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By the Book j-6

Page 15

by N. J. Walters

  She loved the taste of him—salty and spicy. She’d never given oral sex before, but she decided that she liked it. A lot. His deep moans of pleasure, the sensual tug of his fingers in her hair and his tangy flavor had all combined to heighten her arousal.

  He looked at her then and heat suffused her entire body. Her panties were damp and her nipples puckered even tighter under his gaze. His green eyes were darker than usual, his lips moist from where he’d sucked on her nipples. Her core throbbed in anticipation.

  They’d made love many times since he’d moved in with her. It had been passionate, intense, fun and playful. But this felt different. Now there was a commitment between them that hadn’t been there before.

  Jonah reached for her jeans and undid the button and pulled down the zipper. “Lift.”

  His voice was deeper than usual and thick with emotion. She lifted her butt off the bed and he pulled her jeans and panties over her hips and down her legs, not stopping until they were off. He tugged off her socks, leaving her as naked as he was.

  He stretched out on the bed beside her. Propping himself up on his arm, he leaned down and kissed her. The kiss started out gentle, but didn’t stay that way for long.

  His shaft pressed against her hip, hard and insistent. The folds of her sex thickened, getting wetter with each passing second. Her breasts ached, so she rolled onto her side and pressed them against his chest.

  Jonah groaned and peppered her face with quick, hot kisses before working his way back to her breasts. “Such sweet breasts,” he murmured as he lapped at a distended nipple. She sifted her fingers through his hair, needing more than that light, teasing touch.

  He stroked his hand over her belly and cupped her mound. His fingers traced the slick folds of her sex before dipping inside her slit to test her readiness. “You’re always so wet for me.” She could hear the pleasure in his voice.

  “Always.” Grabbing his shoulders, she tried to pull him on top of her, needing to feel his hard length inside her, but he resisted.

  “I don’t want to hurt you, sugar.” He rolled onto his back and lifted her on top of him. “Ride me. Take as much or as little as you need.”

  Amanda slid her mound over his cock, pressing her folds against his hard shaft. She gasped when it caressed her clit. It felt so good she did it again.

  Jonah groaned. His eyes were open, but his head was tilted back, the tendons in his neck corded as he struggled for control. His hands were fisted in the covers, biceps straining as he sucked in a breath.

  His obvious arousal pushed hers up a notch. Unable to wait any longer, she wrapped her hand around the base of his cock and guided him to her opening. Both of them moaned as she sank down, not stopping until every inch of him was inside her. She watched, spellbound, as his shaft entered her. It was incredibly erotic to see him disappearing into her tight sheath and to feel him stretching her. Her inner muscles tightened and relaxed, squeezing him, accepting him.

  It didn’t seem to matter how many times they made love, she was always astounded by how deeply he filled her. It almost bordered on pain, but always stopped just short.

  Each time he thrust inside her, she wanted to wrap her legs around him and keep him there forever.

  “You feel so damn good.” Releasing his grip on the comforter, he reached out and palmed her breasts.

  Placing her hands on his chest for support, she began to lift herself up, letting his shaft slip out of her. When only the tip remained inside, she paused before dropping back down. Her channel rippled as it expanded, welcoming him once again.

  Her breasts swayed as she continued her rhythm. Jonah plucked at her nipples, teasing them with his fingers. They were intimately joined, but she wanted to be closer to him.

  Lowering herself, she sighed as her stomach touched his and her breasts pillowed against his chest. “I need to feel your skin against mine.”

  He banded his arms around her and rolled them so they were both on their sides, facing one another. Lifting her leg, he pulled it over his thigh and began to rock his hips against her. Amanda began to undulate her hips, matching his stroke.

  He caressed her shoulders before settling his hands on her ass. She pushed his hair away from his face, loving the feel of the heavy black silk as it slid through her fingers.

  Letting her hands fall to his shoulders, she savored the warmth of his skin and the strength that rippled beneath it.

  She gasped when Jonah slipped one of his hands lower, letting his thumb brush the puckered entrance of her behind before moving on to touch her slick folds.

  All sense of urgency was gone, yet every muscle in her body tightened in anticipation. Her toes curled and her scalp tingled. She felt every hard slide of his body as his cock slipped in and out. Their bodies were slick with perspiration. Both of them were breathing hard, their chests rising and falling rapidly.

  Jonah murmured her name and she heard the longing in his voice. She leaned up and kissed him, sliding her tongue into his mouth. He tightened his hold on her and began to thrust harder—short, shallow thrusts that made her moan.

  He angled her hips and his pelvic bone brushed her clit with each stroke. She buried her face in his neck, crying out his name.

  Her entire body shook and shuddered. She felt the hard pulse of his cock deep inside her, but still he continued to thrust. The orgasm rolled over her in long, slow waves.

  Closing her eyes, she clung to him and savored each sweet sensation.

  When she finally roused herself a while later, she had no idea how much time had passed. She moaned when Jonah lowered her leg and gently slid his semi-erect cock from her. The sensitive muscles protested and contracted, trying to keep him inside.

  “I’ll be back.” Jonah rolled from the bed. She heard his footsteps as he padded to the bathroom. She must have dozed, because it seemed as though he’d just left when he was crawling back in bed beside her.

  She snuggled her head against his chest and sighed with satisfaction when he pulled her thigh over his. The steady beat of his heart lulled her. Smiling, she laid her hand over his chest and fell asleep.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Amanda rolled over in bed and frowned when she discovered nothing but cool sheets. Forcing her eyes open, she blinked. Sunshine filled the room, illuminating what she’d already suspected. Jonah was gone.

  She glanced at the clock radio and gasped when she saw the time. It was just after ten. She never slept this late. Levering herself into a seated position, she groaned when her stiff muscles complained. No doubt about it, she was certainly feeling the effects of yesterday’s attack.

  Where was Jonah?

  She wasn’t too concerned. Wherever he was, he’d come back to her. Of that she had no doubt. Warmth spread from her heart, radiating throughout her entire body. She still couldn’t believe what had happened, how much her life had changed. Amanda had never believed in happily ever after. Her life hadn’t had much love in it. But that had all changed. Now she not only had wonderful friends and a new home, but she had someone special in her life.

  Pushing her hair out of her face, she padded to the bathroom. One look in the mirror had her groaning. Her face was pale and her hair was sticking out at all angles. Her cheek and neck were slightly bruised around the white bandages that covered the shallow knife wounds. She also felt sweaty and slightly sticky from last night’s passionate lovemaking.

  Not exactly an inspiring sight.

  She headed straight for the shower. Turning the water on, she stepped beneath the spray and sighed. The heat from the water and a quick lather from head to toe made her feel much better. She didn’t linger, but rinsed and twisted off the taps before stepping out onto the bathmat.

  Drying off, she wrapped the towel around her. She decided it was too much trouble to blow-dry her hair. Instead, she combed it and pulled it back with a scrunchie. The bandage had fallen off her cheek and the one on her neck was almost off. She finished the job, peeling it off and dropping it into the gar
bage can. Both cuts looked good, but she didn’t want to take any chances. Opening the medicine cabinet, she pulled out a tube of antibacterial cream and slathered some of it over each cut.

  Satisfied, she went back to her bedroom. It didn’t take her long to pull on clean underwear and socks. Opting for comfort, as she almost always did, she dressed in jeans and a soft lavender sweater. She didn’t bother with shoes or slippers, but padded down the hall in her stockinged feet.

  Her stomach growled, reminding her that she never did have any supper last night.

  She hadn’t eaten anything since yesterday lunchtime. The smell of coffee hit her nostrils when she reached the bottom of the stairs and she almost moaned with pleasure. She desperately needed a cup of coffee. In spite of the shower, she still felt like she was in a bit of a fog.

  She paused just outside the kitchen door and watched Jonah as he puttered around her kitchen. The coffee pot was indeed full of freshly brewed coffee. Something smelled wonderful. Bacon for sure, and maybe eggs.

  Jonah stood at the counter, pouring two glasses of orange juice. He was wearing jeans, but nothing else. Amanda sighed and watched his back muscles ripple as he set the jug on the counter and picked up one of the glasses. Turning, he smiled at her. “Hey, sleepyhead.”

  She smiled and went to him. “You knew I was there all along?”

  He handed her the glass of juice. “I heard you coming and I could smell your soap.”

  “I guess I can forget trying to sneak up on you.” Lifting the glass to her lips, she savored the cool sweet juice as it flowed down her throat. “That tastes great.”

  “I’ve got bacon and eggs in the oven.” He reached out and pushed down the lever on the toaster. “I heard the shower go on and knew you wouldn’t be long.” He took the glass from her hand and set it down on the counter. Pulling her into his arms, he leaned down and kissed her.

  Her arms crept up around his shoulders, as she tasted the rich flavor of coffee on his lips. “Umm…coffee.”

  Jonah grinned and herded her toward the table. “Sit. I’ll get breakfast.”

  “I could get used to this,” she remarked as she pulled her chair closer to the table.

  “That’s the plan.” Jonah placed her juice glass and a mug of coffee in front of her.

  The toast popped and he quickly buttered it. A minute later, they were both seated at the table with a plate filled with bacon, eggs and toast.

  “Thank you.” She was touched. No one had made breakfast for her since she was a kid.

  He reached out and took her hand in his. Raising it to his lips, he kissed each knuckle before lowering it back to the table. “My pleasure. Now eat, you have to be hungry.”

  “Starving.” She forked up some of the eggs and chewed. They were perfect, light and fluffy. The bacon was crisp and the toast was lightly buttered just the way she liked it.

  “This is good.”

  “How are you feeling this morning?” Jonah picked up his mug and took a sip of coffee.

  “A little stiff, but other than that, I feel perfectly normal.”

  Jonah nodded and they both continued eating, neither of them talking. But it was a comfortable silence and Amanda felt herself relaxing and just enjoying being with Jonah.

  They were just finishing up their breakfast when the doorbell rang. “I’ll get it.”

  Jonah pushed back his chair and headed for the front door. Amanda cleared their plates from the table, piling them into the sink.

  Male voices drifted down the hallway. Heavy footsteps followed. Patrick stepped into the kitchen followed by Jonah. “Morning, Amanda.” Patrick inclined his head. “We found out why Brown was so intent on finding that journal and I figured you’d want to know.”

  “Absolutely.” She waved him toward the table. “Can I get you some coffee?”

  “That would be great.”

  Before she could pour, Jonah was beside her. “I’ll do that. You take it easy.”

  “It’s only coffee.” She kept her voice low. “I’m fine, Jonah.”

  Sighing, he relented and joined Patrick at the table. She filled a clean mug with coffee and carried it to the table. Sitting down, she turned her attention to the sheriff.

  “What do you know?”

  “We found something interesting in the back half of the journal.” Patrick took a sip of coffee before continuing. “Numbers to Brown’s offshore bank accounts.”

  Amanda sat forward in her chair. “Bank accounts?”

  Patrick nodded. “Seems Brown was helping himself to the occasional item from his clients’ homes. Nothing they’d miss right away. Heck, a lot of them thought the items were lost in the move and filed a claim against the moving company. We’re still trying to sort it all out.”

  “He was stealing from his clients?” Amanda could hardly believe it.

  “Yup.” Patrick sat back in his chair and tapped his fingers against the side of his mug. “And that’s not all. He was also blackmailing a few folks. As a realtor, he had access to some folk’s houses when they weren’t home. He’d take a look around and if he discovered anything he thought they might want to keep secret, he blackmailed them. Not great amounts, but enough. Between the two scams he had a few hundred thousand dollars tucked away in an offshore bank account.”

  “That’s incredible.” If she’d made the time to finish reading the journal, she’d have come across the numbers. Not that she’d have known what they were for or who’d written them there.

  “Blackmail is more common than you’d think,” Patrick added. “Anyway, after his attack on you failed, he started talking, complaining really about how unfair it all was.

  How Elizabeth, Jonah and now you had spoiled all his plans.”

  Jonah snorted. “That doesn’t surprise me. Brown is the type to blame other people when things go wrong.”

  “He started screaming for a lawyer after a while, but we’d already read him his rights and have witnesses, so everything he said will be admissible in court. Even if it wasn’t, we’ve got the journal and Amanda’s testimony. Plus, we’ve already been through his house and seized his personal papers. I imagine we’ll find more evidence as we sift through them.”

  “But why did he wait so long to get the journal? I mean, he and Elizabeth have been divorced for a while now.” That part didn’t make sense to her.

  “I asked him the same thing.” Patrick shrugged. “Seems he thought the journal was in the boxes of books he got in the settlement. The house he and Elizabeth owned was sold as part of the divorce settlement. Brown was living in an apartment for a few months and kept almost everything in storage until he moved into the new house he just bought.

  He didn’t need to access the accounts until a couple of weeks ago. He went looking for it one night, but couldn’t find it. After going through every box, he realized Elizabeth must have it.”

  “That must have been quite the shock.” Jonah rose and walked to the counter.

  Returning with the coffeepot, he refilled their cups before resuming his seat.

  “Why did he write it in Cecilia Sutter’s journal to begin with?” Amanda could think of safer places.

  “He figured it was a book that Elizabeth would never part with because it was a family heirloom. Plus, she’d never expressed any interest in reading it. It was the perfect place as far as Brown was concerned.”

  “Why didn’t he check with Elizabeth first or at least search the house?” Jonah asked.

  “He was afraid to ask, afraid that she’d discover the secret hidden there. But he did check your house,” Patrick countered.

  “He broke into my home?” Jonah’s voice was flat, but Amanda could hear the underlying anger and shivered. Jim Brown should be glad he was in custody. He was safer in prison than he would be on the outside right now.

  “Yup.” Patrick took another sip of coffee. “Seems he had a key to the backdoor from when your dad was still alive. You didn’t bother to change the locks when you moved back home.”
  “Son of a bitch,” Jonah swore under his breath.

  “He waited until everyone was gone and let himself in. He went through all the books in your house and quickly realized that the journal wasn’t there. Brown was furious when he learned Elizabeth was getting rid of most of the books she’d received in the divorce settlement and that she’d already brought them all to Amanda to sell. Since he’d already been through the books at your place and through Elizabeth’s things, the only place left to search for the book was here.”

  “Wow.” Amanda didn’t quite know what else to say. “That’s like something out of a mystery novel.”

  “Brown also used a spare key he’d gotten made to let himself in through Amanda’s back door the first night he broke in.” Patrick rubbed his thumb over the edge of the mug.

  “You didn’t leave the door open as we suspected. He just let himself in.”

  “I knew I locked that door,” she muttered. It had been bothering her since that night.

  As a woman who lived alone, she was always careful to lock her doors and check her windows.

  “When we searched his home, we found keys for quite a few of the homes he’s sold,” Patrick continued. “This is a small town and folks are trusting, especially when it’s someone they’ve known their entire lives. Not everyone thinks to change the locks when they buy a new home. He probably planned to let himself in here at some point and steal a book or two, but then he discovered the journal was missing.”

  “I still can’t believe he told you all this.” Amanda could hear the skepticism in Jonah’s voice. “Why? Out of the goodness of his heart? Or is he trying to cut a deal?”

  Patrick chuckled. “The man doesn’t handle failure well. His anger got the best of him. The shot they gave him at the hospital made him even chattier. He wasn’t pleased that you’d changed the locks here. Made it more difficult for him. Brown didn’t like the fact that he’d had to break out the basement window and climb in like a common criminal.”

  “Will it hold up in court?” Jonah asked.


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