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Love On A Forbidden Planet

Page 8

by Unknown

  Of its own accord, Amy's body flexed and her hips rotated to lift her sex higher, to take him in deeper. He pulled back a tad, and smacked her butt. These were gentle, encouraging spanks, and she flexed her hips up and down in rhythm with them—stroking his partially impaled member. Finished with the teasing, he grunted and lunged forward. In one hard thrust, he buried himself to the hilt.

  Amy groaned as his engorged member stretched her. She felt his huge balls pressing tight against her clit.

  Gently, he began to make love with her, playing her body like a musical instrument. Amy was pleased to find that he was slow and easy with her tender parts. After the first moments of discomfort, she was able to accept all of him. She relaxed, and his thrusts became very pleasurable. She relaxed even further; and without a conscious thought of her own, he coaxed her toward the edge of her climax.

  "Oh, yes," she cried, and released a throaty, animalistic groan. The crowd below chuckled. The sound of a woman climaxing was, apparently, universal. She pressed her breasts into the fur and opened her legs wider to pull him in ever deeper.

  Buk, with his big tool, had found the secret bundle of nerves deep within her channel. She had heard the other women talk about the G-spot, but Amy had thought that she was deformed, or at least that she didn't have one. Sensing her response, Buk shifted position to pound his tip into the spot again and again. Closing her eyes, she squealed; her lusty body pushed back against his thrusts. The throbbing need built within her; her body tensed with stored energy. A few moments later, her body shuddered as the earthquake-sized orgasm rolled through her body. With her second climax, fireworks flashed inside her mind; lightning shot from her head to her toes.

  Buk gripped her hips tightly as she convulsed with aftershocks from her orgasm. He slowed his thrust as her waves of pleasure flowed. And then, he came. She felt his huge member spasm inside her as he orgasmed. Upon the completion of his purpose, he released his own animalistic groan and collapsed on top of her. He nuzzled and kissed her neck as they lay limp—together. His beard tickled her back. She rested her face on the fur and he kissed her cheek.

  Panting for breath, she opened her eyes. She had expected to see the circle of eyes riveted to her performance. What she saw instead was a full-blown orgy scene on the cave floor. Each of the eight women was being treated to the same spanking experience that Amy had received. One by one, they exclaimed, "Uk!" Their partners then treated them to their own orgasmic thrill. However, when a male finished, he was replaced by another. The scene went on and on as each woman took care of two to four men. When everyone was satisfied, Amy watched as the women bathed in the pool. They picked up their furs, and each woman lay down with one of the men. Most of the men had to sleep alone. Fortunately, Amy only had to please Buk.

  Buk pulled Amy up from the rock and lowered her down into his bedding. He pulled her close beside him and covered them with soft furs. He spooned with her. Soon, the entire cave was quiet except for occasional soft snores. Exhausted, Amy closed her eyes and ended her third day on Corvus-3.

  What a strange planet.

  From her observations of the drone's reports, Amy had not detected this tribe living in the cave. She wondered how many other such villages existed hidden within the mountain caves. She wondered what relationship they had with the other villages on the eastern side of the valley.

  Chapter Six

  Stardate 3527.7.21 – Sunrise in Buk's Cave

  Dawn came abruptly to the cave at the base of the mountain. From the frigid mountain top, Amy had previously watched the sun rise over the eastern volcanoes. Hours later, the sunshine had finally filled the valley. Deep in the cavern, daylight streamed suddenly into the smile-shaped opening as the sun topped the dormant volcanoes along the eastern side of the valley. Everyone stirred from their beds and sleepily stumbled to the mouth of the cave. Amy followed Buk outside and into the warm sunlight. They lined up. Standing over the waterfall formed by the overflow from the washing pools, they one by one relieved themselves. Then they returned to bathe.

  Please let the water be hot.

  Amy followed the others into the bathing pool, knowing that the water would be chilly. By the time they had cleansed themselves, the sun had risen too high to stream its illumination into the cavern.

  Once again in the dimness of the cave, the alien population and Amy carved breakfast meat from the remains of the two roasted beasts and dug the remaining vegetables out of the ash. There was no ceremony for this meal, it was first come, first served. However, as far as Amy could tell, everyone got their fill.

  While humans were very social when eating, almost every other bodily function was considered a private affair. The citizens of Corvus-3 appeared to have no concept of embarrassment or shyness; every bodily function was performed in public.

  Immediately after breakfast, the men broke up into groups of three or four. Taking the two teenage boys from the nursery, Tak and Sar, they headed off to hunt. Given her experience with Kar, Mul, and Ruk, Amy imagined that they would scour the mountain side in search of the herbivores to kill. When the men were gone, the children swarmed down from the nursery. The adolescents carried the babies while the toddlers made their own way down.

  The youngest of the children leapt into the laps of the women and began nursing. One darling little boy selected Amy. His face beamed upward and then he closed his eyes. He was waiting. Glancing around, Amy watched the other women kiss the foreheads of the small children as they nuzzled into their laps. Amy kissed the boy's forehead and he latched onto her bare breast. However, he received nothing for his sucking attempts. Giving up, the child crawled away in search of another source of nourishing mother's milk. Other than Amy and the teenage girl, all the women were lactating. The older children scraped the final remains from the roasts and buried vegetables.

  The teenage girl approached Amy. "Una," she said.


  Una touched Amy's nipple, followed by her own. She frowned and sat down. The only two women in the camp without suckling children sat quietly together. Other than the perpetual sneers from A-le, everyone accepted Amy as though she had been born there.

  After the children were fed, they began to play around the cavern. The adult women offered little supervision to the boys, who picked up sticks and chased each other. Occasionally, they threw the sticks as make-believe spears. The few female children shadowed the women. As far as Amy could tell, the women knew which children were their own, but treated them all with the same caring tenderness. During this time, the women skinned the animal that Buk had brought late the previous evening. They cut the meat into thin strips and laid these out on rocks beside the fires to produce the dried meat that Ruk had given Amy.

  "Moe lak." A-le slapped Amy's buttocks and pointed towards five women gathering on the outside ledge. Equipped with a leather pouch slung over her shoulder, Amy followed the women down the rock stairs to the river below.

  "E-en," the apparent leader of the group introduced herself to Amy.

  "Amy," she responded.

  E-en led the group south along the edge of the river. Two of the women walked separately, twenty-five yards to the west of Amy and the other three. These two walked and banged sticks together, creating a substantial racket. While the males stealthily hunted, the women strove to chase away any animals that might cross their path. E-en pointed to various plants in the soft dirt.

  "Lak," she said.

  Amy watched her dig these plants up with her fingers and a short stick to reveal the root vegetables they had been eating. Amy followed suit, digging up the next root that E-en pointed toward.

  "Lak?" Amy asked, holding up the piece of food.

  "Lak," E-en repeated.

  Amy began searching for more laks, putting them into the leather pouch. E-en pointed out other vegetables growing on small bushes. Periodically, E-en would snap her stick on Amy's butt to indicate that she was collecting an immature plant. Amy learned to recognize the deeper shade of green in the
tops of the mature plants, but not before she had acquired several rows of welts across her bottom. She got the hang of this harvesting as the group slowly walked south. The other women chanted some kind of singsong ditty. Amy was unsure if the syllables of the chant were real words or simply a pleasant sound, but she picked up the cadence and joined in.

  At midday, they rested in a grove of trees. Pulling fruit from the branches, they ate their lunch. Amy lay back in the soft grass and looked up at the cobalt sky. It no longer appeared cold and frightening, as it had on the mountain top. Now it was a warm, comforting blanket. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the warm breeze as it flowed over her naked skin. She felt her nipples crinkle.

  I rather enjoy being nude.

  Following lunch, they gathered more fruit until all of the leather pouches were full. Amy's feet were sore and she limped as they walked north, back to the cave.

  When they returned from their day's work, the older children were still playing while the younger ones were napping. The women who had remained in the cave had cleaned it and set new fires. The women of Amy's group entered the bathing pool and she followed. They helped each other wash their hair. A woman tapped her on the shoulder.

  "Shay," she said. Amy knew who she was, they had spent the day together.


  Shay helped Amy sit in the refreshing water. It was surprising that she no longer minded its coolness. Copying the other women, Amy leaned backward while Shay supported her head. Shay washed Amy's hair and used her fingers to comb out the tangles. Then they reversed roles and Amy washed Shay's hair.

  After bathing, Amy sat beside the pool and soaked her feet as the other women worked. They rinsed and buried the vegetables in the ash around the central fire to slowly cook. A-le approached her with the apparent intent to chastise her, but E-en stepped between them.

  "E-en," the younger of the two women sternly stated and pointed at Amy's sore feet.

  "A-le," the older woman snarled back.

  While no other words were exchanged, the two women glared at each other. E-en, seemingly protecting her young from a ravaging carnivore, backed A-le down. When A-le turned away, E-en promptly pulled Amy from the water. Draping Amy across her lap, E-en began to spank her.

  "What? What did I do?" Amy squealed, knowing that E-en would not understand her.

  The smaller, stronger woman held Amy down and continued thrashing her bottom. Amy realized that the power struggle between E-en and A-le had not been E-en protecting her; it had been E-en establishing her dominion over Amy.

  "I get it. I get it! I'm sorry, I'll get to work."

  E-en paid no heed to Amy's pleas.

  Amy kicked the air, struggling to escape the painful palm of E-en's hand. The concept of being spanked by a man had been difficult for her to accept, but the notion of another woman overpowering her and punishing her, was humiliating.

  Unable to resist the spanking, Amy tried to relax. E-en slowed the rhythm of her swats, forcing Amy to fully absorb the pain between smacks.

  This is her establishing me as submissive to her.

  "Uk—UK!" Amy said, hoping this word meant that she was surrendering to E-en's dominance.

  E-en stopped her assault. She examined her handiwork and grunted approval. She released Amy. As she stood, Amy's face flushed with humiliation as she saw that everyone had stopped their tasks to watch the disciplinary action.

  Rubbing her sore backside, Amy joined the women rinsing the vegetables for the evening meal.

  An hour later, the men began arriving. Those teams who had not killed a beast brought firewood. As the day before, several animals had been harvested for dinner. As the men arrived, they bathed. When they emerged from the pool, they were singled out by seemingly random women who kissed their foreheads.

  When Buk arrived, he bathed. Dripping, he approached Amy.



  He continued to stand, as though waiting. "Buk," he repeated.

  Copying the other women, she held his face cupped in her hands and kissed his forehead. "Amy."

  He smiled and hugged her. Amy winced when he patted her rump, and he turned her around. Chuckling, he examined her pink skin, striped with welts. He pinched her butt and laughed when she squealed. Buk scooped her off her feet. Cradling her in his arms, he carried her to his throne rock. Setting her down in his lap, he kissed the back of her neck. He reached around her body and cupped her breasts as he hugged her.

  The entire dinner-orgy ritual repeated as it had the night before. At its conclusion, Amy was once again wrapped in Buk's arms as he softly snored. She was grateful that her anti-conception implant would protect her for another six months. She had no idea if the chromosomes of the aliens were compatible with humans, but she had no interest in finding out what Buk's offspring might look like. The aliens were so similar to humans, Amy wondered if they might not be aliens at all. Had she been able to operate her anthropology hut, her team would have isolated and sedated a specimen for DNA testing. Amy considered the possibility that they were a remnant of one of the lost ten starships that had left Earth a thousand years ago. Thus, they might actually be humans that had regressed. But this did not answer her questions surrounding their poor language skills and the disparity between the male and female populations.

  When the rescue team arrives, we'll find the answers.

  Amy reasoned that some evidence of the Barbas must have been detected by the captain, and the Carpenter had been forced to speed away shortly after the crash. However, she trusted the captain's words; they would eventually return for her.

  Stardate 3527.7.22 – Sunrise, the Fifth Day

  In the morning, the rain began, just as the meteorologist aboard the Carpenter had predicted. Everyone remained in the cave. After breakfast, the children descended from the nursery and the men spent the day playing with them. It was a day of relaxation for all of them.

  With no specific task, and no child of her own to play with, Amy sat and watched. Shay joined her.



  Shay began to stroke Amy's hair and comb it with her fingers. When she had smoothed it out, she began to braid it. In a few minutes, Amy's hair was fashioned in two braids hanging over her ears. Amy smiled and played with them—making a false mustache. She had never had braided hair before.

  Amy attempted to return the favor, but she couldn't figure how to make the braids in Shay's hair. E-en came over to show her how it was done.

  That evening, they ate the dried meat and previously collected fruit before they commenced with the ritual orgy. Buk enjoyed Amy's new braids and held them while he mounted her. He pulled on them, forcing her to hold her head up. Somewhat embarrassed, but unable to suppress the waves of orgasm, her face was displayed for everyone to see as she climaxed.

  Hunt, eat, sex—the life of the Corvus-3 population was simple and pleasant. Every member of the tribe worked from dawn to dusk, performing some task essential for the group's survival. Sex was their only means of recreation, and at night they drove their lusty recreation to the extreme. Amy was surprised that the other women did not resent that she served only one man each night. While she served only Buk, Amy's performance was a centerpiece of the entertainment. The orgy could not begin until she had the first orgasm. The remainder of the orgy was public, but everyone was busy and paid attention only to their partners of the moment.

  The women adopted Amy as one of their sister wives. Only A-le found Amy to be an irritant.

  These people do not seem to feel love.

  At least, not love for an individual the way humans did. Everyone had a love for the tribe as a whole; they were all one big, happy family. However, like on the Carpenter, love between individuals could damage the ritual solution to the male-female disparity. After the orgies, the women did tend to bed down with selected, specific men. Thus, most men slept alone. Buk, her de facto husband, did occasionally wake Amy for some midnight lovemaking, and she was sure that the other
couples did the same. Otherwise, all relationships were public. The men frequently had spontaneous erections, but these were ignored by both sexes. Lovemaking was reserved for the nightly orgies.

  The public relationships included punishments.

  Several days after Amy had joined the tribe, she returned from a day of gathering fruits and vegetables to find A-le sitting on a rock holding a tight grip on the hair of another of the women. Amy recognized her to be Una, the teenage girl from the nursery. Una sat on the ground beside A-le, keeping her gaze cast downward. E-en and Amy's other companions immediately spotted the novelty. However, they appeared to understand its significance, and left the pair alone. Amy kept her eyes on them but did not approach them.

  Following her bath, Amy continued her chores with the meal preparation. As the chief's wife, she was relieved of further duties once Buk returned home. From that point on, her duty was to serve him.

  However, when Buk arrived, he did not summon Amy to join him.

  Upon seeing A-le and Una, he stood before them. A-le exclaimed a few syllables and Una looked up at him mournfully. Amy still had no idea what had caused the situation. However, it must have been something far worse than Amy's refusal to help cook that first day. Buk took immediate action.

  A-le released Una but she did not get up from the ground. Buk sat on the stone and pulled Una up. The teenager began to whine, but she did not resist as he laid her across his lap. Amy gasped as she realized what was about to happen. She had no idea what transgression Una had made, but she was about to get punished.

  Buk's strong hand launched into a rapid series of hard slaps onto Una's bare bottom. She screamed and struggled, but the strong man held her firmly. Within a minute, the wailing woman's butt was bright red.


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