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Rightful Heritage: The Renewal of America

Page 81

by Douglas Brinkley

  Great Plains Drought Area Committee, 308

  Great Smoky Mountains National Park, 120, 135, 145, 218, 248–49, 266, 353–54, 585; black bear, 249; CCC and, 249, 353; Clingmans Dome, 265; Elkmont Bridge, 249; FDR speech (1940), 502, 502–4; redwood—and sequoia-growing experiment, 552; roads in, 265, 503

  Great White Heron NWR, 421, 424

  Green, William, 174, 206, 207

  Green Mountain National Forest, 59, 429

  Grinnell, George Bird, 17, 19, 386

  Grinnell College, 136, 284, 315

  Griscom, Andrew, 538

  Griscom, Ludlow, 537, 537, 538

  Groton School, 26, 213; FDR at, 27, 27–31, 32, 33; summer camp, 30

  Groves, Leslie R., 539, 571

  Guernsey, Raymond, 537

  Guthrie, Woody, 314, 315, 415

  Hagerman NWR, 366–67

  Hailstone NWR, 540

  Halfbreed Lake NWR, 540

  Harding, Warren G., 86, 89, 90, 107, 120, 164, 200

  Harper, Jean Sherwood and Francis, 146, 146–47, 230–31, 234, 235, 236, 352, 443–44, 445, 541, 650n73

  Harpers Ferry National Monument, 548

  Harriman, E. H., 93

  Harriman, Mary Averell, 93

  Harriman State Park, 93, 94

  Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge, 317–18, 343, 349

  Harvard University, 170, 305; Arnold Arboretum, 7; FDR at, 34, 37, 39–40; FDR friends/family and, 4, 35, 49, 60, 90, 102, 251; Harvard Crimson, 37; Marshall at, 160; Museum of Comparative Zoology, 22, 537

  Hassett, William D., 530, 580

  Hawaii, 19–20; CCC and forest improvement, 252–53; FDR dedicates Moana Park, 254; FDR trip (1934), 251–54, 253; Kilauea Volcano, 252–53; Kilauea Volcano Observatory, 251, 253; Volcano House, 253–54

  Hawaii National Park, 252, 266

  Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, 20

  Hawes, Harry B., 141, 183, 225–26

  Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, 472, 472

  Hearst, William Randolph, 148, 241

  Henry’s Lake, ID, 514–15

  Hetch Hetchy Dam, 74–77

  Hewitt Lake NWR, 420

  Heyburn State Park, 399

  Hickok, Lorena, 254, 256

  Highlands Hammock State Park, 243, 244, 583

  Highway Beautification Act of 1965, 132

  historic sites, 58, 189–91; FDR accomplishments, 1940, 507; FDR’s beliefs about, 191; lack of preservation pre-FDR, 191; National Historic Landmarks Program, 190–91; NPS and, 188–90; private associations and, 191

  Historic Sites Act of 1935, 190, 477, 492

  Hitler, Adolf, 369

  Hoh Rain Forest, 392

  Holland, Denny, 295–96

  Hoover, Herbert, 85, 120–21, 127, 148, 149, 187, 205, 248, 250, 268, 275, 318, 332, 371, 402, 498, 562, 564; Biological Survey funds, 226; conservation policy, 121, 134–35; Darling and, 270, 271; FDR’s presidential challenge to, 151–53, 154–55; Great Depression and, 128, 134, 151; laissez-faire economics, 134; national forests, 677n67; Rapidan camp, 135, 188, 189, 215, 553; veterans march (1932), 221; weakness as leader, 121

  Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site, 492

  Hopkins, Harry, 136, 162, 284, 307–8, 340, 351, 420, 480, 506, 536

  Horicon Marsh bird refuge, 293

  Hornaday, William Temple, 57, 61, 63, 65, 217, 271, 273, 275, 327, 345–46, 463

  Howe, Louis, 70, 72, 96, 97, 107, 109, 116, 144, 181, 215

  Hoyt, Burnham, 507–8

  Hoyt, Minerva Hamilton, 209–12, 210, 341, 541

  Hudson, Henry, 3, 51, 644n5

  Hudson, The (Carmer), 427, 695n21

  Hudson River, 3, 5, 16, 425; Beacon-Newburgh ferry, 8; FDR and the Hudson-Fulton Celebration Commission, 51; FDR’s childhood and, 5–6; FDR’s connection to, 3; Palisades Interstate Park, 33; pollution, 13, 63, 311, 447, 516; river-keepers, 13; Springwood on, 5

  Hudson River Valley, 4–5; architectural style, 427; birds of, 22; Downing’s influence on landscape architecture, 8–9; ER and, 43; FDR and Dutch-style post offices built, 427; FDR and history of, 3, 6; FDR’s identity and, 79–80, 311–12; FDR’s love for, 114, 427; River Families, 9, 23; as sanctified landscape, 4, 26; timber industry and, 63–64; tree planting and, 53; violet growing, 36

  Hull, Cordell, 144, 402, 434, 435, 486, 561, 566

  Humboldt-Redwoods State Park, 218

  hunting: arrests of poachers, 296; bag limits for, 386; banning for non-game birds, 22; banning in bird sanctuaries, 296, 388, 446–47; banning in national parks and monuments, 82, 239, 249, 352–53; banning in the Susquehanna River NWR, 540–41; bighorn sheep and, 460; Burnham and, 457; CCC and, 527; commercial hunting, 271; duck complaints and hunt, 531–32; Duck Stamp Act and, 281–83; “fair chase,” 457; FDR and hunting tax, 383–85; FDR and regulation of, 56, 60; FDR as hunter, 76, 76, 89, 225, 369; FDR excise tax and, 383–85; federal regulations and bans imposed, 276, 281, 282, 298, 303–4, 324, 385–86, 582; Hornaday and, 57, 346; lack of jurisdiction over, 324; lax state laws, 277; over-hunting and wildlife endangerment, 72, 225, 249, 250, 327, 328, 344, 346, 373, 456, 460; public lands and, 249, 383, 700n20; public-private partnerships, 304–5; recreational hunting, 269, 271, 275, 304, 398, 477, 532, 533, 582; revival of duck population and, 470, 471; special interest groups, 472; TR and, 437; USDA wardens, 281; World War II permits, 532; World War II veterans and, 582

  Hyde Park, NY, 3, 4, 11, 312; FDR’s state senate election (1910), 53–55’ as model town, FDR’s philosophy and, 26; post office by WPA, 418, 427; Roosevelt family voting in, 505; St. James’ Episcopal Church, 538

  Hyde Park estate (Springwood), 4–5, 5, 117, 441; birds of, 18; Brown as manager, 130–31; Christmas tree tradition, 90, 551; Churchill at, 71–72, 539; “Crum Elbow” and, 644n5; death of Sara Roosevelt and fallen oak, 511–12; donated to the NPS, 477, 579, 703n74; Downing’s principles and, 9, 79; ER and, 42; FDR as steward of, 34–37, 40; FDR boyhood at, 5, 5–6, 16–23, 478; FDR expansion of, 9, 48–49; FDR honeymoon at, 43; as FDR “official residence,” 478–79; FDR’s bird collection at, 17, 79, 478, 536; FDR’s conservation beliefs and, 47–48, 154; FDR’s convalescence at, 96, 108; FDR’s funeral and burial, 578, 578–79; as FDR’s lifelong source of solace, 9; FDR’s rules to prevent gullying, 36–37; forest demonstration plot, 169; forestry operations at, 48, 169, 543–44; Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library, 434, 477, 551, 581, 584; groundskeeper, 36, 48; hemlocks at, 48, 311; Kromelbooge Woods as virgin forest, 130; pastoral ideal and, 5; planting “historical seeds” at, 25; planting trees at Creek Road Farm, 169; planting violets at, 36; redwood and sequoia growing experiment, 312, 495, 552; renovation (1915), 79; State Parks Council at (1928), 116; tree farm and tree planting, 35, 45, 53, 56, 61, 71, 90. 97, 169, 311, 390, 393, 418, 485, 551, 570; trees protected in perpetuity, 579; wood roads or “fire lanes” at, 71–72

  Hyde Park Home Club, 477–78

  Ibn Saud, king of Saudi Arabia, 554, 573, 573

  Ickes, Anna, 164, 165–66

  Ickes, Harold, 62–63, 163–66, 165, 188, 192, 196, 202, 206, 206, 214, 239, 249, 258, 263, 351, 449, 541; Alaskan coastal preserve and, 402; Ansel Adams photographs and, 454; Arizona desert park and, 354, 355; bald eagle and, 498; bighorn sheep and, 327, 328, 459, 460; bill for wilderness areas, 405–6; Brant and, 408, 409; as a “builder to rival Cheops,” 479; CCC and, 171, 181, 308, 461, 522; Channel Islands and, 422, 423; coast of Maine and, 382–83; as curmudgeon, 487; Darling and, 320; Department of Conservation, idea of, 486–89, 493; as Department of the Interior head, 305–6, 317, 352, 354, 387, 486, 487; Department of the Interior headquarters and, 236–37, 336; Dewey rebuttal by, 564; diary of, 581; differences with FDR, 310; Douglas and, 350, 559; on ecological sanctity of national parks, 429–30; as “eco-warrior,” 488–89; elk protection and, 396–97; Executive Order 6166 and, 199; FDR memorial and, 586–88, 587; FDR’s death and, 577, 578, 580; as FDR’s environmental conscience, 244–45, 340–41, 342, 497; FDR’s fight for the Everglades and, 239, 334–35; FDR’s fri
endship and, 244–45, 340–41; FDR’s third term and, 486; FDR trip to Keys and Dry Tortugas and, 386; fight for Kings Canyon, 430–33, 452; first presidential library and, 477; global conservation and, 569, 572; Grand Coulee Dam criticism and, 415; Head Waters estate and, 223, 534; influence of, 393; Isle Royale and, 491; Jackson Hole and, 544, 546, 547; Joshua Tree and, 210–12, 341; logging in the Pacific Northwest and Great Lakes and, 501–2; loyalty to conservationism, 352; on Marshall, 481; Mining World attack on NPS and, 501–2; National Defense and, 517–18; national seashores and, 376; North American Wildlife Conference, 323, 324; NPS and, 250, 265, 266 (see also NPS); Olympic National Park and, 409, 410; opposition to internment of Japanese Americans, 523; Pacific fishing trip with FDR (1935), 320; personal problems (1935), 351; as preservationist, 479; on “pristine condition,” 501; PWA and, 216–17, 308, 480, 425; Quetico-Superior “wilderness sanctuary” and, 246; resignation offered and rescinded, 488–90; responsibilities of, 250; Sanibel Island NWR and, 531; Truman and, 579, 580, 581; trumpeter swan and, 514–15; U.S.-Ecuador collaborative wildlife project, 434–35; on Wallace, 494, 496, 497; Wickard and, 501; wildlife protection issues, 471–72; World War II and public land protection, 519–20; WPA train line electrification and, 479; at Yosemite with Eleanor, 255, 256

  Ickes, Jane, 580

  Idaho, 259; CCC and, 399–400; FDR tour (1937), 397–400, 692n36; federal irrigation programs, 397; as model for New Deal work-relief projects, 504; national forests, 258, 397–98, 400; national parks, 397; Native American reservations in, 398; New Deal expenditures per capita, 398; POW camp in, 528; state parks, 218; timber industry and, 398; tourism and, 398; voting for FDR, 397; wildlife refuges, 310; work-relief programs, 400; WPA American Guide Series and, 400

  Indian Reorganization Act of 1934, 165, 398

  Inland Waterways Commission, 87

  International Deserts Conservation League (IDCL), 209, 211, 341

  Iowa: CCC and, 580; conservationists from, 217; Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit, 270; Darling and, 269–70; gift to FDR memorial, 580; hybrid corn in, 200; Leopold and, 272; New Deal funds for, 217; Shelterbelt Project in, 292; State Fish and Game Commission, 270; state parks, 217

  Iowa State College, 200, 270; Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit, 304

  Iowa State Conservation Commission, 580

  Iran, 553–54, 567, 575

  I Remember Hyde Park (ER), 54

  Isle Royale National Park, 247–48, 429, 490–91, 507, 519, 585

  Izaak Walton League, 98, 121, 174, 226, 239, 270, 307, 425, 458, 500, 516

  Jackson, Robert H., 386, 387–88

  Jackson Hole, 309, 469, 544, 547

  Jackson Hole National Monument, 544–48, 562–63, 564, 585, 714n45

  Jagger, Thomas, 251, 252

  Jefferson, Thomas, 52, 98, 215, 327

  Jefferson National Expansion Memorial, 492

  John James Audubon State Park, 510

  Johnson, Lyndon B., 132, 367, 426, 453, 480, 583–84, 584

  Johnson, Robert Underwood, 61, 74–76, 246, 648n46

  Joint Committee on Recreational Survey of Federal Lands, 119

  Joshua Tree National Monument, 209–12, 210, 341, 378, 455, 585

  Kansas: agriculture in, 59, 153, 331; bank failures, 331; Black Sunday, 313; CCC and, 331, 332; dust storms, 335; Morton County project, 383; New Deal work-relief and, 331; re-election of FDR (1936) and, 343; reforestation in, 331; SCS camps in, 331; Shelterbelt Project in, 332; soil reclamation practices, 314

  Katmai National Monument, 250

  Kenai National Moose Range, 517, 708n17

  Kennedy, John F., 583, 584–85

  Kennedy, Joseph, 240–41, 348

  Kentucky, 429, 507, 509–10

  Kentucky Dam, 426

  Key West NWR, 421

  Kings Canyon National Park, 106–7, 430–33, 450–53, 507, 531, 585; Kearsarge Pinnacles, 454; Tehipite and Kings canyons, 453

  Kings River, 431, 452

  Kisatchie National Forest, 364, 687n8

  Knox, Frank, 63, 494

  Kofa Game Range, 458, 459, 460–61

  Kofa Mountains, 455–56

  Kootenai National Forest, 258

  labor unions, 173–74, 206, 207, 448, 485

  Lacassine NWR, 388, 690n77

  Lacey, John, 32

  Lacey Act, 32–33

  La Follette, Robert M., 63, 152

  Lake Erie, 473–74, 500

  Lake George Battleground Park, 115

  Lake Mead, 205, 571

  Lake Placid, 124–25, 126, 318

  Lake Roosevelt, 414

  Lake Superior, 247–48, 519

  Lake Taghkanic (Lake Charlotte), 114–15

  Lamesteer NWR, 540, 541

  Landon, Alfred, 63, 330–32, 336, 343

  Lane, Franklin K., 73–74, 76, 76–77, 81, 82, 188, 263

  Latin America: FDR visits Colombia (1934), 252; good neighbor policy, 252

  Lawrence, John S., 102, 102–4

  Leopold, Aldo, 217, 268, 272, 272–75, 277, 278, 294, 310, 322, 351, 366, 531; chair of Department of Wildlife Management, 475; “Marshland Elegy,” 366; New Deal dams, 414–15; New Deal land management and rehabilitation, 475, 477; NWRC-Denver criticism, 475; FDR’s policies and, 475–76

  Leuchtenberg, William E., 479

  Lewis, Belden W., 197, 313

  Libbey, William, III, 19, 20

  Lilienthal, David, 203, 204

  Lincoln, Abraham, 168, 387, 576, 577

  Lincoln Memorial, 192

  Linnaean Society, 19, 20, 23, 29, 640n63, 641n64

  Little Missouri River, 469

  Lolo National Forest, 400

  Los Angeles Aqueduct, 76, 87

  Losey, Elizabeth Beard, 300–301

  Los Padres National Forest, 523, 524

  Lost Pines Forest, TX, 218

  Louisiana: CCC and, 364; devastated forests of, 219, 363–64; ecological disaster in, 361, 364; FDR hunting trip (1920), 89–90; Long-Bell Lumber and timber industry in, 364; national forests, 364; New Deal and, 361–65; oaks of, 363, 364; pines of, 364; wildlife refuges, 361, 362, 364–65, 366, 388, 690n77; state parks, 218, 364

  MacArthur, Douglas, 521

  MacKaye, Benton, 150, 265, 319

  Maine: CCC companies in, 668n29; migratory bird refuges, 381; national parks, 82–83, 145, 382–83, 429

  Malheur Lake, 275

  Mammoth Cave National Park, 135, 429, 507, 509–10, 585

  Manhattan Project, 539–40, 571

  Marine Research Society, 141

  Mark Twain National Forest, 477

  Marsh, George Perkins, 7, 78, 86, 234; environmental manifesto, 7, 78

  Marshall, George C., 231–32, 536, 549, 555, 559, 577

  Marshall, Louis, 159

  Marshall, Robert, 159–61, 160, 166, 258, 265, 319, 351, 393, 398, 405–6, 430, 433; Copeland Report and, 161; death of, 452, 480; fight for Kings Canyon and, 433; importance to wilderness preservation, 480–81; vision of, 433

  Marshall, Thomas, 80

  Maryland: Greenbelt and FDR’s ideal “garden city,” 224; Ickes estate in, 223; national monuments in, 548; New Deal funds for, 223–24; NWRs in, 540–41; Patuxent and, 461–66; RDA in, 223; wildlife refuges, 227, 228, 444, 447. See also Shangri-La

  Massachusetts, 382, 540, 541, 584, 668n29

  Mather, Stephen T., 80–81, 82, 104, 188, 248, 249

  Mattamuskeet bird refuge, 293

  McEntee, James, 481, 495, 522

  McIlhenny, Edward A., 89, 298

  McIntire, Ross T., 333, 365, 489

  McIntyre, Marvin, 240, 445

  McKellar, Kenneth Douglas, 524–25

  McLean House National Monument, 507

  McMillan Plan of 1902, 35

  Medicine Lake NWR, 301

  Mencken, H. L., 210

  Mendocino RDA, 223

  Merriam, Charles, 214

  Merriam, C. Hart, 21, 22

  Mesa Land (A. Ickes), 165–66

  Mexico, 267, 557

an, 247–48; Lake Superior archipelago, 490; national forests, 429; national parks, 429, 490–91, 507; NWRs and, 301; state parks, 520, 583; wartime logging in, 519

  Migratory Bird Conservation Act (Norbeck-Anderson Act), 126–27, 226

  Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1929, 303

  Miller, George F., 457, 458

  Mills, Enos, 406, 407

  Mineral Leasing Act, 88

  Mingo NWR, 540

  mining industry, 6, 8, 51, 341; attacks on NPS, 501; extraction lobby, 358, 459; Isle Royal National Park and, 391; pollution by, 425–26

  Minnesota, 260; CCC and, 416; FDR tour (1937), 416; Indian reservations, 416; national forests, 273–74; national monuments, 260, 416; wilderness preservation movement in, 247–49; wildlife refuge sites, 285, 301, 310

  Missisquoi River Delta NWR, 540

  Mississippi, 219, 362

  Mississippi River: Bonnet Carré Spillway, 363; Commission, 78; Darling and, 269; ecological damage, 426; flood prevention, 363; floods, 117, 363, 363, 364; pollution, 362, 516

  Missouri: all-black CCC companies, 185; CCC and, 183–86; drought, 134; federal acquisition of land and, 477; flood prevention, 335; national forests, 477; national historic sites, 492; national monuments, 548; NWR, 540; racial prejudice, 184–85; Senator Hawes and, 141; state conservation corps, 582; state parks, 184, 185

  Missouri River, 206, 264, 269, 335, 395, 471, 516; FDR protects ecosystem of, 344. See also Fort Peck Dam

  Moab, Utah, 499

  Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, shah of Iran, 554

  Mojave Desert, 210, 211, 328

  Monomoy NWR, 541

  Montana, 481; African American CCC companies in, 259; bison and, 467; Blackfoot Reservation, 260–61, 262; Flathead Reservation, 165; drought in, 134; FDR in (1934, 1937), 258, 415–16; fish hatchery, 325; national forests, 258; national monuments, 507; New Deal dam, 206, 216, 264, 344, 395; POW camp in, 528; Red Rock Lakes, 320; wildlife refuges, 285, 301, 310, 343–44, 420, 421, 513, 540


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