us by the stage where the live music was already going. Ty's sister, Catherine and her husband Ethan, were trying to clean up the ice cream that Josh and Ella had spilled all over the front of them.

  Olivia shouted Ella's name, but it sounded more like 'Elwa' and giggled. Josh peaked over his mom's shoulder, his curly blonde hair bobbing against his forehead and his bright green eyes twinkling, and waved at us, but Ella was already at a full sprint to get to Liv. When she finally reached her, she cupped her face and said, "Oh, Liv, you are so cute!" Her 'cute' sounded like 'toot' and made me laugh.

  Ella was the complete opposite of Liv in the looks department. Her hair was as blonde as could be and her eyes were a light green like her brother's, but she was hilarious. I hoped that they would become good friends as they grew up.

  "It is so freaking hot out here," Maddy said as she fanned her face with a paper plate. "I swear, if I didn't have to worry about what people would say, I would just walk around in my bikini all day."

  Jocelyn laughed and gave Madison a hug, "Same here. Only the talk about you would be a whole lot nicer, I'm sure."

  "Oh stop it, Joss. I'm sure you have a gorgeous body. You look great to me… and I know other people think so as well." Maddy winked at me over Jocelyn's shoulder and I shot her a warning look. She rolled her eyes at me and moved to Olivia. "Hey there Liv. Did you like the parade?"

  "Canny!" she giggled and touched Maddy's cheek.

  "Oh, I bet Andrew got you lots of candy. You will have to share with me." Olivia had already turned her attention to the ice cream that Ty had in his hand and was reaching for it. "Oh, I know! Why don't we go to the pool? The kids probably should cool off before running around on all the rides."

  "I don't have a suit for Liv with me. I didn't even think to bring one," Jocelyn said.

  Madison frowned and continued to fan herself, "Well, shoot! We will just have to improvise then. Come on, I saw some kids playing with a hose and some water balloons earlier. Let's go check it out."

  I was still stuck on the image I had conjured up of Jocelyn in just a bikini and apparently, so were a couple of guys who had overheard the conversation. They were staring at Jocelyn as she walked away and eyeing her like she was their next meal. I started seeing red and was just about to walk over there and take care of it, but one of them turned my way and saw my glare. He grabbed his friend and quickly walked the other way.

  I would definitely have to take care of things tonight. No way was I going to let another guy get his paws on my Jocelyn, and I think Monty would agree with me.

  I shook off the anger and looked back to where Jocelyn and Maddy were walking. I had to admit, I didn't blame them for watching Jocelyn. She had curves in all the right places and the shorts she had on enhanced some of those curves. I should have suggested she bring her swim suit, but I hadn't thought about it at the time. She had always worn a tank and board shorts when we took Liv to the pool and she had looked amazing. But a bikini? My shorts got a little tight and I bent down pretending to scratch my foot until I had it under control, then followed Madison and Jocelyn up the sidewalk. Keep it under control, man.

  Olivia was comfortable in the stroller and had a flap that shaded her from the hot sun. I knew the stroller would be a hit and Jocelyn's reaction made me want to drain my savings to get her everything she ever wanted or needed.

  "What are we going to do, Maddy, spray each other with the hose?" I asked sarcastically when we reached the spot she was looking for.

  "No, Andrew. If you don't want to cool down, you can just go back to the stage. Joss and I are going to play with the kids."

  All of a sudden, a cold blast hit me in the back of the head and made me duck down and run away. "What the--"

  Jocelyn was doubled over in laughter and Madison was glaring at someone behind me. "Where the hell did you get those?"

  I turned around and found Ty standing at the ready with a giant water gun in his hands and he was now pointing it at Madison. Josh and his dad, Ethan, were on either side of him with guns just as big and even bigger smiles.

  "At a booth. And there are kids around, Maddy, watch your tongue," Ty said to Madison. "I think you need to be punished." He gave her a wicked smile.

  "Tyler Taylor! If you even think about shooting me with that water gun, you will be sleeping on the couch for a month," she stated with a finger pointed firmly at him. He just kept smiling at her and wiggling his eyebrows until she started to beg him. "Please, baby, don't do this!"

  Jocelyn was still laughing and I was still trying to wipe the water off of my neck.

  "What are you laughing at, Joss?" I asked with my own wicked smile.

  She could hardly catch her breath and Olivia was giggling along with her and pointing at me. "Wada!" she shouted.

  "The look on your face…" she was trying to speak between her gasps for air but had to turn away and try again. "Oh, Andrew, it was priceless!"

  Her laugh was beautiful, but she was asking for trouble. I glanced over at Ty and he was already holding the water gun out to me. I snatched it out of his hands and made my way over to my gorgeous best friend. She hadn't seen me coming yet, but Maddy did and she was already carrying Liv away. Jocelyn looked up right as I lifted the water gun with a smile on my face.

  "Wait!" she shouted and put her hands up in surrender. "I'm sorry, I promise I'll stop laughing."

  But even as she said it, she couldn't hold back the giggles. I pumped the gun a few times while she tried to stop.

  "I think you need to cool down, too," and I pulled the trigger. She shrieked and tried to run away but she was already soaked before she could get very far.

  "I can't believe you!" she shouted. Olivia was running as fast as she could to get to her, giggling and saying 'wada ah-den' over and over again. "Come protect me, Liv. Andrew is trying to get me all wet."

  Some thick strands of hair were sticking to her neck and face and I immediately regretted spraying her because I had no way to hide the strain on my zipper now. Her blue shirt was clinging to her body and beads of water trickled down her neck, disappearing under the neckline. All I could do was stare.

  I didn't even notice Josh step up beside me. He took the gun from my hands as I gazed at the most tempting woman on earth and imagined stripping her wet clothes off and pulling her into my arms. Cut it out! There are kids around!

  She wrapped her arms around Olivia and hugged her tightly and Liv cried out with laughter and pushed out of her arms to run away again.

  "Hey, Andrew!"

  I looked toward the sound and it was Josh, now pointing the water gun at me. "I'll give you 2 seconds!" he shouted with an amused glare plastered over his face.

  I took off toward Jocelyn and he started spraying.
r />   "Don't come over here! He'll just get--" The water hit her arm and she yelped.

  By the time I got closer to her, I was drenched from head to toe. My shirt was stuck to every inch of my torso and water was dripping down my face. I reached for Olivia who dodged me and made her way over to Madison who was trying to refill one of the guns before Ty could. Everyone was drenched at this point except for Catherine who had taken off to the other side of the grass to stay dry. She was laughing at Ethan, who was being bombarded by Josh now and lying on the grass in the fetal position.

  Jocelyn lunged after Liv, but I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her into me, her back to my front. She was laughing hard again and was struggling to get out of my arms. I turned her toward Josh and he sprayed her in the stomach. She tried to turn away and crashed into my chest. Her warmth hit me for a split second, but she kept trying to get away.

  When she turned in my arms, her chest collided with mine and the rest of her body pressed against me and the breath was knocked out of my lungs. Our laughter died out as we locked eyes and she stopped struggling. Her hands wrapped around my biceps as I pulled her closer still and saw the flutter of her pulse at the base of her neck. The chill of the water shifted to a hot steam on my skin.

  I wiped the strands of hair off her face and tucked them behind her ears feeling her damp, smooth skin under my fingers along the way. I leaned forward automatically, realizing it was impossible to not kiss her now.

  "Daddy, Daddy, look! Andrew and Jocelyn are going to kiss!" Ella's voice was high pitched and shocked.

  "Ewww!" Josh said. "Get a room!"

  Ty covered Josh's mouth with a laugh and turned him away.

  Jocelyn immediately pulled out of my hold and started laughing nervously. Madison had seen the display and was smirking my way while Olivia was trying to get her wet with the hose.

  I had to force my arms to stay firmly at my side at the loss of her touch. I wanted to pull her back into me and devour her. Her full pink lips were too tempting… she was too tempting and I was losing it.

  "I'm sorry," Jocelyn whispered beside me. Her cheeks were flushed and she was looking down at her feet.

  I turned my head and leaned in as close as I could to her beautiful face, my voice was huskier than I intended, but it caused her to tremble, "I'm not."


  My nerves stayed on alert for the rest of the day. I was rattled beyond belief and was acutely aware of every movement Andrew made from that point on. I wanted him to kiss me, so badly. I love that Ella, but it was terrible timing.

  I was losing it.

  Maybe it wasn't what I thought it was. It happened so fast, maybe he wasn't going to kiss me. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. Good reasoning, Joss.

  Andrew kept us moving all morning and early afternoon. He rode some of the kiddy rides with Liv and bought her cotton candy and ice cream and lots of other really sugary stuff. I couldn't complain because he bought some for me as well and she was loving it. After eating yet another ice cream cone, he pulled us both into a photo booth and must have spent twenty dollars on pictures of the three of us.

  Madison took Olivia and Ella to get all the ice cream cleaned off of them and he yanked me back into the booth. We were both laughing for the first few pictures and then tried to keep a straight smile for the others. Right before the last picture, Andrew wrapped his arms around my waist tightly and moved me onto his lap. He kissed my cheek just as the last picture was taken.

  "Oh, that will be a good one," he said softly.

  My legs were so wobbly when we stepped out of the booth that I had to lean on the stroller to be able to stay standing. He made me forget how to breathe sometimes and I was enjoying it too much. He was the man I began to trust most in this world, he was my best friend - human friend - but I wanted more.

  Where did that come from, Joss? Oh, Monty is going to lecture me tonight, I know it.

  We were back at the heart of the fair and sitting in front of the stage eating Churros and waiting for the next band to come out and play. Olivia was having a blast but she was also getting pretty tired and I told Andrew that after we finished up our food, we should probably get her home for a nap and out of the sun for a while.

  Olivia was sitting in between us and Andrew's arm was resting over the back of her chair with his hand on my shoulder. Every touch sent a current through me and I could only imagine what kissing him would do to me. He just smiled that breath taking smile and nodded in agreement.

  We were following the rest of our group toward the exit when a voluptuous blonde woman approached us wearing four inch heels and a skirt that made a ruler look like the Eiffel Tower. She eyed me nastily and moved toward Andrew. He was bent over trying to get the butterfly bracelet he had just bought on Liv's tiny wrist and wasn't paying attention to much of anything else. She ran the palm of her hand up his back and his head jerked up as he spun around and glared at her. My blood was boiling inside, but I kept my face neutral.

  "Megan? What the--" he quickly glanced down at Olivia and then stepped in front of her and lowered his voice. He was always careful around her because she was starting to repeat everything. "What the hell do you think you are doing?"

  "Oh Andrew, you are sexy as hell. I just can't help myself," she sneered and ran her hand across his chest. Her voice was high and squeaky and it made me want to claw her nasty poop green eyes out. That and break each one of the fingers touching Andrew, one by one. Slowly.

  "Leave me alone, Megan. I thought I made myself clear last time."

  "What are you talking about? I just came over to say hi, that's all. I thought we had a good time last Thursday," she whined, but glanced over at me for a split second.

  Last Thursday? What did they do last Thursday? I knew he was working at one of the clubs that night. He had watched Olivia that afternoon while I did some work and had stayed until the last minute before he had to leave. I know he didn't get home until after one in the morning, but that was the norm. Was she there with him?

  "Megan, you came to the club and harassed me while I was working."

  "Whatever you want to tell yourself. Who is she?" She gave me a disgusted look and flipped her hair. My fingers itched to pull that blonde mane out of her stupid, fat head.

  Wow, too many kid shows, Joss.

  Olivia started to gripe and I turned my attention to her. "I know, sweetie. We are going home."

  I felt Andrew's gaze on us, but I didn't look back. I wanted to get away from this snobby witch and I wanted to do it right now. I felt sick with the thought of them together. I had no claim on him, but still. Her? Had he been with her these last several weeks while we had been spending time together? I suddenly felt a flush run up my neck and face. How could I be so stupid? Of course he would be dating. It wasn't like I was fulfilling his needs. We were just friends.

  No, stop thinking about it. No need to get upset.

  "Mommy, home," Olivia cried and started to wriggle in her seat.

  "Okay, love. Let's go." I forced myself to look at Andrew who was now back at my side looking concerned and a little embarrassed. "Don't worry, we can just walk home. She will fall asleep on the way anyway, I'm sure. You can take your time if you want."

  He looked shocked, but I didn't linger on his face for long. Madison called out to us and I started pushing the stroller toward her. Andrew gently grasped my elbow and stopped me.

  "I'm coming with you."

  "Who is she, Andrew?" Ugh, that awful voice. I swear, a pack of hyenas sucking helium balloons would have been more pleasant to listen to. "Can't believe you have moved on to women with whiny kids."

  I whirled around at the same time Andrew did and we both took a menacing step toward the bitch. My hands shook with anger and my face flushed even redder. I was ready to strangle her for jabbing at my daughter. No one did that and got away--

  Andrew's voice was low and harsh, "I have never disrespected a woman before, never even thought of violence toward a woman before,
Megan, but I find myself wanting to make an exception for you."

  I turned to him and saw the intimidating look in his eyes. It was frightening, but made me want to fist pump the air in victory. I had been stupid to think for five seconds that this man wasn't completely on my side.

  Her face blanched and her gasp was just as annoying as everything else about her. Her hand shot up to her chest in shock.

  He raised his voice, "If I ever see you again, I will not be so kind. Got it?"

  Madison had been watching the whole thing and walked straight up to the brat and got in her face.

  "Megan Walker, do I need to beat the shit out of you for the second time this year?" Madison looked just as intimidating as Andrew had seconds before, but she looked like she truly wanted to kill this woman.

  Megan took several steps back and glared at each of us. "Whatever," she bit out and walked away after flipping her hair dramatically.

  "Oh, what a very intelligent thing to say! Guess you showed me, huh?!" Madison called out after her. "That bitch is going to be the cause of me going to jail one day."

  "Maddy! Watch the language in front of Liv, please," Andrew warned her and she put up her hands and walked passed us with a smirk on her face.

  I was still fuming, but Andrew had surprised me with his reaction and seemed to take care of the situation just fine. The whole thing had been ridiculous. Obviously, the woman had mental issues because I could see that Andrew had been quite clear with her and she still didn't accept it. I didn't want any drama, but I had a feeling that this wasn't over. Women like that started trouble.

  Olivia started crying and I quickly stepped around to the front of the stroller and tried to comfort her. "Shh, my love. We are going. I'm so sorry that you are so tired. We should have left sooner."

  We left the park without another word and by the time we got back to Andrew's car, Olivia had fallen asleep and I was more on edge than ever before. I strapped her into the car seat while he folded up the stroller and set it in the back. We had to wait for an opening between all the people walking by and cars trying to get down the street so we sat in silence for a few minutes. I was staring down at my hands and picking at the pink nail polish on my nails. Something I did when I was worried or stressed.


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