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'Til I Kissed You

Page 11

by Pam Howes

  ‘Charmer?’ Jess raised an amused eyebrow in Jon’s direction.

  He grinned sheepishly. ‘Helen’s mum thinks I’ve got charming manners and that I’m a lovely young man,’ he confessed. ‘I think she’s disappointed I don’t have Dad’s blue eyes though.’

  ‘Never mind, Jon,’ Jess laughed. ‘I think you’re lovely as you are. Helen’s a very lucky girl to have met you.’

  Jon put his arm around her and squeezed her tightly. He took a deep breath. It felt good to hold her, even if it was short lived.

  ‘And I’m also very lucky that I’ve got you for a sister,’ he said softly, aware that Nick was giving him a funny look. He let her go. ‘Nick’s also very lucky to have you,’ he said pointedly.

  ‘Right, come on, we’re going.’ Nick slammed his mug down on the counter, picked up some of the shopping bags and ran quickly downstairs.

  ‘What was that all about?’ Jess frowned at Jon.

  ‘Me, giving you a hug,’ he replied. ‘He can’t handle it. Makes him jealous.’

  ‘Oh, for God’s sake!’ she exclaimed. ‘You’re my brother. See you later, Jon. Bye, Sean.’ She gathered up her things and ran after Nick.


  Nick hurried down Cross Street, fully aware that Jess was shouting him, but too pig headed to stop and wait. He couldn’t bear it when Jon hugged and kissed her. He knew his fears were irrational; after all, Jon was her brother, well partly, though he still felt that his feelings for Jess amounted to more than the normal feelings a brother should have for his sister. He’d seen the look in Jon’s eyes when he thought no one was watching him. If Nick didn’t know better, he’d swear Jon was in love with Jess. He turned as she caught up with him.

  ‘Why on earth did you rush off like that?’ she gasped.

  ‘I don’t like Jon hugging you. And he doesn’t have to tell me how lucky I am to have you, I already know that.’

  ‘But he’s my brother, I love him. We always hug one another.’

  ‘Forget it, Jess. I’m sorry, okay.’ He leant over and kissed her. ‘Come on. Let’s get back. I want to make love to you.’

  ‘It’s a deal,’ she said, following him into the car park.


  ‘Shit, Dad’s home!’ Nick exclaimed, spotting both of Roy’s cars as Jess swung up the long gravel driveway of Jasmine House. ‘There’s no bloody peace for the wicked.’

  Jess sighed. ‘Well let’s unload the car, leave our stuff here and go and find somewhere to park up. I’m raring to go, but I don’t fancy doing it in your room in case your Dad’s in the music room next door.’

  ‘There’s not much space in your Dad’s car, Jess. We’ll be like bloody contortionists,’ Nick said as they went indoors. ‘Dad, are you in?’ he called.

  There was no reply as they made their way upstairs with their parcels. His parents’ bedroom door was ajar and Nick popped his head into the room where Roy was curled up on the bed.

  ‘He’s asleep. Poor old sod. Maybe he’s ill. He never usually sleeps during the day. It must be his age catching him up.’

  ‘Maybe he’s been working really hard with Dad.’ Jess smiled at Roy as he snored softly. ‘And like you say, it’s probably his age. He’s not getting any younger.’


  ‘Hope you don’t mind a takeaway, Helen,’ Jess said as she and Nick prepared to entertain Jon and Helen with a curry. ‘We’ve ordered one of those banquets for four.’

  ‘Not at all,’ Helen replied.

  ‘Well it’s that or Jess’s speciality, coffee and toast. Or we could open a tin of beans as a very special treat,’ Nick teased.

  ‘Nick and I will go and collect the order while you girls lay the table,’ Jon suggested as Jess bristled at Nick’s teasing.

  ‘It’ll have to be the coffee table, as you can see, we haven’t the room for a dining table,’ Jess said. ‘We’ll have to sit on the floor around it.’

  Now the new furniture was in place, the apartment felt less spacious, but Jess loved her new home and the freedom it brought to her and Nick’s relationship.

  Helen took the cutlery and napkins through to the lounge while Jess opened a bottle of red wine.

  ‘You okay with wine, Helen. I know you’ve got school tomorrow. Would you like Coke instead?’

  ‘I’ll have a small glass of wine, Jess,’ she replied. ‘Then I won’t be tiddly in front of Mum. She went mad the other night because I’d been out drinking with Jon.’

  Jess raised an amused eyebrow. ‘I hope he’s not being a bad influence. Dad’s warned him to behave himself.’

  Helen smiled. ‘He’s not a bad influence. We have such fun together. I really like him.’

  ‘Jon’s a nice guy, but he’s a randy sod. You watch out for yourself.’

  Helen blushed and changed the subject. ‘He’s very striking to look at. Is he like his late mother?’

  ‘Sort of I suppose, in that she had curly hair,’ Jess replied, frowning. Why was Helen blushing, surely she and Jon hadn’t…Jess didn’t allow the thought anymore space in her mind. ‘I’ve only seen a couple of photos of Angie and they were old,’ she continued. ‘It’s hard to tell really. Mum gave Jon a nice christening photo recently. You’ll have to ask him to show you. Dad never speaks of his first marriage and Jon doesn’t want to upset him by asking for information.’

  ‘Is it really exciting, having a famous dad?’ Helen asked.

  ‘I never think of him as famous, he’s just Dad, like Roy’s just Roy. I suppose it has its advantages in that you get to meet stars. He’s currently writing for Perry’s Dream. Now I wouldn’t mind meeting James Perry. I’ve really got the hots for him.’ Jess grinned lustfully.

  ‘Oh, he’s gorgeous,’ Helen agreed as the door flew open and Jon and Nick strolled in, arms laden.

  ‘Talking about me again, Helen,’ Jon teased as he put down the bags of food.

  ‘James Perry actually, brother dear,’ Jess said as she went to take the plates out of the oven where she’d remembered to put them to warm.

  ‘He’s a poser, if ever there was one.’ Jon pulled a face. ‘Still, if his records sell, then who am I to complain? More money in the family coffers.’

  ‘Come and help yourselves,’ Jess called from the kitchen. She put the foil containers out on the work-top and removed the lids.

  Plates piled high they settled down on the sofas and tucked hungrily into the mounds of Indian food.

  ‘I won’t be able to move after this little lot,’ Nick said, shovelling curry into his mouth like it was going out of fashion.

  ‘Haven’t you eaten today, Nick?’ Helen asked in amusement.

  ‘Of course he has,’ Jess replied. ‘He had toast and coffee for breakfast.’

  ‘And coffee and toast for lunch,’ Nick quipped, dodging the magazine Jess lobbed at his head. ‘I’ll look like a Warburton’s sliced by the end of this year.’

  ‘Any joy about the holiday yet, Helen?’ Jon asked.

  ‘I can’t go. Mum went mad. I had a feeling she would, but it was worth asking, I suppose.’

  ‘Can’t you persuade her to change her mind?’

  ‘No, and it will cause more arguments if I bring the subject up again. It’s not worth it.’

  ‘So I’m not worth it? Is that what you’re saying?’

  ‘No, Jon, not at all. You know she really likes you. But she says I’m too young to be going away with you and that’s the end of it.’

  ‘What if we tell her that you and Jess will share a room and you’ll be quite safe?’ Jon persisted.

  ‘She’ll still say I’m too young. I can’t face any more arguments. She’s always been overprotective towards me because of what happened to her.’

  ‘Well I won’t get you pregnant!’ Jon replied indignantly. ‘She need have no worries on that score with me. You tell her that.’

  ‘Jon, leave it,’ Jess interrupted, seeing Helen was close to tears. ‘If Helen says she can’t come with us then that’s that. You’re not being ve
ry fair, putting pressure on her.’

  ‘I’m sorry, Helen. I’m just disappointed.’

  Helen smiled ruefully. ‘I’m disappointed too, Jon. But there’ll be other holidays.’

  ‘More wine?’ Nick produced another bottle.

  ‘Not for me,’ Helen said as Nick topped up the glasses.

  ‘I’ll get you a glass of coke.’ Nick jumped up and went into the kitchen. ‘Why don’t you go and see Helen’s mum, Jess?’ he said as he came back and handed Helen her drink. ‘See if you can get her to change her mind. You can be quite persuasive when you want to be.’

  ‘Would you, Jess? Please,’ Helen said. ‘I mean, it’s worth a try, surely?’

  ‘Please, Sis,’ Jon begged. ‘I’ll do the same for you. Well, I’ll do you a favour anyway.’

  Jess sighed. ‘Okay then. But I’ll feel guilty lying to her, about us room sharing I mean. You’ll feel guilty too, Jon, next time you see Helen’s mum.’

  ‘I’ll cross the guilty bridge when I come to it. It’s not like we’ll be doing anything we haven’t already done.’ He pulled Helen close and kissed her while Nick raised his eyebrows and Jess shook her head. Just as she’d suspected, Jon had slept with Helen.

  ‘Dangerous ground, Jon!’ Nick exclaimed. ‘Helen’s under age.’

  ‘She’s sixteen next week. We didn’t jump the gun by too much.’

  Nick sighed. ‘You’re old enough and daft enough to know what you’re doing, I suppose.’

  ‘I’ll clear the table then shall we have a game of cards?’ Jess changed the subject, feeling strangely jealous at the thought of Jon sleeping with Helen. He’d had loads of girls and probably slept with most of them. She’d never felt jealous before, so why now? She began clearing away the empty plates from the coffee table and Helen got up to help.

  ‘Let’s play strip poker,’ Nick said as Jess and Helen came back into the lounge.

  ‘Nick! Honestly, what’s he like?’ Jess rolled her eyes as Helen giggled.

  ‘What about a game of Trivial Pursuits?’ Jon suggested. ‘You brought the game from home, didn’t you, Jess?’

  ‘Yeah, I did. No one plays it these days, so I thought we might use it more here.’ Jess rummaged in the hall cupboard and brought out the game.

  ‘I’ve never played it,’ Helen said.

  ‘Oh, it’s easy. I’ll show you as we go,’ Jon said, setting up the board and tipping the coloured wedges onto the table.

  The game went on until almost midnight when Helen glanced at her watch and gasped.

  ‘Jon, we’d better go. I’m supposed to be home by twelve. We need to keep Mum sweet if we’re to get any favours from her.’

  Jon stood up and stretched. ‘Come on then. Thanks for a lovely evening, you two.’ He shook Nick by the hand, swept Jess into his arms and kissed her full on the lips. She smiled as he looked deep into her eyes and she stroked his cheek affectionately.

  Nick pecked Helen on the cheek as he watched Jon and Jess kissing. He forced a smile and waved them off.

  Jess closed the front door and wandered into the bathroom. She turned on the shower, calling out for Nick to come and join her.

  He walked into the bathroom as she stripped off. ‘Come and have a shower with me, Nick.’

  ‘Are you sure you wouldn’t rather be having a shower with Jon?’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘I mean, would you rather have a shower with Jon than me?’ He leant against the doorframe with a mutinous expression on his face.

  ‘Nick, that’s a disgusting thing to say. Jon’s my brother. For God’s sake, what’s the matter with you?’

  ‘He kisses you in a very un-brotherly way and he looks at you as though he really wants to get into your knickers! I don’t like it.’

  ‘Now you’re just being stupid.’ She put her arms around him. ‘Jon loves me; I love him, but not in the same way that I love you.’ She unbuttoned his shirt and kissed his bare chest.

  Unzipping his jeans she slid her hand inside and he groaned as she cupped him. ‘Step out of your jeans and shorts,’ she ordered, yanking them down as Nick slipped off his shirt. She pulled him into the shower cubicle and began soaping his body. He sighed blissfully and soaped hers in return. He kissed her, and picked her up, carrying her into the lounge. He lay her down on the Flokati rug and knelt beside her.

  ‘The furry pile will stick to our bodies, Nick. We’ll be all hairy,’ she giggled. ‘Am I forgiven for kissing my brother?’ She looked into his eyes, seeing the love shining there.

  ‘Totally,’ he replied. ‘I’m sorry for being such an arse. We won’t mention it again.’



  MAY 1984

  ‘More champagne, Jess?’ Nick swayed by her side at the entrance to the marquee, holding an almost empty bottle over her glass.

  ‘No thanks and anyway there’s hardly any left. I don’t think you should have more either. You won’t be able to pick up your guitar later, never mind play.’

  Nick was celebrating his eighteenth birthday in style. The DJ had got the evening’s entertainment off to a good start, and later, The Zoo, along with Roy and Eddie, were to play. The marquee and gardens were overflowing with family and friends. The bushes around the patio had been strung with coloured fairy lights. Madonna’s Holiday blasted from speakers fixed onto a couple of large trees and the caterers were handing out a hot buffet to the line up of guests.

  Halfway through the evening Roy climbed onto the makeshift stage, where the instruments were lined up waiting, and invited Nick to join him.

  Grinning and praying desperately that his Dad wasn’t going to embarrass him in front of his mates, Nick leapt up beside Roy who put his arm around his shoulders and spoke into the mike.

  ‘Your Mum and me would just like to say Happy Birthday, Nick. We’re very proud of you, but there’s one thing about you that drives us bloody mad!’ He held out a small brown packet. ‘I hope the contents of this envelope will put a stop to it.’

  Puzzled, Nick took the proffered envelope. ‘Thanks, Dad.’ What had he ever done to annoy his parents so much that Dad had to announce it to everyone? He shook the envelope and a set of car keys attached to a Ford key ring fell onto the stage by his feet. ‘Dad, a car?’ He bent to pick up the keys.

  Roy nodded. ‘Yeah, a car. You see, the thing that drives us crazy is that you’re always borrowing our cars and never putting any petrol in them. Now we can do the same to you.’

  Sammy appeared at Roy’s side and handed Nick the garage keys.

  ‘It’s in the small garage, Nick,’ she told him. ‘Grandpa Tom cleared out all the junk to make room. So it’s now your responsibility to look after the garage as well as your new car.’

  As everyone cheered, Nick shot off the stage and grabbed Jess by the hand. He pulled her through the revelers and across the garden to the garage block. His hand shook with excitement as he unlocked the door and pushed it upwards. His felt his jaw drop. Standing in the middle of the floor was a brand new, black Ford Fiesta XR2.

  For once he was speechless. His dream car! He’d been secretly hoping for one, but never for a minute had he expected to get it. His parents had already put a substantial sum into an account for he and Jess and he’d assumed that was also his birthday present.

  ‘It’s got a personal number plate, look,’ Jess pointed as Roy and Sammy appeared at the door. “NRC 18”. Nicholas Roy Cantello, eighteen,’ she laughed, looking at his delighted face. ‘You’ll never grow old, Nick. You’ll always be eighteen.’

  ‘I can’t believe it! Mum, Dad, thank you so much.’ Nick hugged Dad and flung his arms around Mum and kissed her on the cheek as Jason and Jules strolled into the garage.

  ‘You like it then, Bruv?’ Jason said, grinning. ‘Pretty smart, isn’t it?’

  ‘Top of the range,’ Dad said. ‘You’ll get your turn, son in ten months time.’

  ‘I don’t want to learn to drive,’ Jason said. ‘Not yet anyway. Me and Jules
don’t mind jumping on the bus or train, do we, Jules?’

  Jules nodded, smiling at Jason. ‘It’s a lovely car though, Nick. Nice alloys. You’re very lucky. My Mum could never run to something like this.’

  ‘It’s brilliant. Can we go out in it?’ Jess ran her hands lovingly over the bonnet.

  ‘Not tonight,’ Roy told her. ‘Nick’s had a skin-full of champagne and whatever else he’s been knocking back.’

  ‘We’ll go out tomorrow, Jess. I’ll take you, Jules and Jason somewhere nice for Sunday lunch,’ Nick slurred and hiccupped.

  ‘We’d better get back to the marquee and play a few numbers,’ Roy suggested. ‘While you can still stand up!’


  The audience cheered loudly as the group assembled on stage. Roy pulled Livvy out of the crowd to join them when they played the song he’d written for her. She belted out the lyrics with pride, smiling at Roy who sang along beside her and Jess. As the song ended, Roy put an arm around each girl and pulled them close while the crowd shouted for more.

  He looked back at Eddie, sitting at his drum-kit and grinned. Audience adoration, this was what they both missed, what they needed to get back to. He nodded as Eddie mouthed Summertime Blues to him.

  ‘One more for old times sake,’ Roy announced.


  Stepping down from the stage, while the band performed a rousing version of one of The Raiders favourite Eddie Cochran songs, Livvy looked up at Roy as he winked at her.

  She was head over heels in love with him and he’d made it quite clear over the last few weeks that he was in love with her. She’d broached the subject of his marriage and he’d told her quite truthfully that he still loved Sammy and probably always would. He’d also told her that theirs had to be a no strings affair. He had far too much to lose if Sammy were ever to find out about their relationship, he’d said.

  Livvy took everything on board, but in reality none of it sunk in. She saw Roy needing her as his commitment to her, and he needed her more and more as time went by. There was hardly a day now when they didn’t meet up and make love. Livvy was certain that it was only a matter of time before he left Sammy to move in with her.


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