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Seeing White

Page 29

by Charlotte E Hart

  “Ready when you are. I can’t wait to see this city.” I smile and turn my head to kiss his nose.

  “Got to love a woman that is ready and compliant as soon as she’s told.” Alex smirks.

  “Alex!” I gasp and lower my blushing face from Conner’s gaze.

  “No, no, please don’t blush for me, Beth. I like seeing him like this. It’s quite intriguing. You certainly draw out a more emotive side of him. There’s this weird touchy thing going on.” He laughs and moves across the kitchen to get his jacket. “That’s something I have never been privy to.”

  Okay, he’s never seen Alex touching anyone before? That’s just odd. Given that he’s never had a girlfriend before, though, I suppose it’s possible. But he’s definitely had women before. He must have touched them, for Christ’s sake.

  Alex chuckles beside me and pushes me towards the door at my confused frown.

  “I told you, you’re very precious to me - significant,” he whispers. It still doesn’t clarify a bloody thing but I beam back at the words and kiss him.

  “Are we leaving at any bloody point?” is Conner’s rather irritated interjection. I slide my arms from Alex’s neck and giggle at Conner’s turned back. It’s cute that he was trying to give us some space. Alex seems amused by it as well as he slaps him on the back.

  Just as we’re about to leave the courtyard, Alex’s phone rings and interrupts our laughing. He looks at the number and frowns, clearly hesitating and trying to decide whether to take it or not.

  “You okay, man?” Conner asks on the way to the courtyard doors.

  “Henry,” Alex hisses, seething with undisguised anger. I have no idea who he’s talking about but evidently it’s an irritation of some sort.

  “Cool, what’s the problem then?”

  “I need to talk to you about that.” The phone stops ringing and Alex walks up to me and puts his hands on my face, lowering so he can look into my eyes.

  “Elizabeth, I have to call him back. There is something I need to... assess. Would you mind going with Conner until I can catch up with you?” he asks tentatively.

  “No, of course not, Alex. I’m sure your hunk of a friend can keep me well entertained while you’re busy.” I smirk, and then wink.

  “Did you just wink at me?” He growls slightly.

  “Yes. Have you got a problem with that, Mr. White? I do hope not as I’m absolutely not spending my time arguing when I have a date with Rome and a rather wealthy, cute six foot four inch blue-haired genius. Who knows what we might get up to?” I wink again for added effect and smile.

  “You’ve got to love a woman with taste,” Conner muses from the side, slowly backing away nervously. “She sure knows how to push the buttons, man. You cool?”

  Is he actually nervous? It was only a joke and from what I can see, Alex looks fine - a little stiff perhaps, but fine. Bloody confusing men.

  “Yes, she does. Trouble is, she’s so damned adorable that I’ll have to let her get away with it. For now anyway.” He smiles and kisses me. “Cute? You think that’s cute?” he says, pointing toward Conner.

  “Yes, I think he’s an absolute charmer. Always have. I also think he’s a good man. I like good men. They’re morally obligated, don’t you think?” I smirk and glare slightly. That’ll hit a nerve.

  “I think you two better be on your way before I change my mind. And believe me when I say that that man has fewer morals than you might think,” he says as he turns toward Conner.

  “Hey, I’m actually fucking offended by that,” Conner replies with a frown. I’m not sure what I should think about who’s the bigger moral arsehole of the two.

  “Well, you’ll both have to prove your moral worthiness then, won’t you?” Both heads shoot to me. I smile sweetly. Alex frowns and turns back to Conner.

  “Se le succede qualcosa, ti uccidero,” he says, narrowing his eyes.

  Wow, he speaks Italian.

  “Morirei per non permettere che le succeda qualcosa, ma questo lo sai gia,” Conner replies in a soothing voice and nods at Alex.

  Wow, he speaks Italian, too.

  Conner nods and bows at me, offering his arm. “Shall we go then?” he says in a terribly English accent as I kiss Alex and he rubs his thumb along my jaw.

  “Be good. I’ll catch up as soon as I can. I’m sorry, Elizabeth,” he says, retreating back into the house and looking a little sad.

  “Hurry, I don’t want to be without you for too long. I might get withdrawals or something,” I reply loudly, trying to lift his mood again and blowing him a kiss as I walk through the doors with Conner. Nothing appears to stop the scowl that develops, though.

  “What was the Italian about?” I ask the moment we’ve left.

  “He told me he’d kill me if I let anything happen to you,” he replies, deadpan.

  “Don’t be ridiculous. He did not say that,” I return incredulously.

  “Believe me, Beth, that is exactly what he said. More importantly, he meant every single word of it. He is not a man to take lightly and my broken jaw had first-hand knowledge of that a long time ago.”

  “Oh...” What else can I say?

  “Now, where to first? How about the Piazza del Spagna? You said you wanted shopping so that’s where it’s at. There are lots of pretty little things there. There’s also some quite nice shopping. We’ll go on the scenic route.”

  “Conner, you’re incorrigible.” I smirk. “And please remember you’re trying to win my sister. You’ll need me onside for that, I think.”

  “I know, but you love me anyway. Everyone does.” I can’t stop myself from laughing at his boyish charm.

  As we wander along the small streets, Conner fills me in on the history of the city. He’s quite the authority on Rome and tells me the story of the place in intricate detail while constantly pointing out historic monuments and landmarks. The beauty and tranquillity of the quieter areas lulls me into a wonderfully relaxed frame of mind as I stare in awe at the historic buildings with their gracefully faded façades and blackened edges.

  After about an hour of walking, I realise I have been so lost in the glory of Rome and Conner’s voice that I haven’t remembered to call Belle and tell her that we arrived safely. I dig around in my bag to find my phone. Shit. I haven’t even remembered to turn the bloody thing on.

  Turning it on, I see ten missed calls and a few texts.

  “Oh bollocks,” I say rather ungraciously.

  “Problem?” Conner exclaims in a slightly worried voice.

  “I haven’t called Belle. She is going to be so pissed at me.”

  “Ah, I see. Yes, she can be rather lethal with that tongue of hers. Mind you, I quite enjoy it. Why don’t you sit your pretty arse in that coffee shop and I’ll call her? I’ve missed her amusing wit and I’m sure she’ll be happy to give some of it to me.” He points to a chair and reaches for his phone.

  “So what’s going on with the two of you anyway?” I say, smiling up at him.

  “I’m trying to persuade her that I’m in love with her and she’s being her normal fucking obstructive self, so I am being... persistent.” He smirks and moves away to make the call.

  God, he’s in love with her? That’s interesting.

  I watch for a while as his animated hand gestures and facial expressions show his pleasure and then displeasure. Bless him, she does give him a hard time.

  Ordering two coffees from a passing waiter, I cast my eyes at the Pantheon in front of me and feel my whole body give in at the warmth of the Roman sun blazing down on me. I close my eyes and daydream of Alex’s hands gently stroking my hair, all the time running my own hands across my throat and thinking of his fingers. Jesus, just thinking of his touch has me squeezing my legs together and moaning.

  Quite abruptly, a slightly strange sensation sweeps over me and I shut my eyes tighter to try and focus on it, but as soon as I do it disappears into my brain again so I shrug it off and relax, and then a familiar scent hits me.

“Un altro caffe qui per favour.”

  Keeping my eyes closed, I smile and savour the sound of his velvety voice breezing past my ear as his lips meet mine. Even in Italian, his tone is exquisite. The words roll from his mouth with a low and forceful tone. I’m sure if I open my eyes, women will be fanning themselves all around me. The instant our mouths meet, my body feels like exploding. Electricity sparks and he pulls me up to him in an embrace that would have any girl panting with lust. It’s disturbingly good, and his hand grasping the back of my neck as he devours my mouth with his only heightens the sensation.

  “I had forgotten how enjoyable voyeurism could be. I’ve never been so tortured by such a tantalizing display,” he whispers. “How wet are you?” He grazes his hand toward my thigh. “Should I find out right here?”

  “I’m glad you enjoyed the show.” I laugh, slapping him away as I lay my hand softly to his face. “But no, don’t you dare.” He smiles and turns his head to kiss my palm. It’s a sweet gesture and I grin at him stupidly, adoring the moment.

  “I missed you,” I say softly.

  “I’m glad. I missed you, too,” he replies, slowly moving his hands down my arms and lowering himself onto a chair. I’m pulled into his lap before I get a chance to sit on my own chair.

  “Has Conner been good to you?” he asks, quirking his head to the side. “Nothing inappropriate?”

  “Conner has been wonderful. He is currently getting an ear bashing from my sister,” I reply, nodding toward a somewhat defeated looking man sitting on a step. Alex frowns a little.

  “He’s quite preoccupied with her,” he muses. “What is it about you Scott women?”

  “I have no idea. You tell me,” I reply on a shrug as I watch Conner’s blue hair get up and wander around again, almost with a life of its own. He’s causing quite a stir in his own way as I notice all the ladies looking him over and licking their lips.

  “I’ve bought you something,” Alex says from beneath me, completely changing the subject.

  “Really? What?” I ask, closing my eyes to the very lovely sun again and leaning back into him.

  “It will be at home later. Needless to say, you will no longer need to go shopping, and as I don’t see any bags here, I assume you haven’t already bought a dress.” I can feel the smirk into my neck as his lips kiss just below my ear.

  “No, we got waylaid by Rome and Conner’s really rather in depth knowledge. Why have you bought me a dress?” I ask as I open my eyes, slightly miffed but also bizarrely happy.

  “Because I can and because it reminded me of you. You will have to indulge me a little, though. I have a game to play if you are amenable to requests.” His eyebrow raises and I narrow mine in return.

  “Is everything a game to you, Alex? Is that your life?” I try to smile but then feel my frown spread at the thought of being a game to him myself. It instantly deflates my happiness, lowering my head.

  “Yes, Elizabeth. It just seems that you are the only worthwhile one I have had for some time.”

  He doesn’t flinch, doesn’t move, just sits and stares at the people milling around him with that impassive smile. A game. Is that how he sees us? I think not. I’m just about to launch some kind of comeback when his mouth opens again. “Lift your head. We really need to work on that poker face of yours. You’re far too easy to read.”

  What the hell?

  “I don’t even know how to respond to that. A bloody game? I thought you liked me for me.”

  “I do. I was trying to get a reaction out of you for effect,” he says, still looking forward and brushing his hand along my thigh gently. I’m now even more clueless as to what on earth he’s trying to say. “You really are far too honest for your own good. It won’t work.”

  “Okay, what the hell are you talking about?” Because he’s absolutely going off on a tangent, and I do not understand in the slightest.

  “Those sharks, Elizabeth. They’ll devour you and your decency.”

  “Are you suggesting I need protecting from someone?” I ask, slightly exasperated at this constant need to guide my emotional responses. “Because I’m quite capable of-” He cuts me off.

  “My point is that you need to guard yourself more adequately. The people in my circles will exploit your good nature and harm you in the process, then possibly me, and that I can’t have.” He turns and gazes at me, reaching for the back of my neck. “I want you in my life, Elizabeth, and that means everything that comes with me. Most of it is not very appealing, to say the least, so I need to know that you can stand by my side and hold your own against them, all of them.”

  Oh right, well that was kind of sweet, I suppose, in a roundabout sort of way. Why he’s frowning so seriously is utterly bemusing.

  “So you’re saying I need to lie more? I’m not entirely sure I can-” He cuts me off again.

  “I’m saying you need to perform. You need to pretend, manipulate to some degree, to play a game just as you did on the chess board.” I scrunch my nose up in response as he chuckles at me and squeezes his fingers into my neck.

  “Oh right, well I suppose I can do that, maybe, well, sometimes.” His blue eyes dance with amusement, as he quirks a brow and kisses my hand.

  “Good, I’ll enjoy the show.”

  I have no fucking clue what he’s talking about in all honesty, but I smile a little in reply and decide to give up thinking about it too much. He lives in a very strange world, to be fair, and perhaps he’s got some sort of point. Conner begins to amble back towards us with what can only be described as a thoughtful expression covering his handsome face. I can’t begin to imagine what my sister’s just put him though.

  “Sorry to interrupt the lovefest,” Conner says as he reaches us and smirks at Alex - who is still kissing my hand.

  “No problem. How’s the sister?” Alex replies cheerfully. It appears all serious conversation has now left the plaza. Back to light and breezy then. I absolutely can’t keep up.

  “Intense. She says hi and hopes you have a good time. I am now a little fucking hard and will leave you to your day. I need a drink and some software. By the way, I’ve called Antonio so I’ll stay with him tonight. There’s some party somewhere that I apparently have to go to. I’ll come by tomorrow afternoon to talk about Henry,” Conner says, chuckling and waving as he wanders off towards the taxis.

  “Thank you for this afternoon,” I shout after him. He turns and bows.

  “You are most welcome, Beth. You were a pleasure to be with and a delight to look at.” He winks and looks at Alex with an amused expression, which is definitely meant as a wind up.

  “Stai attento, Conner. Non mi piace il tuo tono,” Alex says firmly, clearly not amused, yet again. Christ, and he talks about me being an open book. What did that Italian mean?

  “Smettila sciocco, lei ha occhi soloche per te,” Conner replies as he chuckles and walks off.

  Whatever it was, Conner thinks it’s funny.

  I need to learn Italian.

  Chapter 19


  H e reached into the drawer and reluctantly removed his bow tie, sneering at it in disgust as he did so. He’d spent the last hour talking on the phone with Louisa and a few other business associates regarding the Shanghai deal. Some interesting remarks had been made that had led him to believe that Henry was indeed after destroying that particular opportunity. Of course, no one had made a direct suggestion that Henry was up to no good. That would be similar to committing suicide for most of them, but with a few well-directed threats of malice here and there, he’d been able to at least get them to indicate that there might be some issues that needed his full attention. Now, having pointed him in the right direction, he could start to see Henry’s line of fire. He had to give it to the man, he was a smooth operator. It seemed he was nipping at the heels of three major acquisitions that were directly linked to the biggest deal of his life, and if one crumbled, the rest would probably tumble like dominoes.

  It wasn’t going
to fucking happen any time soon.

  However, the priority was that now he needed to find new funding to keep the deal moving forward and he had to find it quietly. He’d have time to work out the whys later, but he needed cold hard cash now, and fast. There were only a few sources that could lend that sort of money. One would not be forthcoming as he’d had a brief encounter with the CEO’s daughter last year and treated her quite indifferently when she had claimed pregnancy. It was, of course, a hoax but still, Mr. Robert Dillon was not impressed and had told Alex in no uncertain terms to remove himself from his office and to not come back again regardless of the financial gain. A moral businessman… Who would have fucking thought it? The other London and American based financiers were simply too close to Henry one way or another and he’d find out almost immediately if Alex was trying to get different funding. No, he needed someone from outside of the UK, preferably someone unknown in land development. The problem was, most of them were tied up in other deals and that was just bloody irritating. Twirling the tie in his hands, he looked down to see that his fists were clenched so tightly that his knuckles were white. Releasing the fucking thing, he dropped it to the floor and let out a long breath while stretching his fingers.

  Why had he booked the damned opera? Now he’d have to spend the entire evening struggling to breathe.

  “Do as you’re fucking told, you little shit, or I’ll drag you in there myself. You disgust me. You deserve to rot in there. Look at you. You’re pathetic. You’ll always be useless. Do you want me to make you do as you’re told? You know how I enjoy it,” he’d said, removing that fucking tie.

  He shuddered at the memory of his father and lifted his chin to look in the mirror. Fuck, why couldn’t he just get past this? It was only a tie, for Christ’s sake. He’d quietened every other painful memory and taken control of all the other issues that haunted him every day. Why not this one? He’d made sure that nobody noticed over the years. He simply opted for the no tie approach. Even in the most prestigious of business events, he could get away with it. If you have enough money, you can get away with anything. However, black tie events were different. He simply stuck out too much. That and the fact that they wouldn’t even let him into the opera without one. Wankers.


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