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Sons of Justice 3: Love Unexpected (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Page 9

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “You need fuller underwear to wear to work,” he said, and then pulled off her panties and tossed them onto the table.

  “Why is that?” she asked him, and he spread her thighs and looked at her glistening cunt.

  “So I don’t think of you wearing sexy panties while working at a bar,” he said and lowered down and licked her pussy. She gripped the couch, but then his brothers joined in. Channing pushed her sweater up, and then he and Thor began to feast on her breasts.

  Philippe sat down on the coffee table.

  “I’m next, and then we’ll feed our little goddess and bring her back here for some more loving,” Philippe said, and Bubba continued to make Bo moan, but his heart was still heavy and his gut filled with concern. He wouldn’t feel good until she was out of that job and safely here with them.

  * * * *

  “Well, do you think it will work?” Burt Percy asked his sons, Lance and Travis.

  “Not sure. She was definitely thrown off by our support,” Lance said.

  “She also seemed more accepting to our touch, didn’t you notice she didn’t pull away?” Travis asked.

  “She’s sweet and naive, just makes me feel protective in a way,” Lance said.

  “I knew she would be perfect for the two of you to share. She’s smart, too, and will be trainable. You need a trainable woman and wife, unlike that bitch Sally. Your cousins are at their wit’s end with her. Their father called me an hour ago. They want out of the marriage and they want custody of the babies. They’re just waiting for the newest to be born, and then they’re getting attorneys involved,” Burt told them.

  “Shit, isn’t that going to cause some problems?” Lance asked.

  “Yorn is a fucking pussy.”

  “I wouldn’t say that dad. He struck Bo several times and hurt her pretty badly. She cringed from the pain,” Lance said to him.

  “She disobeyed him. You may be inflicting some pain on her yourselves to train her properly and make sure she’s an obedient wife. Take it from me, it’s necessary or they’ll spend all your hard earned money and they won’t put out anymore. Bo is special. I considered bedding her myself, and staking a claim early on, but she was better suited for the two of you. You’re closer to her age. Besides, my hands are full with the others. I don’t need more headaches,” Burt said and then leaned back in the chair.

  “We need to make sure this happens. It’s Yorn that had the connection to this dealer we’re working with now. I made a promise, a deal and exchange, you two would marry Bo bringing her into our family, her father got me connected to this dealer and also put London into a top position in this operation. Which I’m fine with because London has his shit together and he knows I own his ass. The same will be said for Bo. Now, don’t wait too long. She’s a very attractive young woman and she goes out more often now. You don’t want to miss the opportunity.”

  * * * *

  “She is going to ruin everything. That stupid bitch. How could she hand in her resignation after my warning? How?” Yorn yelled and his wife snuck lower to the floor by the bed. He had already struck her, blaming her for allowing Bo to move into her own place.

  “Sally is with Corey and Jake, isn’t that enough?” she asked.

  “No. It isn’t enough. Sally is weak and has become spoiled and uncaring, even for her own babies. Once Sally has the baby, Corey and Jake are going to leave her, take custody of the two babies and she’ll be finished. She’s a complete disappointment.”

  “Oh no. No, Yorn, you can’t let that happen.”

  “Oh, it will happen and it’s out of my control. I made a deal with Burt Percy, and I will make sure that deal comes through, even if Bo needs to be taken kicking and screaming. She’s embarrassing me and this family. We had a plan and she is trying to destroy it.”

  “I don’t understand,” Maisey whispered.

  “I thought you were happy that Sally married into the Percy family. She did as you asked and she got pregnant.”

  “Then she got stupid and greedy. Now she’ll suffer. Bo was always better than her, smarter than Sally, and stronger. She would make a great wife to any of the Percy men, or to all of them.”

  “All of them?”

  “Whatever they want. Burt adores her.”

  “And Sally?”

  “Sally is finished, and when she has that baby and those men take them and leave her, she’s out of here. On her own, and good ridden.”

  * * * *

  “Okay, spill the beans. That must have been one hell of a hiking trip,” Mercy said to Bo. Bo nibbled her bottom lip, smiling then glancing toward her guardians. Mercy’s men were standing with them talking and congratulating her guardians on staking a claim to Bo. Bo was thrilled and couldn’t stop smiling.

  “It was crazy, and I almost canceled.”

  “Canceled? Why?”

  She held Mercy’s gaze. “The morning after the Filling Station, I had to go to lunch at my parents’ house.”

  “Oh boy, what happened? Was your sister there?”

  “Oh yeah, she was in rare form. I felt terribly for Lilly. That poor baby only gets loving from her fathers, which is surprising because they’re pretty much unfaithful to Sally.”

  “From what you told me, Kendra, Sam, and Laci, she’s very self-centered and lazy. Basically, you were right about her pushing the job off to you and not temporarily.”

  “Definitely not. I don’t want to hate her or anything, but we’re just too opposite. I would be there if she needed me, even though she wouldn’t do the same. Some people are just needier than others. I don’t know.”

  Mercy covered Bo’s hand and squeezed it. “You’re a good person. Most don’t think that way. So what else happened that made you nearly blow off my brother and his team,’ Mercy asked and winked.

  Bo rubbed her temple and then turned her back toward the men. “Corey and Jake were there, too, and they were getting pissed at Sally, and tried to get her to change the baby’s diaper, but then Sally asked me to. Anyway, they got annoyed and my mom went because my dad and the guys needed to talk to me about the dance hall.”

  “Oh no, now what?”

  “Freaking London had been sick and I covered his management position when needed, and you know I hate it.”

  “Sure, you mentioned the slimy guys hitting on you and the responsibility and late nights.”

  “Yes, well, there’s some kind of new business venture happening and Mr. Percy wants London to run it or something, and they wanted me to run the bar and dance hall.”


  “Yeah. I know, totally the worse thing ever. Meanwhile, I’ve been wanting to give my resignation and start looking to do my own thing and not be around those people anymore. My family is terrible and I don’t need to see them ever again.” Tears stung her eyes and she looked away.

  “What happened? Did your father threaten you again?” Mercy asked, knowing a little background about what happened in her childhood. They shared their experiences with their fathers being beyond firm.

  “It got bad, quickly,” she said and glanced behind her. Philippe narrowed his eyes, and she smiled softly then looked away from him.

  “Tell me.”

  Bo explained everything from the beginning to defying her father’s orders to getting struck and threatened by him.

  “That bastard. Damn, you should have pressed charges.”

  “Like you did?”

  Mercy exhaled.

  “Okay, so you got the hell out of there, wrote your resignation letter, and then hung out with Channing, Bubba, Thor, and Philippe, and fell in love. Now you can leave that job, and put your father and sister behind you.”

  “One, I didn’t say I love them. I just had a first date and we enjoyed one another’s company.”

  “Honey, it’s ménage. It doesn’t go by traditional dates. If you haven’t given them your virginity yet, you will very soon. They can’t take their eyes off of you, and Thor just stopped two guys from approaching you.�

  “What?” she asked and turned to see that two stools remained clear next to her and Mercy.

  “You’ll get used to it. I assume you told them about what happened.”

  “Yes, and they were angry and even more protective, and Bubba has been constantly expressing his displeasure.”

  “Awe, they are so big. All of them, and you’re such a peanut. Of course they’re protective. So now that you’re done with the job you can focus on getting to know them better, and working on making your dreams a reality.”

  “Not quite yet. I have two more weeks to work at the dance hall.

  “No. Seriously, Bo, why?”

  “Because it’s the professional thing to do, and well, my bosses need me to assist in finding not only new bartenders, but training the assistant manager. They were actually pretty understanding and were shocked at my father’s behavior.”

  “This the same two guys that have been hitting on you and making it clear they want to take your virginity?” she asked.

  “I didn’t say I trusted them. I said they were understanding and didn’t act like they would go crazy. They seemed shocked that my father had done what he did. It doesn’t matter because I’ll be finished soon. Plus, if I can get these bartenders hired and then new manager trained, then it’s clear sailing. I’ll leave earlier.”

  “Good. You don’t need to be around people like that. So, what’s the next step in trying to achieve your dream place?”

  “Finding it?” she said and chuckled. Mercy did too, then took a sip of her drink.

  “I need to just drive around and find a good location, one that people will come to, and also one that provides the peacefulness and quiet I’m imagining. So in town really wouldn’t work at all.”

  “I’m sure you’ll find the right place, and you’ll know it when you spot it.”

  “I hope so, I—”

  Bo stopped talking as she spotted Corey and Jake coming from the back restaurant with two women. They were smiling and heading toward the bar, and Bo stood up to look as they headed straight toward her, and Corey saw her first, then Jake.

  They looked a bit surprised, but not shocked and the two women, blondes, clung to their arms.

  “Bo, wow, what are you doing here?” Corey asked and Jake asked the two women to give them a minute, and the two women smiled and then headed to the ladies room. Corey bent down to kiss Bo and then Jake did.

  “I would ask you that, too, kind of away from your neck of the woods,” she said, and then Jake held her hand and then rubbed her arm.

  “How are you doing?” he asked and then glanced at Mercy, but at this point Bubba and Thor came over along with Philippe, Channing, Breaker, Lux, Scout, and Fort.

  “This is my friend Mercy. Mercy meet Corey and Jake Percy,” she said, and Mercy gave a small smile and said hello, but then her men were near her.

  Thor and Bubba purposely brushed by the two men, completely towering over Corey and Jake as Philippe wrapped his arm around her waist ad Channing took her hand.

  “Who are your friends, baby?” Channing asked. She had to hide her smile as Corey and Jake looked up at the four men, seemingly intimidated.

  “This is Corey and that’s Jake Percy, they’re married to my sister Sally,” she said.

  “These are my guardians. Channing, Philippe, Bubba, and Thor.”

  “Your guardians?” Jake asked. “Boyfriends,” she added, and Philippe squeezed her tighter and kissed her neck. She smiled.

  “We didn’t know you were seeing anyone,” Corey said.

  “No one asked, and well, I didn’t know you hung out at the Filling Station, my neck of the woods. Who are the blondes?” she asked.

  “Friends of ours,” Corey said.

  Jake glanced at the men and then stepped closer. “You know the deal with Sally. Things have been bad for a while.”

  “But there’s a baby coming,” she replied.

  “You saw her the other day. You don’t know what it’s like and how bad she is. It’s not what we imagined when we fell in love with her. It isn’t. It seemed perfect and then…we’re done. After the baby comes, we’re going to file for a divorce.”

  She reached out and touched both men’s hands.

  “Oh God, really? Shoot, does she know?”

  “Not yet.” She felt the hands on her hips. Even though Philippe released her slightly to show sympathy to her brother-in-laws, they still were keeping close.

  “Don’t say anything. We’re trying to get through the next couple of months, and the baby being born.”

  The two blondes were approaching and Corey told them to wait where they were. Bo glanced at the two attractive women, then Corey and Jake gave her kisses on the cheek goodnight.

  “Nice meeting you guys. Take good care of Bo, she’s perfection,” Corey said and then walked away. Bo couldn’t help but feel upset, and worried. They seemed to care for Sally and want to try and make things work, but Sally never really loved them, she was trying to trap them and she did just that and got pregnant.

  “Hey, are you okay?” Philippe asked. She nodded her head and wrapped her arms around his waist, hugging him. He squeezed her to him and then Channing rubbed her back.

  “Who were the two women if those men are married to your sister?” Thor asked.

  “Oh crap, that isn’t good,” Scout stated.

  “I don’t know, but they looked happy until they saw me.”

  “Well you busted their little cheat night,” Channing stated.

  “I suppose so,” she said, and then pulled back from Philippe’s embrace. He ran his hand over her hip and then she turned to look at Mercy.

  “So, what were we talking about?” she asked.

  “Places to set up shop,” Mercy said, and then they all started talking about her ideas and what she was looking for, and they said they would keep an eye out for something that fit her needs. She leaned back against Philippe and enjoyed another drink with her friends, thinking she sure could get used to this life. She was starting to get an idea of what happiness felt like.

  Chapter Four

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” Lance yelled at Corey.

  “No, we aren’t kidding. She has four, big, bad ass looking boyfriends. We saw them with her at the Filling Station. They were very protective, too, and her friend had multiple boyfriends as well,” Jake added.

  “She looked happy,” Corey said to them.

  “Well, that’s just so fucking nice. We’ve been holding off trying to move in on her and get her into bed, and she’s fucking four men.” Lance raised his voice then slammed his fist down on the table.

  “Listen, it must be new. We would have caught some sort of info on it. She’s a gorgeous woman and a lot of men even around here had their eyes on her. Maybe she just started seeing them.”

  “It’s a ménage with four fucking men. Of course they took her virginity by now. What fucking losers wouldn’t jump on that?” Travis said to them.

  “It’s over. It’s fucking done,” Lance said.

  “It can’t be done, Lance. Dad won’t let it end, nor will Yorn. The whole fucking deal will fall apart and we’ve got deliveries starting this week,” Travis stated.

  “What can we do?” Corey asked.

  “You may have to stick out a little longer with Sally and ease over Yorn’s original demands. He and Dad can work it out over Sally,” Lance said to them.

  “We’re not staying married to that bitch. She’s lazy and crazy, and she isn’t worth it. What’s the worst that can happen with this deal now that it’s under way, and we will all be making money soon enough?” Jake asked.

  “It’s not how the deal was supposed to happen. Dad is set on having Bo as our wife, his daughter-in-law, and the families connected. We need to tell Dad and see how he wants to handle this,” Lance said to Travis.

  “Call him now. Let him know because she’s only going to be around another week maybe. She’s been hiring bartenders and is training the new manager
. We’ll lose the window of opportunity to gain her trust and get her into bed the longer we wait,” Travis said to them.

  “Travis, she has four boyfriends. I think the window of opportunity to get her into your bed is past,” Corey said to them. They were all quiet.

  “‘I’ll call Dad, you two be ready to stick it out with Sally a bit longer. Maybe it will be enough to appease Yorn and focus on making money, not linking family bloodlines,” Lance said, and they agreed as he walked out of the bar area and went upstairs to his father’s office. Bo would be in the downstairs office momentarily. He didn’t know how this was going to go, but something told him that their father was going to be as pissed off as Lance and Travis felt. They had their eyes set on Bo. They may have missed the opportunity completely. He was pissed, and jealous, but whatever his father commanded him and Travis, they would do. Family first.

  * * * *

  Instead of heading straight home after work, Bo headed right for the men’s house. Thor had texted her saying that they were cooking dinner for her and to come straight to their place. She felt both excited and nervous. She always seemed to get this way when she was meeting them and spending time with them. Her desires, and the attraction was so strong, and last night in the shower she shaved and prepped her body in case she decided she would let them make love to her. She wanted to, and she was nervous, too, but her gut told her they were the ones and that this was the right time. She waited and hadn’t had sex with anyone else. She hadn’t done any of the things she did with the guys these last few days and nights. She wanted more, and they did, too. They were holding off for her, making sure it was Bo’s decision and not them pressuring her. They respected her and cared deeply for her, and that was enough reason to want to give them this special gift no other men would ever have but them.

  She smiled wider and got even more excited. The day went well and she didn’t think she would need to stay another week. So maybe Friday could be her last day working at the dance hall? Maybe.


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