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Azrael_Big Cat Shifters Looking for Fated Mates

Page 8

by Crystal Dawn

  “Take me there. I’ll follow you.” She got up slipping her shoes on then following Dru as she headed to Azrael.

  As they entered the dining room, she was surprised to see he was really there. “I’m surprised to see you.” She admitted.

  “You shouldn’t be. I thought we’d become close. Danny says they were just spotted and may still be headed to West Virginia. Damon sent someone to visit Glen and others are looking for the crew that abducted you. They split up.” Azrael told her.

  “Who has Viv?” She asked.

  “We’re not sure. They are all headed northeast, but separately. We believe they decided they’re harder to track that way.”

  “Aren’t they?” She asked.

  “Maybe a little bit. If we are right about where they’re headed, it won’t matter.” Azrael observed.

  “Why are you here?” She leaned in and asked him.

  Confusion washed over him. “Ariel asked me and I found I was concerned about you, Viv, and Caro.”

  “Thank you for being concerned. I’m not certain what to do, but I hope Viv is able to get away.”

  “After you and Caro escaping, it’s unlikely. He’ll be watching her carefully.”

  “I’m sure that’s true, but he may be alone. That will make things harder. I wish we could close in on him.”

  “Grams?” Caro entered the room rubbing her eyes. “Did anything happen?”

  “No, sweet child. Only Azrael made it here and the guys split up.”

  “Can we hunt them down now?” Caro asked.

  She looked at her granddaughter, strong and fearless. “It’s not that simple. Even if we find them, they’ve gotten ahead of us. We will find them, but it will take time. Once we do, I hope we can get sent to them magically.”

  “You’re kidding?’ Azrael said looking pale.

  “The witches can do a lot. If we find them, under the right circumstances they can send us to them.” She admitted.

  “Is it like flying?” Caro asked.

  “Not exactly. We’ll be alright whether we go or not. For now, we are still playing the waiting game.” She admitted. “Maybe if you meditate, you can feel closer to her?”

  “Does that work?” Azrael asked.

  “Some people feel like it does. Caro has always been sensitive to the thoughts of others. She and her mom are also very close. It can make a difference.” She explained.

  “Let me take Caro somewhere quiet.” Dru offered. The two young ladies left and she felt herself crash. “Do we know anything new?”

  “I wasn’t hiding anything from you. All I want to do is help.” Azrael held his hands out in front of him in the age old sign of surrender.

  That male was acting different than usual. “I’m sure you are. But the need to take action is hard to ignore.” Waiting was the hardest part.

  “I’m sure it won’t be long, but we want to make sure we head after the one that has Viv.” Azrael pointed out calmly.

  Not usually the one chomping at the bit, this was an exception. They had her sweet Viv, her daughter and she knew the guys were simpletons. Anything could go wrong. Here they were wringing their hands while God knows what was happening out there to Viv. After they talked a while, Dru and Caro came back with Caro looking a little calmer. The talk continued.

  “They won’t hurt her, not on purpose. There’s someone waiting for her that would kill them if they did.” Danny pointed out.

  “Yes, the male who thinks it’s okay to buy a mate!” She snapped. “I’m sorry, Danny. You’re not the one I’m angry at.”

  “I know you’re upset, Maddie. But you don’t understand that some of these alphas have waited hundreds of years for someone to lead at their side. They want their fated one, but many fear they may have died before they were able to find them. White wolves have been said in the past to be able to act like a fated mate to the one they’re with. Is it true? Hard to say, but our alphas are so desperate they want to believe it.” Azrael admitted.

  “You’re not like that. I’ve met many older alphas that seem happy to play the field. It’s not right to try to bend others to your will. He also may find his balls crammed up his throat if he messes with my Viv.” She added.

  “I’m sure you could do it, but what if they’re already mated?” Azrael asked.

  She giggled. “I didn’t mean me. I meant Viv. She was a wild one in her youth and I’ve seen signs of her spirit coming back.”

  “You never tell me any of those stories.” Caro complained.

  “I did when you were little. Your mom was afraid it would influence you to act up and asked me not to tell you anymore.”

  “That’s not fair.” Caro whined.

  “Life isn’t fair.” She said and she knew she sounded unsure. In her past she’d always said it was what you made it. Viv hadn’t always shared that view. Maybe because her father had died young. That had been one thing none of them had been able to control.

  “You don’t believe that either, Grams. It’s people that aren’t fair.” Caro said.

  Danny moved to the door where a man waited for him. They spoke in excited tones that she would be able to hear if she were a paranormal. Azrael listened in shamelessly then stood. She suspected they were about to go. When Danny came back in, he looked at her.

  “They believe they’ve found them. You’ll only be two hours behind them. In their effort to lose those following them, they must have waited somewhere. Here’s a stone that will show you if you are catching up or going the wrong way. It uses green for closer and red for further away.” Danny explained. “Please be careful.”

  “I will my sweet boy.” She kissed Danny’s cheek and heard a snarl. It was Azrael who looked out of sorts. She ignored him. “Where are they?”

  “About an hour and a half into Illinois. Looks like they’re headed to Springfield. I’ll call Will and if she’s home, she can try to cut them off.” Danny offered.

  “It’s hard to tell with her, but maybe we’ll get lucky.” Someone brought her and Caro’s bags That Azrael had gotten for them to them. “Thank you.” She said to everyone. It was time to go.

  Azrael escorted them out to his SUV. It was a large one that could hold eight comfortably. Diniel was outside waiting. “You should have come in and met Danny.” She observed.

  “I would have if I’d known it was going to be a while.” Diniel said.

  “Here.” Azrael said. “You and Caro will be in the back keeping an eye on the radio and the map while I drive and Maddie watches the stone.”

  “Thanks a lot.” Diniel replied. “After you, sweet Caro.” Her granddaughter got in followed by Diniel. She got in in the passenger seat and Azrael got in ready to drive. They took off without wasting any more time.

  Watching the stone, is stayed the same as they drove along at high rates of speed. “Aren’t you worried about getting stopped?” She asked.

  “My SUV is spelled. It cost a pretty penny, but it’s worth it.” Azrael explained.

  “It’s invisible?” She asked.

  “No, that wouldn’t be safe. To others it just seems to be going slower than it is. Radar bounces off and shows nothing. Only a witch might recognize it for what it is.” He admitted.

  Looking at the speedometer, they were going over a hundred miles an hour. He exuded confidence as he drove so she said nothing else. Hopefully they would catch up in a few hours. Viv was what was on her mind. Those idiotic youngsters hadn’t fed them or ask if they needed the bathroom. The guys weren’t mean, just thoughtless and inexperienced.

  That wasn’t a good combination in kidnappers. Viv may have pissed all over herself and she was probably hungry and thirsty. Her hands may have gone to sleep from being behind her and handcuffed. Those thoughts were making her feel guilty as hell. Viv should have been the one that got away, not her.

  “Sometimes things happen for a reason.” Azrael observed. “Don’t feel guilty, you could have all been stuck with those guys.”

  “You a mind reader?�

  He chuckled. “No, you just look lost in thought and the thoughts aren’t hard to guess. It’s what most people would be thinking. No way to help worrying, but don’t feel guilty. Caro said Viv was in the back in the middle. Her odds of escape weren’t good. If you could ask her right now, she’d probably be happy the two of you made it.”

  “I know you’re right. She’s a loving mother and daughter, but I wanted her to get away. Caro and I split up to distract them hoping she’d have a chance too. It makes me feel like a lousy mother.” She sighed heavily.

  “Maybe there’s a reason for all this, a lesson to be learned? We never know what fate has in mind for us. I didn’t think there was a reason for us to move to Missouri, but a few of my people have already found happiness. None of the others have minded the move once they found a place to live.” He admitted.

  “I like it and so has my family so far.” Diniel tossed in.

  “So far? You have more family coming?” She asked.

  “Many of us older cats have several siblings. I have a brother and two sisters. Cats don’t have the sex disparity the wolves do. Male and female numbers are close, we just can’t find fated mates among our own kind. It’s weird and no one seems to understand it.” Diniel explained.

  “Is it possible that your kind bred among other kinds so much that your mates are spread out among them?” She asked. Talking helped distract her from her concern over Viv.

  “It’s possible, but we fear mating other kinds will make ours disappear.”

  “Will it though if they have some of your blood in them?” She asked.

  “That depends on how much and how strong. A white wolf with cat blood would be strong enough to produce cubs similar to full bloods. A human with just a trace might not change and the cubs would be as halflings. If they didn’t keep breeding back to full or nearly full bloods, their offspring would be weak.” He noted. “Now halflings breeding together would produce more halflings which would be acceptable.”

  “Can you really plan who a cat mates with? Would you forego fated mates thinking you knew better than fate?” She asked.

  “No, I’m speaking of those who choose because they can’t find their fated one. That happens too often in our race. Many older cats are unmated because we can’t find our match. We fear the worst will happen or we’ll be pushed into a match. Poor Azrael draws in many desperate females, but he refuses to take less than his perfect one.” He teased.

  Azrael glanced at Diniel in the rearview mirror and she caught the look. He wasn’t pleased and Diniel shut up immediately. “What is your opinion?” She asked Azrael.

  “I believe we should wait until we fear we may be too old to reproduce before we settle for less. If the goddess is testing us, many of our kind are failing the test.” He admitted.

  “We don’t recognize our fated ones like you do.” She replied.

  “Was your husband your fated one?” He asked.

  “I don’t know if he was what you would call my fated one, but I loved him dearly. We had a beautiful family and he made me happy while he was with us.” She answered.

  Chapter 7

  Fated Love

  It was just what every male wanted to hear from the female he’d finally admitted, to himself anyway, was his fated one. He was stubborn, that was true but she might have him beat. She’d shown no signs of realizing what he’d finally accepted. The signs were all there, but she ignored them just like he had.

  The difference was she continued to ignore them while he’d finally given in. Maddie was beautiful and she didn’t let him get by with a thing. Maybe that was what he needed. “What are you doing?” He asked as he watched her make a call.

  “I’m seeing if Will made it home in time to catch them as they passed.” She admitted. “Will?”

  “Yes, is this Maddie?”

  “It is.”

  “I’m sorry. They must have found another route or slipped past somehow. The guys were searching cars on the main highways.”

  “That’s okay. They probably knew what we’d do.” Maddie assured.

  What do you suggest now?”

  “When you get here, let’s go to the location we think they’re headed. They’ll show up and we’ll nab them.” Will said.

  “That sounds good. I need to know Viv is safe. Caro is suffering not knowing what is going on.”

  “We’ll get things fixed up. Tell our girl not to worry.” Will urged.

  “We’re maybe two hours out. I can’t wait to see you guys.” Maddie observed.

  They hung up and Azrael gave the conversation some thought. “Is Will the military one?”

  “Yes, she’s mated to a powerful vampire and a pack alpha. She’s a force of nature that can’t be contained.” Maddie grinned as she answered.

  “Isn’t her sister also in a similar mating?”

  “She is and Laurel has powers I hope we won’t have to use. They aren’t completely stable. The Wood siblings are all pretty amazing. I don’t see the others as much as Will and Laurel.”

  “Willow? Wood names?”

  “Yes, their mother is eccentric. She’s also controlling but it hasn’t worked for her. I’m not sure what runs through their blood, but it’s a powerful combination. Will can kick ass with the best of them and Laurel has magic, strong magic. She was messed with though. After adding her mating she has wolf and strong vampire mixed with goddess knows what.”

  “Don’t most white wolves have a mix of things?” He asked.

  “There was a time I would have told you no, but with all the cousins mated to cats that turned into the same cat after mating, I’ll admit I have no idea. My cousin Billie Jean disappeared years ago, but she always said magic attracts magic. Looks like she’s been proven right over and over.” Maddie admitted. “She was pretty magical herself. I often wonder where she ended up because I feel deep inside that she’s still alive.”

  “Your cousin sounds wise. Witches have some similar sayings.” Azrael admitted. “Personally, I stay away from magic at least the fluid kind.”

  “Will is more about strength and speed. She’s smart and capable. She can kick anyone’s ass.” Maddie assured.

  “Good to know. I’ll try to keep my mouth shut around her.” He offered.

  “I put the address in. It says we’ll be there in about an hour now. They’ll be waiting.”

  Will sounded like a superwoman. It made him a little nervous about meeting her. Hopefully, her mind would be on those who’d taken Viv. If so, they would get along fine. These white wolves were something else. Looking at the GPS, he saw they were thirty minutes away but he knew at the speed they were going they would be there sooner.

  In the back, Diniel and Caro were talking quietly with only a word here and there loud enough to hear. He wanted a distraction since his mate was driving him crazy. Now all he wanted was to get there and get this done. Once Viv was back, he intended to pursue his mate relentlessly.

  “The turn is coming up. Their community is slightly off the highway.” Maddie informed.

  He caught the turn and saw the community or at least part of it. There was a small hotel, a café, a gas station, and bar. There was also a fruit stand that was deserted right now. “What do we do now?”

  “We go to the café and order something to eat while we wait for them to join us.” Caro said. Evidently she’d been here before too.

  He parked and they all headed into the café where a waitress seated them. “I know you two ladies. Will is on her way. What can I get you while you wait?”

  “How about the special?” Maddie asked and everyone agreed.

  “You like meatloaf?” He asked.

  “The one they make here is good.” She observed.

  The food came quick and he had to admit with his first taste is as good. Their waitress seemed to be a witch. Every time she came near his hair stood on end. “They have a lot of witches here?” He asked.

  “Their pack is a mix with more witches than most. They have
a handful of vampires too. If those asking are good people, they never turn them down. It’s a pack with heart.” Maddie explained.

  He would say that pack was brave. Most shifters were fearful of fluid magic users. They didn’t have a witch a one in their leap, but none had asked for protection nor had any witch mates been found among his people. He didn’t know what he’d say if one of his people found a witch mate. It was his belief one should always be fair and taking in a needy witch would be a good deed, but taking in a witch mate, wasn’t that a requirement? Fear was no good reason to reject someone, yet it was the reason many did. It was a mute issue right now, but things had changed so much lately he wondered if it would come up. They were moving to an area filled with witches.

  “Have you none in your group?” Maddie asked.

  “None have ever asked for asylum.”

  “Would you grant it?”

  “That would depend on the circumstances. I hope I would be fair. Shifters do fear witch’s magic, but maybe we would overcome that.” He observed.

  Glancing toward the door, he saw a woman with black hair, a male with blond hair, and a brown haired male. “Will, you dyed your hair again. It looks good, but your red is better.” Caro said.

  Will was attractive and her underlying scent was both wolf and vampire. Her demeanor was easy going, but her eyes held strength and control. This female was a leader. “I’m Will and these are my mates.” She took stock of him and how close he was to her cousin. “How goes it Maddie?”

  “It’ll be better when Viv is back.” She said. The blond one gave Maddie a hug. “Nice to see you Dare.” The other mate gave her a hug too. “You doing well, Nicky?”

  “It’s not bad. There’s been a baby boom and sleep is hard to get, but everything is fine otherwise.” Nicky explained.

  “Don’t listen to him. We take turns sitting up with the babies.” Dare insisted.

  “I bet they’re adorable.” Maddie smiled as she commented.

  “Here comes the bird.” Will observed. A huge helicopter was circling in for a landing.

  “We’ll get there fast.” Dare noted.


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