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Cosmic Cabaret

Page 39

by SFR Shooting Stars

  Her fragrance shifted, the flowery scent taking on a touch of wildness. He crawled his gaze up the length of her arm, hungrily eyeing her slightly parted lips. Stopping once he reached her eyes, he nearly smashed the cardinal “no touching” rule. Only the desire to keep his charade safely in place kept him from kissing her right there and then.

  Her pale cocoa skin flushed, and she laughed nervously, pulling her hand away.

  “Wow. You’re really good at that.”

  Kicking up the charm, he flashed her an over-the-top cheesy grin, complemented by a pair of dancing eyebrows. She laughed hard, and he joined in. A waving hand farther down the bar required his attentions.

  Marqaz covered her hand, mirth still evident in his voice. “Duty calls, my dear.”

  Karyna heaved a heavy sigh and winked at him. “I guess I can’t take all your time now, can I?”

  “I wouldn’t complain if you did.” The simple statement startled him. It was true. During their short conversation, he discovered something surprising. He actually was beginning to like her. Sure, she was beautiful, but there was much more to her than just another pretty face. She was smart and armed with a quick wit. Intrigued, he dared to wish for more than a careless roll in the sheets.

  “Careful, sire.”

  He ignored his motherly conscience a couple of seats down.

  “You wouldn’t?” Timid curiosity laced her words and tugged on his heartstrings. His smile morphed from practiced to profound, and he gave her another regal nod.

  “Not at all.”

  She glanced away and reached for her waiting drink, an adorable grin touching her kissable lips. He pondered his oddly honest reply as he moved down the bar to tend to the other patrons. A couple of newcomers, well-endowed and scantily clad, blew kisses his general direction and tittered childishly. Half an hour ago, he would have been planting the seeds for a three-way in the minds of the flirtatious females.

  Now, he only smiled politely and took their orders. No extra conversation, no ulterior motives. Truth be told, he was more eager to return to his intriguing betrothed than he believed possible.


  He pulled his eyes away at the familiar voices. Sauntering to the bar, bejeweled and dressed to the nines, were two of the cabaret performers, Janyce and Jezelle. Separately, they were beautiful; together, they were mind-blowing. The dim lighting danced across their glittered corselets, casting deep-hued rainbows across their bare shoulders. Tall, slender, and built for pleasure, they batted their feathery eyelashes and flashed perfectly straight white teeth. With a responding grin of his own, he headed over and rested his elbow along the edge of the counter.

  “Well, hello ladies. So, what brings you two here during working hours?”

  Both girls reached over the bar to give him a more-than-friendly hug, pressing their barely hidden assets against his arm. As he stared at their made-up faces, he realized he didn’t know which girl fit which name. Maybe because his mind was centered on one and only one name: Karyna. His gaze slid covertly to her as she studied her drink. After a cautious smell, she took a tentative sip. He envied the glass for a moment until a resurgence of manners called him back to his current task.

  “Oh, you know. We’re getting ready to open a new show tonight and Allyson wanted us to drum up an audience. Mind if we tempt your patrons?”

  He chuckled, shaking his head. “And here I thought all this time that was my job. No problem, ladies. I’m sure you’ll find a good crowd.”

  The dark-haired dancer moved away, her feathered costume swaying with each click of her stilettos. Blondie remained behind, an adorably practiced coy smile on her bright red lips. “How about you, sweetie? Haven’t seen you at the show in a while.” She trailed her long, ruby nails along his arm. Missing was the sensual chills following her light touch. Instead, he suppressed the urge to yank his hand away from the irritating scratch.

  “We’ve been shorthanded since a couple of our guys auditioned for that all-male show.”

  She laughed, mischief twinkling in her deep brown eyes. “And you didn’t? I’m surprised. You’ve definitely got the right look for it. Not to mention the moves to make some serious money.”

  Now it was his turn to laugh. Marqaz took a long drink, chewing on the remaining slivers of ice, and shook his head. “Trust me on this. I dance like an epileptic elephant. No, thank you. I’ll stick to fixing drinks.”

  Her lids lowered, and she shrugged half-heartedly. “Well, I tried. Here’s a couple tickets to the show, if you decide you want to … take in a good time.”

  The brunette returned with a happy bounce in her step. “Did you convince him, Jez?”

  Well, at least now I’ll remember who’s who.

  Jezelle sighed heavily and shook her head. “No. Can’t blame a girl for trying, though.”

  Janyce hooked her arm around her friend’s waist with a “told-you-so” gleam in her eye. “Thanks for letting us talk to your crowd. See you later tonight?”

  Marqaz drifted his gaze to Karyna at the other end of the bar. “I think I’m gonna take a rain check.”

  The pair of showgirls shared a sly look as they followed his stare, giggling. “Uh-huh. Well, the tickets are good for any time, gorgeous. Don’t be a stranger.” They wiggled their fingers in his general direction. Janyce turned toward the bar and waved to the crowd before they left.

  He nodded half-heartedly at the beautiful girls, his attention refocusing as Karyna sipped at the strong crimson liquor. A voice in the back of his head wondered if she liked her drink.

  Marqaz was too wrapped up in his study of his intended to pay much mind to anything else at the moment.

  “What’s got you so distracted, Marq?”

  Marqaz tilted his chin toward his affianced, smirking over the edge of his glass of primarily water. “Oh, the usual, Brehnan. Nothing out of the ordinary.” His eyelids drooped down, shielding his intent stare. He watched her throat flex and bunch, her head dropping back with a contented smile on her lips. His cock knocked against the confining uniform slacks as fantasies of how those undulating muscles would feel milking his rock-hard erection.

  “Yeah, suuuuure.”

  Marqaz arched a brow at his incredulous patron. “Bite me.”

  A Knight Behind the Bar

  Karyna reveled in the warmth seeping through her, stemming from the delicious and strong alcohol. It was smooth and earthy, sweet, with a perfect measure of spice. It tickled her nose and sent happy shivers down her spine. She could get used to this.

  She felt a pair of eyes from the other end of the bar, and a coy smile touched her lips. She could get used to that, too.

  No matter how much she tried to tell herself he was just doing his job, a small part of her hoped it was more than simple customer service. Knowing he watched her every move was empowering in a way she never imagined. There was a moment or two when his practiced and slick demeanor slipped, and she eagerly peeked behind the veil. She prayed it wasn’t wishful thinking and he was truly a good guy.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she watched him work the light crowd. He laughed at jokes and winked at the pretty girls. And some of the females in the bar went far beyond pretty. Two incredibly beautiful women strolled in and headed directly to Marqaz. Built for sex and proud of the fact, they batted their long lashes and flashed a healthy amount of bare skin. When one of the stately pair wove through the crowd, advertising one of the many burlesque shows, she relaxed a fraction, but not more.

  She tugged nervously at the collar of her disguise, cringing at its hideousness. Why was the only available jumpsuit in the servant’s quarters of the palace in the ugliest shade of yellow in the universe? She remembered how beautiful her mother looked in the warm sunny tones and envied the versatility of her deep ebony skin. Instead, her caramel hues clashed with the bright tones, giving her a rather lovely corpse-like appearance. Recalling her current location, she shifted her gaze to the polished mirror serving as the backdrop for the wall
of bottles.

  Thank the goddess the lights are dim.

  That must be it, because she looked like death warmed over in her tight-fitting citrine nightmare. Her eyes, sunken and hollow, sat like muddied green gems in smudged fields of burnt grain. At least she managed to tame her wild mane, the hasty braid holding fast.

  What I wouldn’t give for a shower.

  Damn. She had been in such a hurry to escape from her father, she forgot stowaways didn’t get room service. Or a shower, for that matter. The momentary good mood from her drink faded as she contemplated the foolishness of her rash actions. She had only a few items she’d tossed into her pack, a handful of coins, a change of clothes, a spare pair of underwear, and not much else. Come to think of it, she wasn’t even sure how much her drink cost.

  Money had never been a worry for her. In fact, most of her life, she never truly paid for anything. Her father handled all of her needs. Cred sticks were always full and her expenses were taken care of by others. As she stared at her reflection, a sad realization hit. This was the first time she had ever been on her own. She was a grown woman, graduated top of her class, and had traveled across galaxies. And she was only now stepping out on her own two feet.

  With nowhere to stay and no means to support myself.

  Her reflected image blurred, and she blinked rapidly, hoping to stem the unexpected rush of tears. Glancing around, she searched for a napkin to wipe away her lapse in control.

  “Hey, now. No crying.”

  A knight in a black uniform came to her rescue, a white linen square in hand. He dabbed her teary eyes, a comforting smile on his roguishly handsome face. She attempted a weak laugh, but it came out as more like a squeak instead.

  “I’m sorry. I guess I just got caught up in things.”

  He chuckled, the sound a deep rumbling in his chest, and lightning zinged through her veins. “Promise me you’ll never go into politics, Karyna.” His fingertips grazed her cheek, setting off a fiery cascade of desirous shudders that threatened to shake down her internal fortifications.

  She swallowed hard, transfixed by his amethyst eyes. “Why would you say that?” Her words had escaped in a breathy sigh.

  He raked a hand through his hair and offered her an impish grin. “Because you can’t lie for shit.”

  Karyna barked out a sharp laugh and shrugged. “Not going to argue with you there.” Feeling a little more at ease, she continued to sip at her drink. “I also suck at cards. No poker face.”

  His lavender orbs darkened to a tempting purple. “Maybe you just haven’t found the right game.” He remained close, leaning across the solid barrier, and she was surrounded by his purely male scent. It was heady, more intoxicating than her strong draught. Her mouth watered in anticipation. She wanted to taste him, the rising urge to close the scant distance between them nearly overwhelming.

  Would she only be another notch in his bedpost?

  “Excuse me?”

  A perturbed voice off to her left shattered the spell. Her eyebrows pulled together as she glanced over her shoulder. The painted-up hussy at the far edge of the bar glared at both her and her sexy bartender, her obviously augmented breasts resting atop her folded arms. Karyna turned her gaze back to Marqaz, struggling to hide the curious smirk on her face.

  “I think your services are requested, my knight.”

  With a pained groan, he rolled his eyes and dropped his head onto the bar. “Hide me.”

  His boyish whine tickled her much more than it should. She patted him sympathetically on the shoulder. “Sorry, sweetie. I think you got yourself into this mess.” It was plainly obvious she was either standing in the middle of a lover’s quarrel or had cock blocked another female’s intended claim. Both should send off enough warning signals to light up the darkness beyond the ship’s thick bulkhead. Instead, it was oddly empowering.

  He lifted his head, pinning her with a forlorn gaze. Well, as forlorn as his handsome face would allow. Heaving a dramatic sigh, he straightened his spine.

  “You have no idea,” he mumbled. He took a half-step away, then turned quickly. “Promise you won’t disappear on me?”

  The strangely unguarded words took her by surprise. An unexpected depth of honesty ran through the simple request, and she was helpless to deny him. She closed her gaping mouth and nodded, her tongue failing to form a verbal answer.

  When he smiled, she almost believed in fairy tales. Gone was the confident and cocky playboy she first encountered, and standing in his stead was only a man asking a woman to give him a chance.

  She stared at the vacated space, her heart daring to beat a little stronger. Her mind raced as she mulled over his plea. He wanted to see her because of her, not because of her father. She was over the moon, overjoyed and buoyed up by the revelation.

  For that reason alone, she would stay until the stars burned out.

  Off the Clock

  Marqaz ignored the overly dramatic ramblings of last night’s tumble in the sheets. As soon as the waterworks had started, he ushered her away from the other patrons. Things were starting to spiral out of control and he might need to resort to less than favorable methods.

  “And then you just left and waited on that other girl—”

  “It’s my job.” He cut her off with a sharp glare. “I am on the clock, and she’s a customer.”

  Okay, so if he were honest with himself, Karyna was much more than another female sitting down for a drink, but he would be an idiot if he thought to mention that to this bimbo. Hell, he couldn’t even remember her name.

  No Name pouted with a spoiled huff. “But I want you all to myself.”

  “Aren’t you supposed to be my bodyguard?” He stared daggers at his lounging companion. Having an eight-foot-tall behemoth as a personal sentry did have its perks, as well as its downfalls. Dealing with angry females was definitely not one of the man’s strong suits. Brooding, slender, and stern, he tended to scare away any but the stalwart, or the stupid.

  Ja’andar lifted one shoulder in a lazy shrug. “You seem to be handling it just fine.”

  “Can I see you more tonight?”

  Marqaz fought the good fight and the sneer of disgust remained only in his mind. Instead, he shook his head sadly. “’Fraid not. I’ve got a long shift.” And the sight of you turns my stomach. He omitted the tail end of the comment and watched to see if she was going to continue her temper tantrum. His quick appraisal was a resounding yes. Damn. He hated being the bad guy, but circumstances called for drastic measures.

  “Ja’andar. Now.”

  The woman froze, rigid for an instant, her mouth forming a perfect “O” and her pupils turned to pie plates. The statue moment lasted only a heartbeat and a languid smile melted across her face. The spell well and truly woven, he placed a hand on her shoulder.

  “You had a good time last night,” he whispered into her mind. “But now, you will move on, finding another man to satisfy your needs. You will think no more of me.”

  She nodded, her head bobbing like a cork on a calm sea. “Yes, I did.”

  He guided her back toward her seat at the far end of the bar, moving slowly as not to break the connection. “You will not recognize me as anything other than the man who served you drinks.”

  Thankful for simple minds and strong telepaths, he slipped back behind the bar with a tired sigh. He dragged his nails against his scalp, attempting to scrub away the lingering traces of his previous folly. The last thing he wanted in his mind was any memory of earlier lovers when he was working on a true seduction. An invisible hand tapped him on the shoulder, and he raised his gaze.

  Just in time to catch the bright green eyes of his intended boring into his soul. Damn, she was gorgeous in a way he didn’t expect. Her beauty shone beyond the lemon-yellow jumpsuit and the bad lighting. A crooked grin and a half-hearted shrug was his response to her curious gaze. She lowered her eyes, covering her mouth as she giggled in secret. And didn’t that just send his cock into hammer mode.
br />   Holy fuck. She was sexy in ways he had rarely seen, and he was convinced she had no clue how much she was turning him on.

  “Hey, Marq. How’re things going tonight?”

  “Much better now,” he replied, shaking hands with Gregauri. Thank the gods. His replacement had arrived and none too soon. He patted the man on the back. “Thanks for not being late tonight.”

  Gregauri laughed, shaking his head. “This coming from the man who has yet to start a shift on time.”

  Marqaz hemmed and mumbled less than apologetically. They shared an understanding chuckle, and he broke away to grab his things. He sensed a pair of eyes following his every move, giving him an added burst of speed. The time clock was on the other side of the bar and he quickly keyed in his identity code. Not that he cared about the money, or even needed it. But appearances must be kept up, and that meant acting like the dutiful employee.

  Whistling happily, he tossed his jacket over his arm and escaped into the bar proper. He waved at the farewells tendered from the regulars, but his attention was focused on one empty stool in particular. Panicked, he scanned the dimly lit room, eager for a sign. No way was he going to lose her. He jerked his gaze to his silent sentry still sipping his drink.

  “Don’t freak out. She just went to the ladies’ room. I’ve been keeping track of her.”

  He glanced toward the restrooms in time to see her emerge, silhouetted in the vanishing light. The sight of her curves framed in the white glow was magic. A sad frown touched her full lips, and his heart ached. He leaned back, resting his elbows against the bar and drank in her beauty as she returned to her pack. She had rinsed away the smudges from her cheeks and she was radiant. Her distant gaze landed on his and her mood lightened, smiling shyly as she approached.

  “I hoped you hadn’t disappeared on me.” He crossed his ankles, hoping the lazy stance would hide his obvious hard-on.


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