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Page 13

by Niki Jilvontae

  I didn’t know if I wanted to know either as I watched a tear slip down his cheek and he bit his bottom lip. That let me know that whatever it was that he had seen had his heart in turmoil. It was bad enough to make him justify the killing so I knew it had to be bad. I was right too because when he told me, I couldn’t stop the tears that instantly began to run down my face.

  “Baby we bust into the back room of this shot gun house and it was three rows of bunkbeds with a fucking little girl chained to every one of them. Some of them were pregnant and some looked like they had been ran through so much they would never get over what was done to them. Seeing them like that baby broke my fucking heart because all I could think about was Asha. Hell, one of the little girls was no more than eight, so I couldn’t help but picture our baby’s face on her body.” Ricardo said as he bit his lip again and blew out air while a tear rolled down his cheek.

  I reached over and wiped it away as I cried right along with him and wished he had never seen it. He did though and he would never forget that. I knew that too as he stared into space and continued.

  “So baby we got them all free after having to cut the damn chains off, and when we did free them not one of them tried to run. It was like they were programmed or some shit, just zombies with bodies but no heart or brain. That shit fucked me up, so I went over to the oldest girl who had to be about thirteen and pregnant as hell. I asked her why they weren’t running and tryng to get a way and she asked me where they would go. I had no answer to that question as I stood there with tears in my fucking eyes and Tootie yelled for them to run. They didn’t budge when he said it either, just continued to stand there in a daze. That made me turn back to the girl again and baby do you know what she said?” Ricardo said as I shook my head no and wiped away my tears and my heart raced.

  I watched him swallow his spit, close his eyes, and grimace before he opened them back up and looked me dead in the eyes. He looked at me so intensely at that moment that I gained his power and read his mind. I already knew what she had said in my heart anyway, but when I saw it in his eyes it hurt me. It hurt even worse when the words came out of his lips though.

  “Baby she told me that he was her daddy and that she couldn’t leave. She told me that she was the chosen one, just like all of her sisters and she had to keep the pure blood line alive. I was flabbergasted after that shit and I didn’t know what to say. I think I cried like a bitch right there in their faces because before I knew it she was rubbing my arm and telling me it would be alright. I wanted to tell her the same thing too, but not knowing what the future would hold, I didn’t want to lie. Instead I just told her I had her before I whisked her up in my arms. Although she was about six months pregnant baby she was light as hell when I picked her up. That let me know that not only had they been raping and breeding them babies like dogs, they had also been starving them. That shit made me even madder like to the point of insanity so I did the only thing I felt like I could do.” Ricardo said as he scooted to the edge of the bed then got up to pace the floor. I wondered what he had done after that as he remembered and shook his head.

  “Baby I went back in that bitch mad as hell and after me and Tootie got all the girls out, and I found the nigga’s brother still on the ground breathing. He squirmed in his own blood with pieces of his face scattered on the floor around him as I stared down at his ass. I didn’t feel anything for that nigga baby as I stared down at him all fucked up and shit. All I wanted to do was rid the world of his ass and save the next little girl from that torture. That’s why without thinking I ran and grabbed this long Samuri sword that was hanging off the wall. Once it was in my hand I was back over to his body in a second with only one thing in mind.” Ricardo said before he paused for a second to swallow then continued.

  His voice was a little shakier as he continued and I could see anxiety building in him as he struggled to get his words out.

  “As I stood over him.” He said before he swallowed again then repeated the entire sentence. “As I stood over him all I could remember was a saying my mother always uses. You gotta cut off the head to kill a snake, she always says, and at that moment I knew it was true. As soon as that shit rang in my ears baby I raised that bitch in the air and chopped his shit straight off. I can still see the blood flying through the air and hear the sound his head made as it rolled across the floor. I felt like I had saved the world from one of its most evil people ever when I saw his body finally stop twitching. After that I don’t know what happened because the next thing I knew Tootie was at my side. He pulled me out of the house and threw me into the steamer we were in then spanked the hell off. I was lost in my mind at that moment, so I didn’t even realize we were gone until I looked back. When I did I saw that the house was engulfed in flames and I wondered where the girls were at. Tootie told me he had sent them to a neighbor’s who had promised to call the police and CPS. He told me they would be okay as he handed me a blunt to ease my mind.” Ricardo said as he finally took a breath, sat back on the bed next to me, then got right back to his story.

  “That shit didn’t ease my mind though baby because by the time we got back to our cars that’s all that I could see. I think I freaked Tootie out after that because he kept telling me to forget that shit had even happened. You may need to call him baby and tell him I’m straight so he won’t think I’m gonna snitch on his ass.” Ricardo said as I agreed and quickly texted my uncle’s phone.

  In my text, I told my Uncle Tootie how Ricardo was fucked up when he got back and how I had gotten him straight. I ensured my uncle Ricardo wouldn’t be a problem before I sat my phone down and hugged my man.

  “It’s okay baby, even though I know that was some hard shit to see. Everything gonna be alright though. I got you.” I told him as he told me that he had me too and we wrapped up in an emotional kiss.

  We kissed each other’s fear, pain, sorrow, and regrets away and when we let go we both felt better. Ricardo felt even better than me though when my uncle texted me back and said that he already knew. He said he never doubted Ricardo for a second because he knew how the first time went. After that he told me to be waiting on KJ’s text at 12 and I texted back that I would.

  Ricardo asked me what else my uncle had said after I had sat my phone down and I thought about what to say to him. Part of me wanted to lie and shield him from anything else bad that was about to happen. However, that side of me that wanted honesty from everyone, wouldn’t let me lie straight up to his face like that. That’s why I told him that I was waiting on a call from my brother KJ so that I could go finish Jugg and the hoe from the hospital. As soon as I said that he was back up on his feet again and ready for round two.

  “Oh hell naw baby, I can’t let you do that alone. I gotta go over there with you. Thank you for telling me the shit you had planned; but baby I can’t let you do it by yourself.” Ricardo said to me as he mobbed around the room looking for fresh clothes to put on.

  I stood up and stopped him just as he peeled his bloody shirt off and he shook his head no.

  “Don’t tell me I can’t go Kaniyah. What kind of man would I be if I let you do that by yourself?” He asked me as I got on my tip toes, kissed his cheek, and answered his question.

  I answered it the best way I knew how and that was with honesty, straight from my heart. “A good man, that’s what kind of man you would be baby. You would be a man that knows he has a daughter out here who deserves at least one parent around to see her grow up. Now baby, my brothers and mother will be there with me, so I won’t be alone. I’ll feel better about what I gotta do though if I know that Asha is at home and safe with you baby. So, please don’t make this harder than it has to be my love. I gotta do this on my own just like you had to do.” I said as he got my drift and shook his head in defeat.

  He hugged me again and told me to be safe as I ensured him I would be while I rubbed his back. After that he held me around the waist as I led him into the bathroom and began his bath water. I put all kinds of oils in hi
s water as it ran and he peeled off the rest of his bloody clothes. When I had the water ran and ready for him to hop in, I turned around to see him standing in front of the mirror. He had this odd expression on his face as he traced the length of a cut on his cheek with his index finger.

  “Where you get that from baby?” I asked as I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around him from the back.

  When I did that he finally snapped out of his trance, grabbed my hand and kissed it gently before he responded.

  “I got this from that bitch ass nigga Kenan’s brother when we first stepped through the door. I guess that bitch tried to hit me with the belt he had in his hand when we bust in, but ended up hitting me with the buckle. Now I’m gonna wear this fucking scar as a badge of honor to remember the day I killed one of the nastiest niggas I know. If it’s more of them out there that’s just like Kenan, I sholl hope this won’t be my last time.” Ricardo said as he turned around to face me and wrapped me in his arms.

  His naked body pressed up against me firmly and I couldn’t help but to get wet when that 10-and-a-half-inch monster poked me in the stomach. Ricardo knew what he was doing too as he laughed and leaned down to kiss my neck.

  “Yeah, I might just turn into a real-life superhero, killing pedophiles by night and pussy during the day.” Ricardo said as he laughed loud as hell in my ear and I giggled as I pushed him away.

  “Aww baby, you know I’m just playing. I love you girl.” Ricardo said as he grabbed me by my arm and pulled me back into his arms then kissed my lips.

  I kissed him back as we walked backwards to the tub then I told him to get his sexy ass in. He took that shit straight to the head as he twerked his dick in the air then stepped into the water. I told him he was nasty as fuck and wouldn’t be able to handle the pussy when he got it as he submerged himself and asked me who.

  “Who aint gonna be able to handle the pussy? Girl, I’mma wear yo ass out. Even if I can’t hang though, yo sexy ass will never know it. I’ll die in that pussy like Mister on Color Purple before I tap the fuck out. Shiidddd.” Ricardo said as I bust out laughing and flicked some of the bubbles from the tub into his face.

  He flicked some back at me as we laughed together and just enjoyed each other’s company. After that I washed his body gently as he sat there and stared at me, while he told me how lucky he was. I felt like I was the lucky one though, especially when he got out of the tub, put on his pajamas, and we cuddled in the bed with Asha.

  I laid there without a care in the world with my little princess between us and love in my heart. Ricardo just laid there and stared at her face as I song them both the lullaby song. Before long we all were asleep and I was wrapped up in another beautiful dream. I dreamed about our beautiful wedding and our happiness in our new life together as I slept close to them and hoped that bliss would last forever.

  I saw all of the happiness my future could hold in my dream and for that reason I didn’t want to wake up. I had no choice though when a few hours later, my phone began to ring next to my head. I started not to answer it because I was sleeping so good, but when I remembered KJ’s call I quickly jumped up. As soon as I sat up and answered it my brother immediately began to talk.

  “Sis, we waiting on you. 671 Cromwell. Park down the street by those apartments and walk around to the back. Ky gonna be out there waiting for you behind the apartments so we know you’ll get here safe. Tell Ricardo to take care of Asha while you gone too or he gonna have to answer to me.” KJ said and I knew he was serious so I told him that they would be alright.

  After that I hung up the phone and slipped out of the bed without waking either one of my babies up. I was able to dress in all black, put on my shoes, and grab my keys before Ricardo finally opened his eyes. When he finally did wake up and saw that I was dressed, he jumped straight out of the bed and walked over to me.

  “Be careful baby, you hear me? Do what has to be done and get back to us.” Ricardo said before he kissed me then I promised that I would before I walked over to the bed to kiss Asha.

  I kissed her little head and her hands before I memorized every inch of her beautiful little face. I did that because I wanted to keep a clear picture of my little angel just in case shit went wrong. Ricardo could sense that too, so as I stared he ran over to his bag that he had brought in with mine and took out a small .22 and a pair of spiked brace knuckles.

  “Here baby, take these with you too. I’ll feel better knowing that you fully prepared.” Ricardo said as I stood up and took the weapons then gave him one last kiss and hug.

  When we hugged, he held me so tight and for so long I thought he would never let me go. Deep down I didn’t want him to either, I just wanted to be happy with him and my baby. I knew what had to be done though, so I fought my emotions as I looked at them both then I ran from the room, down the hall, and straight out of the house. I didn’t stop running with my little sore ass until I was at my car door.

  Once I unlocked my door and jumped inside, I looked up on the porch right at Ricardo. He had sadness all over his face and a hint of worry in his eyes as he waved goodbye. I yelled out of the window that I loved him and would be back soon as I crunk up and pulled off. I looked in the rearview mirror at the house one last time before the block disappeared out of my sight.

  That’s when shit became real to me and I realized what I was about to do. I knew that in order for me to do what I had planned effectively, I had to get rid of the soft, loving spot that had grown in my heart. That’s why I dug up old memories and some deep-seated pain as I thought about Kenan and all he had done to me. That did the trick because in no time at all I was hyped and on go. I felt my rage refuel itself and surge through my body as I turned on my radio and bumped Big Sean.

  “I WOKE UP IN BEAST MODEEEE!” I yelled out the window as I drove towards the east and the place where I would get a piece of my revenge.

  By the time, I pulled up on Cromwell my heart beat in my throat and my hands shook from the adrenaline that rushed through me. I parked in front of the apartments like my brother KJ had said and when I walked around to the back, Ky was there waiting on me.

  “Hey sis, maine I missed you. A nigga ready to come home. Hell, I ain’t even held my niece yet. She my first fucking niece. I should be there.” Ky said as he hugged me and I told him it was okay.

  “Everything good now brother, y’all can come home. I talked to 12 earlier and got all of that shit straight.” I told my brother as we broke our embrace and he looked at me funny.

  The expression on Ky’s face told me that he was wondering why the fuck I had been talking to the police. I knew his little street nigga mind was working too so I quickly cleared shit up.

  “Maine, don’t look at me like that nigga. Like I’m a snitch or some shit.” I said as I glared at Ky and he did a Wellll, you did talk to them look.

  I got mad as hell instantly and was about to punch his ass when he suddenly started to laugh and tell me that he was playing.

  “Damn sis, you was ready to beat my ass. I was just playing damn. You taught us the game, so I know if you wrapped with them it was with good reason.” Ky said as I nodded at him then told him to lead the way.

  As we walked I told him about what had happened with the police and why they could come home.

  “So you see, Spicy just gotta go talk to the bitch, not the nigga, and tell her the same story I just said. I got the plane tickets Ricardo gave me at home, and with them we good. Nigga I keep telling you I’m smarter than the average bear; and I got a real ride or die nigga on my team now, so ain’t no L’s.” I told Ky as he agreed then looked over at me with a sly expression.

  I knew what that shit meant before he even opened his mouth because I knew my little playful ass brother. Just like I thought too, Ky was with the bullshit as he suddenly grabbed my arm and told me to stop so he could stare at me. I asked him what the fuck he was looking at as I shifted from one foot to the other, getting impatient as hell. Ky looked me from top to bottom as
he laughed with an inquisitive expression on his face.

  “I was just trying to see if you’re glowing and damn right you are. It’s only one or two reasons you could be looking like that and I need to know which one. Now, I know Asha has made you happy as fuck, I mean that’s a given.” Ky said as I told him that she was and to hurry the fuck up.

  He laughed then told me to walk and as we did he finished with the bullshit he was on. “Soooo, now that we know this glow ain’t from my niece, either you got some dick or you in love. Which one is it Na; and don’t fucking lie to me.” Ky said as I rolled my eyes at him and he imitated me by rolling his eyes and putting his hand on his hip.

  I wanted to laugh bad as hell at that moment, but I needed to hold on to my hate. That’s why I just continued to stand there and stare Ky down as he laughed and thought of something else.

  “Oh yeah, you ain’t supposed to be fucking yet I know, so yo ass better be in love.” Ky said and I couldn’t hold my laughter as I punched and chased him into the back yard of the abandoned house.

  By the time we made it to the back porch I was out of breath and I suddenly remembered the stitches in my gut. For the first time that shit ached so bad it helped take my breath away, so I sat down on the porch to talk.

  “Well as you can see I’m still hurting from that fucking emergency c-section. That means there ain’t no fucking in my future for at least six weeks. The other part is true though. I definitely feel like I’m in love. I mean, you know I’ve loved him all of my life and I just found out he feels the same way too. I’m optimistic lil brother. I think I may can be happy; after we completely handle this shit though.” I said to Ky before I glanced back at the house then turned back to him.

  He nodded his head with a sad expression before he smiled and continued to pick. “Awww y’all finally together. Good cause I’m sick of both of ya. I’m happy for you though big sis, because you do deserve happiness. We do have to handle this shit first, so get yo mind in the game. Here.” Ky said as he plucked a blunt from behind his ear and handed it to me along with a lighter.


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