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Cosmic Cabaret

Page 38

by SFR Shooting Stars

  Twenty days of meaningless sex with as many willing partners as he could find. Days blurred in a haze of orgasms and booze. With the frigid bimbo he was sure to be saddled with for the rest of his natural life, he decided to get in as much living as possible before his grandfather demanded the terms of the treaty be honored.

  He pulled out his vid phone and brought up her image on the screen. He could have done much worse. The picture showed a sweet face. Caramel skin framed bright jade green eyes unadorned by makeup. Auburn hair was slicked back into a stern twisted knot atop her head, and she shyly avoided looking at the camera. He widened the frozen shot as far as it could go, searching for any detail he might have missed in his first thousand glances. It didn’t show her entire body, so he wasn’t sure if she was tall or short, slender or petite, or half the size of the nearest moon.

  Her unflattering, military-issued uniform also hid a good deal of her assets. After learning her name and doing some research, he discovered she had been first in all her classes, refusing to allow any boy to be better than her in anything. He found no mother in his search, her trail of highly reputable schools a testament to her many relocations.

  He brushed his fingertips along the edge of the captured moment. He sensed something more, something hidden behind the timid smile. Wishing it was the fact she was a sexual goddess in the bedroom, willing to entertain his wildest fantasies, seemed like a pipe dream, to be sure. She looked cold, the fleeting grin on her lips fake and forced.

  Great, just what I need. Another pampered princess.

  “Markie? My drink’s getting all watery and boring.”

  The jutted bottom lip on his previous night’s female plaything made his skin crawl. What the hell was he thinking when he slept with that? He must have been drunker than he realized. By the gods, if he had to listen to her mewling voice for another second, he might forget his manners and let his disguise slip. Knowing the dangerous lapse would piss off his protector, Ja’andar, he opted to give her a wink and turned away, lest he ruin his hiding place.

  “Please tell me you’re not seriously going to bang that piece of plastic again?”

  His conscience took form at the end of the bar, giving him a needed out. He moved down the lengthy counter, a practiced smile forming as he stopped in front of his friend, guard, and confidant. Judging by the peeved smirk on the man’s stern face, he was in for another lecture.

  Marqaz waved off the anticipated chewing out, resting his elbows on the shimmering, black marble top. “No. I can barely stand the smell of her from this distance. She was so pumped full of silicone, I think she squeaked a couple times while we were fucking. Damn, why didn’t you stop me?”

  Ja’andar stared at him, all emotion vanishing at his stupidly rhetorical question. “Really? Did you not remember me telling you, ‘I wouldn’t put my dick in her?’ I truly wonder about you, Your—”

  Marqaz silenced him with a sharp glare. He procured his current job as bartender on board the luxurious LS Quantum with the help of a forged resume and a good deal of credits transferred to a couple of private accounts. He did have some experience with alcohol. If drinking counted. Yet as far as the rest of the resorts employees knew, he was simply a new hire.

  And he meant to keep it that way.

  His guard dipped his chin, raising his hand to cover his heart. “My apologies. Force of habit.”

  He couldn’t blame the man too much. For as long as he could remember, Ja’andar had been his personal sentry, assigned to keep him breathing since he was a child.

  A quick scan of the place didn’t set off any alarms. Looks like my secret’s still safe.

  “Yeah, well. I’m enjoying living among the regulars, so I won’t kill you if you forget the honorifics for the time being.” He took a cooling sip from his drink, his gaze dragging lazily across the crowd.

  Ja’andar turned, setting his back against the padded edge. “Looking for your next partner?”

  He shrugged. “Never too early to…”

  His words dried up as he stared agape. There, as clear as day, stood the woman from his image. “Well, I’ll be damned.”

  It was her. No way could there be another who looked exactly the same. The longer he sized her up, the more he realized the picture did not do her justice. She was divine. Tall and built like a female should be, her curves hugged by her form-fitting attire. Skin the color of creamy coffee peeked out from the edges of the unflattering citrine, high-collared flight suit. Her hair was pulled into a thick braid, the long auburn rope falling over her shoulder and trailing between her confined breasts. Even at this distance, her emerald green eyes spoke to him.

  And they were begging for a good shag.

  Ja’andar leaned closer. “Isn’t that—”

  Marqaz glared, stopping the conspiratorial whisper. “Shh. Could you be any more obvious?” he hissed out in reply. “Yes, it’s her. But what’s she doing here?”

  He kept his gaze trained on her while she searched the scarcely populated bar. He chose to work at this particular spot since it was off the beaten path, cutting his chances of discovery greatly. Was that why she was here, as well?

  Oh, shit.

  A disturbing thought crept into the back of his mind. What if she had somehow learned about his escapades and had come to confront him?

  He continued to study her as his brain spun. But there was something about how she scanned the crowd that piqued his interest. She didn’t appear to be looking for someone in particular. Instead, it was more like the panicked stare of a criminal walking into a room full of security officers.

  He filed his theory away for later contemplation. Picking up a discarded towel, he busied himself with wiping down the bar. The jukebox played a sultry song, and he watched under hooded eyes as she approached. Whether it was a conscious seduction or her innocent gait, he would never know, but the rhythmic sway of her hips in perfect timing with the music hardened his cock so quickly, he leaned into his cleaning to stay on his feet.

  Lifting his gaze from the menial task, he offered her a practiced smile. “Hello, gorgeous. Welcome to Andromeda’s. Can I get you a drink?”

  Chance Meetings

  Karyna blinked to clear her thoughts, then stark reality smacked her in the face. Of course he would call her gorgeous. It was his job. But a small part of her wished there could have been a hint of sincerity in the voice of the sexy bartender across from her. His pale skin glowed under the amber lighting, playing havoc with the exact hue of his eyes. One moment, they appeared deep blue, and in the next second, she swore they flashed purple. Blond hair in serious need of a trim framed his arresting face. A hint of a day’s growth on his strong jaw and around his kissable lips gave him an aura of danger.

  His perfect and practiced smile sent tingles along her skin, her imaginations creating phantom fingertips that teased and pleased. It also hinted at wild nights spent entangled with numerous partners. The sobering thought tossed a glass of cold water onto the fragile embers beginning to awaken in her heart.

  Well, it was nice to be noticed for a minute.

  She glanced around, looking at all various bottles lining the shelves at the attractive man’s back. So many sizes and colors; she had no idea where to begin.

  “I … wow. That’s a lot of choices.” Carefully surveying the massive collection, she slipped the pack off her shoulder and slid onto the raised stool nearby. Glass glimmered and sparkled, the lights dancing inside, promising things she dared not imagine. She edged closer, squinting to read the names etched in fine, swirling letters.

  “Is there a certain flavor you enjoy?”

  She jumped at the deep voice whispering in her ear. Unaware, she had ventured into his territory and was close enough to smell his cologne. It was heady and screamed of sex. If she were bolder, she would have licked his face to test his flavor. She was sure he tasted of wild nights.

  Probably empty beds, as well.

  Reminding herself his job was to tempt and please customer
s, she smiled politely at him and returned her butt to her stool. She felt a tingling warmth on her cheek, but figured it was only a lingering response from his nearness.

  “Um, I guess I like fruit?”

  He arched a graceful brow over one unique lavender eye, a devilish smirk touching his handsome mouth. “You sure about that?”

  Damn, why did he have to sound so … sexy? Never one to believe in anonymous encounters, she had only been with a small handful of men. In each instance, she tried to buy love with her body and came up short. The mornings after would bring civil conversation, generally geared around her brutal and powerful dad, and part of her spirit died. She would move away, transferred along with her father’s army to some new locale, and the cycle would start again. It became such a pattern, she decided forever love was not for her to have. Still, she dreamed of finding someone who could love her for who she was, not because of her family’s influence.

  “Why? Did I not just say it?”

  His crooked grin fired her blood, and her mouth turned into cotton. All the liquid in her body went on a trip south, and she was grateful to be sitting. Straight white teeth peeked out from between his slightly parted lips. The opened throat of his black, formal uniform added to his roguish appearance. Plus, the contrast between the dark shirt and his pale skin brought out the rare purple in his bedroom eyes, long lashes and thick brows completing the handsome package.

  “Your lips might have said it, but the question in your voice says you might be looking for something else. Maybe something a bit more … adventurous?”

  Her left eyebrow shot up. She could only imagine the kind of wild escapades one night with this gorgeous man would hold. But she wanted more than a few hours of bliss. Was that possibility in the cards? Karyna eyed the man cautiously. Everything about him screamed playboy, and he was an employee on board one of the universe’s most talked about pleasure cruise liners. It wasn’t a lack of stamina she feared. That was the furthest thought from her mind. On the contrary, it was more of an excess of sensation.

  Would he deliver on his promise?


  Could she survive with another broken heart?

  That was the true question. Once her father caught her, which he would inevitably do, she would be forced into a loveless marriage, living without hope and doomed to bear the spawn of a man she hated.

  She fled from the prospect of being nothing more than a traded commodity. But what was she running to?

  Can I Buy You a Drink?

  Marqaz frowned as he studied his soon-to-be bride. For all the confidence she exuded in her picture, it was oddly absent in the woman sitting at his bar. He believed she would be cold and aloof. Instead, what he found was a beautiful spirit cocooned in a blanket of strange uncertainty. Her exotic green eyes darted, refusing to be held by his gaze, yet he detected a tempting blush touching her cheek for a moment.

  “Tread lightly, Your Highness.”

  He glanced over to his silent second sipping on his drink.

  “This entanglement could come back and bite you in the ass if you’re not careful.”

  The man was right, he mused. If he played this wrong and tipped his hand in any way, this could destroy the tentative peace brokered by his grandfather.

  He should come clean. She would find out soon enough, and he knew the knowledge would be devastating.

  Not unless I play dumb.

  Ja’andar choked on his drink, spraying the contents of his mouth across the bar. He stepped away from the quiet princess with a polite nod.

  “You okay, there?” he announced in a semi-concerned tone, patting his guard on the back while wiping up the watery evidence. “Don’t blow my chance. I can plead ignorance later.”

  “Remember, I’ve seen your acting skills, sire.”

  Marqaz shot him a lethal glance before heading back down the bar to her. She jerked her head back to the bottles a little too quick. He bit the inside of his cheek to hide a confident smile.

  “How about this? What’s your favorite color?” He rested an elbow against the bar, angling his body away from the massive liquor display. The uncomfortable pose had another purpose. It got him closer into her personal space. As she continued to survey the choices, he took a deep breath.

  His people had been blessed not only with the gift of telepathy, but they could also read auras through the senses. For some it was sight, others touch. His unique talent allowed him to gain great understanding of people through scent. No matter the amount of perfume in which someone doused themselves, he could wade through the aromatic noise and discover hidden truths.

  Peeling away the layers from the other bar patrons, he focused on her and her alone. He dug his fingers into the padded runner, stunned by the intense connection. He glimpsed a sadly beautiful woman, eager to prove she was worthy to carry her father’s legacy. She was angered over the unexpected betrothal and was escaping. He couldn’t find exactly what she was hoping to find because she did not know, herself. He discovered no real relationships; casual encounters, but nothing serious. Her lightly flowery fragrance invaded his soul and he bathed in her innocent charm. His mouth watered, anticipating the sweetness of the honey he was sure to pull from her soon. Blood tiptoed from his brain on a southerly field trip.

  His heavy lids took some serious effort to lift, and he glanced sidelong at her. Her caramel skin shimmered in the muted lighting as she peered intently at the selection. She had plump lips, perfectly suited for hours of exploration and nibbling. High cheekbones were visible even beneath the sprinkling of soot. But her eyes intrigued him the most. Never before had he seen such jewels. The lights danced in the bright green depths and he watched, entranced.

  “Dear gods. You’re not seriously falling for her, are you?”

  He extended his arm away from her and covertly flipped off his nagging guard. An exasperated scoff to his left confirmed the receipt of his message. Slinking up from his semi-reclined position without obviously grabbing his swollen cock took some skill, but he managed. Her gaze lingered on one space.

  “You keep coming back to this one.” He laid his fingertips on the neck of the ruby red bottle. With deliberate seduction in mind, he waited patiently until her gaze met his. Once ensnared, he palmed the bulbous base, gripping the rounded decanter, and pulled it from the shelf. One corner of his lips tugged upward as her skin took on a delightful pinkish hue. He pressed further and reached for a small tasting glass. “Would you like to try it?”

  Something alluring flared in those emerald orbs. It was hesitant and calculating. The moment passed almost as quickly as it had begun and she dipped her chin a fraction of an inch. A dormant chivalrous part of his mind jumped to life. He leaned close enough to whisper, fighting his urge to do a little tasting of his own. Even though he was not a true employee of the Blue Star Lines, he did not want to ruin their reputation, and the rule was hands off the merchandise during shifts. After business hours was a completely different story.

  “You can always change your mind, my dear.”

  “Can I?”

  He frowned slightly, her enigmatic words meant for more than just him. Tempting fate, he returned to his side of the barrier and poured her a modest drink.

  “Here at Andromeda’s, your pleasure is our only goal.”

  She gnawed her bottom lip in delicate contemplation. He imagined what else those perfectly pearly teeth could nibble on and he nearly fainted from the sudden shift in blood pressure. As he studied her, he came to an exciting realization. Her seduction was completely unintended and unpracticed. It was a natural part of who she was. She was absolutely unaware her every action screamed sensuality and pure passion. Here she sat, wrapped up in an unflattering flight suit and she was the most beautiful woman on the entire liner. All he wanted to do was shred every stitch covering her and take her right there on the damned bar until neither of them could walk straight.

  Her gaze lifted from the innocent drink to meet his. Curiosity twinkled in he
r eyes, and the hint of a smile played on her mouth.

  “What is it?” she asked, her voice hushed and secretive.

  He opted to join in her conspiratorial fun. He motioned her closer and leaned over the bar, cupping his hand beside his mouth and answered in an over-enunciated stage whisper.

  “I have no idea. I’m not even a real bartender.”

  She sat back, laughing. By all the gods, the sound sealed the deal. Open and warm, it flowed from her and brightened the controlled darkness surrounding them. With her head tossed back, he pictured her in a different position and a different setting. He saw her entangled in black silk, the sheets wrinkled and damp, as he drove himself into her. Would she cry out as she came, digging her nails into his shoulders? Or would her release be a private affair, meant only for the two of them to share?

  The smile lingered on her lips as she looked back at him. “Thank you.”

  He responded with a grin of his own and slid the glass in front of her. “For what? Sneaking behind the bar?”

  She snickered, shaking her head. “For making me laugh. It’s been a while since I’ve had something worth laughing about.”

  Marqaz placed his hand over his heart and bowed reverently. “Then you are most welcome. You should smile more, my dear. It suits you.”

  A shy blush touched her cheek, and she extended her hand. “I’m … Karyna.”

  “Are you certain?” He clasped her fingers lightly, resting his forearm onto the padded bumper.

  She rewarded him with a warm smile. “Yeah. I think so. But—” She paused, hesitating for a breath. “My friends call me Kar.”

  Torn between the gentlemen and the rogue, he split the difference. He placed a chaste kiss on her knuckles. “Delighted to meet you, Karyna, and I hope to earn a place in your circle of friends. I’m Marqaz.”

  The panicked waves from off to his left nearly ruined the moment, but he quickly put worry out of his head. Marqaz was a common enough name in the realms and his grandfather had never spoken his name to the bullish Chancellor General of the Wyldren. He should know; he was present during the negotiations.


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