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Wherever My Heart Roams (Brides of the West Series Book Nine)

Page 7

by Rita Hestand

  She felt the ring on her finger. During the wedding so much of it was a blur, due to her butterflies, she hadn't given the ring much attention, but now, she felt the weight of it and looked into the sparkling diamond.

  "This ring must have cost a fortune. I've never had anything so beautiful in all my life. Except maybe, this dress. It was so thoughtful of you."

  He almost stopped dancing, but he danced her to a secluded area for a moment. "The ring was my mother's. But the dress was all my idea. Your mother helped me pick it out, actually."

  "The ring is beautiful, but the dress…" She sighed

  "Makes you the most beautiful woman here." He whispered for her ears alone.

  "I've never had much jewelry. Well, that isn't true either, I've never had any jewelry."

  "You will now, I'll see to that." He smiled temptingly.

  She looked into his face, with a sudden kind of calm, "You are very generous…"

  "Beth, as long as I can provide well, I will. And when I can't, perhaps you will remember the good times we've shared."

  "I make you this promise, I will remember them…"

  "Well, Mrs. Cahill, I haven't had a chance to tell you, but you are absolutely beautiful this morning." He waltzed her around the yard. "When I first came to the church this morning, I was a nervous wreck, marriage is as new to me, as it is to you. But when I saw you coming down the aisle and the serene smile on your lips, my nerves quieted."

  The sound of her new name on his lips, made her giddy inside for some reason. She was Mrs. Wade Cahill now. Strangely, she had practically grown up in one week. How could it happen so fast? How could she go from play acting to getting married in one week?

  She couldn't stop the flush to her cheeks, but when he brushed his lips over hers, she felt a strange thread of a bond growing between them.

  "I know this is all new to you, but I'll grow on you, you'll see." He promised with a smile.

  She stared into his blue eyes and smiled, "You already are."

  His gaze took her in, and a slow burning smile…lit his face. His head bent again to take her lips. The kiss was passionate and sweet, sweeping her mind away to another world. She felt addicted to these wonderful kisses of his. A week ago, she'd kissed her pillow. Wade Cahill had taken her away from those days of childhood dreams and shown her the dreams of a woman.

  "When are we leaving for the boat?" She asked softly.

  "I thought we could visit with your folks for a while today and leave at the crack of dawn, if that's okay. It'll mean spending the night here, but I hate to start out late. It will be a two-day ride, or longer and I want us fresh when we start. Do you mind?"

  "No, not at all. Mama will be happy we are staying."

  He glanced about at the crowd of people. "You certainly have a lot of friends."

  "We've lived here all our lives." Beth explained trying to distance herself enough for a conversation.

  She looked about and realized that this life she'd known would soon become a blur to her. The faces that were so familiar to her, would fade and she'd meet new people, new surrounding, and a new life, as a married woman. It exhilarated her and scared her.

  "Must be nice to grow up in a community where you know all the people." Wade murmured.

  She shrugged. "I hadn't thought about it much, but I guess I'm just now realizing how much I will miss about home. The people, the land, the fact that I know everyone and everyone knows me. I guess it is sort of a sheltered life in some ways. But I'm looking forward to learning more about your life now. I've never been on a riverboat before. I'm going to look at it as a great adventure."

  He lifted her chin and looked into her very soul, "We'll make a new home, but you can always come back for visits."

  "That's generous of you." She lowered her gaze. "And what of the talk of war?"

  "Let's not ruin this day with such talk. Today is our day." He smiled and danced her about. "Today we celebrate."

  "I guess it is," her expression lightened. He waltzed her around the place and they stopped for punch several times. Beth would introduce him to her friends, and all the women thought Wade such a catch. She had to admit deep down that she thought he was a catch too!

  What would her life bring now? In some ways, getting married offered her a new world to see, and she was excited.

  She hoped for the best!

  Chapter Seven

  "The Lady Belle", stood majestically in the distance, as they stared across the river, from the embankment. Lanterns were lit on the outside of the boat as it softly pedaled toward the shore line. They'd driven across the east end of Texas and into Louisiana and three days later they stared at the shores of the mighty Mississippi. It was very late, but she could see many couples on the boat. Women decked out in fine clothes, with matching hats and parasols, men in black top hats and ties. How grand they looked.

  The ride had been long and dusty and Wade pointed out places of interest as they went. He kept her totally entertained the whole trip. They stopped to eat in several towns, and camped out in the woods at night. Wade had waited on her a lot, but she insisted she could make a camp.

  They even managed to fish on the second night out and caught three catfish which he cleaned. She amazed him with her fishing abilities. "My brother Jacob taught me to fish. Said every girl should know how."

  "Well you sure know how, you caught two and I caught one." He smiled.

  She did cook them over a fire and they both enjoyed it.

  At night they slept in separate blankets near the fire and he told her riverboat stores to entertain her.

  It made it easier somehow not having to worry about sleeping together yet.

  The countryside had changed to one of moss and willows lining the banks of the river. Huge trees dotted the banks of the river. The dock was a flat piece of land where many people came and went.

  Beth had never seen the river and it fascinated her. The sites and smells and even the animals were new to her. The familiar sound of frogs croaking as the night air cooled made her sigh. However, the river was quite noisy this time of night. She heard a banjo and piano coming from the inside the boat. About to dock once more there were lots of people gathering.

  "That's your new home, sailing down the river, I hope you like it."

  "It's beautiful," Beth gasped, as the watched plumes of dark smoke billow from the forward stacks as steam rose from the smaller pipes toward the back of the boat. The steam whistle blew two sharp notes in the air, making Beth jump with enthusiasm.

  The huge paddle wheel in back made a slow rhythm down the river. At the dock clearing many people were waiting to greet their friends and neighbors, others were about to board.

  Beth took in the surroundings with interest, feeling the excitement of a new world opening up for her and Wade seemed eager to get them settled on the boat before nightfall. Since it was a good ride to the river's edge they had left the site before sunset.

  All during the trip he had stopped to point out places of interest to her, and she found it interesting that her new husband knew so much about the country.

  Now staring out at the boat, she realized this would be her new life, and there were many things she would have to learn. It seemed almost like a fairy tale.

  "Will your mother like me?" Beth asked a bit intimidated by the newness of everything. She wanted to make a good impression, but she also wanted his mother to like her for who she was, a plain ordinary woman.

  "She'll have too, you are my wife now. And nothing will change that." He said, his voice sounding a bit dark now.

  "I want her to." Beth said quietly.

  "She can't help but fall in love with a woman as sweet as you." He perked up.

  "I hope so…" Beth felt a tinge of fear but she squashed it quickly. She wouldn't let anything intimidate her now. "I'll do my best to get her to like me."

  "Don't even try. Mother will see through that. Just be your own sweet self. She'll come around, eventually."

eth glanced at him and nodded. "All right."

  She couldn't face her new life with fear. If she let his mother control their marriage it could be a disaster. She knew she'd have to be strong, and yet tempered.

  Despite her naïve, she had been taught how to get along with cantankerous older people and she knew she'd have to draw on the few experiences she'd had. Obviously his mother was a force to be dealt with and if she didn't make the right impression right off the bat, then things could become difficult.

  Determined to make her marriage work, and to find a way to get along, she strengthened her resolve. She'd be herself, and Mother Cahill would have to learn to like her.

  Sure enough, as they boarded the "The Lady Belle", his mother was waiting on the top deck to greet them. Beth saw her at a glance, but it was enough to see the grim expression on her face, and the arrogance of her tilted nose. She had nearly white hair pulled up on top her head, crowning her. She was quite handsome for an older lady, Beth acknowledged.

  As they moved around on the boat, Wade introduced her to the Captain, and several stewards. Some of the laborers passed and he introduced them too. Beth liked that he treated all the workers the same. It meant he was a fair man. She realized quickly there were many things she liked about her husband.

  "I don't know if I'll remember all their names." Beth cried.

  "Don't worry, just ask, if you get confused."

  "All right."

  As they went upstairs, his mother wheeled her chair around to face them squarely.

  At first glance, she was a sophisticated woman with a plain appearance. She wore an elegant gray dress, with a cameo at the neck, and her hair pulled back into an extreme bun. She had the same blue eyes as Wade, only much less inviting than her son. Elegant and plain described her. She wore no welcoming smile, no warmth lit her eyes as Beth came closer. Beth saw a tad of intimidation in her eyes too, and that softened Beth's manner quickly. The older woman was as afraid of meeting her as she was. Good, they could start on an even keel.

  Beth could tell right off she would have a struggle with this woman, but she was more than determined to win her over.

  "So this is your bride, huh?" His mother announced staunchly as he leaned to kiss her on the cheek.

  "Yes, this is my wife, Beth Cahill, mother." Wade smiled down into the sobering looking woman. "And I'd appreciate you welcoming her."

  "She's mighty young." His mother snapped.

  "I'm pleased to meet you, Mrs. Cahill." Beth extended her hand.

  His mother didn't extend hers. She nodded. "That's to be seen!"

  "Mother, we were just married three days ago, let's keep the peace at least one day, alright." Wade's gaze narrowed on his mother's stern glance.

  His mother sent him a slight frown, but when she saw that Wade was having none of her sour mood, she brightened immediately.

  "There's champagne in your room. Dinner is at eight. Don't be late…. you know how I hate eating late." His mother frowned. "Welcome to "The Lady Belle" Beth."

  "Thank you mother Cahill." Beth raised her chin, determined not to let the woman see her intimidation.

  As they followed his mother's chair down the aisle of the boat, his mother tossed her son a quick glance. "She's a looker alright, but is she good for anything else? I hope she isn't another one of your floozies."

  Beth heard her and came up on the other side of her, "I'm a very good cook, I can sew, and I know how to delegate chores, as I'm from a big family. I know what hard work is, Mrs. Cahill. I'm clean in my appearance, and diligent in my work. I treat people fairly and expect them to do the same."

  Taken aback, the elder woman stopped her chair. She glanced over at her son, then back at Beth. "Well, she does have spunk, she's gonna need it."

  As Wade opened the door to their suite, Beth gasped at how beautiful it was. A beautiful peach colored quilt lay atop the bed, lace curtains lined the windows. Beautiful porcelain washbowls adorned the dressers. The furniture was white and all matched. A white bear rug lay in front of a small fireplace.

  "A fireplace…in a bedroom, on a boat, it's beautiful!" She gasped. "I never expected such elegance. I figured it would be just an ordinary bedroom."

  Champagne chilled by the bedside in a beautiful silver bucket awaited them. There was so much to take in, Beth couldn't believe all this belonged to Wade.

  "You…you didn't tell me you were rich?" She gasped.

  He chuckled. "I'm not exactly rich. Although I do own the boat outright. This is the honeymoon suite a bit more elegant than some of the rooms. And I’m not in debt, thank God."

  "I've never seen anything so lovely in my life. I'm going to live here?" She asked.

  "It's yours!" He smiled.

  She walked around the room, picking up little things, things she'd never had the pleasure of seeing much less owning. Then she sat on the edge of the bed and glanced about. "I can't believe this, it's lovely. But…your mother doesn't like me, does she?"

  Wade came toward her. "I guess I should have warned you. But, I really wanted to see how things would go first. Actually, she has rather an acid tongue at times, but she did acknowledge you, so I think you might have scored some points with her already. Mother can be difficult. She's not happy being in a wheel chair all the time. Nor does she want or expect anyone waiting on her, or treating her like an invalid. She's afraid of that. She's a very independent woman. She doesn't like to be pushed in the chair, she prefers doing it herself. Independent."

  "I thought she might be." Beth whispered. "Then I'll treat her as such and not help her unless she asks."

  His head bent and he kissed her, and she nearly lost all thoughts. He breathed in her sweet scent. "You smell wonderful."

  "Thanks, it's a concoction me and my sister came up with last summer. It isn't real perfume though." She blushed.

  When he raised his head, she stared into is eyes. "How'd you know I needed that?"

  He smiled at her, "I don't know, but I did too."

  "I so want her to like me…" Beth cried, a tear in her eye that she wouldn't let fall.

  "Sweetheart, she'll come to like you, when she realizes what a trooper you are. She admires strength in anyone. And you have that." He assured her. "That's one of the first things I noticed about you."

  "I won't bother her, but I would so like her to be my friend. Everything is so new to me here, it will take time for me to feel at home."

  "I understand that. And you do have one friend already."

  "Really, who?"

  "Me…" he said simply.

  He took her hand, kissed it and smiled. "We have all the time in the world. And believe me…she will come to like you…just give her some time."

  "I promise…"

  "Would you like some champagne?" He asked.

  "I've never had alcohol…." She warned him.

  He sent her a crooked smile, "Then you must at least try it, once."

  "Alright. Just a little." She smiled when he handed her a glass, popped the bottle open, and poured her some of the bubbly liquid she laughed and waited.

  Beth sipped it. It tasted delicious, a little sweet and very tingling.

  "Don't drink it too fast, it can have an effect…"

  She nodded.

  He opened the window so she could see them pulling away from the banks of the river.

  "I never dreamed it would be so beautiful." Beth sighed as an evening breeze cooled her face. "This is like a poor girl's dream…"

  "I suppose we should change clothes now. I hope you don't mind, but I've taken the liberty of ordering some dresses for you, you'll find them hanging in the closet." He smiled. "I got an assortment, for different occasions."

  "When did you do that?" She asked whirling about to look into the closet.

  "Almost the minute you said yes, I got busy. I wanted you to have all the things you needed to be comfortable. I had your mother give me some ideas out of a catalogue and then when I sailed to New Orleans I stopped long enough for them t
o be delivered to the boat before I came to get you."

  "Oh…you bought me more clothes?" She shrieked and ran to open the armoire. She opened her mouth, but nothing came out, as she stared at the beautiful clothes he had sent from the best shops of New Orleans. There were beautiful satin gowns, and gowns that glittered, and then there were nice dresses that one might wear to church too. Different colors. And to her amazement, they looked as though they would fit her perfectly. He had even thought of hats for different outfits. She turned to look at him with surprise.

  "How on earth did you know what size?"

  "Your mother…"

  "I never expected so much."

  "I know you didn't. But we won't be stopping for a while and I wanted you to have some nice things. It's sort of a wedding gift for you." He smiled. "Since we aren't having much of a honeymoon, I thought it was the least I could do for you."

  She tiptoed and kissed him on the lips, a scorching kiss that had him wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close. He groaned softly, as he nibbled her ear.

  "We're going to have to be using that bed, if you keep that up," He whispered, as his lips ravaged hers. She felt the passion building, the heat surrounded them, and the urge to know more had her relaxing in his arms. The champagne did have an effect, she mused at her lightheadedness.

  He groaned and slowly pulled away. She saw red hot desire spear through him, but the feelings swelling inside her told her she was on the verge of the same feelings. In that moment, she knew she wanted him. It hit her like a warning hammer on her head.

  Her hand went to her stomach and she glanced up at him.

  "Your feeling it too, aren't you?" He asked in a low whisper.

  Her eyes shone into his, "I-I suppose I am…"

  "I love your honesty. It's refreshing. You're such a truthful person, another trait I like about you. Perhaps we should go outside and get some fresh air…" He offered.

  She nodded woodenly with the beginnings of being woozy.

  He took her hand and guided her outside, to the railing. She watched the water ripple as the boat moved through it. And suddenly, she felt sick.


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