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Page 7

by Niki Jilvontae

  “She’s perfect Rah.” I said to my friend as she said that she was.

  I kissed her little head and checked her body from head to toe before I kissed her again. I was overwhelmed by a love I had never felt before as I held my baby and looked up at my best friend.

  “She so beautiful and innocent bestie, I gotta do all I can to protect her. Kenan ass gotta die!” I said as Rah agreed.

  “We gonna get him bestie, don’t you worry. Let’s just focus on Asha right now. Kenan’s time coming, believe me. He will be just like Jugg in a minute.” Rah said as she put her phone in my face and showed me a video of Jugg.

  In the video, he was somewhere in a bando, tied up with a blindfold over his eyes. I watched as my brothers KJ and Ky burned, cut, and beat him with bats while he begged for mercy. Jugg looked like he was hanging on to life by a string as he screamed and cried for them to stop. My brothers didn’t want to hear that shit though, especially KJ.

  “Fuck you nigga, ain’t no stop. Bitch you should have stopped before you fucked with my sister. Now you gotta pay for the sins of yo sick ass daddy and all the sick bastards that came before you. Turn to the camera and tell that nigga goodbye because I’m gonna make sure he sees this tape before he dies. While you at it, tell my sister you sorry for all this fucked up shit.” KJ yelled as he stuck a screw driver an inch deep into Jugg’s right ear.

  I watched as blood ran down Jugg’s face and he shook while his screams filled my ears. Asha began to move and moan, so I told Rah to turn it off. When she did I thought about how much I wanted to put my hands on Jugg and get some revenge. I told Rah that too as the nurse came back in to tell me that it was time for Asha’s bath.

  “Okay, I’m fina call KJ on our way back to the room.” Rah said and I told her okay as I snuggled my baby again.

  I kissed my beautiful baby a dozen times and whispered how much I loved her into her ear before I handed her back to the nurse and told them to watch her.

  “Please keep your eyes on my daughter. Don’t let her out of here unless you know who she’s with.” I said as they nurse promised me that she would.

  I turned around and watched her as she cradled my baby in her arms and Rah pushed me out of the door.

  As soon as we were outside the NICU doors Rah dialed KJ’s number as we took off our gowns, gloves, and masks. I turned to look at my baby as she told KJ what was going on over the phone. I could hear my brothers yelling and cursing after Rah told them all of the shit Kenan had done.

  “Yeah, he gotta get touched and fast my guy.” Rah said as I shook my head and she continued. “Aye, but Na said she want a piece of Jugg too, so let him live until she gets out of here.” Rah said as I nodded my head then turned to look at her.

  She could see the malice in my eyes as she mouthed the words, “It will be okay.”

  “Tell her I got her, he’ll still be here; in pieces. I can torture this bitch for weeks, so she ain’t gotta worry about that. Just keep yo eyes on my niece and sister Rah. I got the rest.” KJ said before he yelled out that he loved me and I told him that I loved him back.

  After that Rah hung up then pushed me to the elevator doors. I turned and kept my eyes on Asha until I couldn’t see her anymore. Once on the elevator, my heart continued to race as I told Rah that we had to find Kenan soon.

  “I won’t be able to rest or even feel sane again until I know that bitch gone. WE GOTTA FIND HIM RAH!” I said frantic as my best friend tried to get me to quiet down.

  As the elevator took us back to my floor she kneeled down to look me in the eyes.

  “Bitch, you know I love you just like a blood sister. That’s why I need you to listen to me when I say this all gonna get handled. You have to stay calm as you can though sis, because you ain’t well right now. Yo body still recovering from a major surgery and your mind ain’t right right now. The look in yo eyes right now reminding me of how KJ looks every time he shoots somebody. I know this is a situation for beast mode and all, but sis your health and Asha more important. Let us handle this until you get out of here; then you can do what the fuck you want. I just promised I would take care of you and that’s what I’m gonna do. Now believe me when I say it’s gonna be okay. You trust me?” Rah asked as I told her yes and she wiped a tear from my eye.

  “Okay then so let me handle this. I already got my niggas looking for him. You know I got some real hittas just like KJ, so that bitch nigga ain’t gonna be able to hide for long; But for now, I’m on standby, just in case him or his bitch come back. I got you.” Rah said as she showed me the gun in her purse then put it away just as the elevator doors opened.

  I felt a little better about my and my daughter’s safety after seeing that, but I was still mad as hell. I fumed and bit my bottom lip as Rah pushed me back into my room. As soon as we went into the door we stopped after seeing all of the flowers, bears, and cards everywhere. I glanced around at all of the shit as my heart raced then looked up at Rah as we both said, “Kenan!” Rah grabbed a picture of himself smiling out of one of the bouquets near the door before I told her that bitch was in my room.

  “I knew I could feel that bitch near. He been in my room Rah. I HATE THAT MUTHAFUCKA. I WANT HIM DEAD NOW!” I yelled as I stood up.

  With little hesitation and minimum pain I got up out the wheelchair and began to tear that shit up. I moved around the room surprisingly quick as I ripped up flowers and cards. I guess I looked like a mad woman as I tore through the room; throwing and tearing shit up as I cried and cursed. The entire time Rah just stood by the door with her hand on the handle and looked at me in awe. I stopped for a second when Rah finally said she would be back and that I should calm down before she ran out of the room. I did calm down for a second when I couldn’t catch my breath, but as soon as I could breathe again it was on. I ran out the room behind Rah as I held my aching stomach and screamed that I needed help.

  “That bastard been in my room. Go check on my baby. Call somebody to check my baby. Why y’all let him in here?” I yelled to the top of my lungs as nurses ran from everywhere.

  Rah tried to calm me down for a second as I paced, but when she saw it was no use she moved on. I heard her ask the nurse who had been in my room as I continued to rage and flap my arms.

  “It was a delivery woman from a flower shop. There she is right there.” The nurse said as she pointed to the elevator and I turned to look.

  When I did, I saw that same nurse bitch who was recording me in my room. She had changed her clothes and had on a blonde wig, but I knew it was her. I pointed to that bitch, unable to talk as Rah followed my glance. I coughed and cleared my throat until I could speak again, then I yelled out that it was her.

  “That’s the bitch who was recording me earlier. She working with my ex. Get that hoe Rah and tear her ass apart.” I yelled to my friend as she sprinted her lil pregnant ass down the hall towards the elevator door.

  Just as Rah got there the doors began to close and the bitch smiled as she waved goodbye. I heard Rah yell, “You not gone yet bitch” as she ran through the door marked stairs and disappeared. I wobbled my hurting, sore ass behind her as I continued to cry and scream out that he was there. I almost made it to the door of the stair well before the nurses grabbed me.

  “Ms. Wright please, you have to calm down. You are not well. Not only are we worried about your body, but we are now questioning your mind. I think everything that has happened has put you under too much stress. Let us give you something to calm you a little so that you can rest. I promise nothing like this will ever happen again. We will put security by your room and the nursery; whatever it takes to keep you safe, but you have to calm down.” The nurse who had helped us find Asha said as she nodded to the nurse behind me.

  As soon as she did I felt a pinch in the back of my right arm and I knew them bitches had injected me with something. I tried to break free from them after that and run to the stairwell door. It was no use though, because they had me surrounded and were not about to let me get away

  “I have to check on my baby and make sure my friend okay. He in here. Y’all let him in now let me the fuck go. Ashaaaaa. Rahhhhh. I have to know they alright.” I yelled like a lunatic and pushed the nurses back while they called for security.

  I continued to push those bitches and yell as I cried until a big, black security officer showed up. As soon as he got there, he gently lifted me up into his arms as I continued to curse and try to fight.

  “Please Ms. Wright, just stop. I understand what is going on.” He said as I yelled that he didn’t know shit and he carried me into my room.

  I didn’t let up on his big ass while he carried me, I just slapped him and bucked in his arms. That didn’t seem to matter to him though, because he still carried my ass to my bed. When he laid me down I tried to get back up and he pushed me back then leaned in.

  “I know wasup Na Na, yo brother KJ sent me. I got you now. Just rest lil sis. I’m here to aid and assist.” The security guard said as I calmed down enough to read his name tag.

  It said Tim Dumas on his name tag and the name quickly registered with me. He was that killer nigga who used to sell weed for my brother who turned square after he got flapped. I knew how that nigga got down because my brother had ordered him to body niggas. Just knowing my brother had sent him and he was going to be around did get me to calm down a little. It was either that or the medicine they had given me, because suddenly I felt calm, serene and tired. I struggled to keep my eyelids open as the medicine flowed through my veins. I saw Kenan’s face and heard his threats as the drugs tried to take me under. I fought that shit as best as I could though as I continued to curse in a slurred voice.

  “I gotta kill that bastard. I gotta kill Kenan. He gotta die or he gonna get my baby. I gotta kill him.” I continued to say as Tim told me to stop and the nurse yelled that they were going to call Psych.

  I yelled for them to call psych if they wanted too and a muthafucking army if that’s what they felt they needed. I didn’t care about none of that shit. I just wanted my baby. I told Tim that as he leaned in again and whispered in my ear.

  “I know what you want lil sis and we got this shit. You just gotta calm down. You can’t keep yelling threats around these white bitches, they think you crazy. Kenan about to get his, believe me when I say that. Rah already caught his bitch outside. That hoe good as kidnapped. I’m staying here with you until she gets back and I got my nigga watching yo baby. You just gotta calm down lil sis and try to get some rest. Psych ain’t no place for a queen like you. but that’s where you going if you keep bucking like this.” Tim said as I told him I didn’t give a fuck and tried to spit at the nurse who asked for psych.

  That bitch was glaring at me like I had done something wrong when she was the bitch who had let them in. I told her that too through my slurred speech as the drugs they gave me began to take over my senses.

  “Bitch you let the hoe in and he sent her. You probably working with him too. I’m gonna kill you, her, and Kenan bitch. That’s my word.” I said as my head began to feel heavy and all of the voices around me became muffled.

  After that I saw and heard nothing else as the darkness took me once again.

  Chapter 5

  “I got our baby Kaniyah, she safe in my arms. Well, safe for now. I’ll have you soon enough too, the exact moment they let you out the psych ward you headed to. By the time you get home to me and they finish pumping you full of them meds, you’ll be ready to play your role. You have important business in this world baby girl. It’s time that you realize that and act accordingly. My blood line WILL remain pure and live on through my offspring. You WILL bare my kids, future kings and queens, until your fucking body gives out on you. That’s your purpose in life baby. Now stop fighting this shit.” Kenan whispered in my ear as he leaned down to kiss me in my dream.

  I could feel and see him so clearly. I almost thought it was real until I damn near fell out of the bed. I caught myself right before I fell face first on the floor and slowly pulled my aching body back up. When I fell back on my pillow I felt exhausted and my mind reeled nonstop.

  A dozen thoughts raced through my head as I held my temples and blinked rapidly to clear my blurred vision. When I was finally able to see clearly, I looked up into the face of three smiling white people and the nurse I wanted to merk. All of them had these cynical ass expressions on their faces like they had already deemed me crazy and just needed me to confirm. I almost did that shit too when I glanced at the nurse and she smirked at my ass. That set me the fuck off in an instant and I gave them the crazy they were looking for as I pulled up in my bed and directed my anger at her.

  “Bitch what you in here smiling for like you didn’t plot to snatch my baby. I bet she better be in that nursery safe and sound or you muthafuckas gonna feel me.” I yelled as the two white men and one white female, psychiatric doctors, asked me to calm down and stop threatening people.

  The doctors asked me what was wrong and why I wanted to hurt people as they spoke in some animated, childlike voices. I felt like they were patronizing me at that moment, acting like I was a fucking bipolar lunatic or some shit. That pissed me off and I was about to give they asses some of that same work I had just given the nurse when Tim suddenly stepped from around the corner by the door and cleared his throat. I stopped my rant before it even came out and looked up at him. Tim shook his head no as he stared back at me and said a million words with his eyes. During those few seconds, he told me how acting stupid at that moment would surely get my ass locked up. I knew that in the psycho ward or any other lockdown I couldn’t protect Asha, so I took his silent advice and quickly straightened the fuck up.

  I sat back on my pillow and calmed the rage in my mind long enough to finally answer their questions. I told them that I was upset because my ex was stalking me and threatening to steal my baby. I replayed the entire incident with the mystery nurse as they listened intently and the nurse I wanted to beat sighed. When I was done they, all looked at her and she did exactly what I thought she would.

  “Well that is the story she has told us and parts of it are believable. We did see a woman here who delivered gifts and she ran when we tried to stop her. That is true; however, I know nothing about anything else she says.” The nurse said as she stepped around the doctors towards me with that same bitch ass smirk on her face.

  I felt my rage push its way back to the surface as she lifted the needle in her hand and grabbed my IV cord. I started to grab that bitch by the throat and tie the cord around her fucking neck to hang her ass, but I looked at Tim instead. He had that same calm and strong expression on his face that told me to just hold on. I did too as I looked back at the doctors and they explained what was going on.

  “Okay. It’s okay Ms. Wright, everything is okay now. I’m Dr. Walton, and these are my colleagues: Dr. Mitchell, and Dr. Lewis. We are concerned about your emotional state right now, that’s why we’re here. We understand you have been through some traumatic incidents lately and that was exacerbated by that emergency birth. For that reason and that reason only, we are going to give you something to relax. We will also be back periodically over the next 72 hours to ensure you are okay.” The tall white male doctor said as he gently touched my knee.

  I quickly moved away as I shook my head and eyed his ass suspiciously. I knew I was supposed to be playing sane, even though I felt like I was swimming in Lake Looney. I knew it, but I didn’t trust anyone at that moment and I didn’t want anyone touching me. He seemed to understand that as he told me it was okay, but it was easy to see that the woman doctor didn’t understand or even care. She was on that same judgmental shit the nurse was on and she didn’t even try to hide it either.

  “Yes, we’re here to ensure you are okay.” The little, short, peach colored bitch with thick glasses said as she turned up the corners of her mouth and stepped forward.

  I eyed her ass and sat up straighter with a defiant, I don’t give a fuck look on my face. She smirked and looked at the nurse th
en back at me before she laid her hand on my knee like the other doctor had done. I tried to move away again, but she held me firmly as she leaned down in my face.

  “We want you to be okay but we have to ensure everyone else is as well; and for that reason we are sedating you now to eliminate all of these threats. I warn you though, if you continue with the belligerent, violent behavior, we will admit you to the psych ward and it will be even harder for you to protect your baby.” Dr. Lewis said as she turned back to the nurse and nodded her head.

  As soon as she did that, the little pimple face, meth head looking nurse bitch squeezed the entire syringe into my IV line. I watched as the liquid flowed down the tube and into my body. As soon as it went in I felt a burning sensation run all through me followed by an intense fog in my mind. It was like I was trapped in the middle of a storm and everything was moving slowly around me. I could barely hear the voices of the people standing in the room right in front of me but this low, feminine voice in my mind was loud and clear.

  The voice told me that they were all in on it and that Asha was not safe. As my body became weaker and my eyelids heavier, the voice told me it would show me the future. After that I fell into this dream like haze but my eyes were still open because I could see silhouettes of the doctors standing at my bed. I could see them but I couldn’t hear them and before long their images were gone too.

  Before I knew it I was running into a raggedy house barefooted, following my daughter’s screams. I burst inside only to find my Asha, then age ten, sprawled on the floor under several men. Kenan stood near the door to the kitchen smoking a cigarette as he smiled brightly. At that point, the voice was there, loud and clear, and it told me to kill everyone in sight. I cried as I asked the voice what I would kill them with and she told me to look down. When I looked down there were weapons in my hands just like she said; a machete in the right hand and gun in the left. That was all I needed to see to turn into the maniac in my hallucination that I wanted to be in real life. I ran through that bitch like a butcher as I sliced and shot everyone dead. I left Kenan for last as I found him trying to get out the back door and shot him in the ass.


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