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The Rakehell Regency Romance Collection Volume 2

Page 89

by MacMurrough, Sorcha

  She did as he suggested innocently enough.

  He nearly climaxed then and there. Her stroke was perfect, just firm enough to be really arousing, and light enough to send shivers coursing through his entire body.

  He clung onto her tightly and gave her a heated kiss as she propelled him to his release. He shuddered in desperation against her and groaned weakly, at last pouring himself into her palm.

  When Blake could speak again, he kissed heatedly and said, "Thank you, my love. I know you know the basics from what you've learned in the clinic, but there has to be absolute candour between us."

  "I know. I feel no shame, no fear."

  "Good then, because you know you can tell me anything. I want us to share an absolute confidence."

  "We shall. Now that I know you love me too, I have nothing to hide."

  "But something to deal with." He reached over and grabbed one of the towels. "That is my essence. How babies are made. The prophylactics will prevent them from going into your womb. And they prevent disease as well. I tell you all this so you will know how to be safe and never need fear an unwanted pregnancy.

  "When we're married, I'll never force you. It's a big step, and it's your body, that you give to me of your own free will. We need to share the responsibility equally.

  "I'm afraid it's possible to lose control at times and not always think clearly. If you fear pregnancy, then you must tell me to stop, no matter what we are doing, and make me withdraw."

  She shook her head. "That would be like holding back the tide, or my own delight in pleasing you. I don't think I can live my life, love you, with all of these rules and regulations you keep imposing upon us. You still sound like my guardian, not my lover. I want all of you, Blake, heart, soul, body, babies too."

  Her words stung, but he admitted, "I know. Yet anyone who cared about you would tell you the same thing. I want to be your lover, your husband, but I don't want you to hate me."

  "I could never-"

  He sighed. "Perhaps not now, or in the first flush of love and youth, but later, when you were tied down with five or six children, or you fell out of love with me-"

  "Stop it, stop it right now!" she almost shouted. "I know what you're doing. You're still trying to do the noble thing and give me up. Well, I won't let you, do you hear?"

  Arabella ran her hand up his thigh to explore him more fully, and he nearly choked on his desire. Instantly his towering erection was pulsating against her leg anew. She kissed him and he began to fondle her breasts, suckling them as though delighting in something indescribably sweet.

  At last he put his hand on her thigh once more and she could feel the hot-cold sensation anew. The moistness she had already experienced increased further.

  She recalled what he had said about the way they fit together. She had her doubts, for he was truly enormous. But as his fingers began to tease her, she spread her legs wider and let him touch her, stretch her tight flesh, thrill her with the most marvelous sensations, even more strong and poignant than those she had experienced at the inn.

  She kept his mouth busy all the while, not wanting to hear his medical explanations for something which was so wonderful, and have him spoil the romance.

  She loved him. Nothing else mattered, not even a child. They would be married at once, and be happy.

  Her hands and lips soon had them gasping for each other. She laid back flat against the mattress and gradually eased him over between her thighs. With a will of its own the tip of his penis sought out her secret core.

  As she moved in an effort to position herself under his large body, he slipped in. Both of them gasped with surprised pleasure, and she clutched his buttocks and pulled.

  He tried to withdraw to reach for a contraceptive to tie on, but her arching back and grasping hands led him on and on. It wasn't easy for her, given her tightness, but the wetness he had evoked eased the passage.

  Before either of them knew what was happening, her pain gave way to pleasure and she could feel him deeply within her, thrilling her inside, filling her to the brim with joy.

  "No, Arabella, we can't-" he rasped.

  But one more movement of her hips and he was lost. He pounded into her with a hoarse cry, and was convinced the bed was on fire, so scorched did he feel.

  Sex for him had been a release, no more, and always with protection, but now he lost himself in Arabella, all of his pent up yearnings and years of ascetic self-control flying out of the window in the face of this all-absorbing passion.

  He tingled from head to toe, and wherever her flesh touched his, Blake throbbed, and couldn't get enough of her. It was so wonderful he could feel the tears spring to his eyes.

  She was his at last. Only his. And woe betide the man who ever tried to take her from him.

  Nor could Arabella get enough of him. Once her body adjusted to the huge hardness, the hot penetrating glide was more than she could resist.

  She gasped her passion into his open mouth and was nearly lifted off the bed by his final huge thrust. He felt completely drained, but as he heard small whimpering cries coming from the back of her throat, he kept moving.

  "Blake, please, more," she urged, her hands darting over his back and downwards, before sweeping to the front to touch him. He was about to explain to her the difference between men and women with regard to multiple-

  "Arabella, what are you-" He hardened again in an instant, and had to control his reeling world by steadying her under him. "My love, if I didn't know better, I would say you were an expert courtesan. What on earth-"

  "Let me, let me please you."

  "You do my love, can't you feel it? Over and over?" he moaned, as once again he began to succumb to the incredible rush of all his senses.

  He knew he ought to withdraw-the damage had already been done, true, but there was no sense in compounding it. The sheep's intestine condoms did also have the added advantage of deadening his sensation so that he could pleasure her more.

  But she panicked when he tried to leave her.

  "No, no! Please stay with me, inside me."

  "It's all right, love. I just want to-"

  "Stop being my doctor for once and just be my husband, will you?" she gritted out.

  He stared at her face, made moist by dewy perspiration and the blush of love. He could almost hear the blood in his body roaring as he tried to pull away from her one last time.

  "No, please."

  "All right, I won't. Perdition take it, I don't care any more. Might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb."

  He took his face in both her hands and kissed her until her passionate sobbing ceased and she was calm once more.

  "Easy, love. I promised you we had all night. Now that we've taken the edge off our passion, we can explore each other more."

  "I need you now! Devil take the edge."

  "I'm going to hurt you, make you sore. Stop, please. No, love, wait." Finally he had to resort to simple strength to stop her. He let his full weight rest upon her, pinning her hips to the bed.

  "What are you-"

  He kissed her again, slowly, thoroughly, until at last she calmed once more. Then he moved within her with tiny pressures, teasing movements that still thrilled her utterly.

  "I see what you mean now. It's nice taking our time," she admitted with a gasp.

  "I had better stop kissing you, though, or everyone is going to see your mouth in the morning and know what's happened. As it is I've left marks all over your neck and breasts."

  "I'm glad. I can look in the mirror and know I'm yours, that you've possessed me completely and utterly. That we belong together, and nothing is ever going to separate us again."

  Yet even as she said the words, Blake had his doubts. Even leaving aside the threat of an impending war, he had no idea what everyone was going to say when they announced their intention to wed. To try to postpone it now after all of this was unthinkable.

  Not least because to wake up anywhere but by her side was something he did no
t even want to consider contemplating. The hours in the bed they had already spent with each other had already been so incredible.

  Yet he knew there was also a great deal more to share. An entire lifetime of joy, for however long they were blessed enough to have each other. Or until she….

  Stop it, he told himself. Stop it. If you don't trust her or yourself you'll blight both your lives.

  Arabella couldn't believe that the incredible pressure was building within her again. Everywhere she touched him, he touched her, filled her with utter rapture. She felt her soul take flight in his arms, and she could only gasp weakly and hold him to her as her body ceased to be her own.

  "I love you, Blake," she whispered urgently her eyes dark and shining with passion. "Please, kiss me."

  Blake gave up the struggle to try to control what was happening as she moved under him. Soon he could feeling the rippling caress deep within her.

  He climaxed again so powerfully he collapsed onto her with a last groan of surrender. Why even try to fight it? He was truly lost in his love for her. He had struggled so hard, so long.

  "I'm sorry. So tired, my love," Blake muttered, moving his head close to hers on the pillow.

  "Then rest. I'll be here in the morning."

  Arabella held Blake to her tenderly, stroking back the hair from his face and tugging up the sheet over him.

  She wondered at the huge struggle he had been going though, why he had such a desperate need to analyse, to control. But he could blossom under her love, she was sure of it.

  Arabella sighed, and closed her eyes. Wrapped in a cocoon of warmth and love, she too slept.


  The first tiny peepings of the morn roused Arabella from her peaceful slumber. It was still dark, but one ray of light was just creeping up over the horizon. Her candle had guttered out, but she did not need any light to tell her that she was not alone.

  Blake was still prone on top of her, buried deeply within her pulsing softness.

  Already she could feel his heat rolling off him in waves. She pushed down in the bed and up with her hips, deepening the pressure. She began to stroke him tenderly all over, kneading, massaging, and he groaned sleepily. Turning his face to her, he opened one eye.

  "I'm in heaven. This has easily got to be the best morning of my life, waking up like this."

  "It's the first morning of the rest of your life. All of the other mornings to come can be just like this. Better," she promised him softly.

  He kissed her sleepily. She thought for a time that the whirlwind passion she had shared with him last night had deserted them both.

  But no, it was still there, churning and bubbling as he set up a rhythm increasingly powerful and rapid which had her eyes rolling up into her head.

  "Blake! Blake!" she cried out, so powerfully that he had to cover her lips with his.

  His groan echoed through the cavern of her mouth as they climaxed together, then floated down to earth as lightly as a feather.

  "My goodness, that was different again," Arabella panted when she finally managed to find her voice.

  "It's all love. It just takes you by surprise."

  "Oh my, what other surprises do you have for me?"

  He grinned wolfishly. "Not too tired, then?"

  "No. I mean I am tired, but I don't want to waste a minute of this night."

  "We can always indulge ourselves in the day, you know. There are some advantages to seeing each other in the light."

  He at last managed to withdraw from her, lit a new candle, and surveyed the damaged he had wrought. He took the edge of one towel and cleaned himself thoroughly with the soap and now freezing water, and then took the opposite corner of the towel and did the same for her.

  "Sore?" he asked shyly.

  "No. I feel just wonderful. Sleepy, but wonderful."

  He cleaned her tenderly, removing every trace of blood, then dipped another corner of the towel and used it as a cold compress on her swollen flesh.

  She shivered, but a new kind of heat took over as he stroked the rough fabric over her sensitive flesh and tender thighs.

  "That feels wonderful."

  He took the fourth corner of the towel and draped it over his finger, then dipped it into the cool water. Then he was running it around her sensitive whorl, and she gasped as he inserted it within her and then stroked back out. The friction was wonderful. He watched in awed fascination as the light of day lit up the sky and the light of passion lit up her face.

  But the towel was too rough to keep up indefinitely. He got up and dropped the two used towels in the fire, which he banked up until they went ablaze. Then he came back to the bed and laid down between her thighs.

  "Blake, what are you-"

  "I'm told this increases pleasure. I've never done it to anyone myself. But for you my love, anything."

  He swiped tentatively at her engorged bud with his tongue and she writhed against him, spreading her leg so wide he was able to penetrate her.

  "No, you can't-"

  "If you enjoy it, then let me. Just let me. It's delectable. So fragrant and warm. So much a part of you, a secret part that no one but me shall ever share."

  Arabella lapsed back upon the pillows and let him do all that and more. His hands, fingers, tongue, never stilled upon her, always taking her to higher and higher peaks of pleasure.

  Passion flooded through her, and she wondered at all the ways he found to please her. Even something as simple as stroking the backs of her knees set her off. She wondered at his own ability to feel desire and be pleased as he did such things to her body.

  "The thrill is in seeing you enjoy yourself. In knowing I've brought you to such heights of joy," he murmured against her thigh. Only then did she realise she had given voice to her thoughts.

  "There must be something I can do to please you?" she asked.

  "You do, so very much. Do you see?" He rose from the mattress onto his knees and she could see once more his massive manhood straining for release.

  "Let me do something for you. With my hand again? With my mouth?"

  He laughed shakily. "I can't now. I'm bursting with need for you once more. But I'll give you a taste of me." He moved up to kiss her, his tongue thrusting in. "See, delicious. And some of me too, so you will know all of me."

  The kiss thrilled her almost unbearably, and she reached for him to pull him inside of her once more. He shook his head. "No, not yet."

  "Why not?" she pouted.

  "Because I want you in a different way, not me on top of you. I'm very heavy, for one thing, and I want you to have a turn to move, to have fun, tease me the way I have you."

  She stared at him in wonder. "Are you sure I won't hurt you?"

  "Never, love. You could never hurt me. Everything here is warm, soft, loving and safe."

  He stretched out on his back in the center of the bed and told her to sit up and kneel beside him. She ran her hands over him carefully, down his chest down to his abdomen, back up to tease his nipples when she saw them harden. Over the sensitive silky soft head of his penis and its tip as she watched his eye spark with desire.

  He shook his head. "Too good."

  Emboldened by her own power, she took him in her hand and squeezed.

  "No, love, please. Sit astride me. As you would a horse," he clarified in response to her confused look. "I'll help hold you steady."

  She glided down him until they both gasped and clung to each other fiercely. He held her upright by her breasts as she nearly fell forward on his chest in a faint.

  "Blake, it's so, so-"

  He set a rhythm with his hips underneath and his hands around her thin waist. She threw her head back, so that her hair tickled his thighs and he confessed, "I can't hold on much longer, love. Tell me what you want me to do. This way, or under me? Or a different way?"

  He continued to move his hips, and he could see her poised on the edge. Her body began to shudder powerfully as if in the grip of some terrible fever.

  He moved one hand down to caress her rosebud of desire. She gasped and rammed her hips down so hard he felt her explosion within. That was so far as he could feel anything coherent. His own climax swept through him, leaving him washed up on the shore of his spent passion.

  "My love," he gasped as soon as he could speak again. "I can't wait for us to be married. That's the only thing that can make me happier than I am now."

  "Me too," she sighed. "I'm so in love with you." She began to cry then.


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