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Saving Suzy (New city Series Book 2)

Page 4

by Stefanie Simpson

  “You’re careful, and clever.”

  “Thanks. And thank you, for distracting him. That wasn’t clever, but it was brave. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” He’d planned to drop in on her and have that chat, but after what just happened, he wouldn’t push her, she was terrified.

  He even carried her bag for her as they went inside she was so weary. Sam was waiting in the foyer for her, and she put her arm round her.

  “Don’t be nice, or I’ll cry, and you don’t want that.”

  “Do you want tea or wine?”

  “Fuck me, I want tea then wine and pizza.”

  “You must be Mr Maxwell.” Thanks Sam. As if she couldn’t feel any sicker.


  “Sam, Nathan. Nathan, Sam. Sam was with me the other night.”

  “I’d recognise that voice anywhere.”

  Oh God, it got worse.

  “Well, seeing as you are the hero, you should have wine as well, care to join?”

  “I’d love to.”

  Suzy’s eye ticked.

  They went into Suzy’s flat, and she went into the bedroom and changed into a fitted vest, loose pyjama bottoms, and massive cardy. Cute, relaxed, covered up.

  Pizza was being debated, and she was handed a mug of sweet tea, then a large glass of red.

  “You’re running low.”

  “I meant to go shopping, but…”

  “It’s okay. Suz, you okay?”

  “I need to eat, maybe, I don’t know. He’s never come up to me before.”

  “Being arrested has pushed him.” Nathan had a nice soothing tone to his voice. Suzy curled up on the settee, Sam, mirrored her, and Nathan sat in the comfy chair opposite.

  He looked around her flat, it was nice, more homely than his, obviously, but it was comfortable.

  Sam raised her glass. “A toast. To hot men who are heroes.”

  Nathan laughed. Suzy closed her eyes, but Nathan smirked. “And to their dimples.” He took a long slurp of wine, and Suzy wanted to die. Again.

  “Well you can just leave.” He grinned at her flushed face and dry tone. When she looked up, his eyes sparkled at her.

  She swallowed.

  Sam and Nathan chatted, they seemed to get on quite well, she just listened to their slight bickering. She fetched the pizza, managing to let go finally of her shock at what happened, and found the positive. He’d been arrested again, another weekend in prison, it was good, he might start getting the message, she wouldn’t think of the alternative.

  They ate, chatted, relaxed. It was good. Nathan was sweet actually, gave nothing of himself away, but he was good company. She even managed to laugh at the flirting between the three of them. She drank too much wine to be staid.

  It was late when Sam yawned. “Right, I need to sleep, I have an exciting weekend of marking ahead of me. You need me to stay, because you know I will?”

  “You snore.”

  “I’m offended.” Sam kissed Suzy goodbye and she left.

  Nathan was looking at her. “We need to talk.”

  Suzy sighed. “Fine. Say what you want to.”

  He stood up and sat on the settee. He turned the glass in his hand, and finished his wine.

  “I like you, you’re gorgeous, and nice, and have a whole heap of shit on your plate, and you deal with it well. I admire you for it. I’ve never heard women speak so frankly before, it was really amusing, and to be the subject of that conversation was enlightening, to say the least. Look, I’m here for less than four months, you by the sound of it, don’t want a heavy full on relationship, and that makes sense. Neither do I.

  “I’m always starting over in new places, I make new friends, but sometimes I just want some good company, some intimacy. I…” He decided to tell her, it wasn’t something he shared easily, but part of him needed her to realise he wasn’t some fuckboy. “I met a girl, in school. We fell in love, like really in love, both our families were okay about it, but thought it would burn out. We got into the same uni and went together, we got engaged when we moved in together after we graduated.

  “We said, well let’s stay engaged for a while, save some money, be sensible. I did a few shit jobs for a bit, and she landed a sweet gig as a design assistant in a studio. She was really good. I got a job finally, implementing policy changes for a consultancy firm.” He went silent, and Suzy felt the creep of something terrible.

  “Anyway, we said, right, now we’re sorted out, we can get married. We were planning the wedding, when she starting feeling unwell. She just kept feeling worse and worse, and before I knew it, she was in intensive care. She had cancer, spread quickly, it was everywhere before we knew what was happening.

  “We got married in hospital, I wanted her to be happy, and she wanted to be my wife, if only for a little while. All her nurses were there, they threw her a little hen party with dirty games and stuff. It was lovely. She died a month later. That was seven years ago.”

  Suzy didn’t know what to say. He huffed a laugh.

  “I don’t tell people that very often. So, I don’t really do relationships either, I want intimacy, I want sex, but…”

  “I understand. Is that why you move about so much?”

  He shrugged, he supposed it was, he was offered the position he had three months after she died, he took it. “Yes.” He looked at her, he seemed a bit shaken, but hid it well.

  “The default thing is to say I’m sorry, but I won’t, I bet you get sick of hearing that.”

  “Yes. So, we both know where we stand. We both know what we want. The obstacle in the way, is work.”

  “It is.”

  “Leverage you said.”

  “I can’t risk being the same position again that I’m in with Zach, I’m sorry I can’t do it.” The way she was looking at him though said something else.

  “So, I guess we need to find a way to balance that out, because the things you said you wanted to do to me, are really appealing.”

  “Really?” her eyes fell to his mouth.

  “You want a man who knows what they’re doing, who’s secure in his sexuality. I am. I’ve not been with anyone for five months, I don’t shag about, but I do enjoy sex, and I want you. The image of being at your mercy…” He let a slow breath out, and she squirmed.

  “What do you suggest for the balancing of power?”

  “Firstly, Townslee loves you, you can do no wrong in his eyes. Secondly, we will never talk about work when we’re together. Thirdly, I’m not your boss, I float about fixing things, and I will be professional when we cross paths. I do not make a habit of sleeping with co-workers. But I do have an idea, and it is mortifying to me, so…” he cleared his throat, “take a photo of me. When you tie me to your bed. You have something over me, but I can guarantee you not having to use it.”

  She chewed it over.



  “Yes. But there are things we should probably talk about first, I can do vanilla, and if that’s what you want, great, but if you want more, then we should discuss it, what you want, what’s off limits, what you’re interested in.”

  “Wow. I’ve never done anything like this.”

  “Are you thinking it’s all chains and shit? Fuck, people have no idea. Listen, so I’m a top most of the time, I’m really not into pain, giving it or receiving it, I like sensual, to tease, but I like to make the decisions, most of the time. I like restraints though, it’s kind of what turns me on the most. This kind of thing is whatever we want it to be, the only rules are that it’s consensual and safe.”

  Nathan was breathing hard.

  “Talking about it, deciding what we want is important. You have to think about what you want and don’t want, feel free to look this stuff up.”

  He nodded. “Have you done this much?”

  “No, a few times, but I’ve never really found a partner to do it with, for my fantasies. We can start whenever you like.”

  They looked at eac
h other. “Okay, good. Not tonight though, you’ve had a shitty evening, and it’s late, I was hoping for a good few hours with you.”

  Except he looked at her mouth, unwilling to move, she couldn’t look away from him either. “Perhaps before we go any further, we should see if there is any chemistry between us.”

  “You don’t think there’s chemistry?”

  “I do, but we should test it first.” She leant forward, and he could only watch as she neared him, her soft full lips met his, and before he could think, his arms were round her, and his tongue was in her mouth. She felt so good. Her kiss was demanding and seductive. He gave, willingly.

  They lay back on the couch, legs and arms entangled, heat rushing through them, and he knew he was moments away from making a fool of himself if he wasn’t careful.

  She began to grind herself against him, and he pulled back, moaning.

  “We should stop.”

  “We should.” She didn’t.

  He pulled away and sat up. “No really, we need to stop.” Her eye fell to his crotch, and the tent in his trousers. “Is that what you meant by ‘crotch watch’?”

  “Oh my God, are you going to bring up every mortifying thing I said?”

  “Yes, it’s been so much fun to be around you, I mean I should have realised when I saw you with that éclair in your mouth that it was inevitable.”

  He pressed a gentle kiss to her mouth as he smiled.

  “How do we do this?”

  “I really shouldn’t have to tell you.”

  He laughed. “I mean, shall I come down to you?”

  “I had planned to go out tomorrow. It’s my favourite club night, they only do it every other month.”

  He watched her for a moment. “What kind of night?”

  She cleared her throat. “It’s an industrial night, I kind of like it because I get to really dress up, I bought an outfit and everything.”

  “Why don’t you go, he won’t be around. Just where is this club night?”

  “Passion House.” He nodded. “Sometimes I fantasise that some hot guy, preferably blond and tanned, decides he wants me while I’m out and takes me home, only I get to do whatever I want to him.”

  “Maybe you’ll be in luck tomorrow.”

  “I hope so.” They looked at each other.

  The air was electric. “Suzy, are you all right?”

  “Yes. Just shaken.”

  “I can stay, I mean, I’ll sleep on the settee.”

  “He’s not…”

  “But that doesn’t mean you need to be alone.”

  She laughed. “I’m always alone. Really, I’m fine, I’ve had enough wine to make me sleep.”

  “So I’m going.” He didn’t move. She straddled him, and he sucked his breath.

  “You don’t sound like you want to.”

  “I don’t, but it’s for the best. Think about it, you should do this because you want to, not because you’ve had a stressful night.” He ran his hand up her leg, and cupped her arse.

  She pressed into it and kissed him hard.

  “You’re right. Thank you.”

  Her eyes searched his, and she got off him. He reluctantly stood, and adjusted himself as they went to the door.

  “I’ll see you.”

  “Definitely.” She smiled as she closed the door.

  Four. Here we are now

  Suzy turned over, it was a cooler night, she was snuggled down in bed, and as sleepy as she was, she couldn’t drift off. Her thoughts looped round Zach tapping at her window, his incredulousness, and then Nathan.

  Nathan. She sighed and turned the pillow. He was so perfect, there had to be a flaw. A man that good looking, that seemingly nice, and a gentleman too had to be, what exactly? He might have a perfectly sized cock - it had been pressed into her after all – maybe he was a rubbish lover, yes that would be it. But then she could teach him.

  He was a great kisser though, which wasn’t always an indicator of how good he’d be. Maybe he was selfish, or was too kinky even for her.

  Zach’s voice popped into her head again, and round she went.

  She didn’t sleep until the early hours and woke late, after ten. She felt like shit. She crawled out of bed and made herself eat. She thought of Nathan going upstairs last night. She let herself have the fantasy that he had come back, and made love to her. She shook it off, she had shit to do.

  Suzy went out in the afternoon, got waxed, bought food (wine), and went home to get ready. She had bought her outfit specifically for that night, but it had promise for other things, if nobody else could give her what she needed, she could give it to herself.

  It was a fine mesh long sleeved dress. Under it, she wore a bondage inspired set that attached to her bra. Her bra was small with fine straps, the suit had small metal circular links that clipped to each other. She arranged it so that it went across the top of her bust, a strap went down to her waist, where it was cinched in tightly. It covered her back in a ‘Y’ shape, and straps went down her thighs front and back that clipped to straps circling her thighs. It was a little uncomfortable, and made her wet just putting it on.

  She wore hold ups and patent heels. She looked hot. Her hair was down, ruffled in a just fucked look, and she wore a smoky eye, she didn’t need anything else

  She strutted out and down when her taxi arrived, not wanting to wait any longer, hoping that Nathan would go to the club, and went for pre drinks in the club bar.

  She met her friends, though she barely knew them. She hung out with them if she saw them, but she wasn’t close to them at all, in the past, they had been her go to for sexual relief, but she had stepped away from them some time ago, she wasn’t a good fit for their kink.

  Bobby raised his brows at her when he spotted her, and she laughed. She was nervous, oddly so. She kept looking about for Nathan, and as the night got going and she took to the dancefloor she tried not to think about him, but failed, miserably.

  Nathan heard her leave. He itched to go after her, but he would wait. He hadn’t been entirely sure how he hadn’t crawled into bed with her last night. He wanted her so much, he could barely focus. He dressed in black jeans and t-shirt. He debated loafers over boots. Loafers would make him look like a twat. They were for work.

  He kept his look casual, and hoped he’d fit in. He remembered the conversation he had overheard, something about bondage and sex clubs. He tried to keep his raging hard on under control. That wasn’t going well.

  He waited an hour, and headed into town. He drove, he wouldn’t drink, and he didn’t fancy waiting about for taxis with her. He wanted complete control before he gave it up. He planned to give her whatever she wanted.

  He found it okay, and queued, impatiently. When ushered in, the wall of bass hit him, it was dark and everyone wore black, or nearly.

  He understood what Sam had meant, it did look like how he’d imagined a sex club to be like, but they were mainly kids in too much eyeliner, or people his age or older, recapturing the past.

  He felt like he was being eye fucked by everyone in there. He looked about and finally found her on the dancefloor. She was lost in it, her eyes closed, mouth open.

  She looked insane, he couldn’t equate her to the buttoned down girl in the office. Except as he thought about it, at work her skirts were tight, her shoes too high, her hair too neat. The blouses she wore had long tight buttoned cuffs, or a suggestion of something underneath the unobtrusive woman, something fierce and wanting. What he had overheard her say was the real Suzy, work Suzy was a construct, but then there was the vulnerable woman with a stalker. He wanted all of her. He took a deep breath as he watched her.

  He just stood there staring at her, along with everyone else. He wondered if she had any idea how hot she was.

  The music changed, something with a heavier beat. She opened her eyes, and looked at him. The way he was looking at her made her smile. She carried on dancing, hoping he’d play along, her stomach dipped at seeing him, and that stare, he wante
d her, and he was just about holding on. She was dancing with a girl, post-box red hair, who was looking at him as well.

  He walked over, slowly, not sure what he was going to do. He wanted to play this game with her, but he wanted her so badly, he didn’t think he could wait.

  She beamed up at him when he was close to her. The redhead was as close, and that seemed to irk her, there was irritation behind her eyes. He looked her up and down, deliberately, and smiled.

  He took her hand, and threaded his fingers through hers. He didn’t know how to dance to the noise. He tilted his head to one side and leant into her ear.

  “You look like something I need.”

  Her eyes flashed as he leant away. She tiptoed up to him. “What do you need?”

  He smirked.

  “To be inside you.” She was flushed when he stood back. He raised a brow in challenge and her eyes were heavy and knowing. The other girl had gone. He gripped the back of her head, and kissed her.

  He couldn’t help it, he couldn’t string it out. She pushed him away, laughing. She made a show of looking up and down at him, which only made him harder. She brushed past him, and picked up her little wallet from the table of people she was with, and walked out, not paying him any attention.

  As she walked towards to exit, and looked back at him, he followed, quickly catching up, and took her hand. Her heart was in her mouth, he looked so good, smelt so good, and the way he looked at her made her stomach dip. They didn’t speak as he led her to his car, cool night air couldn’t clear his mind, he couldn’t really think anymore.

  He pushed her up against the side of his car and kissed her, his hands were everywhere, he ground against her rubbing her in just the right spot, but he broke away when he heard people. She was smiling when he looked at her, and her eyes landed on his crotch. She got in the car, and for a moment, he just looked at her. He drove them home with a small smile on his face.

  She put her hand on his thigh, just midway, and let it rest there, he could feel the heat from it all the way up to his dick. He felt himself get harder by the minute, and he pulsed with the contact. When they reached traffic lights, he reached over and kissed her, and her hand never moved from its spot, she knew exactly what she was doing, and exactly what she wanted.


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