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Sons of Justice 3: Love Unexpected (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Page 8

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Okay,” she said, and he eased up and rolled to his back. Bubba lifted her up, kissed her and then placed her on all fours on the bed. She lowered down, easing her palms up Thor’s body. She looked like a natural seductress, and as she came closer and her eyes zeroed in on his cock, he gripped her hair and she batted her eyes before she opened her mouth and took his cock in.

  He exhaled. The sensations were overwhelming. Like nothing he ever felt before, and he closed his eyes and moaned.

  She tightened up and he blinked his eyes open.

  “Oh, her asshole is real sensitive,” Bubba said, and then she moaned and rocked her hip.

  “That’s right, Bo. You fuck my fingers good and fast. Let that orgasm come. Give it to me. We own all your orgasms, honey. Every fucking one of them,” Bubba said and rocked against her body, using his fingers as if they were his cock. The sensations and the rhythm sent Thor over the edge and he came in her mouth. She sucked and licked him, but then Bubba pulled her up into his arms, fell onto his back on the bed, and she straddled him, kissing him right back.

  * * * *

  Bubba ran his hands along her sexy body. He was overwhelmed with desire to claim her, protect her and be her provider. She was strikingly beautiful in every aspect.

  He rocked his hips and she pulled from his mouth. She held his gaze and then kissed his chest, her eyes glued to his as she made her way down his body and right to his cock. He gripped her hair and she took him immediately into her mouth. Channing moved in behind her. She moaned, the sensation making Bubba’s cock thicken.

  “So tight and wet. Come all over my fingers, sweetness. Come for me, for your men,” he said, and she rocked her hips, sucked harder and faster, and Bubba lost it and came. He was panting when she eased up only for Channing to pull her onto his chest right next to Bubba. “I need, too,” Channing said, and she eased down Channing’s body. Bubba rolled to his side and caressed her hair and back. She looked at him, her full breasts hanging down, her round tight ass sticking out behind her, and those seductive eyes did him in.

  “Suck my brother’s cock, baby. Learn his scent, and then you’re next to come some more,” Bubba said. He gripped her hair and eased her head lower and lower. She allowed him control. Her natural submissiveness did a number to each of them as Thor and Philippe moaned.

  She opened her mouth, glanced at Bubba who winked, and then up at Channing.

  “Don’t tease me, baby,” Channing said and she eased her mouth over Channing’s cock and began to suck him down. Up and down she bobbed her head, learning quickly what turned her men on and made them come. Bubba watched, eased his palm back and forth over her ass, and imagined having her in their bed between them every morning and every night. He wanted that. He didn’t want to let her leave here, and he certainly didn’t want her ever going back to that job of hers. There was more to discuss, but later.

  “Oh shit, Bo. That feels incredible. Oh yeah, just like that. Faster baby, I’m so close. Fuck,” he said and came in her mouth.

  She swallowed and then suckled along his shaft and then eased her mouth off of Channing’s cock.

  Channing cupped her cheeks. “So beautiful,” he said and kissed her.

  * * * *

  “You’re not going,” Bubba said to her, and pulled her back between his legs, his palms over her ass squeezing her to him. They were all gathered around the kitchen after making dinner together. It was late and she needed to get home to shower then rest. She would have to go into work tomorrow.

  “I have to Bubba,” she said and cupped his cheeks. He had a scowl on his face and held her gaze.

  “No, you don’t. Mail the fucking resignation in, or e-mail it. You have grounds to do so after what your father did,” Channing added.

  She looked at him and at Thor with his arms crossed in front of his chest and Philippe sitting at the table, holding a beer bottle and looking so angry.

  “That would be running, showing weakness and fear. I’m not doing that. My father won’t be there anyway. I’ll hand my resignation in and then organize a replacement. It will take the week or so. There are interviews to conduct for bartenders and for a new manager, but I won’t stay for that especially if they give me a hard time.”

  “I don’t like it,” Channing stated.

  “Channing, please.” She stepped back only for Bubba to pull her close, but this time she straddled his one leg and he gave her ass a tap.

  “Rules, remember?”

  She exhaled. Thank God she hadn’t mentioned Travis and Lance to them. They wouldn’t let her leave their home. She needed to handle this and stand her ground. She felt more confident because she had these four men, her guardians in her corner. She cupped Bubba’s cheeks.

  “This is what I’ll do. I’ll text you guys throughout the day, so you know I’m okay. Then when I leave work, we’ll go see Spartan and then Cesar and Tobias, or whomever else we need to see so everyone knows that you’re my guardians and I accept you,” she said and caressed his cheeks. Bubba squinted at her. He squeezed her hips. “I can tell you’re going to need a lot of discipline,” he said to her.

  She lowered her mouth closer to his. “And I am certain you and your team are up for the job, Bartholomew.” She said his real name and kissed him, hearing the others chuckle in the background. She knew he preferred Bubba, but she was trying to lighten the moment. These men were very intense and it was going to take a lot to get used to.

  An hour later when she lay alone in bed, she wondered if she had made a mistake and should have stayed the night with them. She liked them a lot, but she didn’t want to misconstrue her emotions. She was in a fragile state this morning, she shared so much with the men and they were kind, compassionate and giving. They took their time with her, knew her secrets and that she was a virgin, and they didn’t seem to want to rush her. They wanted her to be positive and she loved that they respected her so. Now that she was without them, she pondered over going to work tomorrow. She felt a hell of a lot stronger with them present.

  She shook her head. She wasn’t going to be the kind of woman that relied on her men for everything. She would become like Sally. Spoiled, insincere, self-centered and lazy. No, she had a lot of things to do and focus on. She would hand in her resignation, set the ball rolling to look for investment property, and a location for her store and start making concrete plans to make it happen. Somehow knowing she had Bubba, Thor, Philippe, and Channing in her corner made it a hell of a lot more exciting and possible.

  * * * *

  “Whatever you do, don’t let her hand in that resignation. We’ve taken our time with her. She’s angry. Corey and Jake said it sounded like her father struck her several times, and then the mother. Yorn is a crazy fuck, but he’s controllable and that’s where Dad wants him to be,” Lance told Travis.

  “This is fucking bullshit, her wanting to quit. We’ve wanted her in our bed, know she’s a virgin, and now we’re going to lose the opportunity to fuck her,” Travis stated.

  “There’s more at stake here. Her cousin London is taking over operations with this new dealer coming into town. We don’t have the time to waste trying to train someone else, and Sally is no use to us. Corey and Jake are at their wit’s end. Fucking other women doesn’t help either,” Lance stated.

  “I knew that was a bad situation to begin with. Don’t know why our old man agreed with it,” Travis said.

  “Sally was throwing herself at Corey and Jake. Dad’s eyes have been on Bo from the start for us, but then Sally got knocked up. I swear that bitch knew our cousins were using her for sex. Stupid them for not wearing a fucking condom.”

  “Yeah, well they’re stuck, and now our chance with Bo is ruined.”

  “Not necessarily, Travis. She’s sweet and she is shy. No experience with men and that’s where we come in. This is how we’re going to play it. We’ll be supportive and understanding. Make her think that we had no idea her father was an abusive dick. She’ll trust us, then, when the time is right
, we take what we want. We bring her to the estate in Miami for a couple of weeks. Fill her with our seed and she comes back pregnant and under our control. Her father has her so scared and under his thumb like Sally that Bo will comply. She won’t want to embarrass the family. She’ll marry us and Dad will be happy.”

  “But what if we aren’t? What if we get bored, or she gets fat and lazy like Sally?” Travis said.

  “We do what every other husband we know does. We get a few mistresses. It will work out fine, though I have to say, I don’t think Bo will get fat or has a lazy bone in that sexy little body she has. I think it will work out fine,” Lance said, and Travis nodded. “I’m game. Haven’t had a virgin in a while. Makes me feel like playing cat and mouse,” he said and rubbed his hands together.

  Lance chuckled. “Be at the top of your game. Patience is still key. Let’s lay the ground work, and she won’t know what hit her when the time is right.”

  * * * *

  Bo was sitting at her desk typing on the computer and also organizing the first few interviews for new bartenders. Travis and Lance were nowhere in sight, and she handed her resignation letter into London who shook his head, and then tried forcing her to not submit it. He threatened her and told her that her father was going to flip his lid, and she said she didn’t care. That he had no control over her and she wasn’t winding up like Sally.

  She stopped typing and then texted the guys to let them know that everything was okay so far. She smiled as they each texted back. Philippe with a thumbs up sign. Channing with a wink emoji. Thor with the words good, keep us up to date, and Bubba with an angry face emoji, obviously still pissed off that she came here to work. She felt her gut clench, but then thought about later today and going to see Cesar and Spartan. She was accepting the men as guardians.

  Her phone buzzed and she laughed as she read the text from Mercy.

  My brother and his team???? We need to talk. Tonight, or are you attached by the hip to him and his team? Call me.

  She smiled and then jumped when she heard the voice.

  “Funny text message?” Lance asked, walking into the room.

  “Yup,” she said and then put it back into her purse. She lifted her fingers to the keyboard and tried to get back on track to finishing up the form she needed to do.

  “So you handed in a resignation letter? Why?” he asked.

  She finished the last few lines and then stared at the screen and spell-check to make sure everything was correct. “I have plans. My own goals and things I want to accomplish. It’s time to leave Percy’s,” she said to him. He sat on the edge of her desk. She hit send and then filed the letter where it belonged, and then reached for her bottle of water. Lance stopped her and touched her hand. She looked up at him, concerned at what he may do.

  “I think you’re overreacting,” he said and she pulled back, rolled her eyes, and then started doing busy work.

  “Okay, so maybe not overreacting. You’re a sweet, smart woman, and you can do anything you want to do, it’s just that we like having you here. You’ve improved the place, and anything you involve yourself in shows the results of your hard work.”

  “Thank you, but I’m not retracting the letter. It’s time, and I did give two weeks, and a few days if it’s really necessary. I’ll help find a replacement if you want, and of course, bartenders. In fact, the first three are coming in today, an hour apart,” she said to him.

  He exhaled and she looked up at him as he leaned on her desk with one leg.

  “It will work out. Most importantly my concern is over you, Bo.” She stood up and went to move to grab the forms she would need to give the bartenders they interviewed. He took her hand gently and placed his other hand on her hip. She tightened up.

  “I understand why you’re so angry and distrusting. I didn’t get it before. Travis and I didn’t realize your father was abusive,” he said, shocking her. The tears instantly filled her eyes.

  Travis walked in and he locked gazes with her, eyed her over but his angry expression softened.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked coming closer.

  “I was just talking to Bo about what we heard. That we didn’t know her dad was abusive,” Lance said, and looked back at her.

  “I don’t want to talk about it,” she said and went to move, but Lance held her firmly.

  “Corey and Jake were pissed off. They heard what happened in the kitchen. We understand your outrage, and if you’re sure this is really what you want then we understand,” he told her. She was shocked. That guard of hers lowered slightly. “It’s not that I hate this. I know I helped a lot, but it’s the environment. They want me to take over London’s job, and that’s the part I hate. I can’t stand drunk, horny guys shooting their mouths and hitting on everything in a skirt.”

  Travis touched her shoulder. “Baby, you’re gorgeous, it kind of comes with the territory.” He caressed her shoulder and back, hitting the bruising and she gasped and tightened. Both men scowled.

  “You’re hurt?” Lance asked.

  She gave him a sideways expression and then exhaled.

  “Son of a bitch. He hit you in the back? Where the fuck else?” Travis asked and placed his hand on her hip. She felt uncomfortable having them touch her. Especially after what she shared with her guardians.

  She pushed his hand off of her.

  “I’ll be fine. Bruises heal,” she said to them.

  “This is bullshit,” Travis stated.

  “Travis, she got away from him and she won’t go back to her parents, I’m certain,” Lance said.

  “Never. I don’t ever want to see them again.”

  Lance caressed her arm and her hip. “You don’t need to. We would appreciate it if you stayed on for a couple of weeks while we hire new bartenders and find a new assistant manager. I think our father has someone in mind, but she’ll need some training so she can run this place as efficiently as you did, or close to it. Can you do that for us?” Lance asked. He was being so calm and kind, so was Travis.

  “Okay. I’ll stay for that period of time, but no tricks, Lance. I won’t be forced into it or persuaded.”

  “We appreciate it, and if you ever need anything just call us. Especially if it’s with your dad. Now that we know he’s abusive, we don’t want you anywhere near him.”

  “No problem there.”

  Just then there was a knock on the office door and one of the wait staff peeked in. “Someone here to interview for the bartending position,” she said.

  “Oh, perfect. You guys ready for this?” Bo asked. They both smiled at her. “Lead the way, and let’s hope we find good ones quickly,” Lance said as she grabbed her cell phone from her purse, the clipboard with forms, and then headed out with Lance and Travis along with her. That went way better than expected.

  Chapter Three

  When Bo came to her front door Thor hadn’t expected to see her in her work attire. Medium length black skirt, high heeled designer black boots, a tight brown sweater that accentuated her large breasts, and her hair all done up, makeup, and jewelry. She looked fucking hot, classy, and sexy. Too fucking sexy to be wearing at a dance hall and office.

  His buddies greeted her with kisses, hugs and twirls in their arm, but he, however, stared at her arms crossed and felt pissed. She stopped smiling and then squinted at him.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “You wore that to work?” he asked her.

  Her serious face disappeared.

  “You like it?” she asked and twirled around.

  “What’s not to like?” Channing asked.

  “How about other men hitting on her, checking out her ass in that tight skirt. Can’t you wear baggy clothes? Something unappealing to the eyes?” he asked.

  “Bubba,” she said his name and went to him, pushed his arms apart and wrapped them around her waist.

  “I didn’t wear this to work. I got here, changed quickly and put it on just for you,” she said to him.

ou did?” he asked, feeling a little better.

  “No,” she teased and he lifted her up with a hand on her lower back nearly to her ass, and then gripped her hair under her head and covered her mouth, kissing her. He didn’t stop kissing her, caressing her and absorbing the fact that she was in his arms, safe and sound until he lowered her to her couch. When he finally released her lips, he pressed her wrists above her head with one hand and reprimanded her.

  “You’re a little wise ass, huh?”

  She giggled. “You looked so mean and serious. I wanted to make you laugh.”

  “You made us laugh,” Thor said, and they all gathered around her in the living room.

  “I’m sorry, Bubba. I just wanted you to know there’s no need to feel jealous or worried. I can handle things, and work went very well, all things considered.”

  He released her hands, but kept straddling her waist on the couch. He slid his hand up under her sweater and she didn’t try to stop him. He loved that she was submissive and accepting already.

  “So it’s done? No going back?” Channing asked as Bubba slid his palm up under her sweater and cupped her breast.

  “Not exactly.” She sighed in a soft moan.

  “What do you mean not exactly?” Philippe asked.

  “I need to stay on for the two weeks. I promised I would help find a replacement and also bartenders. Two weeks and I’m done. They were actually surprised to learn that my dad was abusive and that he struck me. It was crazy how shocked they were.”

  “Don’t trust them. You don’t know how strong your dad’s pull is there. I thought you were leaving for good,” Bubba said and pulled his hand away from her breast. She grabbed it and placed it back under her sweater, making him chuckle.

  “I didn’t say I trusted them. I’m just saying it wasn’t a shit show. So, what’s the plan for tonight?” she asked.

  “I can think of a few ways to spend the next hour before we’re scheduled to meet with Cesar in town,” Bubba said and then eased down off the couch, shifted her legs, and then slid his palms up her skirt to her panties, thinking she wasn’t wearing any, and then finding the tiny thongs.


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