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Love On A Forbidden Planet

Page 7

by Unknown

  She steeled her jaw and waited. But still they did not advance.

  "Kar," the older man said, standing directly in front of her.

  "Mul," the man on her left said.

  "Ruk," the man on her right said.

  The sounds were clear, not grunts.

  They have a language, they are intelligent.

  With the command of fire, the use of tools, and now the evidence of language, Amy estimated that this alien population was at least an eight on the Caldwell intelligence scale.

  She ran her tongue across her lips. "Amy," she said, reasoning that they were introducing themselves. The three men grunted and took a step closer. The three threatening erections were only inches from her face.

  Do they want oral?

  Amy had only tried this once. While she didn't much care for it, it had not been a horrible experience. She had been thinking of offering the service to Mario. However, she didn't relish servicing these three alien men with their chokingly huge members. Yet she knew that she would do whatever they wanted her to do.

  Remember; keep your teeth away from their skin.

  Given the size of their tools, this might be difficult. If she hurt them, they would hurt her. A knot formed in her throat. As it seemed to choke off her airway, she swallowed hard. At this moment, Amy's stomach growled—loudly.

  The three men glanced at each other and chuckled. Joining them in the humor of the moment, Amy smiled and her tummy once again announced her need for food. The older man, Kar, nodded toward one of the others, and Ruk produced a strip of material and held it down to her. Amy eyed it, and took it. Inspecting it, sniffing it, she decided that it was dried meat—real animal flesh. Holding it, she looked into the eyes of her capturers. She put it in her mouth. It was salty and hard; she had to strain to bite off a piece. She chewed it.

  In other circumstances, she might have found the harsh taste to be revolting, but at this moment her mouth salivated and welcomed the nourishment. The three men watched her eat. When she was finished, Kar held out his hand—gentle and inviting. Cautiously, Amy put her hand in his. He lightly squeezed it and lifted her to her feet. They stared at each other, eye to eye. He smiled.

  "Moe," he said, and began walking down the mountain. Amy stood, watching as his stiff member bobbed while he walked.

  They aren't going to rape me.

  Ruk pushed on her back. "Moe," he said and pointed, "moe hop." And he pushed again until Amy began to follow Kar. As her shoes had been molded into her jumpsuit, she was now barefoot, and the gravel and twigs stung her feet. She struggled to keep up. After twenty steps, the two younger men paused to pick up two animal carcasses. Carrying these upon their shoulders, they followed her.

  They have been hunting.

  Amy realized that they had not been stalking her, they had been afraid that she was a predator stalking them. They resumed the trek down the mountain, but Amy could not keep up. Mul, behind her, pushed several times, forcing her to speed up, but the harsh ground made walking barefoot unbearably painful. She stumbled and fell. Kar turned and lifted his hand as though to spank her again.

  "No-no." Amy pushed away and pointed at her bruised feet. He knelt and looked at the soft, pink skin of her soles. His feet were broad and thickly callused. Hers were narrow and thin-skinned. After poking at her flesh for a moment, he stood. He picked her up and slung her over his broad shoulder. They continued.

  Chapter Five

  Being carried by the alien man, Amy could see nothing besides his butt and the ground as it passed under his feet. However, Kar carried her much faster than she could walk. She was amazed at the smooth, stealthy way they moved through the forest. Making virtually no sound, they flowed down the mountain side. Not more than an hour later, they arrived at the banks of the river that flowed from the north, along the base of the mountain range.

  The three men dropped their loads. Amy joined them as they squatted at the water's edge to drink. They exchanged no conversation. Mul and Ruk picked up their animal carcasses and walked south. In the grass and soft dirt beside the river, Amy followed instead of waiting to be carried. Kar brought up the rear.

  This is the wrong way.

  Amy wanted to go north toward the mineralogy hut. With the limited range of her locator beacon, there would be no way her rescuers would be able to find her in this direction, but she dared not attempt an escape. She glanced over her shoulder at Kar; he was staring at her butt.

  Silently, they covered two miles southward. While it was still several hours until true nightfall, the valley filled with shadows as the sun dipped behind the mountain. The four of them turned westward, away from the river and back toward the mountains. As the ground once again became rocky, Amy stumbled and Kar came up behind her.

  "No, I can do it." She pushed him away, not wanting to be carried.

  "Moe hop," he said, and steadied her arm as she tenderly stepped around and over the sharp obstacles. Soon, she noticed that they were on a worn path. The dirt was firm and flattened. When they reached a rocky area, she saw that these were smooth and artificially layered in steps. Looking up, she saw a row of alien faces staring down at her from a ledge above.

  "Hop," Kar said, and pointed toward the cave.

  As the troupe climbed up the makeshift stairs, more faces appeared. When Mul and Ruk reached the top, cheers erupted and women relieved them of the animal carcasses. When Amy reached the rock ledge, the faces pivoted to silently scrutinize her. When she paused, Kar gently prodded her forward. The crowd parted as they walked into the cavern.

  Like a giant smile, the opening of the cavern was a scar on the mountain side. Passing inside, the deep room was lit by several small fires. There were three pools of water fed by a spring deeper inside the mountain; one pool cascaded into another before the water drained from the cavern in a small waterfall. Mul and Ruk walked through the first, largest pool and bathed themselves. Kar continued to propel Amy and they entered the pool together. She was thrilled to scrub away the dirt that had collected on her skin. She was surprised at the cleanliness of the primitive people.

  Emerging from the water, an older woman met her. "A-le," she said. The woman was at least ten years older than Amy, but several inches shorter.

  Understanding their means of greeting each other, she replied, "Amy."

  A-le took Amy's arm, and using a bit more force than was comfortable, she pulled Amy toward the other women. Handing Amy a finger-sized shard of volcanic glass, she pointed toward one of the carcasses. Amy watched two women as they dissected it and paused, dumbfounded. She had dissected small animals in school, but had no idea what to do here. The older woman smacked Amy's butt and grunted. She again pointed at the two women. They looked up and gestured for her to join them.

  Amy spent more time watching than helping as the three of them cleaned the interior cavity of the animal and skinned it. They lashed it to a pole and carried it to the central, largest fire pit. Setting the pole into notches in the surrounding rocks, they suspended the animal like a giant rotisserie. They took turns rotating the roasting meat.

  As the work activity eased, Amy took the quiet time to study the cavern. Their future meal was cooking over a large central fire, though there were several other, smaller fire pits around the cave. There were the three pools of spring water; the first one was used for bathing as they entered the cave. The second one was used for washing food. The smallest pool was at the source of the spring, and this was their drinking water.

  The floor of the main area was littered with bundles of animal hides. The three men that had brought Amy—Kar, Mul, and Ruk—had taken positions lying atop three of these bundles. Other men entered the cave, carrying logs varying in size from branches to whole trees. After bathing themselves, they reclined on their animal skin beds. In a far corner, on an elevated ledge, was a group of children. Amy could see a dozen or more small faces silently watching the proceedings below. At first, she had not noticed the disparity between the sexes, but as more peo
ple gathered, she noticed that the men far outnumbered the women. As darkness fell, and the men stopped arriving, she estimated that there were about thirty men and ten women in the tribe. And they were all completely naked. None wore any kind of covering. However, some of them carried animal skin bags slung over their shoulders. A third of the women were obviously pregnant. The ones furthest along tended the children in their makeshift nursery.

  What a collection of conflicting indicators.

  The primitive people used tools—the volcanic glass knives and the spears—and they cooked their food. These were indicators of a population at least a hundred thousand years further down the evolutionary road than the aliens she had encountered on Hydrus-4. However, they had the most primitive language. Their speech consisted primarily of nouns, and very few of those. Names were the easiest nouns, followed by names for food. So far, she had learned the names of several individuals, and the word 'hop', which appeared to mean the cave. They had very few verbs, as these were more difficult to create. A person could hold up an apple and say the word 'apple'. Others would quickly understand the word's meaning. However, it was more difficult to express a definition for a verb. If one bit into an apple and said 'eat', an observer would not know that it was the action and not the item that was being addressed. Kar had repeated the word 'moe' several times and it appeared to be a verb, but Amy was not sure what it meant.

  At any rate, their language trailed their other evolutionary feats by tens of thousands of years. Most of their communication was through voice inflection, facial expression, and body posture.

  Surprisingly, no one paid any specific attention to Amy.

  This changed when one final man entered the cavern. The group cheered and greeted him as he carried in a third animal carcass. After bathing, he took a position separated from the others. His pallet of skins was on an area above the floor of the cavern. As this apparent chief of the tribe settled onto his bedding, Kar took Amy by the hand and led her to the throne for an introduction. The chief was sitting cross legged and looked up at her. She stared down at him for a long, awkward moment. Like the other men, he had bronze skin with dark brown hair and a beard. However, his face showed signs of creases brought on by age. Estimating the probable short lifespan of the primitive people, Amy guessed he was around forty years old.

  Kar elbowed Amy. "Amy," she said, to introduce herself.

  "Buk," the man said.

  Kar spoke a few unintelligible words. He mimicked the sniffing and tasting of his fingers that he had done when he had first examined her. Buk reached between Amy's thighs. She did not resist as Buk probed her in the manner Kar had done.

  Finding her scent and taste to be pleasing, Buk held out his hand. Amy took it, and he gently pulled her down into his lap. He cuddled her with her back to his chest. He was totally naked and she felt his cool penis furrowed against her butt cheeks. He wrapped his arms around her in a bear hug. He sniffed her hair and the back of her neck.

  Buk continued to hold Amy as they watched the completion of the cooking process.

  The females of most animal populations naturally outnumbered the males. This was to compensate for the number of females who died in childbirth. Amy reasoned that the extreme disparity among these aliens was due to some ancient predator that killed off the hunters at an undue rate. However, they must have finally conquered this beast, thus resulting in the larger percentage of males.

  Eventually, their evolution should even out the male-female ratio.

  However, for the time being, the population of the tribe was very much like that of the Carpenter.

  "Amy," the older woman, A-le, shouted from the cooking fire. Buk released her and Amy stood. Nervously looking around, she walked down to the cavern floor and to A-le. The woman handed Amy a square patch of leather, about a foot and a half on each side. Amy held it but stared at A-le, not knowing what to do. A-le grunted and pointed at the roasted meat. She handed Amy the glass shard.

  Ah, I'm to cut off a hunk of meat.

  Amy whacked off a piece and wondered if she was supposed to eat first, being a guest. Turning back to A-le, Amy shrugged her shoulders. A-le grunted and pointed at the ground, specifically at the ashes around the edge of the fire pit. Amy looked at her and shrugged again. With a final exasperated sigh, A-le reached into the ashes and pulled out a cooked vegetable, rinsed it off, and wrapped it in the leather with the hunk of meat.

  "Ah," Amy said. Smiling, she reached into the warm ashes for two more vegetables. Salivating, she held one to her mouth. But before she could bite into it, A-le smacked her on the ass.

  "Moe Buk," she snarled and pointed to the waiting chief.

  Moe is definitely a verb. Does it mean 'go'?

  "Oh, moe Buk." Amy smiled and carried the bundle to Buk. Surprisingly, when she held it out, he wouldn't take it. Exasperated, she turned to look at A-le. The woman scowled and looked away. Another woman behind A-le knelt down and held up her pouch as though making an offering to a deity. "Oh," Amy repeated. She knelt before Buk and held the food up as an offering to her master. He grunted, smiled, and took it. He motioned her closer and patted his thigh. Submissively, Amy sat in his lap. He selected a piece of meat and held it against her lips. She opened her mouth and he fed her. While she chewed, he placed the parcel in her lap. He pointed at it, then his mouth, and grunted. Amy picked up a piece of meat and fed him.

  Once Buk began eating, the other women hastily filled more pouches with food and took them to the population of men. The women then served themselves. The pregnant women took food to the children. Everyone began to feast. While mostly silent, some carried on monosyllabic conversations. Everyone seemed happy.

  Sitting in Buk's naked lap, Amy shared morsels of meat and vegetables with him. With his hands free, he explored her anatomical features. His surprisingly tender fingers tickled as they caressed her exposed skin. When she laughed, a trickle of juice trailed down her chin. He scooped it up and pressed his finger to her lips, she sucked the liquid in. With the next bite she fed him, he sensuously licked in her fingers and nibbled them.

  Twice, Buk sent her for a refill. During the course of the meal, Amy became astutely aware that Buk's male member was swelling. By the time the meal was finished, he was quite stiffly protruding against her bottom. She did her best to ignore this, but questions about how this population solved the three-to-one male-female problem circulated through her mind.

  Who gets to choose?

  Aboard the Carpenter, the women chose who to invite to their cabins. They were also free to choose no one.

  Buk released a loud belch, apparently signifying his satisfaction with his supper. With the meal completed, the leather wraps were washed in the middle pool and placed around the smaller fires to dry. Eight of the women, the ones not in the late stages of pregnancy, each gathered a soft, furry animal skin and draped it over a rock around the central fire. They knelt and looked up at Buk and Amy. The men sat on their pallets, also looking at Buk and Amy.

  Buk prodded Amy. She shifted her weight and looked at him with a questioning expression. He poked her again and she stood. After a moment, he grunted disapprovingly and handed her a hide from his bedding. Looking once again at the eight women around the fire, she draped the hide over the rock and knelt.

  Buk stood behind her with his prominent erection.

  Oh, NO!

  Amy now understood what was happening. She knew why Kar and the other two had not used her when they first captured her; she was being saved for the chief. He ate first, and he made love first. Buk lifted her and draped her over the soft, furry skin. He opened her thighs and touched her lady bits. Amy shivered at the contact of his cold fingers but tried to hold still. There was nothing she could do to stop him. Being the chief, he would not allow her to refuse him. She would have to submit to him while everyone watched. She hoped she would be able to take his oversized member.

  She closed her eyes. However, he did not proceed to take her.

  He slappe
d her protruding bottom. He spanked her again. "Ow!" she cried. His crisp swats pelted her cheeks in an alternating pattern. His was not the painful, punishing spanking that Kar had given her. Instead, he was stimulating her in the manner Mario had. While his spanking stung, it was the warm stimulation that had led to her previous orgasms. She wiggled as her body betrayed her and the swats became a pleasant stimulation.

  He began to alternate between spanking her bottom and stroking her slit. Her core tightened and her clit tingled. She felt a droplet of dew seep down the inside of one thigh. When he discovered her moisture, he spread it all over her lady bits. He entered her with one finger, followed shortly by a second digit. Then he spanked her again.

  Amy opened her eyes. Everyone was watching her. The men all had erections and the eight women were draped over their furs in the same posture that she held. In the nursery, the pregnant women had put the younger children to bed, and these women were now watching, along with three teenagers. Previously, Amy had thought these three—two young men and a young woman—to be young adults. However, she now saw that they were still considered children. The two boys stood, staring with rapt attention while stroking their rigid cocks. The girl was sitting with her hands out of sight.

  Buk withdrew his fingers and began spanking harder. Amy's derrière began to sting and she wiggled, hoping to signal an end to this phase of the foreplay, but Buk continued. The spanking began to seriously hurt. Looking over her shoulder, she saw her bright pink fanny.

  "Please stop! Take me. Do what you will with me, but please stop," she uselessly begged. Amy tried to escape, but he held her down.

  "Uk," one of the women below said.

  "Uk," two more women said in unison.

  Amy got the point. "UK!" she squealed, and Buk stopped.

  She sighed and caught her breath as he knelt behind her. His hands—now warm—tenderly caressed her hot bottom. They drifted down between her thighs and opened her. She did nothing to withhold his possession of her womanhood. His finger sank into her once again. His thumb pressed against her clit. His fingers expertly inflamed her desire. After coating his member with her dew, he positioned his cock and slowly entered her.


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