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Hudsons Crossing

Page 3

by Altonya Washington

  Riley blinked and looked down at her plate. “Am I boring you? I do tend to ramble sometimes.”

  His eyes narrowed in surprise. “No, Riley.”

  She kept her gaze on her plate.

  Asher leaned close and brushed the back of his hand across her jaw. “No, Riley,” he said when she looked up. “I’ve never enjoyed a dinner conversation more.” There. He’d said it.

  The smile she graced him with spoke volumes. She believed him.

  Chapter 3


  “Mmm…Try Staten Island.”

  Asher closed his eyes to mourn his incorrect guess of her birthplace. Whatever her origin, he praised its effect on her voice. He loved her husky tone and the way she sometimes dropped her r’s. It was no wonder he was enjoying their conversation.

  “So all that hustle and bustle doesn’t make you crazy?” he asked when she caught him staring.

  “Oh, no, I love it.” Riley laughed when he made a face. “To tell you the truth, it’s this that would drive me crazy.”

  “This?” His sleek brows drew close in confusion. “What? This? Here?”


  “Peace, quiet, fresh air, sunshine…”

  “We’ve got tons of sunshine in New York, and there’re plenty of rooftops. You can grab all the fresh air you can tolerate.”

  Asher’s incredible laughter drew loads of lingering stares. Riley’s was among them.

  “Fresh air and sunshine…What about peace and quiet?”

  Riley shrugged. “Two out of four is definitely not bad.”

  “Depends on which two you find more important.”

  This time it was Riley’s laughter that burst forth. She gained just as much male attention as Asher had from the female patrons.

  “That’s crazy!” She used her napkin to dab tears of laughter from her eyes.

  “No, crazy is living in all that foolishness.”

  “Nooo, crazy is living out here in the desert.”

  “Maybe we should change the subject.”

  “Good idea.” Riley laughed again, thinking of how much fun she was having. “Something safe,” she suggested and took a sip from her fresh drink as she pondered. “Your parents.”

  Asher chuckled. “That’s safe?”

  “Well, do they share your love of open spaces?”

  “Actually, they’re back East.”

  Her brown eyes sparkled. “New York?”


  “Hmm…That works then. For you, I mean. Connecticut’s…well…Let’s just say it’s not Staten Island.”

  Asher only smiled and brushed the back of his hand against his scar.

  “So I guess they don’t have too hard a time getting you to visit?”

  “I go back when I can.”

  A thoughtful look shadowed Riley’s lovely face. “That doesn’t sound very good.”

  He spread his hands. “It is what it is. So what about your parents?” He was eager to move the conversation away from his reasons for not visiting home more often.

  Riley’s thoughtful expression deepened. “My mom’s in Manhattan.”

  “And your dad?” Asher inquired, though he got the impression she’d not be forthcoming on that front.

  Riley didn’t appear perturbed. “My mom raised me. He didn’t stick around.”

  “I’m sorry, Riley.” He cursed himself for prying when he glimpsed the sorrow she tried to hide.

  She shrugged. “It’s okay. Really. My mom did a phenomenal job on her own, I’d say.”

  Asher allowed her to see the emotion in his eyes. “I fully agree. Here’s to moms,” he said to lighten the mood. “Mine played the single role lots of times. My dad’s work kept him away a lot.”

  “What did he do?”

  “He was a bank president before he retired.”

  “Well, well, is this a spoiled brat I have before me?”

  “Ha! Brat, yes. Spoiled, no. My mom was havin’ none of that.”

  Riley raised her glass in toast. “Here’s to moms!” She laughed when he clicked his bottle to her drink.

  Asher waved toward someone across the dining room, and Riley looked across her shoulder. Her eyes widened at the sight of the man approaching their table.

  “Riley Stamper. The other half of Hud-Mason. Talib Mason.” Asher made the introductions while clapping his partner’s back.

  Riley was about to stand, but Talib urged her to sit in a voice that was pure seduction.

  “It’s a pleasure, Ms. Stamper.”

  “Uh, thank you.” Riley shook herself back to her senses and ordered her eyes off the man’s mouth.

  Asher rolled his eyes, spotting the look of intrigue on Riley’s exquisite face. His best friend’s British accent never failed to draw and hold attention.

  Of course, it was more than the voice with Talib. His handsome vanilla-toned face was bright, and he sported a dimpled grin. He took a seat close to Riley.

  “It’s Riley Stamper of the Stamper Column, isn’t it?” Talib nodded. “I’m happy we had the chance to meet.”

  “And voice your displeasure over the story on your firm,” Riley guessed.

  “What’d you do?” Talib whispered, his dark eyes narrowing toward his partner.

  Asher raised his hand defensively. “I’m innocent. The lady’s far too incredible to rake over the coals for anything.”

  Riley bit her lip on the smile about to break free. Asher kept his gaze focused. Talib looked from Riley to Asher and smothered a groan.

  “Ms. Stamper—”

  “Riley. Please.”

  Talib smiled and smothered her hand in his. “Riley. It was most certainly a pleasure.” He stood. “Can I see you, man?” He didn’t wait for Asher’s response.

  “Will you be okay for a minute?” Asher asked and waited for her nod before leaving the table.

  “What are you doing?” Talib asked when he and Asher stood in a quiet corner off the kitchen.

  Asher looked toward the dining room. “You called me back here for this?”

  “Come on, Ashe. Riley Stamper?”

  “Did you take a good look at her, Tal?”

  “Sure I did. She’s bloody gorgeous, but she’s Riley Stamper, and she lives in New York.”


  “Ah! I see. This coming from the man whose own mother can’t get him to come East for a visit.”

  “As a matter of fact, I’m going out there in a couple of weeks.”

  “Mmm, and was this before or after you met our lovely Ms. Stamper?”

  Asher pounded a fist against the side of his jean-clad leg. “Get off my back, Tal.”

  Talib shoved both hands into his trouser pockets and smiled. “Just trying to help, mate.”

  Asher understood his friend’s concern, which had to do with a lot more than how he felt about New York. “Thanks, Tal, but I’m not you, and she’s not Misha.”

  With those words, Asher went back to the dining room.

  “Wow! I didn’t know Phoenix had so many lights.”


  Riley chuckled while looking down on the view from the rooftop of Hud-Mason. “You know, when you don’t rake someone over the coals, you really do it right.”

  Asher studied his hands, which were dangling over the side of the iron railing encircling the rooftop. “I had to give you a good experience. Can’t have you going back to New York with ill feelings toward Phoenix.”

  “Mmm, ill feelings.” Riley turned around and braced her elbows on the railing. “Like the ones you have toward New York?”

  He shrugged. “I’ll leave it to you to change my opinion when I visit.”

  Riley cleared her throat on the sudden burst of emotion his words summoned. The possibility of seeing him again did things to her heart that it was far too soon to acknowledge. “Count on it,” she said, hoping to add a playful mood to the suddenly tension-filled atmosphere.

  The breathy quality of her voice, however, did
nothing to ease the tension. Asher didn’t see the point in wasting more time. Scarcely a second had passed before his mouth was fused to hers.

  Surprise and need forced a gasp from Riley’s throat, which allowed Asher the entrance he sought. They both moaned when his tongue enticed hers into leisurely play. The huskiness of her moan rivaled the lightness of the whimper she uttered when she kissed him back seconds later.

  The tentative air of uncertainty in their kiss lasted only a moment. Quite soon the kiss turned into a lusty exploration.

  “Asher,” Riley breathed during the kiss. Eagerly, she wound her arms about his neck. She took advantage of the chance to test the softness of his hair and shivered at the satiny feel of the waves covering his head.

  Flexing his arms about her waist, Asher acknowledged that he’d been right. She felt perfect against him. Every time she took a breath, her full bosom was crushed against his chest. Smoothly, he massaged her back with one hand while trailing the other to test the weight of her breasts.

  Riley moaned shamelessly and thrust her tongue more wantonly against his. In the faint recesses of her mind, she heard the soft-spoken but ever-present voice of reason demanding to know just what the hell she thought she was doing. Of course, she wanted to kick the voice into silence, but she couldn’t ignore the validity of its question. Just a little more, she bartered, arching herself a bit into Asher’s athletic frame.

  With the heels she wore, he had only about a half a foot on her. It was more than enough for them to savor the incredible feel of their bodies against each other. Riley wanted to close her eyes and give in to whatever he wanted when she felt the impressive extent of his need nudging the part of her that most craved it.


  She decided to listen to the voice this time. Coolly, she stroked Asher’s jaw with the back of her hand and grew sidetracked while she marveled at the feel of his skin. Gently, she eased out of the kiss.

  “Wait…” she said even as she graced his lips with another quick peck.

  Asher let his head fall to her shoulder and thanked God she had the willpower to stop him. Clearly, he’d been unable to stop and thoroughly uninterested in doing so.

  “Let’s get you back to your hotel.” He kissed her earlobe after speaking the words.

  Silently, they left the roof.

  “Idiot,” Riley called herself when she closed the door on Asher’s back.

  Of course, it was the right thing to do. Hell, she’d just met the man. This was only their first date. She took a moment to massage her temples and get her bearings. This was far from a first date. They’d never see each other again. His life was in Phoenix; hers, in New York. If that wasn’t an effective second date killer, she didn’t know what was.

  Besides, it was more than obvious that Asher Hudson had no problems getting women to fall all over themselves for the promise of a night in his bed. She didn’t intend to let herself be one of them.

  Already clicking open the locks to his Pathfinder SUV, Asher was having a similar pep talk with himself. Leaving was the admirable—the gentlemanly—thing to do. Hell, he hardly knew her. They’d met only that day, and they had a business relationship, for goodness sake!

  Poised to open the driver’s side door, Asher changed his mind and leaned against his ride. Staring up at the hotel, he wondered what she’d think if he knocked on her door right then. Idiot, he said to himself, knowing full well what she’d think. Asher Hudson was a conceited pig, used to snapping his fingers and having women eager to fulfill his every desire. That was what she’d think.

  Smirking humorlessly, Asher admitted that wasn’t far from the truth. Intense relationships had never held any appeal for him. Sex, however, was only a phone call or a look away. He guessed that did make him as spoiled and arrogant as she most likely thought he was.

  What did it matter, anyway? He was in Phoenix, and she was in New York. He’d probably never see her again unless it was on the pages of that paper she wrote for. The thought fueled his regret and his rage simultaneously, and he decided it was past time for him to get out of there.

  When he settled behind the wheel, however, all those best intentions fled from his mind. She’d forgotten her wrap. Through the rearview mirror, he saw it carelessly draped there on the backseat.

  Considering it fate, Asher grabbed the garment and headed back toward the hotel.

  Craving chocolate and not wanting to own up to why, Riley dialed room service and ordered up devil’s food pudding with whipped topping. She hoped the simple treat would soothe her hormones and put her mind to rest. When the knocker sounded, she sprinted to the front of the suite while tightening the belt on her robe. Whipping open the door, she saw nothing on the other side that would soothe her hormones.

  Asher clutched her wrap, ready to recite an explanation for his return.

  He never had the chance.

  To hell with etiquette, Riley thought as she curved her fingers into the neckline of his crew-neck shirt and drew him across the threshold. First date, second date be damned. She wanted this man. She wanted him now, and she was going to have him.

  The wrap fell to the floor and was crushed beneath the soles of Asher’s shoes when he moved to gather her close. His mouth crashed down on hers this time. His tongue ravished hers, while his hand roamed the short terry robe she wore. Expertly, he made quick work of the tight belt, and he cursed his approval upon the discovery that she was nude beneath.

  Riley took the opportunity to inhale much-needed air when he pushed her against the door. He held her there, and his fabulous stare devoured her. She felt no unease. Instead, she felt beautiful, desired. Biting her lip, she waited until he’d had his fill. That, however, was far from happening. He was almost desperate with the need to have her bare in his arms. Soon, the robe was gone, held in his fist at the small of her back while he plied her with another kiss.

  She arched into him for the second time that night, her heart racing with the knowledge of what was to come. What she hoped was to come. He was still fully dressed, and his shirt felt wondrously decadent against her skin. She rubbed against him, craving more of the friction. The whimpers she voiced while her tongue played with his held just the right amount of sweetness and naughtiness. Again, Asher backed her into the door and tugged one of her thighs high around his hip.

  Boldly, her fingers curved about his leather belt, and she proceeded to relieve him of it. Asher lost strength in his legs but continued to enjoy the kiss even as he braced a hand next to Riley, on the wall, in order to support himself.

  They froze like two teenagers caught at the worst possible time when the door knocker rattled against the door.

  “Room service,” Riley whispered against his neck.

  Smirking, Asher pulled the robe in front of her and held it there. Nudging Riley to the side and out of sight, he answered the door. Riley, meanwhile, fought to gain her bearings, then accepted that her bearings were long gone. Nothing to do but accept what she’d wanted from almost the moment she’d met the man who was presently settling the bill for her treat.

  Once the well-tipped waiter had gone, Asher set the tray on the desk and simultaneously pulled away Riley’s robe.

  “Anybody else will have to wait,” he growled seconds before his tongue reclaimed her mouth.

  Riley moaned and mimicked the languid thrusting against her tongue. She lost her fingers in his gorgeous hair and felt moisture glide down her thigh when he cupped her bottom and let his fingers brush the place he was most determined to explore.

  “Please.” She shifted her thighs and nudged his hand, desperate for whatever he’d give her.

  Asher didn’t need to be coaxed. While inhaling the green apple fragrance from her neck, his hand curved around in front of her waist. Seconds later his fingers were inside her body and being drenched by her need.

  Riley could’ve screamed her delight but chose to savor it in partial silence. Erotically slow, she rode the finger he pleasured her with. She wanted to lau
gh when his index and ring finger joined the manipulation. His free hand tapped her bottom, and she hoisted herself against him and breathlessly delivered directions to the bedroom.

  Asher barely made it inside before the need to sample her dark chocolate enticements overwhelmed him. Pressing her against the wall, he cupped her hips and suckled the firm nipples that beckoned to his lips. He alternated pleasuring one and then the other, craving the feel of the rigid peaks next to his tongue.

  Riley moved to relieve him of his jeans. Her hands weakened when he treated her to the dual delight of suckling her nipples while his fingers pleasured her moist warmth. In an effortless display of power, he held her high against him while kissing his way down her body and carrying her to the bed.

  Writhing against the cashmere-like feel of the pearl-gray comforter, Riley watched him fixedly as he disrobed. Impossibly, she grew more heated as he stripped to reveal more of his well-defined physique. Riley kept her smoky stare trained on his face and produced a smile of naughty invitation while kicking back the comforter. He eased beneath the linens to join her, and they both moaned at the friction between their bodies.

  “Mmm…oh, no…,” she moaned.

  “What?” Asher raised his head at her moan.

  Riley chewed her lip. “I don’t, um…have any…”

  He winced and reached for his jeans where they’d dropped near the bed. Riley smiled when he withdrew at least three condoms from his pocket.

  Asher put protection in place but took the time to drop sizzling, wet kisses down her body. Soon Riley could stand no more of his sensuous teasing. Hands hooking about his upper back, she drew him flush against her.

  “Riley,” he called and shuddered when she took him in her hand and guided his power into her softness.

  The cry she lilted was shaky and giddy at once. Her entire body was alternately cold and hot. Her limbs trembled with satisfaction with what was and in anticipation of what was to come.


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