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The Rakehell Regency Romance Collection Volume 2

Page 90

by MacMurrough, Sorcha

  Blake stared at her in horror. "My darling, I'm sorry. Whatever I've done wrong I didn't mean it. Please don't," he begged, cradling her against him.

  She chuckled softly and shook her head. "I'm crying because I'm happy, you silly man. You really don't know anything about women, do you? Despite all of your clinical expertise."

  Blake rolled Arabella down into the bed beside him and held her close. He gentled the hair back from her face and admitted, "I cried with joy myself a bit last night. I can't believe- I'm so sorry for everything."

  "I've already told you, it was for the best."

  "Every waking moment with you has been torture. I've lied to you, lied to myself. Pretended to be something I'm not. That I didn't love you."

  She stroked his cheek tenderly. "It doesn't matter now."

  "I just hate to think what would have happened if I hadn't been with you in the library."

  "I would never have married Adam, I promise. Or his brother. I knew I loved only you. I suppose I was working on being worthy of you. I'm young and foolish, I know, and I thought my desire was a serious character flaw. Now I know it's not. It's the way you love me, make me feel when you touch me. One finger upon me, and I melt."

  He grinned from ear to ear, and it was the happiest he had ever felt is his life. "My heart is soaring. I'm so proud I want to just shout it from the rafters. But we need to decide what to do next."

  He gasped as her hand moved again. "No, love, not that. I mean about the wedding. We need to tell people. We need to ask Mr. Jerome what he thinks too. I mean, it would be very bad form not to at least consult with him about what's happened. That we're in love. Always have been."

  She frowned slightly. "Do you think we should say that? It makes it seem as though we've been deceiving everyone."

  "The only ones we've really been deceiving are ourselves. We must tell the truth. I want there to be no taint on our marriage."

  She stared at him open-mouthed. "The truth? Even about this?"

  He shrugged. "Well, don't volunteer the information, but if he asks you outright, don't lie."

  She wrapped her arms around herself and shivered.

  He held her close. "What is it, love?"

  She gave him a soft kiss on the lips. "Now all of a sudden, with you talking about the real world, I'm afraid. The magic we just shared seems to be vanishing, evaporating in the cold harsh light of dawn."

  He kissed her lingeringly. "Don't look so worried. It may be hard at first, but we need to stand firm. My love for you will never waver. Don't let them try to talk you into anything you don't want. And ignore what people say. They will talk, of course, try to create a scandal. But with any luck, any babies we have will be born at a decent interval after we're married, and so they can talk all they like. It won't harm us."

  She chewed her bottom lip worriedly.

  He kissed her one last time, and then stretched and rose from the bed. "I need to get up and dressed and out of here. No sense in shocking anyone more than we have to, now is there? I want you to stay in bed late. We can give the excuse of two late nights in a row in case anyone asks, but I have the feeling there will be few early risers in this household today after the ball last night."

  "When should we see Mr. Jerome?"

  "Whenever you think. This afternoon?"

  She nodded.

  "I've spoken to Jonathan Deveril, hypothetically of course, and he can arrange the special license and the ceremony. I think just a small one in the church with the light streaming in from the stained-glass windows. Unless of course you want a big ceremony."

  "No, not at all. We have no real family apart from my cousins, so just a few close friends."

  "We can start drawing up the list."

  "The main thing will be the wedding breakfast, where to have it, what to have."

  "Anything you want is the short answer, my love. If I say no more than that it's only because I know that you'll make the most splendid arrangements. I'm happy to do whatever you want to make the day special. Just let me or our servants know, and it shall be yours."

  "Thank you." She kissed him tenderly.

  "Jewels, gowns, a wedding trip?"

  "You can decide on first and last, and advise me on the second. I want to look beautiful on our special day, but would not wish to cause you unease."

  He chuckled. "You do every time you look at me with those gorgeous eyes of yours. But do stop making me sound like your guardian. I rather think you dressed a bit more voluptuously on certain occasions, last night for instance, would definitely be a good thing."

  She pouted. "Not fair. Men can't really-"

  "Er, no. I suppose not. Not without disturbing the peace, in any event."

  "Though I have to say, you look simply breathtaking in evening clothes."

  He gave her a warm smile. "As do you."

  Having finished his ablutions, he began to gather all of his garments.

  She sat up, pulled the sheet off herself and came over to where he was standing. "Please, may I, one more time?"

  He stood straight and enfolded her against his bare body. She could feel all of his muscles ripple under his soft skin and began to kiss her way across his chest.

  "Arabella, your maid will be-"

  She nibbled his nipples and kissed her way down to his stomach, nipping and teasing until he groaned. He nearly swooned as she licked her lips and ran her mouth along him before taking him inside in a sucking caress.

  "My God, Arabella, no." He pulled her to stand upright and kissed her hard. He moved between her thighs once more and took her then and there right against the wall.

  "Sorry. My curiosity got the better of me," she said when he had finally calmed.

  "It was wonderful. But we can't keep on like this. I must go. If you get any more curious thoughts, save them for later and I'll be more than happy to satisfy every single one of them."

  She frowned. "Do we dare risk meeting later?"

  "I never want to spend another night without you again."

  Blake kissed her, then took her arm and led her back to the bed. He made her get in, pulled the covers up over her and tucked them around her. He stroked her hair tenderly.

  "Rest now, darling. Get some sleep. I'll see you at dinner. We can speak to Mr. Jerome about our plans afterwards."

  She closed her eyes obediently for a short time, but as Blake washed and began to dress once more, she could not help but admire his awesome physique. She worshipped him; but she knew he was also a false god. That there would be a price to pay for the happiness they had shared.

  They had sinned by not waiting for the church ceremony to give them leave to love each other as they had done last night. But they were meant to be together, she was sure of that. From the moment they had met, he had been all she could think about or delight in.

  "You'd better keep your eyes down when we meet, darling. Any more looks like that I'm not going to be able to restrain myself." He stepped over to the bed for one last kiss and caress. "I love you so much."

  "I know. I'll never get tired of hearing it. Feeling it."

  "I'll see you later, love. I'll be counting the hours. Sleep now."

  He strode over to the door, looked out in both directions, and with a last blown kiss, vanished, shutting the portal softly behind him.

  She threw herself on her side and hugged a pillow to her, smelling his warm, woodsy fragrance, the smell of him on her flesh, his taste…

  She felt as fevered as she had at the inn, more so, for now she did not have to imagine what it was like to be his lover. Now she knew. It was heaven on earth, and she couldn't wait to see Blake again.

  She only hoped that everyone would understand… Their true friends would, at any rate. But what her rejected suitors would say, she had no idea.

  She shrugged. It didn't matter now. They would marry no matter what anyone said. There was really nothing anyone could do about it except express disapproval.

  She hoped the Jeromes would not be t
oo upset, blame themselves or think they had been duped. She had never dreamt in all these weeks that Blake would have ever changed his mind about her, let alone that he had been nursing an unrequited passion. Still waters most certainly did run deep with him.

  Would she ever really be able to know him intimately? There was so much still hidden from her, even though they had now shared the most private thing a man and woman could ever share.

  But then, there was daily life too. The life built together, side by side, once they were married.

  Any questions she had about Blake would be answered in the fullness of time. Now that his love had been revealed to her, all the rest would just fall into place, she was sure.


  Arabella dressed with care for her interview with Mr. Jerome that day, choosing her rich sable gown with cream lace trim which she had bought in London.

  She took a long time in the bath, making sure she was clean, soothing the mild ache she felt between her thighs. Ache, or a throb of need? Her skins still felt so sensitive all over, she had to press her hands together tightly to calm herself.

  Arabella took Blake's advice and made the water colder, but the knobbled fabric of the towel as she dried herself was enough to make her pant and groan anew. What had he done to her?

  Putting on her silk stockings was an exquisite torture, and she was about to seek out Blake to assuage her need in any way possible when there was a tap at the door.

  "Dinner's ready. Coming down?" Ellen Jerome asked.


  "I wasn't sure you were up. I only just hauled myself out of bed. I'm exhausted. You look lovely. Good time last night, eh?"

  "Yes, wonderful,." Arabella returned sincerely.

  She struggled through dinner, but no one really noticed, since no one seemed to have a hearty appetite. They all availed themselves of the wine, however.

  "A bit of the old hair of the dog," young Samuel Jerome said with a groan as the butler poured

  "Not Arabella's problem or Blake's, I take it," observed Mr. Jerome. "They are a most abstemious young couple." He bestowed a warm smile upon them both.

  They had not dared sit near each other for fear of what they might do if they so much as touched by accident. Now they risked meeting each other's gaze, and Arabella gasped. Blake's love for her was so apparent in his expression he might as well have shouted it out in front of the entire room.

  She dropped her eyes quickly, peeping to the right and left to see if anyone else had noticed. She caught sombre Martin Jerome's mercurially silver eye for a moment. He only held her gaze for a second before casting a look at Blake, and bowing his head to concentrate on his food once more.

  She saw Blake smile, and blew out a sigh. There was no need to be nervous. They were amongst friends.

  At last the seemingly interminable dinner ended. Blake rose and moved to Mr. Jerome's side. "Might I speak with you on a personal matter, sir?"

  The elderly gentleman looked surprised but pleased. "Yes, of course, my boy. In my study, if you don't mind?"

  He said to his wife, "My dear, take everyone in for coffee and I shall be there in a moment."

  Blake gave a small nod to Arabella. She trailed along behind the others and slipped into the study just after Blake and closed the door.

  Mr. Jerome looked up in astonishment. When he saw Blake take Arabella's hand, he laughed heartily for the first time in many many months.

  "So that's the way of it, eh? I'm delighted. Both for you. Only wonder why you didn't see it all before. Sit down, children, sit. And before you even try to defend yourselves, let me say that I've been most impressed with your nobility and decency, Blake. You've put up a brave struggle to deny your feelings. Allowed Arabella to spread her wings and find her happiness. But sometimes you don't need to look very far for it, do you, my dear?"

  She shook her head. "No, indeed."

  "I have to ask, though, just to make sure that this is all fair and above-board. This is of your own free will? Blake hasn't done anything to coerce you?"

  She shook her head again, more vehemently this time. "No, not at all. I think I've coerced him. As you say, he's very noble. Too much so for his own good at times."

  "Very good, then. Have you any questions for me?"

  Blake nodded. "Only two. The first is how soon we should be allowed to wed? The second is if you would be so kind as to give Arabella away."

  He beamed. "I should be delighted. As to the first question, it must be as your conscience and needs dictate."

  "We hoped it could be as soon as possible."

  "It's like that, is it?" he asked, a slight frown creasing his brow. "How long has this-" He paused. "No, I have no right to ask."

  "We don't mind telling you," she said quickly. "Last night. I was all set to break things off with Adam Neville, who had hoped to offer for me. Blake admitted he loved me. I love him. Always have, from the moment we met. We've struggled against it for weeks, but never told each other. Now that we know, there seems little point in waiting any longer."

  "Except that you're young. And you've had so many suitors-"

  "I'm certain this is the right thing for me. I'm young, but sure. Blake is my soul-mate, my better half."

  Mr. Jerome looked from one to the other, and saw their love for each other shining in their eyes. "Very good, then. I'm fully satisfied that all is well. Special license it is then. I would be honoured if you would both allow me to contribute the wedding breakfast, here at the house.

  "Losing my daughter and only son was a tragic blow I never thought to recover from, but you've brought joy back into this house you're your love. You've both been a breath of fresh air for an old man and a sad home, and I'm very grateful."

  "As are we. It would be an honour for us both," Blake accepted graciously.

  "And where will you settle? London, or here?"

  "Here, for certain," Blake said firmly, earning himself a surprised look from Arabella. "As Peter said to me before he left for India, there are plenty of unfortunate souls here in Bath and Bristol and the surrounding countryside I can help too. Arabella is an excellent London hostess, but she is happiest in the country, and we've truly been blessed with wonderful friends here."

  "But her home at Kennington is a bit too far away for us to see you as often as we would like here at Millcote. You will, I think, like to build your own house, in any event?"

  "Yes. You are going to live a very long time indeed, sir, I'm sure. Your wife and daughters will always be able to call this home for as long as they need or wish to. But I would like to be close by, if I may?"

  Mr. Jerome smiled in relief. "There's plenty of land to build upon. You can use the architect who did this place. He's still taking commissions. In the meantime, consider this your second home."

  "Our new house will have to have all sorts of special facilities for my patients."

  "I'm sure that will be no problem. Never fear, you don't need to be lumbered with anything quite so grand as this."

  "It is indeed impressive. I wouldn't want to even try to compete with anything so magnificent."

  "Kind of you to say so, son. I know you and your wife will have your own tastes, and you are not the competitive types. Build whatever you like, wherever you like."

  "We shall go over the estate plans together, then, all three of us, and decide it mutually, since it affects us all."

  Mr. Jerome nodded. "Good. Now that that's settled, do you suppose we should go tell the rest of the family?"

  Blake jumped up and shook his hand. "Thank you, sir. You have no idea what this means to me, to us both."

  "I'm thrilled. Couldn't be more pleased. I deplore what happened to my children Emma and Alfred, of course," he said with a small sniff, "but I now have a fine new son and daughter. I'm only too happy to sincerely say welcome to the family to you both."

  He hugged Arabella, and she shed a few happy tears.

  Blake kissed her enthusiastically, and Mr. Jerome split them
up before they got too heated. Taking both their hands, he led them to the drawing room.

  "I say, everyone, we have some news to impart," he declared as they walked in.

  Everyone looked up expectantly.

  "Blake has asked me for my opinion on his hopes of marrying Arabella. I have told him I am delighted and give it my whole-hearted approval. Any objections?"

  With whoops from the men and exclamations of joy from the women, everyone piled onto the couple to offer their congratulations.


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