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Saving Suzy (New city Series Book 2)

Page 3

by Stefanie Simpson

“If the guy’s hot invite him.”

  “Jesus Sam, that sounds like a bad porn film, and you sound desperate.”

  She shouted into the flat. “Beggars can’t be choosers.”

  A few minutes later, she came back. “Poor guy didn’t know where to look, I forgot I was wearing a bikini top and short shots.”

  Sam started to sing. “Who likes short shorts?”

  “Suzy likes short shorts.”

  The smell of a pizza wafted up, and he wanted nothing more than to go down and join them. He was actually lonely, and in no way felt bad about eavesdropping in lieu of company.

  “I think you should do him.”


  “Oh come on, you want to, I can see it.”

  “Yeah fine, I want nothing more than to tie him to my bed and use the fuck out of him. But it would be super awkward. Imagine having that kind of leverage over someone at work, I mean, I’d probably lose my job, and he’d get a pat on the back. For all I know he’s a bastard, and I have no discernible talent at picking men. Plus, there’s the scrotum to consider. It’s always worse when he figures out I’m seeing someone, and seeing as he’s sniffing like a dog round my arse again.” She made a noise.

  “You can’t live your life on his terms. Hey, I mean it could be worse, you could be me, shunned, and reviled.”


  “Don’t be, the boat maybe a little different, but we’re both in one.”


  They ate a little more, and were quiet. “Tie him to the bed huh?”

  Suzy burst out laughing, and Nathan smiled. His body reacted to the idea, could be fun.

  “Men, in my limited experience aren’t very good at giving women what they want. They just either think they know what they’re doing, or don’t care. I mean you can tell them, but usually, they’re just like okay, whatever. I want a man who will happily do what I say, who’s into those things. Who’s secure enough in themselves and their sexuality to let go, and let me have my fun.”

  “Hen’s teeth sweetie.”

  “I know, but they must exist though. Maybe it’s just collective wishful thinking on behalf of women making us think they’re real.”

  “Are you into that kinky stuff?”

  “What, bondage? Not massively. Okay a bit, yeah all right, I like…different things.”

  Nathan bit his lip, he was like rock. He pictured doing some things with Suzy that he’d only thought of in the shower.

  “So you’d be like a dominatrix? I’ve seen those outfits of yours, I know what you wear when you go clubbing.”

  “Okay fine, but it’s not what you think. Maybe a little bit, but it’s not like I got to sex clubs, it’s just a club, there’s booze and dancing, and people hook up.”

  “You do much of it?”

  “God no, I wish, the men are a bit gross, or too young. All the good ones are taken, or gay.”

  “Except Mr Dimples.”

  “Oh God, those dimples. I wanted to lick him all over. And for all I know, he might have a woman in every place he works. I don’t know where he’s been.”

  “He might be good then.”

  She sighed. “Right, no more wine. I’m getting too horny, and I’m gonna end up snogging you if you’re not careful.” They laughed.

  Nathan waited until they went inside, and sat up. He smiled to himself, and wondered how to convince her to give him a go, he’d happily do whatever she wanted. It was getting cool, and he pulled on sweats and a t-shirt.

  He heard the muffled shutting of her front door, he couldn’t believe she lived underneath him, and wanted to be on top of him.

  It was revelatory to hear a woman speak so candidly, but he was curious as to the mention of the scrotum. She came back outside while he was thinking, her phone was going off every few seconds.

  “Oh for fuck’s sake, you bastard.”

  Nathan cocked his head and listened as she called the police, gave a reference number, and lodged a complaint.

  “I’m getting an abusive text every minute.” Silence. “They’re all in the same tone as usual, um…the first one reads, ‘you fucking whore, I’m going to fuck you up’, the next one says ‘you’re going to regret what you’ve done, I’ll make you pay’, so on and so on. I’ll save them on the phone as usual, shall I drop into the station tomorrow?”

  There was a long period of waiting. Then when she spoke again it sounded defeated. “Look, this is against the law, it’s a campaign of harassment, and it’s ruining my life, you need to do something more than telling him off like a naughty child. He’s is upping the frequency, intensity and threat level against me. That means he’s getting worse. How long before he attacks me? There are laws in place here, you have the power to exercise them, why aren’t you?” she was quiet for a time. “Fine, well let’s hope you’re not the last person to speak to me, before he makes good on his threats.”

  She hung up and he heard the drop of the phone on a table. He frowned into the view, and as he looked into the trees, he saw a flash of light. He picked up his phone and opened the camera, he zoomed in and saw, without a doubt someone in the tree.

  He went cold and swallowed as he heard her go inside.

  He dialled the police, and told them what he was seeing, and the conversation he overheard.

  He hung up, and zoomed in on him again. The guy had binoculars, and shitting hell, he was wanking. Nathan made sure he filmed it all.

  Five minutes later, he watched two officers jog up the river path, and when the guy tried to run for it, he was arrested. Nathan smiled.

  Only then did he realise, she would know who lived upstairs from her, and that he had heard her conversation. She would be mortified.

  “He’s been arrested.”

  “Really?” Suzy looked incredulously at the officer. Pretty, blond, and buttoned nose.

  “He was masturbating in a tree that looks onto these flats.” Suzy barked a laugh, one of hysteria rather than amusement.

  “The foul little shitbag.” The officer made no comment.

  “We’re going to try for an order preventing him from coming near the building, and your place of work. Now we’ve arrested him, it’ll make it easier for us to do more.”

  “Thank you. Will he be bailed?”

  “No, we’re going to hold him, we have twenty four hours, he’ll be charged, we caught him in the act, he’ll have his fingerprints and DNA taken. When he’s charged, and he will be, we have the option to hold him, or release him on bail, if he is bailed, it’ll be a conditional bail, this is where the order comes in banning him from coming near you.

  “I doubt he’ll do time, but it is progress, we can now prove he is watching you, thanks to your neighbour.”


  “The man upstairs overheard you speaking when you were on the balcony, and could see someone in the trees.”

  “Oh shit. Was he old, young, who?” Suzy was mortified. She wondered how much he had heard. The flat had only been empty for a month and the guy moved in three weeks ago. Just before Arthur sold the business. Had she seen him? She couldn’t remember.

  “Young, pretty nice looking.” The officer spoke quietly. Suzy groaned.


  Sam returned just as the police were leaving.

  “What’s going on?”

  “The new neighbour upstairs overheard.” Sam looked aghast at what Suzy had told her.

  “One, I think I might vomit over the scrotum watching us while he was wanking, and two, the new guy upstairs overheard us?”

  “I don’t know how much, but he was outside catching the evening sun.”

  “Bloody hell.”

  “Have you seen him?”

  “Only briefly a couple of times, drives that black sporty number. Tall, short blond hair…” Her speech had slowed, as Suzy’s mouth opened wider.

  “Can’t be. No, no it fucking well can’t be him. Oh God, no.” The timing would be bang fucking on.

Shit. He is really good looking, tanned, wears nice suits.”

  “I want to die. Now.” Sam started laughing. “It’s not funny. I mean, how can he live right above me, how did I one, not know, and two, how is he my fucking boss?” she was shouting.

  “He might hear you.”

  She made a litany of strange grossed out noises, and threw herself back on the couch.

  “The world hates me. I have never been so mortified, more than that time when I was fourteen and a boy at school pulled my gym skirt off.”

  Sam only laughed harder, she wiped her eyes. “Do you want me to stay?”

  “No, this much revulsion and embarrassment needs to be handled alone. Thanks hon.”

  Suzy crawled into bed and hid.

  On Monday, slightly less horrified, she went to work. She wore slim fit trousers, and a sleeveless blouse with a jacket, a change was as good as a rest, and she didn’t get much of that over the weekend. She did not leave her flat. She was consumed with discomfort, and her heart was in her throat when she went into the office.

  Mia looked at her in the kitchen.

  “You look like crap.”

  “I love you too.” She was pale, and had bags under eyes, but the dark circles were covered by foundation.

  “Everything all right?” the undertone of her question made Suzy swallow.

  “He’s watching me, he was arrested. Not for long. There’s more, but I’m not saying it out loud.”

  “You need me, you know where I am.”

  “I’m going to leave on time today, with everyone else, so I’m not on my own when I go to my car. Just in case he’s bailed today.”

  “Okay, I’ll walk with you.”


  Nathan pretended he didn’t catch the end of the conversation and made himself as casual as possible when he said good morning.

  “Mr Maxwell,” she couldn’t look at him. “Would it be possible to make an appointment to speak with Mr Townslee?”

  “Any reason?”

  “It’s a personal matter.” He frowned, she was going to complain about him.

  “Technically you’re supposed to go through me.”

  “Fine.” They might as well get it done with.

  “When you’re ready just knock.”

  He left with his coffee. “What was that?”

  “Mia, I’m about to lose my job.”


  Tears filled her eyes. “Not now.”

  She went straight to his office.

  “Sit down.” He smiled and she sat pinched mouthed, hands on her lap.

  “Do you live upstairs from me?”

  He sighed, and clasped his hands on the table. “Yes.”

  “You called the police?”


  “How much did you hear?”

  “All of it.”

  The tears spilled over silently. “I’m so sorry, there’s nothing I can say do to make amends. Please accept my resignation. I am deeply sorry for my behaviour.”

  “Suzy, it’s fine, really. This isn’t the place to talk about this, and I’d like to.” Yes, she could imagine that conversation. She felt so cheap and he hadn’t even said anything yet. “Is that what you wanted to talk to Townslee about?”

  “No, I need to tell him about the stalker.”

  “Who is he?”

  “An ex, my old boss.” She gave him a very pointed look and he nodded. “He might ring here, he’s done it before. Mr Hulston was very kind about it.”

  “I’ll speak with Townslee. Don’t worry.”

  She took a deep breath and wiped her eyes, and went back to work. Nathan sat back and thought about the look on her face. She had seemed resigned. She wanted him, but at the same time didn’t. Her stalker was her old boss. That would explain it. It was about power. Leverage, she had said.

  He’d make sure she had leverage, and a plan came to mind.

  She didn’t stay for the gym.

  She went to her car with Mia, and a few others, she locked the door as she looked at her phone, and rang the number from her missed call.

  He’d been bailed, the order was in place, any problems ring three nines, or that number.

  She sat in her car for a really long time. Things were escalating, and the careful control over her world was crumbling. Work was one of the few places she knew where she stood. Even if Carol had been a pain, she knew what was what, where she was, and her place in that, and now she didn’t.

  She was all over the goddamn shop. Men, specifically her twat of an ex, and Nathan fucking Maxwell, were buggering up her life.

  Tomorrow was a new day, and she’d be screwed if she didn’t get a grip. She had a promotion, she needed to adjust, assert herself, and ignore Nathan, and avoid that conversation.

  The week passed, she barked, politely, but everyone felt the change in her, even Kelsey had stopped calling her Suzanne, and finally called her Suzy. People did their work, and left her the fuck alone.

  She was called into another meeting Wednesday.

  Mr Townslee beamed up at her.

  “Well, sit down Suzy.” She did not look at Nathan, but she could see him in her periphery, and he looked pissed off. Uh-oh.

  “We’re really pleased with how things have come on and we think that you’re managing the team very well.”

  “Oh, thank you.”

  “Nathan here, will be floating round from now on, he’ll pop back in every day, but he’s moving into payroll and HR, there are some issues we need to look at, but we would like you to check in, make sure you have what you need, any staff issues, resources, that kind of thing. And…” he drew out the word, “in three weeks, we’re set to implement to new IT system, there’s a break in accounts at that time, all customers have been notified. The switch will take a week, we’ve done our London office, so we’ll all be on the same new system.”

  “Sounds great Mr Townslee.”

  “Yes. Now, there’s another matter I’d like to mention to you. Nathan tells me you’re having some personal problems, is there anything we can do to help you?”

  She was taken back by that.

  “Um. No, just be aware. This building is secure, which helps. He’s been bailed, but he’s not allowed to come here, or to my home.”

  “Do you have a photo of him?”

  “No, I can get one.”

  Townslee turned to Nathan. “We can get it to security and reception.”

  “Good idea.” Nathan glanced at Suzy, stoic and together, it was hard not to admire her.

  “We will support you, I give you my word, no need to worry, firstly because no one deserves that, and secondly, you’re too good to risk losing.” He smiled at that and she gave a weak laugh.

  “Thank you, it means a lot to me.”

  She went back to her desk, and watched Nathan’s lovely arse head off to payroll.

  Two days of avoidance followed. She sent off an email updating Nathan, no need to come by. So when she left Friday, she thought the horror of a week ago had passed.

  Alas, no.

  She pulled up to her flat, a little colder that day, and she put her wool jacket on, she reached round and grabbed her bag, turned and saw the shadow of a man at the window. For a second she thought it was Nathan, but the hint of dark hair on the hand that knocked the window, made the bile rise.

  She hadn’t unlocked the doors yet. His tapping was insistent, and he tried the door. She low key fished her phone out of her bag, and speed dialled the number of the DI from the domestic violence initiative assigned to her case.

  She didn’t speak when the woman’s voice came on the line.

  Zach kept tapping the window.

  “You’re not allowed to come to my home Zach, you need to leave.” The detective on the end of the line went quiet.

  “Come on, this is silly, you got me arrested for fuck’s sake.”

  “Yes, because you were sending threatening text messages and wanking in a tree in public while you were spyin
g on me, it is deranged behaviour, and you are breaching the order by coming here, it doesn’t help you, it only makes it worse. You need to leave now.”

  Her heart was in her throat.

  Her chest rose and fell, her cheeks prickled. Fear crept up her arms and legs. She doubted she could move if she needed to.

  Another car pulled into the carpark. Little sporty number. Great.

  Nathan got out of the car, eyes on Zach.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Fuck off mate, my girlfriend and I are having a conversation.”

  “Suzy, is this guy your boyfriend?”

  She was shaking now. “No.” She shouted through the glass, Nathan caught the look on her face, she was terrified. Nathan sized Zach up, he had a heavy presence, not that he was large, but who he was filled the space, Nathan briefly wondered what she had seen in him, he had wanker practically tattooed on his forehead.

  “Then, you must be the stalker.” Zach froze and turned from the car.

  “The what now?”

  “Only a degenerate wanks in a tree while sending texts to a woman. I mean to get off on instilling fear? That is some fucked up shit, man. You should see someone about that.”

  Nathan saw the punch before it came, and he ducked and stepped back. He drew Zach further and further from the car.

  Air returned to Suzy’s lungs. She lifted the phone to her ear.


  “Suzy can you tell me what’s going?”

  “My neighbour is currently trying not to get punched, while he draws Zach away.”

  “Officers are on their way, are you safe?”

  “I’m locked in my car.”

  “Good.” The distant sounds of sirens made Suzy sob, there were no tears, just relief.

  Nathan was going round in circles dodging the guy, who stopped trying to punch Nathan and went for the policeman instead that went to him. Zach didn’t stand a chance, the guy was a brick shit house.

  Only when Zach was cuffed and in the car, did she unlock hers, and get out.

  She spoke for several minutes with the officers, her head aching more by the minute. Nathan hung close by, not crowding her, and not leaving her alone.

  Finally, when they’d all gone, she slumped back. Nathan just waited patiently.

  “He tried the door, but it was locked. If he had waited another twenty seconds, God knows what would have happened to me.”


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