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Love Me Again

Page 7

by Teresa Greene

  Nick did not answer. His arms crossed over his chest, he stood waiting for Cord to leave.

  Shoulders slumped in defeat, Cord hesitated before he mounted his horse. The moment he threw his leg over the saddle, Abby ran out into the yard and shouted, tears streaming down her face, “Cord, wait!”

  She didn’t get far because her father backhanded her, sending her falling to the ground at his feet. His fists clenched in anger he shouted, “You Jezebel! God will punish you for your wanton behavior.”

  Cord was off his horse in an instant. Before he reached Abby, Nick helped her off the ground. Blood oozed from a cut on her lip. When Jacob started to slap Abby again, Nick grabbed his arm and shoved him causing him to stumble back two steps.

  “Don’t you ever hit her again! She is not responsible. She had no idea what she was doing.” His finger pointed at Cord, he shouted, “He used her innocence!” Nick wrapped his arm protectively around Abby. He scowled at Cord and lowered his voice. “You have worn out your welcome. It is time for you to go.”

  Already swelling, her lip still oozed blood where her father had slapped her. The taste of the warm blood mingled with her pain of losing Cord caused her to gag. It took all the strength she could muster not to break down and sob.

  Cord maneuvered Pepper toward the road leading to town. Silence filled the yard as he sat in the saddle unmoving. Impatient, Pepper began to paw the ground. Broad shoulders straightened before he reined his horse around. His pain filled eyes met Abby’s. “May I say goodbye to Abby in private.”

  Nick huffed in annoyance, “No, you may say goodbye now.”

  Sad, deep blue eyes looked at Nick. She cupped his face and pleaded, “Please, Nick. I will never see him again. Let me say goodbye.” Never able to deny her anything, he moved away from her so she could say goodbye to Cord.

  Cord took her hand into his. He rubbed her calloused hand against his cheek. “Come with me, Abby.”

  Her heart began to beat so fast she thought it would fly out of her chest. It was just what she hoped he would say. He did love her and wanted to marry her. But she knew her father and Nick would not let her leave without a fight. “I don’t want anyone to get hurt. Wait for me in town. When father and Nick go to the fields tomorrow I will come to Tarboro.”

  “Are you sure?” He tucked his hands into the back pockets of his jeans, and leaned back on his heels.

  “I love you, Cord. I want to be with you.” Abby forced the smile from her face the moment she felt Nick take her hand. Even though she was happy, she forced tears from her eyes as she watched Cord mount his horse. She needed Nick to believe Cord would be leaving Tarboro without her.

  Glancing back at her one last time, Cord raised his hand, and kicked his horse into a gallop.


  Several times Abby tried to slip away so she could meet Cord in town. Nick never let her out of his sight. Fearing she would follow Cord, he decided to stay home and her father went to work the fields alone. Frantic with worry that he would leave town without her, she was a jumble of nerves. She tried tears and pleading, but nothing worked. Determined Cord was not the man for Abby, her brother would not relent. “I love him, Nick. I want to marry him.”

  “Did he ask you to marry him, Abby?”

  Abby stiffened. “No, Nick, but I’m sure he will. I know he loves me.”

  “You know nothing about him, Abby. Did he tell you where he was from? Did he tell you who shot him and why? Did he tell you what he does to make a living?” Nick took Abby by the arm. “He is not worthy of you.”

  A tear escaped and trickled down her cheek. Gently, Nick wiped it away with his finger. “You don’t know him like I do. I swear he loves me.”

  Nick took a deep breath. “You don’t know him, Abby. He could be a cold-blooded killer for all you know. He could be a bounty hunter. All I know, he was mighty handy with a gun. He probably makes his living with those guns. What was he going to do with you? You can’t drift from place to place. You need roots. You need a man like Andrew who will cherish you, provide a home, and security.”

  “Nick I will never be able to love another man. I love, Cord. I will never be able to marry Andrew now.”

  His eyes narrowed and his expression grew serious. “I’m sorry, Abby. You can hate me, but you mean too much to me. I will not let you ruin your life. Father is going to talk to Andrew tomorrow. He is going to tell him Cord seduced you. If Andrew wants to marry you, even though you are no longer a virgin, the wedding will take place after the harvest. You have little choice in the matter.”

  “How many times do I have to tell you? I seduced him. Why won’t anyone listen to me? No one cares what I want!” Abby ran to her room and fell on her bed, tears soaking her pillow. Abruptly, Abby sat up and stopped crying. She knew she had to find a way to sneak into town before Cord left without her.


  For two days Cord had been waiting in town for Abby. He sat facing the window, so he would see her if she rode into town, a bottle of whiskey in his hand. Almost three weeks had passed since he had a drink, and he was making up for lost time.

  Why had she not come to town like she promised? Did Nick or Jacob catch her slipping away and prevent her from leaving the house?

  Granted, he had made some major blunders. The first rule he broke was never sleep with virgins. The second was never mix business with pleasure. He let his feelings get in the way of his duties.

  Remembering how Abby looked when Jacob slapped her caused his heart to constrict in pain. What hurt him most, he was responsible. He took an innocent girl and ruined her. Then he asked her to come with him. What was he thinking? He wasn’t thinking well, maybe only with his lower extremities. She definitely stole his heart. He would take her to his brother’s plantation until he finished what he started. He could not very well leave her with Jacob. He would force Abby to marry that little weasel Andrew.

  As soon as he tracked down and killed Bart Langley, he would go home. Tired of his meaningless life, he would settle down with Abby. He found something pure and perfect. He could not imagine his life without her.

  By the time night fell, Cord was pretty drunk. The longer he waited the more he feared Abby changed her mind about leaving with him. He would wait until morning and then he would continue his search for Bart.

  His thoughts were interrupted when May, the barmaid brushed her breasts against his arm as she leaned over with another bottle of whiskey. She smiled prettily, bending low so Cord could see her small breasts which were about to spill over her much too revealing dress. The woman could not be more obvious. Several times he told her he wasn’t interested. The woman just did not know when to give up. She was determined.

  Her eyelashes fluttering, she asked, “Can I git you anythang else, handsome?”

  His voice gruff, Cord snapped, “No, just leave me be.” Cord saw the disappointment in her face, but ignored her. The only woman he wanted was Abby.

  As the night dragged on, Cord’s fear turned to anger. Where was Abby? Had her father convinced her to marry Andrew instead? Jacob did have a lot of control over her. His temper was at the boiling point by the time some rowdy farmhands came in for a drink after spending several days on a cattle drive. One young cowhand, probably about seventeen or so, accidentally bumped into Cord. Looking for a fight, he stood and shoved the young man. His voice slurred he hissed, “Watch where you’re going.”

  The young cowhand punched Cord only causing him more anger. Before Cord realized what was happening he was attacked by the young man and his friends. Too drunk to stand, let alone fight, he was knocked unconscious, and left flat on his back on the filthy saloon floor.


  Still groggy, Cord woke to find Abby straddling him. He moaned, “Abby, you came.” The moment he wrapped his hands around her, he knew she was not his love because she was much too scrawny. The woman didn’t have the bountiful curves Abby possessed.

  Completely awake now, he glared up at May. She was pretty but
she was nothing compared to Abby. He pushed hard sending the whore falling to the floor with a thud.

  “What in the hell do ya thank you’re doin’?”

  Pressing his hand to his throbbing head from the night’s drinking, Cord felt terrible. He drunk way too much and was now in misery. Even though he thought he would pass out from the effort, he bounded out of the bed and donned his pants. A low growl escaped Cord’s lips before he hissed, “Please tell me we did not do anything!”

  Completely nude, May struggled to stand, and rubbed her backside. Eyes snapping with anger she asked, “What’s your problem, honey? You got a wife or some’em ya scared of.”

  Not bothering with an answer, he slipped his shirt on and buttoned it quickly. After he gathered his things, he turned on May now sitting on the edge of the bed watching him curiously. “Did we do anything?”

  “Is that anyway to show gratitude?” She stood with her hands on her hips. “I kept those cowhands from killin’ ya last night. I even talked ‘em into carryin’ your heavy, unconscious carcass up the stairs.”

  Cord rubbed his temples trying to relieve the pain. “And why did you do that?”

  May raked her eyes over Cord’s muscular body. “Why do ya thank? I was hopin’ we could have us a good time. It’s not everyday somebody that looks like you drifts into town.”

  His voice rising in anger, Cord huffed, “Did we do anything?”

  “No, honey. I didn’t even git a chance to git it up.”

  “Thank God!” Relieved, Cord hurried from the room. At least he didn’t have to feel guilty for sleeping with a whore. He had enough dark clouds hanging over his head. If he was serious about settling down with Abby, he would have to give up fast women and alcohol.

  Stepping outside, the sun almost blinded him. He raised his arm and looked into the sky, estimating it must be late morning. Hastily, he returned to his hotel room and asked at the desk if anyone had asked for him. No one had.

  Annoyed, he returned to his room and peered into the mirror. No wonder he had a headache. His face was bruised and swollen. He touched his swollen cheek and winced from the pain. He could not remember anything, but May must have been telling the truth about him getting into a fight. He fell across the bed feeling woozy and nauseous. The last thing he thought of as he dozed off to sleep, Abby was not coming.

  Cord felt the sun on his face. He fumbled for his pocket watch on the side table and peered at it with blood shot eyes. It was 2:00 in the afternoon. After waiting three days, he could wait no longer. He packed his belongings into his saddlebags and checked out. He went to the telegraph office and sent a message to his brother Adam, in Raleigh. As he rode away from Tarboro, he fought the urge to return to Abby’s farm. His pride kept him from doing so. He would not grovel, not even for Abby.


  Beyond furious, Nick kicked the horse in the sides trying to get more speed from him. When he got his hands on Abby, he would make sure she would not be able to sit down for a week. He turned his back for only a moment and she gave him the slip. For three days he didn’t let her out of his sight. Then in an instant she was gone, riding out of the yard on Jack.

  Precious time had been lost because he walked to the closest farm and borrowed a horse, if it could even be called a horse. The old nag was so slow it took all his effort just to get a trot out of the poor soul. By the time he made it to town, Abby would be gone with Cord. His stomach ached at the thoughts of never seeing her again.

  In the distance he saw a dust cloud round the curve in the road. Raising his hand over his eyes to shade them from the sun, he saw beautiful russet hair shining brightly. It was Abby. Then his worry turned to anger. Now that he knew she was safe, he would punish her for scaring him. He dismounted and waited for her.

  As she came closer, Nick could tell she was upset. Her face was dirty from dust, with clear streaks running down her cheeks from her tears. The moment she saw Nick, she halted Jack, climbed from his back, and fell into his arms. She was crying so hard he could not understand a word she said. It sounded like blubbering to him.

  “Abby, calm down. Tell me what happened.”

  Her crying intensified. Too distraught to tell him what upset her, she continued to wail. He cradled her in his arms and lifted her to Jack’s back, and climbed behind her. Leading the old nag, they rode home as she soaked Nick’s shirt with her tears.

  Gently, Nick laid Abby on the bed. He brushed her hair back from her face. Her dirty face swollen and splotched from crying, she looked a mess. Her pitiful sobs tore at his heart strings. “Stop crying and tell me what happened, Abby.”

  After several sniffles, Abby calmed enough to speak. “I found Cord in bed with a whore at the saloon.”

  Even though Nick knew Abby was devastated, he was happy she had seen Cord for what he was. Now maybe she would marry Andrew and accept a life with him.

  “He used me, Nick. He took my trust and love then deserted me. I’m ruined.” Her tears started afresh.

  “You’re not ruined, Abby. Every thing will be okay.” Nick took out his handkerchief and wiped her dirty face. I’m going to get you some water. I’ll be right back.” Nick kissed her forehead before he slipped off the bed to go to the kitchen.

  He returned with the glass of water and held it to Abby’s lips. She didn’t even have the strength to hold it. After taking several sips she looked at Nick. “How can you still show me so much compassion when I have behaved so wantonly?”

  “How many times must I tell you it is not your fault? You fell in love. It just happened to be with the wrong man.” Nick draped his arm around Abby’s shoulder and held her close.

  She sniffled loudly. “Please don’t tell father I went to town to find Cord. I have done enough damage to our relationship. I can’t tolerate him hating me any worse than he does now.”

  “There is no reason for him to know. The most important thing is you are home where you belong.” Nick pulled Abby’s shoes off and helped her under the covers. “Sleep, Abby. You need rest more than anything now.”

  Nick turned to leave but she grabbed his hand. “Thank you, Nick. I don’t know what I would do without you. You have always been there for me.”

  Smiling, Nick laid his hand on her cheek. “You have been through a traumatic experience, Abby. Cord was slick and fast. Stop feeling guilty for something you are not responsible for.”

  Nick could not bring himself to put any of the blame on Abby. She would always be his baby sister, who he felt the need to protect. She was too innocent and naïve for a man like Cord Sutton.

  Chapter Six

  For days Abby walked around as if in a trance. In her mind she kept seeing Cord beneath that harlot in town, his hands caressing her body; the same hands that gave her so much enjoyment and pleasure. How could she have given herself to a man that promised her nothing? Yes, he asked her to go with him, but he never said he would marry her. Now she knew he would have used her until he tired of her and then sent her packing. How could she have been so stupid?

  Abby cooked, cleaned, gardened, but she said very little. Gone was the love of life that once existed for her. In its place was a huge darkness that just would not go away. Depression settled into her heart so deep and heavy she could not sleep or eat. She lost weight and looked drawn and tired.

  Finding Abby sitting on the porch staring at nothing, Nick took her hand. “Abby, I need you. You have to get over these feelings before they destroy you. If for no one else but me, please at least try. I want my sister back.”

  Guilt began to replace her depression. She should at least consider Nick. She had been happy before Cord, she could be happy again.

  Abby pulled his hand to her face and kissed it softly. “I’m sorry, Nick.” She knew she needed to fight the depression. Cord was not worth the tears she had shed. He was a bastard who had treated her horribly.


  Two weeks passed, and Abby was doing better. Memories of Cord were still fresh in her mind, but at least the
tears had stopped. All the work around the farm kept her busy. Still sometimes something he said or did would slip into her thoughts and the gut wrenching pain would return. If not for her love for Nick, she would let the depression take over. Even though everyday was a struggle, she would survive. Memories of him would fade over time.

  Picking blackberries that grew wild beside the barn, she heard the wagon approaching before she saw it. Apprehensive, she stepped behind the barn and waited. She could not make out the stranger’s face from where she stood, but there was something vaguely familiar about him.

  Well, she wouldn’t know what he wanted if she stayed hidden behind the barn like a scared little mouse. She walked to the front yard where he stopped the wagon. He seemed curious as he took in the barn and house. His eyes roamed over the fields where their crops were now tiny shoots sprouting form the earth. When he turned and saw her, she tried to read his expression but could not.

  “Is this the Henley farm?”

  Shocked, Abby stood staring at him. His mouth reminded her of Cord. She began to tremble.

  Slowly, he took a step toward her. “Are you okay, ma’am?”

  No doubt she was being ridiculous. Just because the man resembled Cord slightly, didn’t mean anything. He was tall and muscular like Cord, but his light brown hair and blue eyes were nothing like his. Surely she was being foolish. She tried to smile. “Yes, my father is Jacob Henley.”

  “You must be, Abby.” A smile split his face.

  Abby felt a terrible pressure in her chest. His voice deep and husky sounded like Cord’s. “Who are you?”

  The man removed his hat and stuck his hand out to shake Abby’s hand. “Adam Sutton, ma’am, Cord’s older brother.”

  When Abby just stood there with her mouth gaped open, not offering her hand in return, he pulled his back and nervously wiped it on his pants.

  “Cord asked me to check on you ma’am. He sent me a telegraph informing me how you and your family saved his life. He asked me to bring your father and brother these fine horses and farm equipment as payment for your hospitality.”


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