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Desire Unleashed [Desire, Oklahoma 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 36

by Leah Brooke

  Nat hid a smile. “If you think I’m going to give in so easily, you’re sadly mistaken. You need to convince me a little longer.”

  Chuckling again, Hoyt continued the long, smooth strokes over her back, loosening her sore muscles with every slide of his hands. “You do know that I’m skilled in the art of torture, don’t you?” His strokes lengthened, his strong, firm hands sliding lower with each pass.

  Another moan escaped when his caress included her bottom cheeks. “I believe it. You gonna torture me?”

  “Of course. I have to get the answer I want, don’t I?”

  Tingling with anticipation, Nat lifted her arms above her head, stretching out completely. “Do your worst. I don’t break easily.”

  Hoyt’s oily hands slid to the outer curves of her breasts. “That’s what I’m counting on.”

  Nat melted under his hands, moan after moan escaping as he added more oil and worked it into her sore muscles. She found herself drifting more and more, so drowsy that she couldn’t even open her eyes.

  Hoyt didn’t speak, keeping his hands moving in a slow, lulling rhythm over her back, down her sides, and lower to her bottom.

  Gradually, she became aware that his hands continued to work their way lower on her bottom, until he began to focus his attention there. She stiffened slightly, too relaxed and loose to do more than moan, a groan escaping when his hands went to her back again.

  Over and over, he focused his attention to her back and shoulders before moving to her bottom again, melting every muscle along the way.

  Pliant under his hands, she couldn’t even work up the energy to tighten against him when he began to work on her thighs.

  Her thigh muscles were no match for his firm massage, and before she knew it, she’d become so relaxed that she couldn’t move.

  His hands kept moving, and he occasionally added more oil, allowing his strong fingers to slide over her skin.

  Rubbing more of the oil into her ass cheeks, he kept massaging, working the muscle there until it became so pliable that she couldn’t seem to tighten it anymore.

  Her entire body melted under his hands, and when he began spreading her cheeks as he massaged them, she didn’t even think about objecting.

  Even the sensation of more of the scented oil being drizzled down the crease of her ass didn’t alarm her.

  When his fingers followed the trail of oil, brushing over her puckered opening, she moaned at the faint stirring of arousal.

  Too loose and drowsy to tighten against him, she let herself go, her arousal growing with every pass of his finger.

  His fingers slid easily from just above her bottom hole to her pussy, back and forth, each pass arousing her more, but so nonthreatening and rhythmic that she found herself lifting into them.

  Her body had become so slack, that even when a slide of his fingers took them into her pussy, she did nothing more than moan.

  “You’re all mine now, aren’t you, baby? Nice and loose.” Sliding his finger upward again, he pressed at her puckered opening as his fingers slid over it. “Even your ass is nice and relaxed. Pliant.”

  Working his fingers over her, he pressed into her pussy and against her puckered opening with each pass. “That’s my girl.” His voice, so low and even, washed over her, adding to the delicious sensations swirling through her.

  “So beautiful. So sweet.”

  Nat couldn’t work up the energy to answer him, unable to move a single muscle. Her only response to his delicious ministrations were the weak moans that poured out of her.

  Another moan escaped when he slowly, gently worked her cheeks wider, drizzling more of the oil to run inside her. “So beautiful. That’s my baby. So loose. Glistening with oil.”

  His finger massaged her puckered opening, forcing the muscle to loosen even more as his other hand slid lower, rubbing the oil over her pussy and clit. “You’re already wet here, but the oil feels good, doesn’t it, baby?”

  Nat moaned, unable to work up the energy to lift into him.

  He seemed to know what she needed, though, sliding his thighs under hers to lift her several inches from the towel. “Yes, that’s my girl. Just relax and let me take care of you.”

  The slow slide of his fingers over her bottom hole made her want more, and she moaned in relief when he increased the pressure there. “I know, baby. I know what you need.”

  The tip of his finger pressed into her bottom, increasing the sense of awareness there. The slide of his fingers over her clit sent a riot of sensation through her, making every inch of her body sizzle with arousal.

  She needed more, but was too relaxed and weak to fight for it.

  So good.

  A slowly building arousal that left her warm and languid under his hands, even as her body screamed for release.

  She needed the fingers at her clit to move faster, moaning with the need to have her ass filled with the fingers teasing her.

  A groan of frustration escaped. “Hoyt! Please.”

  The finger at her ass slid deep. “Are you going to marry me? One word, sweetheart, and I’ll give you what you need. Just say yes.”


  “Good girl. Nice and easy, baby.”

  He slid his hands over her clit again and again, the slow slide of them building her hunger and taking her closer and closer to the edge.

  At the same time, he worked his finger in and out of her ass, the tight ring of muscle there so relaxed that he had no trouble adding another finger.

  “Yeah, that’s my girl. Doesn’t that feel good?”

  Nat could only moan, so overwhelmed that tears stung her eyes. “So good.”

  Her clit felt so swollen, the erotic slide of his fingers increasing the burning sensation with every stroke. The oil kept the friction light, dragging out the pleasure.

  With his fingers moving slowly in her ass and over her clit, Nat gripped the slats in the headboard, crying out when her orgasm hit her. Riding the delicious wave, she moaned again as Hoyt slowed his strokes, keeping the incredible feeling washing over her.

  “Oh, God.”

  The wave crested and slowed, the fingers in her ass and on her clit dragging it out with mind-numbing slowness. She rode it on and on, her entire body warming as the heat spread through her.

  “We’re getting married tomorrow.”

  Nat moaned again at the feel of his fingers sliding from her bottom. “Can’t.”

  “Yes, you can. Jake’s setting it up right now.” Moving from between her thighs, he stretched out next to her. “And now we have to address your punishment for manipulating Jake and me.”

  Turning her head, Nat forced her eyes open. “What kind of punishment?” Her words came out slurred, and she had to struggle to focus.

  Hoyt grinned. “When we get married, you’re going to be wearing a clip on that pretty clit.”

  He scraped his teeth over her shoulder, chuckling at her gasp. “And nipple clips, and a nice thick plug up your ass.”

  Her bottom clenched, and she found the energy to push herself up to face him, her body still trembling. “Hoyt! I can’t have a butt plug inside me on my wedding day! And a dress. Oh, God. I need a dress. I can’t plan for a wedding in one day.”

  Hoyt slid a hand under her to tease her nipple. “I don’t give a damn what you wear. I’ve waited long enough for you, and I’m not waiting another day. Joe already knows. We’ll have a party when he comes home.”

  Not about to risk losing an opportunity to negotiate, Nat pretended to consider that. “Only if I can have a new dress for the party.”

  Hoyt grinned, his eyes dancing. “Of course. Any dress you want.”

  “And new shoes?”

  “Of course.”

  “I’ll need a new purse to match the shoes.”

  Chuckling, he nodded. “Whatever you want, baby. Just remember that you’re penchant for manipulation is what got you into trouble in the first place.”

  Hoyt stared down at her for several long seconds, a muscl
e working in his jaw. “I love you, baby.”

  Nat could see the truth of his words in his eyes, an adoration that tore through her defenses like no threat or dark look ever could. “Oh, Hoyt. I love you so damned much.”

  “We have a lot of time to make up for, don’t we?”

  “Take her on a honeymoon. You two need some time alone.” Jake smiled as he approached, running a hand over her back as he sat on the other side of her.”

  Staring down into her eyes, Hoyt smiled. “We’re going to go out and spend some time together tomorrow, but she’s slept with you every night since you got married. I won’t interfere with that.”

  “No. You deserve the time alone with her.”

  “We’ll be here.”

  Nat reached for Jake, her movements clumsy as sleep tried to claim her. “Can we talk about this later? Hoyt wore me out. Lie down. You promised to rest, and Hoyt promised to sleep next to me.”

  Jake smiled. “As soon as you fall asleep, I’ll crawl into bed next to you.”

  Nat smiled, sighing in contentment. “Good. I sleep better when you’re beside me.” Knowing Jake wouldn’t lie to her, she sighed again. “Hoyt’s not going to keep his promise, is he?”

  Jake ran his hands over her shoulders, massaging gently. “Why don’t you ask him?”

  Aware of the pause of Hoyt’s hands before they started moving again, and that he listened attentively, she fought the lethargy and struggled to keep her voice even. “Because he would tell me what I want to hear, instead of the truth. He did it when I caught him at the window at night, and wouldn’t tell me what was wrong. He’ll do the same thing with this.”

  “Shit.” Hoyt’s hands firmed. “I just didn’t want you to worry. I just had some things to work out in my head.”

  “If that’s all it was, why didn’t you tell me?”

  His pause didn’t surprise her. Neither did the frustration in his voice.

  “I told you. I didn’t want you to worry. There was no need to upset you.”

  Nat forced a smile, gathering the energy to lift her head to turn and look at him. “And there’s no reason to risk pissing me off, so you promise me that you will, and then you’ll do whatever you want to do.”

  Hoyt’s eyes narrowed. “Are you saying that you don’t trust me?”

  Dropping her head back onto the pillow, Nat hid her face against her upper arm. “Can I? Are you going to do what you promised, or are you going to wait for me to fall asleep and disappear?”

  He looked so tired, and the stress of the last few days showed. He hadn’t slept much, and had watched over her and Jake, making sure they ate, and were comfortable, and kept a sharp vigil as if expecting someone to burst through the door at any time.

  Hoyt passed a hand over her bottom, squeezing lightly. “You wouldn’t be trying to manipulate me again, would you?”

  Nat shrugged, attempting nonchalance. “Nope. Just asking. Honesty is a big deal for a woman, and it would be nice to know if I can depend on you to tell me the truth before I marry you tomorrow.”

  After a pregnant pause, Hoyt laughed and started to massage her thighs again. “You know, I think you missed your calling.” His warm lips brushed over her shoulder, followed by a sharp nip. “You’re sneaky, devious, and too damned adorable to resist.”

  “Yep.” Nat sighed, struggling to stay awake. “Your last chance to escape.”

  “Not a chance.” To her surprise, Hoyt stretched out beside her. “I’m not going anywhere. Tomorrow, my ring will be on your finger next to Jake’s.”

  Unable to resist, Nat used the last reserve of energy she possessed to face him again, opening one eye. “I want you to wear one, too. I want to make sure all the women you run into know that you’re taken.” Pleased that she’d managed to keep the neediness out of her voice, she let her eye close again, not wanting him to see too much.

  She hated feeling so damned insecure.

  Brushing her hair back from her face, Hoyt nuzzled her shoulder, his breath warm against her skin. “Believe me, baby. Everyone will know that I’ve found the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with.”

  Nodding, Nat tried to turn her head as tears stung her eyes, her eyes flying open when Hoyt’s hand tightened in her hair, preventing it.

  Running a thumb over her cheek, he smiled, a smile filled with so much tenderness that her eyes welled with tears she hadn’t wanted to shed. “You don’t need to hide from me anymore, remember?”

  Pushing his hand away, she wiped away a tear and sniffed. “I hate feeling so damned needy. I feel like ever since you got here, all I do is cry. You’re turning me into a wuss.” She knew that Jake listened to their conversation, another aspect of having two men in her life that she’d have to get used to.

  Bending to touch his lips to her cheek, Hoyt groaned. “Don’t apologize for that. I love knowing that you need me. It makes me feel ten feet tall.”

  * * * *

  Pleased that Nat had finally gone to sleep, Jake glanced at Hoyt, amused to see that his friend seemed a little unsettled. He pulled his sleeping wife closer and tucked the blanket around her bare shoulder, smiling with satisfaction when she moaned and buried her face against his chest. “That’s it. Sleep, baby.”

  Hoyt rolled toward her, his expression thoughtful as he rubbed her back. “Sometimes, it hits me—just how close the two of you are. It reminds me that I’ve got a long way to go, but if I could earn half of what she feels for you, I’d die a happy man.”

  With a sigh, he toyed with the ends of her hair, his smile self-deprecating. “I was cocky enough to think that getting her to admit that she loves me and accepting me as her lover would be enough.”

  Meeting Jake’s gaze over Nat’s sleeping form, Hoyt frowned. “Not even close. You know what she’s thinking. What she’s feeling. You know how to get around her, and she goes to you for comfort.” Staring at the curl he wrapped around his finger, he sighed. “You know her so well—in ways I’ve never even thought about knowing a woman. In ways I’ve never cared to.”

  With a sigh, he rolled to his back, dropping his arm over his forehead as he stared at the ceiling. “I never wanted to know everything about a woman the way I want to know Natalie.”

  Amused at Hoyt’s obvious confusion, Jake smiled. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you look so baffled. You’re always so controlled and confident.”

  Lifting his arm, Hoyt turned his head to frown at him. “I’ve never felt so out of my element in my life.”

  Lifting her hand, he ran his finger over the ring he’d placed there years earlier. “You love her. At times, it really hits me, too.”

  Glancing at Hoyt, he smiled at his friend’s look of surprise. “Sometimes, I just look at her and can’t believe she’s really mine. You’re getting more than you bargained for, though, aren’t you?”

  Shaking his head, Hoyt rolled toward her again, plastering his chest against her back. “If that’s not a fucking understatement, I don’t know what is.”

  Loving the feel of his wife’s warm, limp body against his, Jake caressed her hip under the covers. “What you felt for her when you got here was only the tip of the iceberg. I knew that once you were with her again, you’d realize that.”

  “Is that why you objected to me coming back here?”

  Jake smiled. “Yes. I knew the same thing would happen to her. The more time the two of you spend together, the deeper your feelings will be for each other.”

  After several long seconds, Hoyt spoke again. “And that doesn’t bother you anymore?”

  “Nope.” Shifting to a more comfortable position, he smiled as his wife moved with him, attuned to him even in sleep. “As a matter of fact, your decision to come here has made us even closer. I know now what she’s willing to give up for me. You were always the greatest threat to our marriage.”

  Hoyt grimaced. “I’m sorry for that.”

  “Not your fault. Besides, we faced it and came out even stronger.”

  “Glad I cou
ld help.”

  Hoyt’s sarcasm wasn’t lost on Jake.

  Jake chuckled softly, not wanting to wake his wife. “You did. That’s why I can afford to be generous. Take Nat on a honeymoon. Go away somewhere so the two of you can be alone.”

  “No.” Hoyt bent to kiss Nat’s shoulder, smiling when she moaned in her sleep. “It’s clear that it means a lot to her to sleep with you every night. Besides, she’s going to be unsettled, and nervous about your reaction to our marriage, and she’s already a little anxious about Joe coming home and seeing the three of us together. I’d like to take her out to dinner so we can talk, and maybe stop at a hotel somewhere for a few hours, but we’ll be back here tomorrow night. I want her to be comfortable, and the sooner we settle into a routine, the better.”

  Jake grinned. “See, you know her better already.” Blowing out a breath, he frowned. “I can’t believe she’s so nervous about Joe.”

  “To be honest, I am, too.”

  Jake blinked. “Why? Joe sounds thrilled.”

  “Yeah, but it’s gonna be different for him, and he’s going to be watching Natalie and I closely. He’ll be curious, and he’s very protective of his mother. I have you to thank for that.”

  Smiling, Jake glanced at him. “I think we’re both responsible for that.” Closing his eyes, he started to doze, surprised when Hoyt spoke again.

  “I wanted to kill him. I could have done it with no regrets at all.”

  Jake didn’t need to ask, already knowing that Hoyt referred to Nat’s kidnapper. “That’s understandable under the circumstances.”

  “No, it’s not. Not for me. I’ve been teaching men for years not to let their emotions interfere with what had to be done.”

  Another silence followed, but Jake knew that Hoyt hadn’t finished.

  Hoyt sighed. “Lucas saw it.”

  “Oh?” Jake didn’t doubt it for a second.

  Very little got past Lucas.

  With a curse, Hoyt rolled to his back again. “I’ve been accused of having ice water in my veins, but I swear, when I saw him running after her, I actually saw red. I didn’t care about getting him into custody. I wanted to make him pay for what he’d done to her. I wanted him dead.”


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