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A Talent for Surrender

Page 14

by Madeline Bastinado

  He could feel his muscles gripping her fingers. His cock was squeezed pleasurably between his body and the bench. His arse tingled and prickled with unfamiliar excitement.

  Sadie slid in a third finger and Dan felt his muscles stretch. The sensation of fullness and intrusion was incredible. Each tiny movement of her fingers inside him caused dozens of delicious pinpricks that sent ripples all the way to his toes.

  He felt her other hand cupping and stroking his balls and he let out a cry of shock and appreciation. Her hand slid beneath him, palm uppermost and squeezed his erection. Dan gasped. Her fingers withdrew from his hole and, for a moment, he felt abandoned. Then he felt something thick and slippery pushing against his opening. Not a finger this time, it was hard and cold and sort of rubbery.

  It began to slide inside him and Dan felt his muscles opening to accommodate it. Sadie squeezed and stroked his erection as she pushed it into him. It must be a dildo, Dan thought, the silicone type that’s moulded to look like a cock. He closed his eyes and panted as it filled him.

  He could feel it sliding past his excited, electrified nerve endings, unleashing a wave of shivery tingles. Sadie’s slippery hand was warm around his cock. The dildo slid all the way in and Dan screamed in pleasure and intrusion.

  He ached for release. Sadie’s hand on his erection was both fabulous yet tantalising. She squeezed and stroked but there was no rhythm to it. He struggled against his bonds. The straps creaked and his body slid against the slick leather.

  He realised that by flexing and unflexing his thigh muscles and pushing down with his knees he could achieve a small backwards and forwards movement that would rub his cock against her hand.

  He dug his knees in and thrust his body forwards, banging against the bench. Sadie slid her hand away from his cock and Dan moaned in frustration. ‘Please! Let me come.’ He humped the bench.

  Sadie slid out the dildo and Dan heard her walking around the bench and dropping it onto the trolley. She bent down beside Dan. She gripped him by the hair and lifted his head. She twisted her hand, pulling viciously on his hair to turn his face to look at her. ‘I must say, I’m disappointed. I made it perfectly clear that you shouldn’t expect any relief and yet you demand an orgasm before we’ve even started properly. And, if that wasn’t enough, you don’t even bother to address me as mistress. It will never do.’

  ‘I’m sorry, mistress. I was excited. I got carried away.’ Dan’s neck ached from the unnatural position.

  Sadie shook her head in disappointment and Dan felt an irrational stab of shame.

  ‘Excuses are meaningless. I demand obedience and I accept nothing less. I’m afraid I have no alternative but to punish you.’ She dropped his head in disgust.

  Dan heard her feet clip-clopping against the stone floor. He realised that she was walking over to the racks of tools and he turned to look. He knew there were many vicious-looking weapons hanging there and he didn’t relish the thought of being on the receiving end of any of them. He’d seen a cat-o’-nine-tails, a bullwhip, a thick bunch of twigs bound with a cord, like a traditional birch, and various types of horsewhip.

  He thought he knew he could cope with the crop, because she’d used it on him last time and he’d occasionally been caned at school, so that held no particular fear. He found himself worrying that he wouldn’t be able to take the pain and that he’d be letting her down. His body was rigid with trepidation and excitement and his cock was rock-solid.

  Sadie selected an implement and began to walk slowly back to the bench. As she drew nearer he saw that she was holding a long slender whip with a sort of knotted tassel at the end. She walked right over to him and ran the tip of the whip along his cheek.

  ‘This is a dressage whip. It’s used during competition to get the horse to make precise, specific movements. Naturally its bite has to be accurate and incisive.’ She rubbed the tip of the whip across his lips. ‘I think you’ll find it memorable.’ She stood up and Dan listened to her heels as she walked to the other end of the bench.

  He could hear her breathing behind him and he pictured her standing with her legs apart, arm raised high into the air as she waited for the perfect moment to lower the whip.

  Dan heard a loud whoosh as the whip swished through the air, followed by a resounding crack as it hit him. His body jolted forwards and there was a moment of stinging, burning pain that instantly seemed to melt into delicious pleasure.

  Sadie delivered half a dozen strokes in quick succession. The whip swished and cracked. Dan’s buttocks burnt and tingled. The moment he’d registered the pain it somehow transformed into intense pleasure and satisfaction.

  He heard her raise the whip and he tensed his body in expectation of pain. Instead he felt her slide her hand, palm uppermost, between his crotch and the bench. She curled her fist around his erection and slid her hand backwards and forwards, wanking his cock.

  He gasped. He could hear the pre-come squelching as she handled him. He could feel the heat of her hand. He used every ounce of his self-control to remain still as she stroked his cock. She gave it a final squeeze and released it then immediately brought the crop down across the meat of his buttocks and he moaned and shuddered in pain and relief.

  The whip swished through the air and landed with a brutal crack. His body shuddered. She lashed him repeatedly with barely any pause between the strokes. He was overwhelmed by sensation, an overlapping chaos of helplessness, pain, pleasure, excitement and release.

  Dan could imagine red stripes forming and blue bruises beginning to appear. After his last beating he’d been marked for days and, this time, he didn’t doubt that he’d bear Sadie’s signature for at least a week. His cock ached and tingled. Each blow of the whip rubbed it against the slippery leather.

  Sadie delivered a final stinging blow and dropped the whip. Dan felt her hands on his arse. She ran her fingertips over his weals, stroking and soothing them. Dan was exhausted and breathless. He lay limp against the bench, his head hanging and his eyes closed.

  She began to unbuckle the restraints, bending down to undo the straps on his wrists and arms. Dan turned to look at her. Her hair was untidy and damp and there was a fine sheen of sweat on her face. She saw Dan looking at her and she smiled.

  ‘You took that well. Did you surprise yourself?’ Before Dan could respond she stood up and began to unbuckle the waist strap. ‘Stand up . . . slowly though.’ Sadie went over to the medical chair. Dan straightened up and waited for his head to clear. ‘Come over here when you’re ready.’

  Dan walked over to Sadie on unsteady legs and sat down in the medical chair. She hoisted his feet up into the stirrups and began to fasten the restraints at his wrists and ankles.

  Sadie operated the lever that tilted the chair back and Dan experienced a moment’s disorientation and lightheadedness. Excitement and trepidation fluttered beneath his ribs.

  She turned to the trolley and there was a metallic clinking sound as she picked something up. ‘Open your mouth for me, please.’

  Dan complied. Sadie held up the item for him to see. He squinted, trying to identify it. It was the metal medical gag he’d seen her use on her client.

  She began to fit it to Dan’s mouth. The metal arms felt cold against his skin. It forced his mouth wide and already his jaw was beginning to ache. Sadie locked it in place. With his mouth wide open the sound of his breathing seemed to become transformed into an urgent heartbeat.

  He felt defenceless. Unable to speak and with his legs spread wide by the stirrups, it seemed as if his very manhood was at risk. Yet heat and blood pumped around his body enlivening and arousing every particle of him.

  Sadie ran her fingertip up the front of his torso and his body trembled. The restraints creaked. ‘I’m going to shave you.’ She picked up an old-fashioned shaving mug and brush from the trolley. ‘It’s quite a simple thing –’ she began to lather the brush ‘– yet I think you’ll find it powerful. By stripping you of hair I’m demonstrating my mastery over you a
nd I’m actually altering your body.’

  Dan gazed at the shaving mug. He watched the white foam as if he were hypnotised and the brush was the instrument of his subjugation. His crotch was tingling and tight. His chest heaved.

  She began to smear the cold foam over his chest. He didn’t have much hair there, just a small patch in the centre, but Sadie took her time spreading the soap. The brush felt soft and tickly against his skin. She brushed his nipple and he gasped.

  She lathered up his belly and crotch. It tickled and tormented him. Dan began to wriggle, making the restraints creak and complain and Sadie paused.

  ‘If you fidget like that when I’m shaving you there’s liable to be an accident. I suggest you learn to keep still.’

  She began to soap his crotch. Dan made a supreme effort to remain motionless. The gag made his face ache and he was unable to swallow his own saliva. The sound of his own frantic breathing throbbed in his brain.

  Sadie set down the shaving mug and picked up something from the trolley. Dan turned his head, trying to look and his eyes widened in alarm. It was a cutthroat razor. Sadie opened it and the blade gleamed in the light. A jolt of electricity shot up his spine.

  She began to shave his chest, expertly sliding the blade over the skin. She wiped away the foam and hair with a towel. The razor was icy cold and he could feel its sharp edge.

  Sadie seemed totally absorbed. The razor slid through the foam, leaving pale bare skin in its wake. When his chest was denuded she began to shave his belly, using her other hand to stretch his skin for the blade.

  The closer she came to his crotch the harder he found it to sit still. He barely dared to breathe. The blade made his skin tingle and the air felt cool and strange on his newly bare flesh.

  She began to shave away his pubic hair, using short regular strokes. The blade quickly became clogged with hair and she wiped it frequently on the towel. She moved his penis around, pushing it out of the way, or pulling it taut with the precision and indifference of a barber at work.

  Dan was half hard. Having her handle his cock was exquisite torture. The clinical treatment and her utter indifference were at once shaming and utterly exciting.

  When she’d finished she set the razor down and wiped the remaining lather off his body with a damp towel. Dan looked down at himself. He was as smooth and hairless as a Las Vegas showgirl. His cock lay sideways, resting on his thigh, thick and slightly curved, still semierect. Without the hair Dan felt it looked somehow obscene and shameful.

  He looked up at Sadie. From his unnatural position she seemed exceptionally tall and somehow magnificent. He gazed up at her. Her hair was ruffled. Her cheeks were stained dark and she was breathing noisily through parted lips. She looked rumpled and slightly sleepy and it came to Dan that her messy hair looked as though she’d been rolling around in bed.

  She smiled at him and an instant rush of heat crashed over his face. His cock stiffened. Sadie turned away from him for a moment and he heard a match strike and, a moment later, smelled the characteristic burning odour.

  She turned and stepped between his spread legs and Dan saw that she was holding a long fat candle as thick as her wrist and six inches tall.

  She raised it up into the air, as if it were some part of a sacred ceremony. It took Dan a second to realise that she was holding it directly above his cock and he began to struggle and shake his head. Sadie smiled and slowly tipped the candle.

  Hot wax began to drip onto his crotch. There was a second of searing pain as the wax hit, then endorphins began to flood through his body like a drug rush.

  He stared at his crotch. Blobs of hard and hardening wax covered his cock and balls. Drips landed on his belly and thighs. He was erect and tingling. A bead of hot wax dripped onto his exposed helmet and he grunted. The gag distorted the sound into a strangled animal cry. Waves of sensation whooshed round his body and thundered in his ears.

  Layer after layer of wax fell onto his crotch. The hardening liquid took on a milky hue, darkening as it cooled. It pulled at his skin, making him itch and tingle. Heat and pleasure gushed over his face as if he’d opened the door of a hot oven.

  His crotch was completely encased in wax. He could no longer see the shape of his genitals, there was just a lumpy mound of wax, its surface uneven and covered in drops and drips. There was an overall sensation of warmth, but the wax near his body was cold and hard.

  His fists were clenched. Every muscle in his body was tense and rigid. His erection felt huge and painful, tight and pumped with blood. He wanted to come so much that the thought throbbed in his brain like a mantra.

  Arousal pumped around his body like infected blood. His whole body was an erect cock, aching to come. His toes ached with frustration. His tongue seemed to fizz and buzz with the need for release. Goose pimples made his skin tingle and spark with desperation.

  ‘I bet you want to come now, don’t you?’ Sadie blew out the candle.

  Dan began to nod his head, repeating the movement over and over again in case she was in any doubt. Sadie laughed.

  She began to peel off the wax. She rolled up the edges and slid her fingers underneath and pulled it off in a single piece. There were several blobs of stray wax on his belly and thighs and Sadie picked each of them off and dropped them onto the trolley.

  When she’d finished, Dan’s erection pointed at the ceiling, swollen, dark and purple-tipped. Sadie spit on her palm and wrapped her fist around it. Dan let out a stifled moan of relief. She wanked him slowly several times. It was exquisite and tantalising.

  Sadie released his cock. She held onto the arms of the chair and climbed up onto them so that she was kneeling astride him. Dan longed to touch her. To put out his hands and cup her round buttocks. To lean forwards and suck a nipple in his mouth then slide his hands lazily up her body to stroke her hair. He struggled in frustration. Perfume wafted up from her heated skin. It smelled sultry, heady and somehow soporific, as if he was under her spell.

  She reached up and took off his gag. His jaw ached in relief. She used her fingers to wipe away the saliva then pushed his damp hair away from his face. She smiled. For a moment, he thought she was going to fuck him, to sit down on his cock and ride it for her pleasure, but she never moved. She just knelt astride him with his head in her hands, smiling down at him.

  Sadie raised herself up on her knees and leaned her body towards him. She brought her nipple to his lips, still holding his face between her soft hands. Dan opened his mouth. Her nipple was thick and hard and hot. Her sweet womanly scent filled her nostrils. He sucked hard on her nipple, rubbing his face against the soft mound of her breast. His cock tingled.

  ‘I bet you want to come now, don’t you?’ Sadie’s voice was soft and tender.

  He reluctantly released her nipple. ‘Yes, please.’ He went back to sucking.

  ‘Sorry, darling, that’s not part of the deal. I’m going to release you now and, when you’re ready, you can shower and change. Let yourself out.’ She climbed off.

  On the drive home, Dan didn’t know what to think. He hadn’t really expected her to let him come, but then he hadn’t expected her to mount him and let him suck on her nipples either.

  The session had been surprising and shocking and utterly unimaginably arousing. His cock was still half hard and he was having to make a supreme effort to concentrate on the road when all he wanted to do was pull over to the kerb and relieve himself.

  What had shocked him most, he realised, as he turned out of her road, was the way she had simply abandoned him at the end of the session. He’d expected her to invite him upstairs for coffee and brownies as she had done in the past but she’d simply told him to let himself out. He felt rejected and disappointed and somehow unworthy.

  He’d been looking forward to the opportunity to talk to her about his experience in the relaxed surroundings of her cosy kitchen but instead he was driving home still horny and with everything buzzing around in his head.

  Then it came to him that she�
��d deliberately not invited him upstairs because she wanted him to feel like a client. Sadie’s responsibility only extended as far as the financial transaction. The client’s arousal, his emotional responses to the session were his own affair. He laughed softly to himself.

  He drove straight to Sarah’s as fast as the speed limit would allow. He rang the doorbell, praying that she was home. When he saw her approaching down the hall, he undid the button at the front of his trousers and unzipped his fly.

  ‘You’re a lovely surprise.’ Sarah smiled. She was still in her dressing gown.

  Dan stepped into the hall and closed the door behind him.

  ‘And here’s another one.’ He pushed his clothes down to his knees, freeing his erection. ‘Get on your knees.’

  Sarah smiled. She slowly slid to the floor. She gripped his cock at the base and Dan gasped. She swallowed him. Her mouth was hot and silky. She cupped his balls, gently rolling them inside their sac. Her head bobbed. She flicked her tongue over the sensitive tip and pressed it against the eye.

  Dan was breathing hard. He tingled all over. Sarah stared up at him, an expression of pure bliss on her face. Her dressing gown had fallen open and he could see her cleavage and the top of her breasts.

  He was rigid with tension, vibrating with excitement and arousal. Her mouth moved rhythmically. She stroked his balls. He rocked his hips, establishing a rhythm. Snuffly breath snorted out of her nostrils. Dan handled her hair, pulling it away from her face and holding it back. The shape of her mouth around his cock looked utterly obscene, expressing both surprise and compliance.

  She began to deep throat him. He let out a long low moan. He could feel her hot breath against his naked pubis and her chin bumping against his balls. His thigh muscles were taut and quivering. The knot of tension in his belly grew hard and dense.

  He held her hair away from her face, giving him a full view of her mouth on his cock. Her eyes closed and she sucked hungrily. He thrust his hips, fucking her between the lips.

  He was gasping and moaning. Sarah was making little satisfied mewling noises. Her dressing gown had slid off her shoulders, exposing the top of her arms and her long slender neck. Her dark hair bobbed and danced.


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