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Hudsons Crossing

Page 4

by Altonya Washington

  Asher surprised himself when sounds of his pleasure touched his ears. They were sounds of excitement and pleasure, yes, but there was also the potent feeling of awakening. Perhaps it was just the reality of new sex, he reasoned. In the depths of his mind, however, he couldn’t quite accept that explanation as the whole of it. Rather than dissect it all just then, he focused on the release of her body to his.

  Weakened by his erotic invasion, Riley let her hands rest above her head. Her hips moved with a will of their own, it seemed. He felt incredible inside her. She wondered how much of it had to do with the state of her sex life before this moment and how much of it had to do with how he’d reached in and brought fire to something long cooled inside her.

  Chapter 4

  Riley woke the next morning instantly alert and instantly reminiscent of the previous evening. How could she be anything but reminiscent of the previous evening? The things they’d done. Never had she been so brazen with a man so soon after meeting him. More surprisingly…no man had ever evoked such a response from her.

  Now, in the reality of the morning, however, she had to face the facts. She was alone in her bed. Correction. She was alone in a hotel-room bed, and he was gone. She couldn’t blame him. He’d only taken what she’d offered. Correction. She’d demanded, and he’d allowed himself to be taken.

  Glancing at the bedside clock, she gauged that she had about four or five hours before she needed to head to the airport. Whipping back the covers, she decided to order coffee and toast from room service and then hop in the shower. She walked naked to the living room area and shrieked when she found him wheeling in a cart filled with breakfast.

  Asher’s gorgeous stare brightened devilishly. “The waiter’ll be sorry he missed you.”

  “What are you…You’re here?” she gasped, propping a hand on her bare hip.

  “And you sound surprised.” His voice was as sweet as the way he surveyed her.

  Awkwardly, Riley folded her arms over her chest and shrugged. “I just figured…”

  “That I’d hit and run?”

  She let him see her guilty smile. “It would’ve been fine. I’ve got that plane to catch in a few hours, anyway.”

  Asher helped himself to juice and took a seat in one of the chairs nearest the cart. “So you just expected me to leave without even waking you to say goodbye before you flew back?”

  “Well, I…” Riley noticed him tilting his head to take stock of her appearance. She speed walked from the living room area, with Asher’s laughter floating behind her.

  “You didn’t answer my question.” He leaned against the bedroom doorway, sipping juice and watching her hunt for a robe.

  “Really, Asher, it’s no big deal.”

  “No big deal?” He set the juice on the dresser and folded his arms across his bare chest. “You just told me you expected that I’d tiptoe out while you were asleep, after we just spent the night having sex on every square inch of this place.”

  Riley gave up the search for her robe and headed to the bathroom for a towel. “I’m sure you’ve done it before,” she called over her shoulder. He was filling the bathroom doorway by the time she was covering herself with a towel.

  “You really think I’d do that?”

  Riley tried to step around him, but he wouldn’t budge. “Dammit, Asher. I’m sorry, okay? What’s the big deal?”

  “Ah, I see. Make light of it so it won’t hurt so much when you realize I took what I wanted and left without a word.”

  She rolled her eyes and stumbled back when he moved forward to force her into the bathroom. “Again, I ask what’s the big deal?”

  “The big deal is that once again, you’ve misjudged me. Now you’ve got to do something with all that pissed-off-ness you’ve built up.” He stopped moving when he had her trapped against the counter. “Acting cold and indifferent, like you have no idea why I’m here.”

  “I don’t.” She managed the words, though her heart was blocking her throat.

  The easy, humorous look he wore was suddenly firm and dangerous. “Cut it, Riley. You know what last night was about.”

  “Good sex.” Her reply was bold, but inside, she was a mass of nerves. Yes, once again, she’d misjudged him, and she was too stubborn to admit it.

  Asher knew that, and he was beyond caring. For the moment, anyway. Once again, she’d stoked his anger with that cool, untouchable way of hers, which he’d detected in the brief time he’d known her. He wanted to unleash the hellion she’d been the night before just once before she left him.

  “Don’t,” she snapped when he tugged at the towel she clutched to her chest.

  He obliged, only to use a different route to get to what he wanted. Riley beat her fists against his broad chest when his hands slid beneath the towel to clutch her derriere.

  “Tell me I’m right, and I’ll stop,” he bargained while gnawing at the soft flesh at the crook of her shoulders.

  Riley pressed her lips together and refused.

  “Mmm-hmm…” Asher spread her thighs and stepped between. He captured a fistful of her hair to hold her still for his kiss.

  Riley weakened at once, cursing herself when she kissed him back. She felt him freeing himself from the jeans that sagged at his lean hips and made one last valiant attempt to resist. She failed, of course, and found herself groping for him as he worked to undo his button fly.

  “Riley,” he muttered into her neck. Her bottom filled his palms perfectly when he positioned her to take him.

  She let her head fall back to the mirror and raked her nails across the scar he bore, then lower, until they were grazing his taut ass. Overheated all too soon, she wrenched away the towel and drew his head to her chest, desperate to have him take a nipple into his mouth.

  Asher released her bottom to clutch the rim of the sink supporting her. He increased the force of his thrusts, rotating and stroking her, with a powerful rush of possessiveness in his movements.

  Riley shuddered and called his name when she felt him coming inside her. The warm spewing of his desire had her wanting him all over again. Spent, Asher took a few moments to slow his breathing and then took her back to bed for more.

  Riley jerked herself awake later and knew that she was alone this time. She celebrated the fact. There were still over two hours before she needed to leave for the airport, but she leaped from the bed and into the shower. She wouldn’t take a chance on him coming back, no matter how much she wanted him to. Standing under the hot water, Riley prayed that she’d leave behind whatever had gotten into her in Phoenix. She guessed she was safe because it was Asher Hudson who had gotten into her….

  Manhattan, New York

  “I just don’t know what got into me.” Riley sipped the tangy mixed drink she’d pretty much been nursing since arriving at the cocktail lounge inside the Cache Media skyscraper, which was the home of the New Chronicle. “I’ve never done anything so stupid.”

  Misha Bales signaled the bartender to freshen her vodka and juice. “I’d say Asher Hudson is what got into you,” she drawled, pleased by the pun until she noticed Riley’s scathing look. “What?”

  Riley swatted angrily at a stray curl that had fallen from her ponytail. “Would you please be serious here.”

  “I’m sorry.” Misha almost laughed as she apologized. “It’s just that it’s rare that I get to be in this position. You’re such a goody-goody.” She flinched, expecting to be hit again. “You’ve just never done anything this reckless,” she added when Riley dropped her head to the bar top. “Did you guys, um…Did you use protection?”

  “Russ! Another one over here!” Riley ordered.


  “We did…except for that last time.”

  Misha closed her eyes. “Oh my…”

  “I was just caught so quickly off guard,” Riley admitted to her best friend. “He wasn’t what I’d expected. When he asked me out to dinner, I didn’t see the harm in it. I even met his partner, Talib Mason, and then he to
ok me to the roof—”

  “Talib? Talib Mason?” Misha’s slanting dark stare was riveted on Riley’s face.

  “Yeah…That’s his partner…Misha?”

  Misha groaned and began to massage a sudden ache in her shoulders.

  “You know him?” Riley asked.

  “You could say that.”

  Concerned by the uncharacteristic despair on Misha’s honey-toned face, Riley clutched her hand. “What is it?”



  She waved her hand. “Don’t. I’m over it.” She drank deeply of the vodka. “It was before I got the editing job at the New Chronicle…a nonstop drama fest that’s over and done with.”

  Riley fidgeted with the lace cuff of Misha’s blouse. “How long did it last?”

  “’Bout a year.”

  “Oh, honey…”

  “Honestly, Riley, I’m over it. He was a jackass. Let’s hope his partner isn’t going to follow along those lines.” She smiled. “From what you’ve told me, he sounds like a nice guy.”

  “Yeah…” Riley reverted back to her dilemma. “A nice guy who resides in Phoenix.”

  Once she and Misha parted ways, Riley headed back up to her office where she’d been working late on ideas for upcoming column topics. Whenever she conducted, one of those solo brainstorming sessions, the ideas usually spilled forth in much the same way they did when she worked with her staff. Tonight, however, she couldn’t seem to focus.

  It was no mystery as to the reason. Asher Hudson was on her mind, as he’d been since she left Phoenix two weeks prior. She’d cursed herself a million times at least for even wasting the energy to think about him.

  He hadn’t called. But then, neither had she. She supposed it was a bit unfair to curse the man for taking what she’d wanted to give. It was a simple enough matter. One that should’ve been easy to put behind her. So why did her eyes well with tears when the idea of not seeing or speaking to him again came to mind?

  Chapter 5

  While Riley was frustrating herself over her fleeting acquaintance with Asher Hudson, Asher was arriving at JFK Airport and frustrating himself with the question, why the devil was he in New York?

  He was not in New York to pursue the delicious Riley Stamper, Asher reminded himself. He was there to see his mother. Cassell Hudson had called every few days to remind her son of his promise to visit.

  Now he was there and debating whether to call his mother or the woman he was falling in lust with. He wouldn’t allow himself to dwell on the possibility that it was anything more than that.

  In lust. Yes, that was far more believable. Then why wasn’t he buying it? The cellular vibrated in his khaki pocket just then, and he celebrated the interruption. Checking the faceplate, he smiled.

  “Hey, Ma.”

  “Damn light,” Riley muttered upon discovering the hall lights were out on her floor. Since she had the loft apartment, she couldn’t count on an astute neighbor to bring the matter to the attention of the landlords. She made a mental note to handle it and knew that was about as likely as the maintenance folk having a vision about a lightbulb needing to be replaced on the top floor.

  Thankful for the moonlight drifting through the slim windows just below the ceiling, she used the illumination to hunt for her key ring. She glimpsed the key she needed and uttered a triumphant cheer seconds before she saw that she wasn’t alone in the hall.

  Asher hissed an oath when she screamed, and he realized what he must’ve looked like waiting in the shadows of a deserted corridor.

  Riley was calling herself all sorts of names for dropping her Mace spray in her bag, instead of slipping it into her purse like any sane person.


  “You get back!” She gave pause, wondering how the attacker knew her name.

  “Riley, it’s me.”

  Realization dawned. “Son of a bitch!” She let her bag swing.

  Asher ducked the blow easily and moved in close. “Honey, it’s me.”

  “I know!” She tried to wrench free of his hold. “What the hell are you doing here? You scared the living crap out of me.”

  He grimaced and stepped back. “Thought I’d surprise you.”

  “You succeeded.”

  “Can we please go inside and stop arguing in this dark hallway? Where the hell’s your light?”

  “Why don’t you report the oversight to maintenance on your way out?” The pointed request was ignored, and she tried to shut the door on him. “What are you doing here?” She hurried through the loft, switching on lamps until the place glowed golden.

  Asher strolled in, appreciating the warmth of the elegant yet comfortable dwelling. “Since you weren’t going to be the bigger person, I decided to contact you first.”

  “And in person, too. Boy, you and phones must not get along at all.”

  Asher rolled his eyes and headed for her kitchen. “I promised my mother I’d visit.”

  “How sweet. Why don’t you go and raid her refrigerator, then?” Riley watched, amazed as he helped himself to a bottle of juice.

  Asher’s expression was somber. “Calvin Onsteen called me, Riley.”

  She blinked and then gave a quick toss of her head. “Calvin Onsteen?”

  “Don’t even try it. You remember who he is.”

  “Ah, yes.” She set her bag on one of the high-backed stools circling the breakfast nook. “The junior agent whose life you ruined.”

  Asher bowed his head to accept the dig and the fact that she wasn’t going to own up to contacting her source. “We had a good conversation. He’s living up in Boston, using his law degree to set up a private practice. He sounds good.” He sent her a sideways glance when she tried to appear nonchalant. “I only wanted to thank whoever asked him to call. The talk did both of us a world of good.”

  “I’m glad.” Honesty radiated from her words. “So—” she smoothed her hands across the marble-like countertop “—is that it?”

  “They’re a couple more things.” He set aside the juice and leaned against the opposite side of the counter. “I wanted to apologize.”

  Riley only shook her head.

  “That morning in your hotel room…” He reached for her hand and brushed his thumb across her knuckles. “I shouldn’t have…done that without a condom.”

  Riley blinked and tried to tug her hand back. He wouldn’t let her. “It’s all right, Asher.”

  “No. No, it’s not. I should’ve been more careful with you.” He stared intently at her hand. “I just…just didn’t stop to think about anything other than what I wanted. I’m tested every year.” He sighed and moved back. “You shouldn’t have anything to worry about….”

  She nodded. “Same here, and I’m on the pill.”

  Asher dipped his head when he felt his jaw clench. He didn’t want her to see his reaction to that little tidbit. He didn’t know how he felt about her being sexually active. That was a lie. He knew how he felt about it. If she wasn’t using birth control with him and him alone, then he hated it.

  Riley bumped the toe of one of her black square-toed shoes against the side of the counter and waited. When he seemed content drawing invisible designs on her countertop with his fingertip, she cleared her throat and stood.

  “If that’s all, Ashe—”

  “It’s not. I want to keep seeing you, Riley.” He nodded once, as though he’d satisfied himself by admitting that aloud.

  Riley leaned against the counter. “How, Asher? In our dreams? Because that’s the best we’ll do between Phoenix and NYC.”

  “I know it’ll be rough.”

  “Rough.” She reached for the bottle of juice he’d set aside and took a sip. She didn’t see the smile Asher gave when she drank from his drink. “No, Asher, first, it’ll probably be pretty cool, a bicoastal relationship so to speak.” She tipped the bottle in a mock toast. “Then it’ll become a pain in the ass, and we’ll wind up hating each other.”

  Asher shook his
head. “You’re very cynical, aren’t you?”

  Riley spread her hands. “Life of a reporter.”

  “More like a woman who’s afraid to take a chance.”

  Riley bristled while accepting the blow. “It won’t work.”

  He muttered another curse, and then, with swift steps, he closed the distance between them. His kiss was thorough and searching, and he forced her tongue to duel with his.

  She continued her campaign against anything more serious. “You only think you want this.”

  He was beginning to adore her stubbornness. “Know I do,” he argued.

  When he leaned close again, Riley prepared for another kiss. His mouth brushed her forehead, though, and with that gesture, he left her.

  “What is going on with you?” Cassell Hudson whispered the words in awe once she’d topped off her son’s coffee.

  “Ma, I really do plan on visiting more. I just—”

  “No, no, love, not that. I mean, you’re different,” she said and smiled. “Phoenix must be agreeing with you. You look almost giddy.”

  Asher could have choked on his coffee. “An educated woman like yourself can come up with a better word, I know.”

  “Oh, shush. Besides, it fits you perfectly.” Cassell set the glass carafe back in the coffeemaker and turned. “I would say, you look like you’re in love, but…”

  “What?” Asher was riveted by his mother’s words.

  Cassell blinked. “Well, are you?”

  Asher laughed suddenly to dismiss the annoying emotion swelling in his chest. “Not even close, Ma. Seeing someone new, is all.”

  “You are.” Cassell sighed the words and reclaimed her seat at the small breakfast table they shared in her kitchen. “Well, who is she? When will we get to meet—”

  “Hold it, Ma.” Asher stood and went to stare out over his parent’s dew-drenched backyard. “Before you get excited, you may as well know that I’ve known her only for about three weeks. This could all be over like that.” He snapped his fingers, even as the words produced bile in his throat.


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