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Nimara: Children of the Gods

Page 5

by Patricia Halladay

  “You might as well get some rest, you had the memory viewing, an attack and healing Tracey on your list this morning. None of that was even close to the schedule in place.” Draven says as he glances between me and the road. I notice that he gets quick mind-link messages, and after he gets one, he either slows down or turns right or left. The others must be telling him where the OPP are set up and he is altering his route to stay clear of them and not have to slow down too much. Just so I can be completely oblivious to his speed if we get pulled over, I lay my seat back a bit and close my eyes. The lovely images Hephaestus used this morning to distract me start flooding back through my mind as I drift off to sleep, and of course the one that sticks is him naked. Oi, this is going to be a long drive!

  Chapter 4

  ~ Nimue ~

  “Nimue, hey Nimue!” Is all I hear before I jump up wide awake, a bucket of ice-cold water is dumped on me. Shaking and teeth chattering, I glare at Kenneth doubled over laughing, while Scott his Beta, is holding an empty bucket.

  “I hate you and I will get you for this Kenneth!” I say through chattering teeth.

  “Scott’s the one who did it, not me!” Kenneth whizzes still laughing.

  “I know it was you, Scott isn’t brave or stupid enough to do that.” I say with a pointed look.

  “Hey! That offends me!” Scott says placing his hand over his chest.

  “Sorry but the truth hurts. Get used to it!” I say laced with spite to the red head. Scott’s the same height as Onyx, 6’4'' but his frame is built like a long-distance runner, muscular but lean. He has the most beautiful green eyes, they’re as dark as emeralds that highlight his deep rich red hair. He has a slender face, with sharp features. A chiseled jawline and a gently sloped nose that comes to a soft curve at the tip, like a cheetah’s nose. It has a bump in the center from being broken multiple times. I know a couple of those were me that broke it during sparring or because he was being an ass. Otherwise, the only thing he’s missing is the Irish accent and you would think he’s an overgrown leprechaun. Still very hot though.

  “Ok okay, let's get you inside so you can change, and Rachel can say hello. She has been bugging me all morning about when you were going to get here. Speaking of which, you're about 15 minutes earlier than I expected considering Draven said you left late and had to detour to stay away from the cops.” Kenneth says settling down from his laughing fit. As we start to head into the guest house, my stomach makes an appearance.

  “I’ll go grab you something to eat Nimue and bring it up to your room. You slept through the hectic drive in Westport. How I have no idea, Draven said he was cursing and screaming at the tourist that just walked out into traffic.” Scott says placing the bucket beside the door and three children grab it, to fill it up again.

  I am kind of pissed that I missed the drive out to Tiger Lily Pride, as the drive to Westport is beautiful and quiet for the most part. Although right now the drive through the village would be chaotic. Westport’s a tourist hot spot during the summer. Mostly because of all the great little shops and easy access from the Rideau River. So, there are a lot of people here visiting and shopping. Oh, got to make sure we stop at Steve Chip Truck on our way home to get amazing food, and the Village Green to see what awesome things they have this year! Always amazing.

  Draven and I are led to our usual rooms on the second floor, in the middle of the hall and we are diagonal from each other. The other clan members occupy other rooms on this floor and spread out on the floors above. This is to make sure that we go in either direction to spread our scent through the hallway and staircase. If there was an attack, the enemy has some work to do to find us. We even switch rooms every other day with our clan members, so that our scent isn’t strongest in one spot. The room looks just like a hotel room, boring as hell. I walk into the room and my bag is already laying on the bed with a plastic tub beside it for my wet clothes to be picked up and washed by the cleaners. As I strip off my wet white t-shirt and black boot-cut jeans, I am starting to wish I had put on a bra. my boobs hurt from the ice-cold water and everyone outside would have gotten a full view of them. Great, just what I needed, to be giving all the council members, alphas and their packs or clans a full view of my boobs. Just fucking lovely.

  I walk into the bathroom in just my underwear, turn on the water and let it heat up. It’s lukewarm so that it wouldn’t hurt getting in with being a purplish-blue color. I finish undressing and step in, just to let the water warm me, as I get accustomed to the temperature, I turn the water hotter, and continue this for 10 minutes. I am half asleep standing in the hot water when there is a knock on my door and Scott calls my name.

  “Nimue, it’s Scott. I have some hot food for you and coffee to help you warm up. May I come in?” He asks from the other side.

  “Come in Scott, the door is open.” I call back, I have left the bathroom door open also so I would know when he got here with breakfast. As he walks in with my breakfast, I get out of the shower and hear a low growl. I look to the door and realize Scott is standing there with his back turned to me. Must have stepped out too soon and he saw me. Great, this day is just getting fucking better all the time.

  “Sorry Scott, I thought you were already further in.” I say, walking past him in a fluffy white robe, to sit on the one bed to eat.

  “It’s okay Nimue, things here are a little different than at your clan and with wolves in general.” Scott says as he scratches the back of his neck and his face heats up in a blush.

  “Oh, yea that is right, can you explain that a little more to me?” I ask as I sit and start rolling steaming pancakes into a burrito shape and dipping it in maple syrup to eat. As I start stuffing my face Scott starts to explain how their “finding a mate” and “mating” work.

  “It's basically the same as the wolves, we find our true mates through sight, scent and touch.” Scott said, still thinking of a way to explain it better.

  “Wait, you have more than one? Is that normal or does the number represent the level of importance in the pride? And is it just males that have more than one do the females have multiples too?” I am a bit shocked.

  “Yea that’s right. See Pride Leader Kenneth has his Queen Rachel, who he just found last month. Now any woman of any supernatural species that he would like to take as his mate, he can, but they don’t have the level of importance as Rachel. Usually, a Pride leader has a large harem, and it can consists of at least ten women. I have heard of some pride leaders having upwards of 25 women and all of them produce cubs for the leader.” Scott says as I try not to choke on my pancake wrapped bacon.

  “So, then someone like you, as Pride Leader Kenneth’s Beta, how many do you have or could have? Is there a maximum number for the lower high-ranking officials?” I say in between mouthfuls of food.

  “Well, I haven’t found my Queen yet, and I won’t take any other mates until I do. We also are at an older age than wolves are for when we can find our mate. For lycans like yourself and wolves it’s 18 years old. I do know of some Alphas that were as young as 16. But for us cat shifters, the age of finding your mate is 21 and no it’s only males that have the harems. Although I suppose a female can if there was no male heir to take over the pride. As for me, I still have a year before I can find my Queen and then take others after her.” Scott says trying to look at anything other than me on the bed.

  “Oh, okay keep explaining this to me, it’s quite fascinating. I’ll leave the bathroom door slightly open while I get dressed and you keep explaining. I have asked about this before, but no one would ever explain it to me. I would love to know in case my mate’s a cat shifter.” I say grabbing a bright blue bra/underwear set, black boot-cut jeans and a denim blue tank top out of my duffle bag and walk into the bathroom to get dressed.

  “Umm… Well for example if I was your mate and you were my Queen, your needs always come first no matter how many other mates I take. You would be top priority. This kind of mating though is only with the lion cat shifter, ot
her cat shifter have a different mating process, and some are exactly like that of the wolves. Like with me, a Cheetah, it's usually just like wolves, I will only take one mate but it’s not uncommon for cheetah males to have two or three mates.” Scott says as I walk back out from the bathroom dressed.

  “So, for some it’s one mate for life, possibility of a second chance if the first one is killed or rejects the other. Which I don’t know about you guys, but rejection is painful as hell and it can kill. It could also mean severe consequences for the person who did the rejection.” I say just to get a complete grasp on how the mating practices work for other shifters.

  “It’s pretty much the same for us, only if we reject our mate, our family or theirs gets to place punishment for our actions. Which could mean loss of title or death if the other’s family are power hungry.” Scott tells me as he picks up my empty food tray.

  “Hey kid, you finally dressed and fed?” Kenneth and Draven ask as Scott opens the door for me to leave and to take the tray to the kitchen.

  “Sir, I was explaining the mating practices of our Pride to Nimue. She wanted to know what to expect if her mate’s a cat shifter.” Scott says as Kenneth and Draven exchange looks and then look at Scott and me.

  “Look, I turn 18 soon and I was told that my mate has been keeping an eye on me and the clan for a long time. So that could mean he’s here in Kenneth’s Pride. I just want to know in case, so that I don’t go on a killing spree when it comes to my mate’s harem.” I say blushing and my claws starting to extend as the thought of sharing my mate does not sit well with me or Amara.

  “Yeah, that’s good knowledge to have for sure. Keeps you informed, even if your mate isn’t a cat shifter.” Kenneth says walking down the hall to the stairwell a head of us. I start to calm down as we walk, I can feel Scott rubbing my side to help and our claws start to retract again. Amara loves Scott, she says she feels safe with him and that if we never find our true mate, she will gladly take Scott as a chosen one. I do have to agree, feeling safe is big for Amara and me, as we don’t even have that feeling around our own family. Stupid Uncle Tit!

  As we get to the bottom of the stair in the main lobby, several other Pride members are escorting new arrivals to their rooms. One in particular has caught my eye, bringing me out of my thoughts. I immediately have this strange sensation come over me and everything stops.

  “Nimue, he has not completed our heartbeat. Listen, that means he’s not our mate and what you are feeling is the spell your uncle’s using to get the clan.” Amara says and the effects are cut off instantly. A look of shock is quickly replaced with annoyance on the guy's face when I continue to walk past him and smirk at his failure. Draven and Scott look at me and Kenneth’s still talking about the mating practices, basically repeating everything Scott told me. Scott then noticed the same guy still staring at me and growls, snapping him out of his stare down. This also grabs Kenneth’s attention.

  “What seems to be the problem Beta Bennett?” Kenneth asks with a serious ton and a look of anger.

  “The Alpha of Northern Lake pack, was challenging Leader Nimue.” Scott says with his head lowered.

  “Kenneth don’t get mad at Scott. Draven, please keep an eye on that pack and its members. Mind-link Tania with this information, so they know what and who to expect if the clan is attacked while we are here.” I say and Draven nods.

  “Why Nimue, what’s wrong with the Northern Lake Pack? What have they done?” Kenneth asks as we leave the guest house.

  “The gods made a visit before we left and told Nimue that a Sorcerer was being used to manipulate her into giving the clan to her Uncle, so that she could be with her mate. They have even cast a spell to help this fake mate get Nimue to accept him and allow him to claim, mark and mate her.” Draven says coldly.

  “What the fuck? That’s twisted! I am sure the gods are not happy about that, especially the Sisters of Fate. They must be pissed!” Kenneth says looking disappointed with my Uncle actions. We continue our walk over the Pride house, it has been renovated and is now twice as big. With 6 floors instead of 3 and a completely new wing added off to the North side. It’s done completely of stone and large hand cut beams, both inside and out. It looks like the old farmhouses of the early 1800’s. I think this house has even been declared as a historical landmark, so all the work needs to be done to specific standards.

  “What’s that Alpha’s name? As I know he’s the one helping my Uncle, because the gods told me they would use the mating practice of the wolves to trick me, and that’s what just happened. I went into a trance like state when I looked directly into his eyes. Amara was the reason I snapped out of it so quick, I’ll have to focus on the sound of my heart and Amara’s voice to keep it from being effective.” I say, walking into the Pride house. A scream comes from the top of the stairs.

  “NIMUE! Holy fuck girl took you long enough to get your ass moving!” Rachel screams as she comes flying down the stairs at me and wraps her arms tight.

  “Hi Rach, let go I need to breathe!” I gasp as she is releases me realizing how tight she was holding me.

  “Oh, my goddess! I am so sorry! Why are you so late getting here? I thought you would be here an hour ago!” She says as she tries to hold back from hugging me again too tightly.

  “I was here an hour ago, but your lovely mate thought it would be funny to dump ice cold water on me to wake me up. So, I needed to have a warm shower and food before I came over to say hi.” I say, looking at Kenneth’s horrified face for ratting him out to his Queen.

  “YOU DID WHAT TO HER?” Rachel spins screaming at Kenneth. Both Draven and I are trying so hard not to laugh at Kenneth as Rachel scolds him for being a horrible host. That’s when we can hear Scott’s howling laughter from the kitchen. The look Kenneth’s giving me says I will pay for this later, with an undecided date of when said payback will be done.

  “She told you she would get you and now she has!” Is all we can hear from Scott, as he runs down the hall and out the back door with Kenneth hot on his heels yelling traitor at him.

  “Oh Boy! I am in for it later.” I say still laughing. Rachel moves us to the sitting room just to the left of the front door when an out of breath Scott comes back through, saying for Rachel to take us up to Kenneth office and he will meet us there. Then he takes off again as a loud roar’s heard coming towards the house. Moments later Kenneth comes through the door and looks none too happy.

  “Kenneth, you might as well leave him alone. He’s smaller and more agile than you are. You have strength and stamina. That’s why you are the Pride Leader, and my brother Scott’s the Pride Beta.” Rachel says, walking past a panting Kenneth and runs her finger across his chest causing his eyes to go black with lust. He yanks her back to him, lifts her up wrapping her legs around his waist and pressing her hard against the wall, as he starts kissing her hard too. It soon turns into a very heated make-out session and clothes start to become loosened.

  “Ok seriously, I see enough of that shit at home. Please stop, I would rather keep my breakfast down and it always tastes better the first time around not the second.” I say, starting to fake gag at the scene in front of me.

  “Sorry, it’s getting close to Rachel’s heat and things will get intense.” Kenneth says as he puts Rachel down. Rachel straightens herself out and finishes taking us to Kenneth’s office. Scott’s already there waiting, showered, and refreshed from his mad dash away from his leader and friend. When they did the renovations, they also worked on Kenneth’s office and added like a good 200 square feet of space. There’s a large red Cedar L-shaped desk closer to the back with a large black leather chair behind it. I remember the desk; it was Onyx and Tilly’s dad made for Kenneth’s father two years before he passed. Pictures of the Land Claim signing hang on the wall, showing Kenneth and I as leaders working for something great. Along with those pictures, are others of Kenneth’s family, Rachel, and her family, and of course their Mating Ceremony. There’s a large sitting area in
front of the desk with black leather couches, and there’s even a bassinet close at hand. Which makes me wonder if there will be a new addition to the Tiger Lily Pride soon. We all sit waiting for Kenneth to finish getting cleaned up. I sit in between Scott and Rachel for the time being. While Rachel talks about all the changes, they did to the Pride house and to some of the more repair needed homes in the village.

  “Alpha Eric Nickolas” Kenneth says walking through the door and closes it harshly.

  “What wrong sweetheart? Is everything okay?” Rachel asks.

  “No, everything’s fine babe. He’s the Alpha that there was a challenge made at the Guest house. He’s also the Alpha that has aligned himself with Nimue’s Uncle. He wants Scott punished for his disrespect, but I told him that would not happen since Scott was acting on behalf of me and my alliance with Silver Shadow Clan Leader Miss Simon.” Kenneth said, gesturing to me.

  “How do you know he’s aligned with that useless coward?” Rachel asks getting angry, her claws have pushed through, her eyes have changed to the piercing gold slits and hair has started to grow.

  “He told me that he’s here acting on behalf of both the Black Shadow Pack and his pack, The Northern Lake pack. So, he just confirmed your suspicion Nimue, and it will be his pack backing up your Uncle in an attack.” Kenneth says, “If you need to leave to ensure the safety of your clan, I will explain everything to the council.” He adds. Just as I am about to tell him that everything is fine and taken care of, the phone rings.

  “Hello … Oh just a second Tania, they’re here in my office with me.” Kenneth says and puts the call on speaker phone.


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