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Desire Unleashed [Desire, Oklahoma 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 37

by Leah Brooke

  Jake glanced in his friend’s direction. “I can’t imagine it would have been too difficult for you to kill him. So, why didn’t you?”

  “I looked at her.” Cursing, Hoyt stared at the ceiling. “She knew I wanted to. Her eyes were huge, and her face was so white—I thought she was going to pass out.”

  Rolling toward her again, Hoyt passed a hand over her hair. “And that fucking mark on her cheek. Christ, I could have killed him just for that.”

  Jake fisted his hand at his side, and only when Nat moaned in protest in her sleep did he realize he’d tightened his grip on her. Relaxing his hold, he glanced at Hoyt again. “But you wanted to go to her.”

  Hoyt sighed. “She was trying to look so brave and unaffected, but you could see it in her eyes. She was scared. Terrified. How the hell could any man ignore that?”

  “No man who really loves a woman could.” The mental image of his wife—cold, scared, and injured—raced through his mind. “The others were there to take care of him. She needed you, and I’m glad you were there for her.”

  “I love her so damned much.”

  “You’ll love her even more.”

  “I don’t think that’s possible.”

  Jake smiled at that. “That’s what I thought—for the first ten years or so—and every day, I love her more than the day before. Now, I just accept it. Anticipate it.”

  “Christ, I’m a goner. She’s going to lead me around by the nose, isn’t she?”

  Amused, Jake couldn’t hold back a chuckle. “Yep. You might as well learn to accept that, too. It’s a big responsibility, but you know there’s nothing that she won’t do for you.”

  “Maybe I need to be a little firmer with her.”

  Smothering a smile, Jake bent to touch his lips to his wife’s hair, breathing in the scent of her. “I used to believe that, too. She’s in charge, Hoyt. Once you accept that, you’ll get along just fine.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Nat hissed, slapping her husband’s shoulders. “You’re enjoying this too damned much.” She stood in the middle of the Master bedroom, every inch of her body trembling with desire. “I knew I shouldn’t have let you help me get ready.”

  Releasing her clit, Jake grinned and leaned back, looking up at her from where he knelt in front of her. “I didn’t give you any choice. You’re still mine, Nat. Besides, it’s not every day a man gets his wife ready to marry another man.”

  He ran a finger over her clit, tapping the clip he’d just attached, eyeing her critically as he rose to his feet. “Beautiful.”

  Dressed in a dark suit, he looked both powerful and devilishly handsome.

  Standing naked in front of him, she felt delightfully exposed, erotically vulnerable, and incredibly desirable.

  Tapping the chain dangling from one nipple clip, and then the other, he circled her, bending to touch his lips to her shoulder as he pushed against the base of the plug in her ass. “Hoyt isn’t going to know what hit him. Be still. I have some chains to attach to the plug. You won’t be wearing any bra and panties today. Bend over for me, baby.”

  Shivering, she leaned back into him, lifting her hands to his hair. “You really are enjoying this, aren’t you?”

  With a chuckle, he tugged at the clips on her nipples and slid a hand down her body to her slit, running his finger over her slick pussy opening. “Apparently, so are you. Bend over so I can attach the chains. Hoyt wants them to brush against your inner thighs every time you take a step. It seems he wants to torture you a little today.” Taking her hands from his hair, he put them in front of her and pressed at her back.

  Bending, she kept her knees straight the way she knew he expected, another rush of moisture escaping. “So do you.” She moaned at the pressure against the plug, gasping at the feel of several small chains against her inner thighs. “Hell, I’m never going to be able to walk around like this.”

  Straightening again, Jake wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her back against him. “You’re going to have to. You’re accepting another man into your life now, one you’re going to belong to as much as you belong to me. Behave yourself.” He released her and moved to stand in front of her again, his eyes raking over her. “Very nice.”

  She’d been watching him all morning for a sign of unease or jealousy, but so far had found none. Before she saw Hoyt again, though, she had to make sure. Stepping closer to him, she smiled when his arms automatically came around her. Flattening her hands on his chest, she studied his handsome features and dark, glittering eyes. “Are you sure about this?”

  The flare of love in his eyes weakened her knees, his hands clenching on her waist. “I’m sure, baby.” Bending, he touched his lips to hers, wrapping his arms around her to pull her close, the feel of his suit jacket brushing against her nipples sending another wave of hunger through her. “I’m happy that there aren’t any secrets between us anymore. Your feelings for Hoyt were like a wall between us.”

  Her stomach clenched, her face burning. She hated that she’d made him insecure, or made him think that she didn’t love him enough. Gripping his lapels, she rose to her toes, desperate to make him believe her. “Jake, we’ve been so happy together. I wouldn’t have given that up for anything—or anyone. You’re my world. I’ve been closer to you than I thought I could ever be with anyone.”

  A hand slid to her back, steadying her, while the other cupped her jaw, lifting her chin. “But there was still something there, wasn’t there? A shadow that you felt you had to hide from me.”

  She thought about how anxious she’d been when Hoyt was due, and how nervous she’d been during his visits. She’d been so afraid that Jake would see what she felt for Hoyt, and that she fell deeper in love with the man he’d become every time she saw him.

  Running her hands over Jake’s chest, she swallowed the lump in her throat, blinking back tears of self-disgust. “Jake, I love you so damned much! You’re everything to me. You’re my rock. I couldn’t even imagine not having you in my life. It’s all my fault that you felt that way. I’m so sorry.”

  Sniffing, she swiped at a tear, while Jake used his thumb to catch another. “I swear, I tried to stop loving Hoyt. I never wanted to hurt you. I hated that I couldn’t stop loving him. You’re everything I ever wanted. I hated myself for wanting more.”

  Gathering her close, Jake rocked her, running a hand up and down her back—comforting her the way he had hundreds of times before. “Shh, baby. No crying. You have no reason to hate yourself. I knew you’d never betray me. You can’t help how you feel, only what you do about it. I know how much you love me, and I’m humbled by what you’d be willing to give up for me.” Leaning back, he smiled down at her. “Your heart’s just too big to turn love off that way. That’s one of the things I love most about you. So, I know there’s no way you’re ever going to be able to stop loving me.”

  Tapping her chin, he grinned. “I’m in your blood, baby, the way you’re in mine. “You’re never getting away from me.”

  Relief made her dizzy. Rubbing her nipples against his chest, she gasped at the friction and looked up at him through her lashes. “Does that mean that I’m your prisoner?”

  “Absolutely.” Gripping her shoulders, he turned her and slapped her ass. “Complete with a dungeon to chain you up in when you’re misbehaving. Now, move it. Get dressed so we can go meet Hoyt. Once the two of you get married, maybe you’ll both be able to settle down and we can get back to normal.”

  Pausing with her hand on the closet door, Nat sniffed again, grateful for his attempt to lighten the mood. “I love you so much it hurts.”

  Jake’s slow smile warmed her all the way to her bones. “I know. I no longer have a single doubt.”

  * * * *

  Standing in front of the Justice of the Peace, Nat glanced at Jake as Hoyt slipped a gold band on her finger to join the other. “I can’t believe this is real.”

  Hoyt, masculine and incredibly handsome in a navy blue suit stared into her eye
s, fingering the ring. “It’s very real.”

  Despite their audience, he raised her hand to his lips, smiling encouragingly. “And very forever.” Releasing her hand, he lifted his. “I want my ring.”

  She knew he used a playful tone to lighten the atmosphere, while making it clear that he knew how important it was to her, and that he took wearing a wedding band seriously. Nodding, she blinked back tears and turned to take the ring from Jesse, who stood crying next to her.

  Turning back, she glanced at Jake again, silently thanking him with her eyes for helping her pick out the ring from his jewelry store.

  Inclining his head, Jake smiled, acknowledging her thanks.

  Taking a deep breath, she shifted her gaze to Hoyt’s, her breath catching at the love gleaming in his eyes, and began to slide the ring onto his finger. “With this ring…”

  * * * *

  Even the smallest bump in the road shifted the plug in her ass, and increased her awareness of the clips attached to her nipples and clit. “I’m glad Jake didn’t put the clips on tight. You’re evil. You know that, don’t you?”

  Turning his head, he grinned. “Yeah, but you love me.”

  Smiling, Nat looked down, struck by the difference in the two gold bands that rested side by side on her ring finger. Scratches marred the surface of one, the years of wear clearly visible.

  She hardly ever felt it there anymore and rarely took it off.

  Next to it, a shiny band that felt strange—not quite as comfortable.

  One had become almost a part of her. The other shiny and new—a sign of promise.

  Dividing his attention between watching her and driving, Hoyt took her hand in his, running his thumb over the band he’d slid onto her ring finger almost two hours earlier. “Is something wrong, baby?”

  Turning toward him, she dropped her head back against the headrest and smiled. “Other than the fact that I have a plug up my ass and clips that are driving me crazy—no. I was just thinking.”


  Struck by the contrast of his arrogant tone and uncertainty in his eyes, she gripped his hand. “I was thinking about the day I married Jake. I was so scared. I was sure that he’d realized he made a mistake and find he didn’t want to be tied to a woman who loved someone else, and another man’s baby.”

  “Christ, I never even thought of that. I left you, thinking you were safe and being taken care of, and you were scared and insecure.”

  Nat smiled. “It wasn’t that bad, Hoyt. Jake was great. I should have known he would be, but I was a mess.” Holding his hand, she rubbed his forearm. “I just meant that today, I wasn’t scared at all. I had to marry you. I couldn’t fall out of love with you if I tried—and believe me, I’ve tried.”

  Grinning, he turned to pull into the parking lot of an upscale hotel he’d driven to. “You can’t shake me off any more than I can shake you off.”

  “Face it, baby.” He pulled into a parking space, cutting the engine before turning in his seat. “You and I are stuck with each other for life.”

  Grinning, Nat sat back as he undid their seat belts. “Don’t tell me the pragmatic Navy SEAL believes in fate.”

  Laughing, he pulled her close. “I believe in making my own destiny, honey, but some things are just written in stone. Come on. Let’s get to our room so I can ravage my wife.”

  My wife.

  The possessiveness in his tone, and the way he’d emphasized the word wasn’t lost on her.

  Pressing a hand to her stomach to quell the butterflies, Nat couldn’t help but smile at the satisfaction he’d managed to convey in that word, a satisfaction that matched her own.

  Walking out of the elevator, she glanced up at him, trying to come to grips with the fact that the man she’d loved for so many years was now her husband.

  Tall, muscular, and with straight, broad shoulders, he led her down the hallway, holding her hand securely in his, his gaze not missing a thing as they made their way to a door at the end.

  The small plaque next to the entrance caught her attention. Blinking, she turned to him. “The honeymoon suite?”

  Hoyt shrugged and inserted the key card into the slot. “Even though we’re only going to be here a few hours, it still qualifies.” His tone held a hint of defensiveness as he shoved the door open. “If you don’t like it, I can ask for another room.” After slinging the backpack over his shoulder, he reached for her, lifting her high against his chest.

  Touched by his thoughtfulness, and stunned that he actually blushed, she wrapped her arms around his neck and nuzzled his jaw. “It’s perfect. You know, I like when you get all manly and carry me.”

  Shooting her a look, his eyes narrowed in suspicion, he carried her through the doorway in a romantic gesture that surprised her even more. His gaze never left hers as he kicked the door closed behind them and turned, locking it while still holding her in his arms. “Do you?”

  Unable to resist, she ran a hand over his chest, hiding a smile. “Yep. Makes me go all girly inside.” Pleased that she’d managed to surprise him, she smiled at his skeptical look and cuddled closer. “Don’t expect me to say things like that all the time. It’s just that there’s something about being held that turns me to mush.”

  “Hmm.” Hoyt’s lips twitched before he bent and touched them to hers. “I’ll remember that. Something tells me that when dealing with you, I’m going to need all the help I can get.”

  Lowering her to her feet, he studied her features, his smile falling. The silence lengthened, the look he gave her unlike any he’d ever given her before.

  She swallowed heavily, her smile falling. “Hoyt?”

  His fingertips moved over her hair, his eyes darkening as he continued to stare down at her. “Sometimes I’m stunned by just how beautiful you are.”

  With trembling hands, she gripped the lapels of his jacket. “Back atcha. When I look at you sometimes, I want you so much it makes me dizzy.” She rose to her toes, pulling him closer. “For someone who doesn’t always say the right thing, you’re getting pretty damned good at it.”

  Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pressed her lips to his. “I love you so damned much.”

  He met her passionate kiss with his own demanding one, taking all the hunger and love she poured into it, giving it back to her while demanding even more.

  One kiss blended into another, their harsh breathing and frantic efforts to undress each other leaving her breathless.

  Her dress puddled at her feet, leaving her naked except for the clips, pale thigh-high stockings, and lavender pumps that matched her dress.

  His jacket hit the floor seconds later, and she reached for his tie, growling in protest when he gripped her wrists, pulling her hands away as he broke off his kiss.

  “Hoyt, damn it! Let go. I want you naked.”

  Overcoming her struggle to get closer, he held her at arm’s length, his heated gaze raking over her. “Damn, baby.” Gathering her wrists in one hand, he lifted them above her head. “Look at you.”

  Struck by the awe in his voice, and the wonder in his eyes, she arched toward him. “They’ve been driving me crazy. I hope you plan to do something about it besides stand there and stare.”

  Hoyt grinned, shaking her just enough to send the chains swaying. “Don’t be such a baby. Those clips aren’t tight at all. They’re just for decoration.” Reaching out, he tugged at one of the chains attached to her left nipple, grinning again at her cry of pleasure. “Let me see that fine ass.”

  Still holding her wrists above her head, he circled her, the brush of his trousers against her hip a sharp reminder of her nakedness. Bending close, he nuzzled her neck, running a hand over her bottom, emphasizing her nakedness even more.

  “I was hoping that wearing the plug and the clips would distract you. I was afraid that you would be nervous today.” Closing in behind her, he pressed his body against hers. “Were you?”

  Nat shivered at the feel of his body against hers, the warmth against he
r back making the front of her body feel cold and tightening her nipples even more. “Hmm. A little but Jake and I talked. That’s why you insisted I wear this stuff?”

  “It was one of the reasons.” Taking her hands in his, he lifted them higher and placed them around his neck. “Keep them there. I like having your body accessible.”

  Trembling, she leaned back against him, letting her eyes flutter closed, a moan escaping at the sharp awareness in every erogenous zone. “What were the other reasons?” Her voice came out as a breathless whisper as his hands moved over her, igniting pleasure in every nerve ending. Her position left her breasts lifted and exposed, something Hoyt used to his advantage.

  The slide of his hands over her breasts made it nearly impossible to concentrate, the friction against her sensitized nipples sending sharp stabs of pleasure racing through her.

  His breath, warm on her neck as he nuzzled her ear, sent another shiver through her. “Because I wanted to see you this way. Because I wanted you to feel as desirable as you are. Because I wanted you to feel me even when I wasn’t with you.”

  His hands closed over her breasts. “Because I wanted you to think about this.”

  “God, that feels so good.”

  “Hmm.” Hoyt tugged at the chains on her nipples. “Now that I’m here, we don’t need these any more. I want my mouth on you.”

  “Yes!” Crying out when he removed the small clips and tossed them aside, she arched, pushing her breasts more firmly into his hands.

  Turning her, he slid a hand behind her back to support her as he lowered her to the bed. “Keep those hands above your head and out of my way.”

  Nat obeyed him with a groan of protest, her breath catching when he sucked a nipple into his mouth. “I want to touch you.”

  Lifting his head, he glanced up at her, his expression hard and lined with tension. “Later. Right now, I plan to devour you, and I don’t want to be distracted.”


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