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Azrael_Big Cat Shifters Looking for Fated Mates

Page 7

by Crystal Dawn

  Several of the white wolves had mated other kinds and found the other animal inside them after mating. But what were the odds of that? Yet the odds had been defied three out of three times with the other cat leaders. He couldn’t imagine a white spotted leopard. Never had he seen or even heard of one among his kind.

  Yet Maddie was exotic in many ways already. It was said her hair had been silver all her life even though she called it white or gray. There was a major leopard family, nearly extinct, that had the silver hair she sported. Again, what were the odds?

  Chapter 6


  She woke slowly aching all over. Her memory was cloudy but began to clear up quickly. They’d been headed to her house ready to drop Lucia along the way, but they hadn’t made it that far. Out of nowhere a pickup had smashed right into them sending them into a deep ditch. Driving out was impossible so they’d tried to climb out of the SUV.

  That’s when they had been hit with some darts and knocked out. It was not an experience she had enjoyed or one she’d ever expected to have. This whole thing sucked big hairy donkey balls. Her daughter, Viv, was up against her and Caro was on the other side of Viv. As near as she could tell, they were in a large older SUV and they’d been put in the back seat.

  It was best, she was sure, not to let them know she was awake. Her hands were cuffed in front of her. Probably because paranormals didn’t understand older humans and they were taking more care with her. Viv and Caro had their hands cuffed behind them. On a long trip, it would probably cause them discomfort to be lying on them that way.

  Opening one eye a bit, she watched the road until she recognized something. They were nearly to Springfield and that wasn’t good. The further they got away from home, the less likely help would come. Her hope was they would stop somewhere and her and her girls would have a chance to escape.

  Ariel had warned her this could happen but she had believed she’d gone under the radar. Apparently that was no longer true. This was just one reason she’d wanted no part of the crazy paranormal world that had been revealed to them. Several cousins had been taken, but she’d been old and thought she was safe.

  Once she, Viv, and Caro were freed, she would take some action so this wouldn’t happen again. She could hear the guys up front talking, but she couldn’t make out most of their words. At least they weren’t bothering her or the girls right now. It made her suspect these were hired hands. They were probably headed to a buyer or the mastermind of this whole kidnapping plot.

  The SUV was slowing down and pretty soon came to a stop. “Are you sure you didn’t give them too much? Shouldn’t they be awake by now?” One of the guys asked.

  “Just be glad they are delicate and they aren’t being any trouble. With the reputation Ariel has, I expected more trouble out of her relatives.” Another guy answered.

  “Don’t jinx us Joe.” A third guys said.

  “Yeah, Man. I don’t want no trouble.” Guy four said.

  Four guys and three of them. These guys were probably paranormals too. That meant they were faster, stronger, but not necessarily smarter. They all got out, probably to go to the bathroom. Once they were in the convenience store, she turned to Viv.

  “Are you awake?” She asked.

  “Barely. I have an awful headache.” Viv replied. “Caro? What about you?”

  “Me too. I think they dosed us too much.” She admitted.

  “I think we should try to get away while there in the store.” She suggested.

  “Are the child locks on?” Viv asked.

  “I can’t tell until I try the door. By then, I’m committed.” She informed.

  “Go for it and we’ll try too.” Caro offered.

  “Damn, one of them is back. We’ll do it next time.” She declared.

  “Should we act like we’re still out?” Viv asked.

  “No, they won’t believe it.” She replied.

  “I see you’re awake. Joe will be pleased.” One of the guys said.

  “Fuck you.” Caro said.

  “If I’m lucky. Sometimes we get to have our way with our guests.” He admitted.

  “The spell I’m casting on you will give you the worst luck. Just be prepared.” Caro informed. She wasn’t a witch, but the way the blood drained out of the guy’s face was worth the deception. There was no way he could be sure if she really cast a spell or not.

  The guy shuddered. “I don’t believe you.” He said, but he didn’t look sure.

  All the other guys came back and the driver stated the SUV and took off. “Glad to see you ladies are awake.” The driver said looking in the rear view mirror.

  “Ariel will come after us and she’ll deal with you.” Viv threatened.

  “We’re halfway to St. Louis. If they were going to catch up, they would have already.” Joe said. Don’t you agree, Dillon?”

  “Don’t use names, you dumb fuck.” Dillon said.

  These guys didn’t seem too bright. She wouldn’t think they were that bad yet either if not that comment about past experiences with guests. It was naïve to call abductees guests. That was something she would normally believe applied to new criminals. Those could often be redeemed. Maybe they were a mix of new and more experienced ones.

  The guys didn’t seem too anxious to talk. They weren’t even saying much among themselves. She needed them to speak so she could find out about what was happening. It would help to know where they were headed and who they were headed to.

  “I guess you’re taking us to an alpha. You sure didn’t plan this yourselves.” She poked at them.

  “Why don’t you think we did?” Joe asked.

  “You guys? You’re too young and inexperienced.” She noted.

  “That’s not true. We’ve worked for Glen before.” One of them said.

  “Damn it Todd. What’s wrong with you?” Joe demanded.

  “At least I didn’t give her your name.” Todd pointed out.

  “No, you told her who the boss was.” Joe said.

  “Won’t I know that when we get where we’re going?” She asked.

  “Maybe, but it’s not our place to tell you.” Joe explained.

  Well she knew now. Not that it helped her unless she was rescued. She didn’t even have the last name just Glen. This Glen guy had just opened a can of trouble. Once they escaped, she was going to go after him full throttle. That was the way she did everything. These guys weren’t professional mercenaries.

  “Which one of you guys is in charge right now?”

  “I am.” Joe and one of the other guys said.

  “So which one is it.”

  “I’m in charge Can, not you.” Joe said.

  “Can? Sounds like a nickname.” She noted.

  “We were all supposed to use them but the dumb asses forgot.” Joe admitted. “That’s why I’m in charge.”

  “In your dreams.” Can said. “I’m the oldest and the smartest.”

  Whether it had been her intention or not, she’d got an argument going. The other guys gave their opinion and in no time, they were all disgruntled. “Maybe no one’s in charge?” She asked. That got them started all over again.

  “Hey!” Todd said. “We’re approaching St. Louis. We need to stop to get gas and check in with Glen.”

  “No names, damn it.” Joe yelled.

  “She already knows that one.” Todd defended.

  “Whatever. I’m stuck with a bunch of kindergarteners.” Joe insulted.

  He hopped out to pump the gas since they’d pulled into a Hurry In. It was a new gas station/convenience store she’d never been in before. “He’s a dick.” Todd mumbled then he got out to go to the bathroom.

  “Dillon?” The other guy in the car asked.


  “I think you’re in charge.”

  “Thanks Man.”

  They both got out too leaving them in the car with only Joe who was getting gas to also watch them. This was an opportunity. “We need to be careful.” She instructed.
“We can split up and get a hold of Danny.”

  The second Joe went to pay for his gas, she was in the seat in front of her opening the door and heading away from it. Caro was out too headed in a different direction and Viv struggled to get out and she worried her daughter might get caught. There was nothing to be done except continue to head away from the car and into the field around them.

  These mercenaries weren’t too bright so there was no telling what they would do. She found a stream not far from the store and trudged through it after she rolled up her jeans and took off her shoes and socks. The water was cold, but there was no choice. Her mind was buzzing with the worries of how her girls were doing and if they had gotten away.

  An hour later as she headed through the woods in the quiet of the night, she prayed no wild animals lived here. They’d been within a mile or two of St. Louis, but she was sure she’d been headed away from it the whole time. Now she needed to find a highway so she could figure out where she was. If she could get to Danny, she could let Ariel know what was going on.

  The problem, because of course there was one, was she wasn’t sure exactly where in St. Louis Danny was. No phone, no money, and no way to get what she needed and handcuffs to deal with. She looked at them carefully, they had the quick release. Those were the kind used for parties or sex. Thank God she’d got them off. An hour later she’d lucked out and found a highway. She was following it when someone stopped.

  “Hey Sweetheart. Are you okay?” The man looked like someone’s favorite grandpa.

  “Not really. I’m lost out here. Are you going to the city?” She asked.

  “I’m headed to the suburbs. Climb in and I’ll give you a ride if you promise to talk and keep me company. My name’s Hal, what’s yours?”

  “I’m Maddie.”

  “I have a traveling sales job. I live in a suburb of St. Louis but I travel all over southern Missouri. My job is wonderful and I get the opportunity to help people. Mostly I work through hospitals and medical centers where I set them up with portable oxygen generators and tanks.” He explained.

  She’d been worried that he’d expected her to answer questions or tell him about herself, but he’d been content to explain his whole life and job to her nonstop. Now she knew all about oxygen generators, the small tanks some people she’d seen carried, and even how insurance paid on them. Hall was a fountain of information and he dropped her off at a Missouri State police station where she was finally able to call her cousin since she didn’t know how to contact Danny.

  Thirty minutes after she’d spoke to Ariel, Danny was there to get her. “I’ve never been so glad to see someone in my life.” She stood and hugged Danny tight. “Any word on Viv or Caro?”

  “Caro called right after you did. My mate went to pick her up. I’m afraid Viv may not have gotten away.” Danny admitted. “We’re still looking for her scanning the cameras on the highways and around the city. Azrael is on his way here to pick you and Caro up. Are you involved with him?”

  “No, I’m not involved with anyone. I’ve been helping his people move to Blue Eye. He’s probably afraid he’ll be left on his own. We’re sort of friends I suppose.”

  Danny looked at her then shook his head. She didn’t know what Azrael had said or done to make him think something was going on so she wouldn’t try to convince him it wasn’t so. That was a waste of time. Instead, she tried to breathe deeply and relax as Danny walked her to his SUV. The police were relieved she didn’t want to pursue charges against what they assumed was an ex-boyfriend.

  Apparently it was common for lovers to file charges just to drop them the next day. Now they went to Danny’s where they would wait for Caro and later Azrael. Caro came a few minutes later. “Grams!” she hollered as she grabbed her and held on tight. “Mom didn’t get away. We have to find her. We just have to.”

  “Never doubt we’ll keep looking for her. I plan to give Damon the information we have. Maybe he can identify those dumb males.” She hoped.

  “Here, write everything down and I’ll call Damon. You two need to eat then sleep at least a little while. Marissa and Damon are trying to track them now, but it’s not easy. She was tracking you, Maddie, but you’re not with them now. Magic has many rules.” Danny said as he turned to his mate Dru and hugged her tight.

  The small female was tougher than she looked and that had helped her survive long enough to find Danny and mate with him. Now they had two kids and Maddie suspected another on the way. Ariel probably already knew, had probably known before the child had existed.

  She loved Matt and Danny, Ariel’s boys almost as much as her own children. Danny’s boy came to her and hung onto her legs. Reaching down she picked him up. Grandkids were an entirely different thing. Her gaze ran over Caro. They were on a higher level even than children. Hugging the little guy, she carried him to the table so he could eat too.

  Danny and Dru joined them at the table because shifters were always hungry. Their metabolism ran hot and fast. It worked through food quickly and was always needing more fuel. Food was brought and the table piled high. There was a lot of meat and some carbs. Steak was the most popular food among the shifters.

  She pulled a small ribeye onto her plate then added some rice pilaf. There was some salad in a large bowl that she spooned onto her plate as well. Caro seemed to be eating plenty, even though the look of worry never left her. It was a shared worry by all in the room, but right now there was little they could do except eat, rest, and prepare for when the many paranormals asked to look around found Viv.

  When that happened, if Azrael was here they would go with him, if not they would go with whoever was available. Her heart did beat a tad faster at the thought of seeing that leopard prince. No fool like an old fool, wasn’t that the saying? He probably wasn’t even coming here because of her. Maybe as a favor to Lucia or even Ariel.

  Viv would look more like a match to the young looking prince. Sure she’d heard he was older than her, but he looked thirty at the most. His body was in perfect condition showing what a male looked like in the prime of life. She might not be bad for her age, but there was no way she could keep up with a male like him. It was crazy to even try.

  “Are you okay, Maddie?” Danny asked. “You are concentrating hard on something.”

  “I was going to ask for a pen and paper so Caro and I can write down everything we heard just to make sure we got it all the first time.”

  “Okay. I‘ll have it brought right away.” Dru said as she motioned to someone. That someone ran out of the room and returned right away with a notebook and a pen.

  “Thank you. Caro, help me remember the names.” She instructed.

  They sat down and went over everything. “The one they were taking us to was named Glen, no last name. Two of the guys were Todd and Joe.” She said.

  “Glen Givens is an alpha in West Virginia. He’s the only Glen that’s an alpha that I know. He’s also unmated and would do something like this without a thought.” Danny admitted.

  “Joe Humphrey, Todd Elkins, Buck Mack, and Dillon Smith think they’re mercenaries. That’s who this reminds me of.” Dru mused out loud.

  “That’s it, one of the other guys was Dillon and the last one they called Can. They said it was a nickname because they were all supposed to use them.” Caro observed.

  “It is those stupid guys. They’re going to get thrown in jail this time for sure.” Danny forecasted.

  “Those guys needed someone to smack them around.” One of the pack members said.

  “You’re right Dwayne. I’m sorry about your brother.” Danny noted.

  “Which one?” She asked.

  “Dillon. My mother liked ds.” Dwayne answered.

  “There’s still hope. I doubt that the council knows yet.” Danny declared. “Let’s get this search under way.” Everyone hurried out of the room. “If we catch them, you can say you want to be the one to punish them. They aren’t bad, just not too bright.”

  “I just want Viv
back and to be sure they’ll straighten out.”

  “Dwayne blames himself. Dillon is his baby brother and their parents died when he was little. He did his best, but he was a kid himself.”

  “I can understand that. More than most since I raised my kids alone once my husband died. It was rough even though I was an adult.” She admitted.

  “I knew you’d understand. Some of the council members would too, but some would push for a harsher punishment.” Danny explained.

  Dwayne looked a bit less worried. “We still need to get your cousin back.”

  Caro was holding up well, but the strain was catching up. “Azrael is in Springfield. If you rest up, when you wake he’ll be here.” Dru observed.

  She’d met Dru a couple of times around the holidays. A sweet girl, she was suited perfectly to Danny. They’d wake her if anything happened, her but not Caro who looked more in need of rest than she felt. Dru led them to a room which she said was for Caro. Once she was settled in, she and Dru moved on.

  “I’m sure you’ll want to be woke for any important news we have. I’ll wake you and you can decide if Caro needs to get up or not.” Dru informed.

  She smiled. “My thoughts exactly. Thank you for that.”

  Dru opened the door to another guest room with a king bed. The room was nice and looked comfortable. “Try to rest. Something will happen soon, I’m sure.”

  She nodded as Dru closed the door. Pulling back the covers, she slipped off her shoes and into the bed falling asleep in seconds. Someone was shaking her and she woke. “Huh?” Her mouth was dry and she was a bit confused.

  “Maddie?” A soft voice called.

  Her eyes opened and she looked at Dru. “What’s going on?”

  “Azrael is here. He wants to see you.” She sat up quickly causing Dru to move back.


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