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Seeing White

Page 30

by Charlotte E Hart

  Staring at himself, he thought of the woman dressing in the next room and breathed out her name, a whisper of hope on his lips. Could she distract him from it for the evening?

  He walked to the dresser and picked up the bag he’d prepared earlier, then, draping the tie around his unbuttoned collar, he wandered to the dressing room in search of her.

  He very nearly fell over as he entered the room and had to lean against the doorframe to contain himself. She stood there in front of the full-length mirror in the dress he’d bought for her. Her luscious red hair was piled elegantly atop her head with softening tendrils falling around her face, sage green satin encasing her curves and pooling elegantly at her feet. Her breasts rose from the bodice gracefully and her long, elegant arms floated along her sides like some sort of divine fucking angel sent from the heavens, just for him. Christ, he should take her now, this instant. His dick did all the thinking as usual where Elizabeth was concerned.

  “Elizabeth, you look good enough to eat. In fact, I might later.” He chuckled. “Come here. I have something for you,” he said, motioning his hand from the doorway.

  She turned and swayed towards him with her ever challenging and condemning eyes pulling him forward, begging him for those emotions and feelings she was so open with - the same ones he told her not to show this afternoon. The fuckers would destroy her if she showed even a hint of decency. Especially a certain green-eyed one. He wasn’t about to let that happen any time soon. He’d keep her emotions just for him, not that he deserved them, but he wasn’t about to let her share them with anyone else.

  Keeping his feet planted, he resisted the urge to go to her. She couldn’t see him yielding to her, regardless of this strange damn effect she was having on him. His chest ached for some reason. Was that an emotional response to her? She smiled and lit the fucking world up as her hands reached for him.

  “Mr. White, I see you’re not quite dressed yet. Beautiful, but not quite finished.” She giggled, fingering his shirt collar and licking her lips seductively. He inwardly groaned, imagining her mouth around his ever-hardening cock and smirked at the thought.

  Reaching for her hands to stop her, he then forced himself to drop his own to his sides. If anyone could manage it, she could. Her soft hands trailed along his throat and as he felt it constricting, he gazed into those chocolate brown eyes with their never ending lashes. Why did he like that, her hands at his throat? It made no sense whatsoever. Slowly, the button closed on the collar as he continued trying to lose himself in her. She was so hypnotizing, her voice drifting around his mind as she talked to him while he concentrated on her face. He couldn’t hear a word she said, but lowering his eyes, he looked at her mouth and imagined it moving its way down his body, nibbling and sucking. He liked it when she bared those delicate teeth and bit into him. How he was going to make it through this evening without ripping her out of that five thousand pound dress, he had no idea. Maybe he would. Fuck it, he could always buy another one, and the image of her moaning out his name as he tore it from her body was beyond satisfying to say the least.

  “There. All done. Mind you, I think I might have preferred the rugged undone look,” she said, patting his jacket and moving back to the dresser.

  What? He reached a hand up to his throat to feel the bow tie. Christ, he hadn’t even felt her doing it. He’d spent years trying to put a tie around his neck without panicking and almost passing out, and she had managed it in a minute? He moved to the mirror to see the finished effect. “Perfect,” he mumbled quietly, frowning at his reflection.

  “What did you expect?” she said with her hands on her hips. Fuck, he loved her little temper. He’d enjoy quietening it just as much at some point.

  “I didn’t expect anything. I have learnt not to with you. You keep surprising me,” he said, lifting the corners of his mouth. “Now I want you to wear something else.”

  “What else could I possibly need?” she said, putting in her diamond studs. He pulled out the green box and moved toward her, placing it on the dresser.

  “This. Open it,” he almost stuttered. Was that nerves he heard in his own voice. For fuck’s sake, grow up.

  “If this is some other overly priced gift, Alex, I don’t want it. I think the dress is wonderful and thank you, again, but really, I won’t accept anything else from you,” she stated firmly, crossing her arms across her lovely chest and pushing those tits up higher. “You do not need to buy me. You are all I need.” Her eyes softened.

  He felt his knees buckle a little. Did she really just say that? Who the hell said that sort of shit? What planet had she fallen from? Christ.

  “Elizabeth, I do not want to buy you, simply to give you something beautiful. Also, it is part of the evening’s entertainment, which I’m hoping you will enjoy immensely.”

  “Oh, okay then. But if it’s too much, I won’t keep it. I swear, Mr. White, you will not change my mind on this,” she said sternly with a smile.

  She reached her hand to the box and flipped it open. Her hands flew to her mouth as she gasped in shock at the array of twinkling diamonds on the choker before her. He smiled. Her face lit up like a million acres of stars and he couldn’t help but chuckle at her. As much as she tried to hide her delight, it was still there. She turned her head and stared at him, still with her hands over her mouth.

  “Alex, that is definitely too much, and I’m not…” she started.

  “Elizabeth, shut up. I’m telling you that you’ll wear this tonight and any other night that I want you to. Do you understand?” he stated, staring at her. Fuck, she looked cute. “Turn around.”

  She complied instantly. He could get used to this. She was becoming instinctively submissive, most of the time anyway. Actually, not that much at all, but he liked the small moments of it nonetheless. He took the elaborately tiered choker and fastened it around her long, elegant neck, leaving the platinum chain hanging down her back.

  “Lovely, now pull up your dress to your waist. There is one more thing I want you to wear.”

  Slowly, she pulled up her dress with a shocked expression as she looked over her shoulder at him and revealed that fantastic arse. He gazed the length of her legs. The lace tops of the hold ups had him groaning and he barely withheld the growl as he took in the heels. His cock almost damn well jumped out of his trousers as he hooked his fingers into her panties and rolled them down to the floor, tapping her ankles so she’d step out of them. Grabbing in his pocket, he pulled out the entertainment and dangled it in front of her like a lure.

  “This will be rather intense for you and I’ll only remove it when I’m ready.”

  “Anything you want, Alex,” she said in a whisper. Fuck, he nearly exploded just from that statement alone. What the hell was it about her that made him stop breathing every time she said his name?

  He pulled the platinum g-string up her legs and straightened it so that the roughened patch lined up with her clit. Sliding in the side latches so that the fit was tight on her hips, he pulled the chain from the back of the g-string and threaded it through the back of her dress, attaching it to the choker, then moved to face her. Fucking incredible.

  “Much as I enjoy the visual, I’m not sure the Opera’s ready, so drop the dress. How does that feel?” he asked waiting for an answer, regarding her face as impassively as he could - difficult, given his raging hard on.

  “Interesting,” she replied. “Cold.”

  “Oh, don’t worry, you’ll warm up soon enough. Try moving around,” he replied, chuckling with devilment and twirling his finger in the direction of the room. He watched as a cascade of emotions flashed across her face while she walked. Every step she took put pressure on her throat and on her clit so he focused his eyes on her mouth as she gasped at the sensations. Feeling his very fucking uncomfortable cock twitch again, he changed his stance a little. The sudden overwhelming urge to throw her across his knee and spank the living shit out of her was unbearable. Or maybe fuck her… He couldn’t decide which but
the thought of some more painful entertainment was definitely taking root in his mind. She took a deep breath and looked him in the eye.

  “I think I’m ready,” she said with a slightly glazed expression. God, he loved that look. Sub space would be threatening her again this evening. She’d almost gotten there on the plane and how she’d managed it, he didn’t know given her inexperience but she’d find it soon enough. It was there, just waiting for her to find it. Then he could really start enjoying her. She’d be ready then to take what he needed to give her.

  “Mmm, I think you are, too,” he replied with a wicked smile.

  Very ready. Well, she would be within an hour or so.


  “What are we here to see?” she asked as they climbed the stairs to the Opera.

  “Tosca, by Puccini. Are you excited?” he asked, grinning like a bloody fool again.

  “I don’t know how to feel with this... umm... underwear on. I’m struggling to stand up and walk straight,” she replied with a very appealing blush.

  He chuckled. “Well, you’ll be able to sit soon, Elizabeth. Mind you, I think you might find that just as excruciating.” He winked and grasped onto her hand. “If it’s too much, I can unhook it.”

  “No, I think I can manage a while longer. Don’t worry, Mr. White. You’ll soon know when it is too much for me to bear.” She giggled deliciously and gazed at him warmly.

  “I’m sure I will.” He gave the chain a playful tug and pulled her toward him, cocking her neck backward. “I’ve never thought of collaring someone but now it seems so much more appealing, Miss Scott.”

  “Collaring? What does that mean?” she asked with the most innocent of looks, purring as the choker tightened. Fuck he loved that sound. He’d heard it a thousand times from different women but never before had it drilled into him so deeply, affecting something other than his cock.

  “That conversation is for another time, I think,” he replied as he kissed her and wondered what she would make of the actual meaning. He assumed it wouldn’t be at all favourable to her.

  As they made their way to the private box, he studied the crowd, looking for anyone who might interrupt his plans for this evening. He saw a few couples that were worth his time and quite a few who absolutely weren’t. His eyes locked with Luciana Rivalotti and he knew trouble would be coming soon. She was the world’s largest bitch but her father was also one of the wealthiest men he knew and he couldn’t afford to piss him off. He had made the catastrophic mistake of fucking her about a year ago and she had hounded him since. She was undeniably beautiful on the outside but she would eat Elizabeth for dinner if she got into a conversation with her. Well, they had to start somewhere and he supposed if Elizabeth was going to have to deal with his shit, this was probably the best place to start. He watched as Luciana moved across the room towards them like a lioness in heat. He turned Elizabeth to him and kissed her.

  “I’m sorry,” he said as she looked at him with confusion. Here we fucking go.

  “Alexander, my darling, you should have called to let me know you were in town. How I’ve missed you. The place is overwhelmingly dull without your exquisite face to look at,” Luciana almost screamed, announcing her presence before them as she placed her hand on his chest. He felt Elizabeth’s eyes narrow at him from the side.

  “Luciana, how lovely to see you. Please, let me introduce my girlfriend, Elizabeth Scott,” he said, pulling a very tense looking Elizabeth to his side and moving an arm around her waist in the hope of soothing her somehow.

  “Hello, Luciana, nice to meet you,” she said, offering her hand.

  In typical Luciana style, she completely ignored her hand and returned her gaze to Alex while stroking his chest. Fuck, this was not going to go well. He felt the tension increase in Elizabeth’s body and turned toward her, expecting to see her head lowered, his hand moving to the chain on her back intending to give it a tug. Instead, she looked back at him with a new smile and returned her eyes to Luciana.

  “I’m sorry, is it not customary to shake hands in Rome? I thought it the done thing the world over but if you would rather I kissed you, I will certainly oblige. You are, after all, a very attractive woman. I’m sure you understand that in my present company, I am always happy to oblige anything that is out of the norm. This little trip is becoming a revelation for me. Alex, what will you show me next?” she said as she dazzled them both with a mysterious smile that immediately brought Luciana’s mouth open in shock. Did she just say that? He couldn’t speak, his impassive gaze momentarily lost as he took stock of the utter brilliance of her statement. She had been pleasant, rude, sexually aggressive and contemptuous in one fell swoop. Rather than be simply astounded, his hackles reared their very ugly heads as his gut instinct took over. Too fucking intelligent. Regardless of how innocent she seemed, that was quite possibly the work of someone who knew exactly what she was doing. His eyes narrowed a little as he watched her new smile glide across her face with breath-taking effect, and where the hell did that come from? She turned her charms back toward him for a moment and he saw the familiar little blink of her eyes that somehow quietened his normally very astute paranoia. He was wrong. She’d just delivered a good performance by chance. She probably learned it from him in some way.

  He chuckled to himself at his own foolishness and looked back at Luciana, who was still stood there open-mouthed. He’d never seen the bitch so confounded and mused interrupting their little dominance dance, but was simply too intrigued to see how she would continue her little game. He turned to Elizabeth with a raised eyebrow as she swung her beautiful face back to Luciana with another smile that would bring the devil to his knees. It almost did because he swore he felt his own knees buckle a little. That was highly fucking unusual.

  “Luciana, really, this has been wonderful, but we must be going. I have never seen Tosca and I do love Puccini. I hope you enjoy your evening. Perhaps we could meet somewhere for a drink at another time? Compare notes,” she said with a slightly sarcastic tone as she looked at him briefly then returned her head. Ouch, that fucking hurt.

  Luciana nodded at her and tried for a relaxed smile, then for the first time, removed her hand from his chest and took a step backwards, apparently acknowledging Elizabeth’s presence.

  “Yes, we must. It has been an enlightening introduction, Elizabeth. Alexander, you must visit soon. My father would love to see you again,” she said. Ah, back to reality. The bitch returns.

  “I’m sorry, we’re leaving on Monday but maybe when we visit next,” he replied coldly, continuing to gaze at Elizabeth with a feeling of pride welling up inside him. He never thought her capable of this and yet it seemed she was really very good. A chance retaliation, maybe, but at least he had something to work with now and he could see her abilities. Flawless was a fair description. What she would think of his previous life was still a problem, but if he knew she could handle his present then perhaps they could work out the rest.

  “Good evening then. Enjoy your time here, Elizabeth. I very much look forward to seeing you again soon. I am glad Alexander has found someone so... fascinating. I’m sure we could have a lot of fun together,” Luciana said with a genuine smile. Fuck, she’d done it. She’d passed muster with Miss Rivalotti. Unbelievable.

  “Good Evening, Luciana.” He nodded, placed Elizabeth’s hand in his and walked toward the box, listening to her mumbling, “I fucking doubt it bitch,” under her breath. He couldn’t stop the beam of happiness that spread across his face. That’s the woman he was beginning to know.

  “Well done,” he whispered in her ear.

  “Thank you,” she said, giggling. “Quite fun, this game of yours.”

  “Oh, Elizabeth, that was your game completely, and you just made an exceptionally well positioned move.” He beamed down at her and felt his heart jump. “Perfect. I couldn’t have played it better myself. Now, how’s that g-string doing? Would you like me to do anything for you?”

  “I would very much li
ke you to ease my suffering, Mr. White, but I think your little contraption actually aided my game,” she replied with a devilish smile.

  “Being denied something is often the key to achieving more, Miss Scott. You’d do well to remember that.”


  The elegant box was off to the right of the stage on the first level. They stared down at the masses of other guests and politely nodded at waving hands and the other, subtler, nods of some of the more discerning associates Alex knew well - the ones that pretended to like him when in fact they hated him.

  “Is your life always like this?” she asked with an irritated expression as she gazed at the crowd and smiled at someone.

  “Yes, Elizabeth.” He understood her implication - the complex pleasantries of social participation and the constant threat of knives in backs, protocol and all the bullshit that comes with it. To be honest, it was a damn sight easier before all this. Just being and reacting held a certain relaxation to it, regardless of the implied work associated with his previous career choice. Ugly as it may have been, there had definitely been a finality to circumstances that simply wasn’t available in this world.

  “When do you get any time to just be at peace with yourself, to enjoy who you are and what you’ve achieved?” she said, rubbing her warm and sensuous hand along his jaw. “You deserve so much more.” He didn’t deserve a fucking thing, certainly not her.

  He felt his eyes darkening at her and moved to kiss her with a passion he’d only recently found. Suddenly aware of his surroundings, he pulled back and instead gave her a brief, chaste kiss. They couldn’t see how precious she was. They would use her against him if they knew. He looked into those indulgent eyes that were pleading with him for honesty and commitment. Twisting his neck from side to side, he reached a finger to his throat to loosen the collar a little and contemplated her words. When did he have time to just enjoy life? Never, that’s fucking when.


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