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Wherever My Heart Roams (Brides of the West Series Book Nine)

Page 8

by Rita Hestand

  Before she realized it, she was pitching her dinner over the railing.

  "Honey…" He called and picked her up in his arms and carried her back inside the cabin.

  He laid her on top of the bed, and he went to get a cool rag for her and some water.

  "I'm sorry," she cried. "I don't know what happened."

  "A little sea-sickness there. You'll be fine. But I'll call the doctor to give you some medicine."

  "Oh no, please don't bother," She tried to get up, but her head was swimming. "I think it's the champagne, I told you I'd never drank before."

  "I'm sorry darling."

  She smiled, and pulled his head down to her, "You called me darling…" She sighed happily. "I've never been called darling before."

  "Do you like it?" He grinned.

  "Very much…" She giggled. "I like all the names you call me."

  He got the rag and wet it in a bowl, then wrang it out and wiped her forehead and her lips. When he touched her lips, she stared into his face.

  He smiled down into her face, "I'm taking very good care of you, Mrs. Cahill."

  "We did it, didn't we? We got married!" She smiled.

  "Yes we did!" He smiled back at her. His thumb absently stroked her cheek now, as he looked at her with his probing eyes. "My God, you don't know what a beautiful picture your present."

  "No one's told me that but my Ma and I think she's prejudice."

  "I'll tell you often, you can count on that."

  "I like the way you touch my cheek. I like the way you kiss me, too. I'm sorry, but the things you do…you're so gentle. Is every man as gentle as you?"

  He raised up and smiled down at her. He started to get up and leave the room, but she called him back.

  "Oh…don't leave me…" she cried. "I'm sorry, I'm a mess already. And we must meet your mother for supper."

  He came back to stand over her, looking deep into her eyes, and beyond to her soul. "I'll never leave you!"

  She smiled again, and reached for his hand. "Promise?"

  "Promise!" He sat beside her.

  "When you make a promise, you have to seal it with a kiss…" She tempted. "But maybe that's not such a good idea."

  "Good heavens, what a temptress you are. You may just kill me. Here I'm trying to be a gentleman and keep my hands off of you, and you invite me in." He said, his expression tight with control.

  "It's our wedding day, and I'm acting shameless." she declared opening her arms to him. "I enjoy the way you kiss me…" she said, squeezing his arm. "It's so much better than a pillow."

  "A pillow?" his head turned in question.

  "I'll explain it later."

  "I'm going to get the doctor to look at you. But I'll be right back…"

  She nodded, and closed her eyes.

  She didn't know when she went to sleep but the doctor roused her a bit and offered her some kind of medicine. "It will keep you steady on your feet." He smiled.

  Beth stared at him, and then Wade.

  "Thank you…" she murmured.

  "Might not be a bad idea if you get a little more sleep, young lady. You'll have to get your sea-legs a little at a time." The doctor smiled.

  He was a middle aged man in a nice suit and wearing spectacles.

  She nodded, smiled and drifted right back to sleep.

  It was dark when she woke up and Wade wasn't in the room. She lit the lamp by the bed and poured herself some water. There was a bowl of grapes on the dresser and she helped herself to a few.

  Sitting on the rocker by the window, she gazed out over the water. It looked so beautiful in the moonlight.

  The medicine made her feel much better and she smiled. "What a wonderful life I'll have here." She said to herself.

  Wade came in and saw her in the rocker.

  "Feeling better?" He asked as he came to sit on the edge of the bed, beside her chair.

  "Yes, much. How long did I sleep?"

  "About an hour, I'd say. I went to check with the Captain and I brought you a menu from the dining room. Are you hungry?"

  "A little…but…" she grabbed his hands. "I think I’m going to be very happy here."

  His eyes glittered into hers. "That's my intention, to make you happy."

  She looked deep into his eyes now, "I don't understand why you wanted to marry me, but…I've decided, I'm very glad you did…And not because of all of this."

  He drew her to him.

  "No one's ever treated me so nicely. No one's ever given me so much. And you ask nothing of me…"

  He stared into her eyes, "Before we boarded, I thought about playing poker tonight. Giving you some privacy, but my heart's not in that. I'd rather take you to dinner, and dance with you and then take you out on the deck so you can enjoy the sights. I-I wanted to be with you."

  "You did?" She asked breathlessly. "You turned down a poker game?"

  "Yes, amazing isn't it. All I can think about is…you."

  She smiled, and tiptoed to kiss his cheek, but he turned his head and covered her lips with his own.

  A burning need seemed to grow inside her, turning her insides to jelly. His lips moved persuasively against hers, and she moaned softly. His arms crushed her to him and the kiss went on forever.

  Suddenly, she smiled against his lips, "Open your mouth and let me in…"

  He chuckled but his eyes were on fire for her. She'd never seen a man on fire for her. It stunned, and gave her a confidence she'd never known.

  The kiss became steamy, passionate, consuming. Their tongues mated over and over again, and she was drowning in his kisses. A helpless warm feeling spread through her.

  He seemed to be reacting to this kiss quite differently. Because he raised up once more and looked away.

  "What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?" She asked, raising up and turning his cheek toward her.

  "Wrong?" He repeated, his face a puzzle. "Honey, you light a fire inside me, when you kiss me like that. With such abandon. I'm not some untried youth, Beth…I want you!" He declared. But he shook his head, "But I won't take you. Not yet! It's too soon. When I take you, I want you to be very sure that you want that."

  "It's our wedding night, aren't we suppose to want each other?"

  He turned to stare at her and smiled once more, "If only it were that simple."

  When her upper lip pursed, he shook his head.

  "Beth this is all so new to you. I don’t' want to rush you. I want our coming together to be special. I want you to be sure. With no regrets. Because, you can't turn back…right now you are still so innocent…I can't take the advantage, even though I want to, with all my heart."

  She smiled, "You do?" She asked breathlessly.

  "Of course I do. But I think we should wait a while. I'm doing my best not to take advantage. I want you to be in love with me, when we come together. I want you to be sure of it."

  "You don't think I am?" She asked.

  "I think…you need more time…" He stared deeply at her. "To be sure. And I have plenty of time Beth. I won't rush you."

  "Alright, you are my husband, and I will do as you say." She nodded. "But I'll dream about it, until it really happens."

  "God help me, so will I…" he chuckled softly. "So will I."

  Chapter Eight

  The dining room was crowded and all manner of people were eating. Women with big plumed hats, and men in suits adorned the richly set tables. They were dressed so nicely.

  The tables were set with small lanterns fine linens, and the plates were china. Something she'd never seen. She stared at the beautiful plates and cups. The wine glasses were so beautiful Beth had an urge to pick one up and handle it. But she moved on. She didn't want anyone thinking she'd never seen such beautiful things.

  Beth felt out of place, everything was so expensive and the perfumes she got a whiff of as she passed people at tables, told her most of these people had money. She didn't have real perfume, just something her and her sister cooked up. Did she belong here? Could sh
e belong here?

  But thanks to her husband, she was now a part of it. She held her head up, and smiled at everyone. This was her new life, and so far…she couldn't be more pleased.

  She picked a silky dark blue dress that clung to her breasts, and flared at the skirt. Surprisingly when she had glanced in the mirror, she realized just how much a woman she had become. She spent a little time on her hair and wore it in curls in the back, she looked elegant when she stared at herself in the mirror.

  My, she'd come a long way in such a short time.

  However, when Wade came up and put a sapphire necklace around her neck, she gasped. "Oh my word. This must have cost a fortune."

  "It was mother's she told me to let you wear it tonight."

  "She did?"

  "I think she's taken with you. I don't know how you do it. You just wrap people around your little finger."

  "Oh I so hope so." Beth said staring into his eyes.

  Wade watched as the little country girl, became as elegant as any city woman he knew. It was a transformation he knew she'd adjust to well. But it still had him staring. Part of him wanted to keep that little country girl.

  But to her, it was like some dream. She never expected the dresses from Wade, much less the necklace from his mother. The mere thought that he had thought enough ahead to get her some clothes made her feel very confident that their marriage would last. No matter what he did, he wanted her to hold her head up with the best of them. She loved him for that.

  How could he have known she was worried about simple things like clothes to help make her feel more at home.

  Now as he guided her through the mass of tables she felt a part of this and it gave her confidence.

  One of the ladies stopped Wade with a hand extended. "Wade darling, I haven't seen you for ages."

  Wade stopped at the table smiled and then introduced Beth, "This is my wife Beth, Mrs. Covington."

  "Why so formal, you usually call me Dallas," the woman cooed, her dark curls falling against her creamy shoulders. Her dark brown eyes narrowed fleetingly on Beth. "And you married, how quaint, I never thought you'd do that."

  Wade smiled charmingly and turned to the man at the table, "Mr. Covington, glad to see you both traveling with us this trip."

  "Got business in St. Louis. Your wife is so young and beautiful. I envy you." He smiled at Beth.

  "His wife sent me a scathing glance."

  Beth colored, a little flustered, but smiled. "I'm pleased to meet you both."

  "Won't you join us?" Mrs. Covington asked glancing at Wade.

  "I'm afraid we're having dinner with Mother tonight. If you'll excuse us." Wade nodded to another table. "We're still very much on our honeymoon."

  "Oh…yes, of course. Well, good luck, Beth…" Mrs. Covington shot the elder Mrs. Cahill a quick frown.

  Beth nodded.

  Wade escorted Beth to the table where his mother was waiting.

  "Glad to see you are on time. What did that whore of a woman want?" Mrs. Cahill asked frowning at the woman who kept staring at them.

  "Nice to see you too, Mother." Wade smiled warmly and bent to kiss his mother on the cheek once more.

  Beth heard the word with clarity and glanced back at Mrs. Covington. Determined to not give into to gossip she sat down when Wade pulled out a chair for her.

  "You didn't answer my question?" His mother firmed her lips.

  "They are going to St. Louis, mother, on business." Wade informed her. "And they are paying guests. It would behoove you to act nice."

  "You are telling me to act nice around that obvious whore of a woman? Wade Cahill you know exactly what she wants." His mother grumbled. "What galls me is that she flirts right in front of her own husband. And he puts up with it. And now right in front of Beth. It's disgraceful."

  "Perhaps. But I assure you I want nothing from her. I am quite happily married now and that makes the difference, mother."

  "I don't think it matters what you want." His mother shot the woman a look of pure acid.

  "Only to a point, Mother. I'm aware of her intentions, but I don't plan on acting upon them. Now, can we eat in peace?" Wade asked, looking weary from his verbal dual with his mother.

  Beth had been quiet, but now his mother eyed her. "And what do you think of her?"

  Beth glanced back at the woman, then his mother. To everyone's surprise she blurted out, "I think you are right, Mother Cahill, but I have faith in my husband."

  "Faith? Well, I wasn't expecting that answer. You surprise me. Perhaps she isn't typical at all, Wade. Where ever did you find her?"

  "In the hills of Texas, Mother. Isn't she refreshing?" He smiled at Beth now.

  "We'll see. Now Beth the stew is marvelous, and the steaks divine here." His mother offered.

  Beth smiled at her, "Stew sounds wonderful."

  "Good choice." His mother nodded.

  Wade watched the interplay and smiled as though to himself.

  "Mr. Cahill," A gentleman walked up to their table.

  Wade eyed the man carefully, "General Martin?"

  "Have you considered what we spoke of last we met?"

  "You'll excuse me, but my mind has been elsewhere, General. I'm just recently married, and since this is officially our honeymoon time, I refuse to talk about the war with you at this time. Perhaps later…"

  The General seemed taken aback. "I'm sorry, I didn't know. But I'm afraid it's not something we can escape."

  "It's started?"

  "Yes, at Ft. Sumter."

  "That's unfortunate. May I introduce my wife sir, Beth Cahill?" Wade stood up.

  Beth nodded to the General but figured it best not to speak at the time. Wade wasn't in the mood to talk to the man that was obvious and it would possibly ruin everyone's dinner, so she kept silent.

  "I must say I can't blame you, Cahill, she's lovely." The General smiled, picked up her hand and kissed it.

  Beth smiled.

  "I'm sorry for the intrusion, we'll talk another time perhaps."

  "Perhaps." Wade didn't ascertain.

  The General tipped his hat to both ladies and left.

  "What was that about?" His mother asked.

  "I'd rather not talk about it tonight, mother. This is Beth's first night on our boat, I'd like it to be pleasant."

  His mother shrugged. "Very well."

  After dinner Wade looked over at Beth, "How was it?"

  "Almost as good as mine." She smiled brightly.

  "You really do cook?" His mother dabbed her lips with a napkin and looked at her. She seemed to let down some of her defenses now and talking came more easily.

  "Yes ma'am. I'm rather good at it. I had a good teacher, my mother." She smiled sweetly.

  "You mother," His mother's voice seemed to soften. "Then you lived at home?"

  "Oh yes ma'am. I have eleven brothers and sisters too and a father who loves to tell tales…" She commented.

  His mother's mouth fell open and she twisted her head to look at him. "Eleven?"

  "Yes mother, eleven, I've had the pleasure of meeting them all." Wade joined in.

  "I come from a big family too." his mother added.

  "Really, then you know what it's like, sharing chores and bedrooms and clothes even."

  His mother shook her head. "I certainly do."

  Beth knew from that moment on that she'd found a way to get along with his mother. She'd cracked the shell and the way she figured it, she was soft on the inside.

  "Well looks like we'll have lots to talk about, doesn't it?" Beth encouraged.

  His mother stared at her a moment, then nodded, "Yes, I think we will…" She smiled.

  Later on the dancefloor, Wade held Beth in his arms and waltzed her around. It was easy to dance with him he led so well.

  "I can't believe it." Wade smiled.

  "What?" She looked perplexed.

  "You and mother, that's what. I was prepared for an all-out war with her, and you come along and sweep her off her feet. Sh
e likes you!" He beamed at her.

  "Is that so unbelievable?" Beth asked with a chuckle.

  "If only you knew. Mother has never liked anyone that I've brought home. You are the first. And to think all this time…."

  "I found that having something in common can help." Beth offered. "I wasn't at all sure what it would be, but I was determined to find some level ground. It's important to me to get along with your mother."

  "You are a delight Beth. I'm so glad we married."

  "Me too…" She whispered near his ear. "You're a good dancer too."

  "It's because I have the most beautiful woman in the room in my arms, right now."

  She blushed and he pulled her closer.

  "I sure would like to kiss you…" He muttered.

  She sighed and pulled away to smile into his face. "I'd like that…maybe later!"

  "I'll look forward to it." He waltzed her around the room.

  He held her tighter and waltzed her around the floor.

  It was a like a dream come true. She'd married well, and his mother liked her. What more could she possibly need?

  But after a couple of dances, she nodded toward his mother. "Let's sit with her a bit now. I wish she could dance too."

  "You're a treasure Beth…" Wade smiled and they joined his mother.

  Mother Cahill was sipping a light wine and watching all the couples on the floor. She seemed delighted that they came back and joined her.

  "What would you like me to call you, Mrs. Cahill, Mother Cahill?" Beth asked after they sat down at the table.

  His mother seemed to think on it a bit. "Mother Cahill would be nice…"

  Beth smiled. "I was thinking the same thing."

  "Why did you stop dancing?" His mother asked him.

  Wade looked at Beth and smiled, "She's still getting her sea-legs, mother."

  "Oh dear, that happened to me the first time I came aboard." His mother was telling her. "His father, Aiden Cahill, was the Captain at the time. I was so sick and he came to my rescue. That's how we met. And he took care of me and stayed with me until I was better. Before we docked he asked me to marry him. And can you believe it, I said yes. My mother was in total shock."

  Wade was smiling now.

  "That's so romantic." Beth wasn't a bit shocked, but pleased that Mother Cahill shared that with her.


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