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Nimara: Children of the Gods

Page 4

by Patricia Halladay

  “Better, mom is getting her strength and color back quickly. Thank you for your help and I am sorry for my behavior. I should not have acted that way towards you Nimue.” Kendra says lowering her head.

  “No worries, you were scared and angry. It is understandable. I would have done a lot worse than just punch someone. I am glad to hear that you're quickly healing Tracy, if you need anything, get a hold of Tania okay? I will leave you two to finish your breakfast and get rest. I have to get going. I just wanted to make sure you were taken good care of, before heading out to the conference. Tania is staying behind and she will also make sure you’re all set to move into your new den.” I say as I start to head out the door to get ready.

  “Thank you again so much for everything Nimue. Your mom would be amazed at the woman you're becoming, and your dad would be smiling with pride knowing you're not taking your uncle’s shit either.” Tracy says.

  “Thank you, and you are very welcome ladies, I will see you later. But in the meantime, get some rest.”

  Chapter 3

  ~ Nimue ~

  “Tilly!! Where are my black jeans? Did they get taken to your place already?” Draven is yelling from upstairs as I walk through the door.

  “Which ones? Holy or unholy?” She replies, shaking her head and just rolls her eyes as she looks at me.

  “Don’t let him see you look like that when he wants his favorite jeans. You will be sleeping on the couch!” I say in between gasps for air as I turn bright cherry red from laughing so hard. The one thing you never disrespect is Draven’s jeans. No matter what they look like, those damn things are his current children, so to speak and you do not disrespect his babies. I run up the stairs to start getting ready for the conference. I haven’t gone over the entire plan for the conference, because now things have changed. With that said though I have a funny feeling that there is more to all of this than meets the eye. Especially with the conclusion someone is using magic to tamper with my mind and the god’s will.

  A slight peace of mind comes over me as I enter my bedroom. My room is considered small for a leader of a clan, but I am a simple person and would rather provide comfort and equality to my clan members, then living a spoiled posh life. The room is painted in peacock blue, with a queen size bed off to the right side, the soft gray carpet helps to keep the room light. The furniture is all handmade cedar wood and looks gorgeous in a natural stain. To the left is the bathroom and walk-in closet. The bathroom has a marbled white and gray porcelain tile, and a baby blue paint, the walk-in shower is also done in the same color but in slate tile instead. A large soaking tub is just on the other side of the double vanity, beside the toilet. I love my bathroom!! Now back to the events of the day and what I am going to do to my fucking idiot uncle for punishment. I was so deep in thought, that I did not notice the large falcon that landed on my balcony and then shifted into a man.

  “Such a beautiful face should not have such a horrid look on it! Please think of something pleasant like sex or chocolate and smile!” A very husky male voice comes from behind me, causing me to jump with a squeak. I turn to see a tall, broad shoulder man standing just inside of my balcony doors. He looks like an absolute god; with a body every woman would want to taste. His dark brown hair has a just rolled out of bed look, but it’s damn hot! I want to run my hands through it and mess it up even more. He looks to be roughly 6’2” and a nice muscular build that’s noticeable through his shirt but not busting it open if he moves the wrong way. He has sharp facial features, a surprisingly warm smile, and a mischievous look in his honey-colored eyes.

  “I am sorry, but who the fuck are you?” I say raising an eyebrow.

  “May need to tame that mouth a bit. I am sure I can manage though.” He says walking over and smacks my ass, before sitting on the end of my bed.

  “Ohh you're the fucktard mate that sided with my Uncle, that I’m gladly going to reject and kill to keep my clan safe.” I say, pulling the silver dagger out of my belt. I have dropped down into my defensive stance and prepared myself to fight, but the smirk on his face tells me that he is here for something else.

  “No Sweetheart, I would never align myself with your useless Uncle Tim. As a matter of fact, none of my children would align with him either. After all, anyone who’s stupid enough to take on my three sisters, has a death wish.” He replies, while that mischievous look is roaming over my body.

  “Wait, three sisters?” I say, he nods and that’s when it hits me. “Holy fuck! I am so sorry my lord, excuse my rudeness, but I did not expect to have one of the gods here!”

  “No worries child, although I can see why Gaia has an invested interest in your wellbeing. You're the last of the Great Protectors and someone’s threatening to eliminate you.” He says looking at my bedside clock. “Don’t you need to get ready for the conference?” He says smiling and raising his one eyebrow.

  “I do, but your needs come first my lord. What is it that you need from me?” I ask hesitantly knowing the Gods can be trouble at times.

  “Well, you get ready and listen, while I tell you what I am here for. Deal?” He asks with a still raised eyebrow.

  “Um, yea no. Sorry, but this is not my first rodeo. I’m not sure if you truly are a God and if so, which one.” I say as he smirks at me.

  “Why would I lie to you about being one of the gods? And I am Hephaestus.” He tells me as he brings my dagger out of my hands to himself, balancing it on his index finger. “It’s a half gram to light on the blade, but the blade edge has been perfectly sharpened. Beautifully done, I would like to meet your weapons master.” I have lost all color and want to completely dissolve into the floor. What is the Weapons specialist of the Gods doing here in my room? Why would he want to talk to me and is any of the other Gods going to come see me personally? These questions run on a loop through my brain, as I stand there just staring at the gorgeous man sitting on my bed. That is when I see the clock out of the corner of my eye. Shit I have to get my ass moving to get ready for the week. With that thought in my mind, I grab my black duffle bag and start putting my stuff in it. Then I move quickly to my closet and grab the pile of clothes I set aside last night to take with me.

  “So, I am going to go shower, are you going to be here when I get out? And are you going to tell me why you are here? Please?” I ask with my eyes directed to the floor. Calloused fingers come under my chin and raise my eyes to meet his. Hephaestus leans down and brushes his lips across mine, and then across my jaw and up to my ear before saying,

  “I will tell you while you shower, so go on and get ready.” Then places his lips on my neck and bites lightly. My body’s reacting all on its own, my head has rolled back and off to the side and I have goosebumps all over.

  “Y-yes my lord.” I manage to say. Still dazed, I move to the bathroom and Hephaestus has followed behind me. I turn the shower on, strip down and walk in. The water’s ice cold to start, but at this point I need it. I grab my Citrus body wash and start lathering up. I am washing my body when Hephaestus starts to speak again.

  “You never did tell me why you thought I was lying about being one of the gods.” His eyebrows are scrunched together but his pupils are fully dilated as he stares at me in the shower.

  “I was visited earlier this morning by a woman claiming to be Gaia. She said I would have to make a choice between my mate and giving my clan to my uncle to rule over or death. One of my clan members is a sorceress over 200 years old, and even she thought it was strange that the goddess would support me in choosing my mate over getting killed to ensure their safety.” I say, the water has started to heat up and I have moved on to washing my hair.

  “I can honestly tell you; Gaia will kill you herself if you choose to give your clan to your Uncle Tim. There’s no doubt about that, Gaia and Selene often get into heated fights about him and how he needs to be wiped from the earth. So, the one that you saw today is not Gaia, and that is for damn sure.” Hephaestus says rubbing his chin in thought. “Does Hecate kno
w that one of her children is tampering with the Fates and their Paths they have set out for people?”

  “I don’t know, Tania; the sorceress I was telling you about, was going to send a message to the Council of the Gods with Tenelle. Did you receive that message? I thought maybe that is why you are here, to talk to me about it and get more information.” I say as I step out of the shower and grab a towel and start to dry my hair. Once finished I wrap the towel around my body and move to the sink to brush my hair into a ponytail and brush my teeth.

  “No actually, it’s not. One of my children asked me to come take a look into your weapons, to make sure you and all of your clan members are protected during the conference. He’s worried there’s going to be an attack while you are away to weaken the clan. He’s also worried that he’s going to lose his mate before you turn 18, when he and you can claim each other, and he can join your clan.” Hephaestus says smiling as he notices I have become highly interested.

  “So, my mate is one of your children and not an ally to my uncle?” A smile creeps onto my face as the image of the gargoyle from this morning comes sliding back. “I hope it's him…” I say to myself.

  “So, do I Nim!” Amara responded with so much excitement. “He would feel amazing wrapped in our legs, or in my fur!!” She purrs as she starts to send images through my head. I shake my head to clear it of the deliciously dirty thoughts, as I walk into my closet to get dressed.

  “Horny ass wolf!” I snort at her.

  “So you do know he has been keeping an eye on things!” he says more as a statement than a question. Suddenly there’s a knock on my bedroom door, and Tania walks in shortly afterwards. I wasn’t sure how she was going to react to seeing Hephaestus, but the reaction I saw was not what I was expecting.

  “What the hell are you doing here Hephaestus? Does Gaia know you're here?” Tania says glaring at the god now standing beside my bed, as I stand in the doorway to my closet.

  “It was a request by one of my children, who was worried about the safety and wellbeing of his mate and her clan. He suspects there’s going to be another attack to weaken the clan, while his mate is at the conference. I am just putting his mind at ease dear sister, and yes Gaia agreed as we got your message before I got here.” Hephaestus says smirking at Tania.

  “Sister?” I gasp, causing Tania to jump at my sudden presence in the room. “You’re a goddess? Is that why no one knows your true age?” My mind is all over the place suddenly, as I start to go through everything I know about Tania. Which now that I truly think about it, is absolutely fuck all to be honest.

  “Yes Nimue, I came down to interact more with my children. Your family was assigned to protect me while I was here, but I never thought Gaia would be the one killed in the attack. As the triplets said that one of the earth-bound Gods would be sent home that night. But it ended up that three of us were sent back to the heavens. I am so sorry Nimue that I never told you. I wanted you to be protected and not have to worry about protecting someone else until you were ready to take that sacred oath.” Tania rambled, the look on her face was that of fear. She knows how I feel towards Gaia for her actions, she probably is worried that I would feel the same towards her too. “I am the Goddess Hecate, Matriarch of Sorcery and Witchcraft.”

  “Wow, this is crazy! That is for sure! ….. Umm let's just get to you seeing my memory of this morning and then we can talk later about the rest of it. About you being Hecate and what not, okay? One thing at a time and right now, to keep everyone safe including you, my fucktard Uncle is the first priority to handle.” I have an absent-minded look on my face as I walk over to sit in front of her for the memory viewing. Knowing what is about to happen I settle down on my bed in a lying position instead, so that my head is at Tania’s hands and waist height.

  Hephaestus has moved to my right side and grasps my hand to comfort me during this experience. To keep me calm, Hephaestus starts sending images of gorgeous men, one image catches me off guard. It’s of himself coming out of a pool of water naked, causing me to smack him in the side of the head. Then I feel the light pinch in my brain and Tania is in my memories. The pinch doesn’t get to anything more than slight pressure and Tania is done with the memory viewing and has the same look on her face, as she did this morning in the elevator.

  “We were right Nimue, it was not the goddess, but an impostor. Her eyes gave her away immediately, and the fact that she never tried to remove the spikes you put up, also gave her away.” Tania says as her eyes start going a deep silverish purple color. Showing she is pissed and that there is going to be a lot of pain for people in the near future.

  “Hey, you’re right, she never tried to remove the spikes! She actually stayed away from them, who is she and why would she be afraid of the silver?” I ask as even now Hephaestus wants answers and is waiting for Tania to respond.

  “She’s a werewolf, and it was another person using her to pose as Gaia. When you put up the spikes, she started to cry, from that I can say someone is threatening her, her mate or her family. I would say it is your Uncle yet again...” Tania says the look of rage keeps growing, “and I know which Sorcerer it is that is helping with this little game of his. As to what she said about your mate. It is a wolf they are trying to get you to fall for, but I honestly don’t think they know that your true mates have already found you and been keeping an eye on you for a while now.” She looks to Hephaestus as he has that mischievous smile playing on his lips again.

  “The spell they are using to get you to fall for this fake mate, is going to be weakened greatly. One because you know about it and two, because your reaction to finding your true mate is different than it is for werewolves.” Hephaestus says just as his eyes glaze over, the same way our eyes go when communicating through mind-link with clan members.

  “How do our reactions differ from other werewolves?” I ask looking between Tania and Hephaestus.

  “With Selene’s children; the werewolves, they get a sensation of constant tingling or zaps when they touch. Like when you scuff your feet on carpet, then touch someone and zap them. Their sense of smell also becomes extremely heightened only to their true mate’s scent, no one else can smell it.” Hephaestus says as he is still in and out.

  “Yes, that’s right, and with Gaia’s children, it is simply the beat of your heart that changes. You become very aware of the change when you find your mate and it is only them that can make this change happen.” Tania finishes for Hephaestus; he is once again in a long conversation through mind-link.

  “I get it. Tanner found his mate before I went to the clinic to see Tracy. His heart was humming, instead of the incomplete beat mine has.” I say, looking to Tania, to make sure I understand properly.

  “Yes, that is right. Your heart sounds like it skips a beat, even though it doesn’t. When you find your true mate, you will hear and feel the full rhythm, as you complete each other, and your hearts become whole.” Tania confirms what I had suspected.

  “Okay pain in my ass, time to get this shit show going!” Draven says, opening my bedroom door and walks in, only to stop and growl loudly at Hephaestus. Tilly is close behind him; she immediately grabs Draven and smashes her lips to his. Distracting and calming him down before Thrash come out.

  “What the hell did you do that for? And who the fuck are you?” Draven snaps at Tilly as he pulls away from her and looks towards Hephaestus.

  “Draven, this is the God of Stone and Metal, Hephaestus. I kissed you, so you wouldn’t get yourself killed, as this is his true form and not his earthly form.” Tilly says playing with the cuff of her sleeve, a nervous habit she picked up when she was 17 and already knew Draven was her mate.

  “Oh shit. I am so sorry my Lord.” Draven says hitting the floor on his knees. Waiting for his punishment for disrespecting a God.

  “You’re fine, I would be more pissed if you didn’t respond like that to some guy being in Nimue’s room.” Hephaestus tells Draven as he signals for him to get up, “Oh Nimue, who is
being left in charge of the clan while you are away? There are about 200 gargoyles heading. They are from the 6 tribes from the Maritimes, they are coming to help protect the clan and join if you will have them. But they need to know who to talk to as you won’t be here.”

  “Wait, what? Why? When?” I am shocked and confused to why so many are coming here to protect my clan and me.

  “It has something to do with the one I was telling you about earlier, they should be arriving in an hour and you should ask him for more information when you find him at the conference this week.” Hephaestus finishes and does not give me anymore. I hate when the God’s do that, what if something happens and I don’t find him? Did any of them think of that before all this shit started? I blow out a puff of air that I was holding trying to let go some of my frustration, only to look at the clock again.

  “Fuck a duck sideways! Come on Draven, we need to leave now, or we’ll be late and not get to talk to Kenneth. Hephaestus, Tania will be in charge while we are away.” I say and he nods in response and starts to talk with Tania as we all walk out of my room to leave. It’s 9:03 am and we are officially 3 minutes late. It’s actually not a big deal, we will make up at least 20 minutes of time by taking the back roads to our neighbor’s pride. It’s also Monday morning, so the OPP won’t be out as thick as normal because it's been a week since the Civic long weekend and not much has been going on. So, we will be able to drive a little faster than normal.

  We head out and throw our bags in the back of Draven’s Jeep Wrangler and say our goodbyes. The others have already left for the pride lands. The first 10 minutes of the drive I spend it in and out of mind-link with the clan to make sure everything is set up for the week, and all emergency plans are in place. Just in case my Uncle does decide to try something. I ask Rosalyn, Tilly, and Martin to all work together to make roosts for the incoming gargoyles. Tilly suggests we wait for their arrival to start creating their living space to find out what each prefer and how many per home as some may be coming in with mates, and families already intact. It’s a good idea, so that is the plan in place for the new arrivals.


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