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Nimara: Children of the Gods

Page 7

by Patricia Halladay

  Now I am the only one left, I think that even Onyx has found his mate. He is just being nice and not saying anything. The last time it was brought up I started to cry and said that now no one will have time for me or want me around. He held me for so long when we talked about it, that I fell asleep in his arms. I actually woke up with him still holding me too, I felt so happy and safe. But I have slowly noticed that as my friends have found their mates, they don’t have time to go out for lunch, go hiking, or out for a hunt.

  “Hey you okay?” Onyx asked worriedly, “You seem depressed.”

  “Onyx, you would tell me if you found your mate right?” I ask trying to hold back tears as we continue the walk to the lake. Merlin looks to me, then to Onyx and nods.

  “I have found my mate, but her birthday is at the end of the Life Celebration week, so she doesn’t know yet. Her second mate knows as well, but again her not being 18 makes it a little harder.” He says and again my heart starts to break.

  “Why haven’t the two of you not told her yet then?” I ask on the verge of tears as he pulls me in for a hug.

  “The two of us agreed when we figured it out, that we wanted her to love us on her own. Not that she had too because we were her mates. That just seemed wrong to us. You have seen yourself what happens to a mated couple when one is told before they are of age. Your Uncle Tim and Aunt Sylvia are the perfect example. He treats her like shit, and she takes it, she believes she has to because she has to love him no matter what. The worst part is she’s a witch, she doesn’t even feel it the same as we do when we find our mate.” Onyx says with hurt in his voice. “It feels like I am lying to her and I know her other mate feels the same, but we don’t want her to hate us because she feels she was forced into loving us.”

  “If I were your mate, I could never hate you! She should feel lucky, because that’s what she truly is for getting to have you as one of her mates. I would give so much for it to be me, but I am probably mate less from the way things look.” I tell him, it probably sounds muffled and like I am mumbling because I still have my face buried in his chest.

  “Onyx, can you take us into my cavern from here? It might be easier, and it means we get protected privacy, so we can talk.” Merlin asks rubbing my shoulder to comfort me. All I noticed of our moving from above ground to within it, is a rumble and going from the smell of different people's scents to the smell of rich age. The kind you get from old books, it’s a smell I love, one of stories, legends, and the promise of hidden knowledge to gain. Soon we are in Merlin’s underground cavern, it’s full of relics and artifacts that I know the world would love to get their hands on. The true Excalibur sword sits on a mantle. Wait, that’s not a mantle for a fireplace, that is the mast to the Argo! Definitely going to have to read that myth again. The Golden Fleece... man, that thing is super soft, but I bet Jason was pissed that the reason he never found it was because good old Merlin had it. Hey, is that Aladdin's magic lamp? I have become distracted enough, that I don’t notice the important information Merlin is giving Onyx.

  “So Nimue, let us get this whole mess with your mating fixed first. As the spell used has been in place I would say for a while and it has caused you not to feel your mate or mates at all, whichever the case maybe.” Merlin says and I am in utter shock! How would we have not felt it?

  “It was probably done while you were asleep, and that is why you didn’t notice it.” Merlin continues and I decide to go blank minded.

  “Oh perfect, that will make this easier for us to correct the effects of the spell. You will start to be able to feel little things towards your mate or mates immediately. It will be completely reversed though on your birthday next Friday.” Merlin says with a chuckle as I am a little annoyed that even going blank hasn’t kept him out of my head. Then again, it must be a good show at times to see what people are thinking. Could be pretty kinky at times I am sure. Wait, my birthday isn’t for another two months!

  “Oh boy, can it ever! And you were a little slow on the pickup there kid,” He says with a wink and then starts laughing as I scrunch up my face and just look at him like he is nuts.

  “Ok Nimue, let's get started. Clear your mind again, and all I want you to think about is the person or people you love most. If there are too many as I know you’re probably like your dad, then just think of your mom and dad. No one else. Okay? And I just need you to lay down on the bed Onyx made, it will be more comfortable.” Merlin says. I lay on the bed that Onyx has created out of the dirt floor. I close my eyes and start to concentrate on just mom and dad, as Merlin starts to chant. I must have fallen asleep because I can no longer hear Merlin chanting.

  When I open my eyes, I am in a clearing full of wildflowers. Daisies, Chamomile, Buttercup, Black-eyed Susan, and others too that I don’t know the name of, or I can’t remember. The colors look amazing, vibrant, and fresh. The air is crisp and carries the scent of fresh ripened wild berries like field strawberries and black caps (blackberries).

  “Nimue, we have been waiting for you. My dear child you have been through so much, it is time for answers.” A soft woman’s voice calls, I spin in all directions to see who is talking to me.

  “She is finally ready and will truly become the great leader she is meant to be!” Another soft woman’s voice now says and again I am spinning to find where it is coming from.

  “Quit teasing her and playing games, you're going to make her dizzy and sick to her stomach!” A third woman’s voice says, this time when I turn to find the owner of the voice, there is a young woman standing a few feet away. She has a bright smile, that reaches her eyes, long brown wavy hair that reaches to the middle of her back, large brown eyes, and a small button nose with bright red lips, that are small and soft. Then another young woman appears. She has the same features, but her hair is blond, almost white and it is as straight as mine. That is when a third young woman appears and again she looks like the other two, but her hair is red and curly.

  “Where am I and who are you? I am so sorry if I have crossed into your pack lands without permission.” I say, anxiety starts taking over and I begin to shake. I would never have guessed what I would be told next would change my world forever.

  “I am Clotho, the Spinner and these are my sisters.” The young lady with brown hair says as she points to the two standing beside her before she continues, “Please call my Lottie though, it is easier for you and keeps us protected.”

  “I am Lachesis, the Allotter. But please call me Lash.” The young blond woman says next.

  “And I am Atropos, the Inflexible. We are the Sisters of Fate.” The young red head says, “But dear Nimue, you can call me Attie.”

  I must have been staring for too long with my mouth open because I swear a mosquito or horsefly flew in my mouth. I finally come around after spitting and sputtering to get the damn bug out of my mouth. The three goddesses laugh at my behavior, and finally ask if I am alright. I am still stunned and just nod my head in response.

  “Wow, she has finally been left speechless!” Attie says giggling.

  “Yes, that is truly something I never thought would happen, unless the Titans were released on good behavior from Tartarus.” Lash says smiling and getting a kick out of my situation.

  “Ok Nimue, we actually don’t have a lot of time. You are able to ask 3 questions and only 3. Which is more than normal. So please think of what you truly need to know.” Lottie says as she looks to the sky to see the sun’s position.

  “Why was I stopped by the Goddess Gaia from saving my parents?” I do not hesitate as this is a question I have asked many times and Gaia never answers me.

  “That night of the attack, Gaia was to come back to the heavens with us. She was always meant to leave. So, when she stopped you, her reason was to your benefit. As both she and Chronos had lost too much blood for you to be able to save them. Though it was Chronos, that was never meant to leave you. We’re sorry for missing that vital spot in your Path of Life.” Lash says with pure sorrow and regret
. She failed in her task of dispensing the events of life.

  “Merlin said that my birthday is next Friday, but I have always celebrated my birthday on the 31st of October. What is my true date of birth?” I ask as this is something new for me.

  “The true date of your birth is August 13, 2002. That’s two of your questions, please think before asking your final question.” Lottie says giving a worried look like I have missed something important to ask.

  “Truly those are the only questions I have, as Merlin’s fixing the effects of the spell another Sorcerer placed on me to alter my Path and affect my image of the goddess Gaia by having someone pose as her.” I say, thinking of what the fates have told me. Gaia and Chronos were taken that night. But Chronos was meant to stay and raise me. Does that mean, my parents were earth bound gods like Tania, I mean Hecate? Am I the daughter of two of the gods? Would that make me a goddess? I have so many questions running through my head that I snap out of my thoughts when Lottie suddenly speaks in anger.

  “What do you mean your Path has been altered?” Lottie grits out, “I will have to speak to Hecate about this as it’s one of her children that’s overstepping their bounds.”

  “Hecate, or Tania as I know her, already knows. I believe Merlin or Onyx has told her also that the Sorcerer is not doing it of his own free will. That it’s my Uncle Tim forcing him to do this. So please do not punish the Sorcerer and leave the punishment of my Uncle to me. Nimara wants the pleasure of wiping him out of existence.” I say, the Sisters look to one another as I give them this information and make my request.

  “So, you have bonded to your Lycan to become your true self.” Attie states with a gleam of pure happiness in her eyes.

  “Not completely, as I am able to still shift just into Amara and then back into myself. Amara said it wasn’t time to complete it yet. I imagine it will be during a battle I will have to lead against that useless fucking piece of flesh I call an Uncle, as it seems that is when we have the strongest connection to do so.” I say as I can feel the shift starting to come over me.

  “Know this Nimue, when you do finally complete the bond to become your true self; Nimara and taking on your gifts, your mates will be given your gifts as well. The four of you will one day take on a greater purpose. What it is, I cannot tell you yet, I want it to be a happy surprise for the four of you. Well mostly for you though.” The gleam of happiness has grown even brighter in Attie’s eyes as she says this.

  “Thank you, I finally have something to look forward to. Oh, and please forgive me if I end the Path of Life you have set for Alpha Eric Nickolas of the Northern Lake pack, earlier than you originally wanted.” I say as I start to hear Merlin’s chanting, and it sounds like it is coming to an end.

  “There’s no worry about that, you do what you want with him. He’s living on borrowed time, and it’s Chronos that gives his blessing for you to end his life.” Lottie says smiling, everything starts to fade, and I am soon waking up to Merlin’s cavern of priceless artifacts and relics again.

  Chapter 6

  ~ Nimue ~ Scott ~ Nimue ~ Onyx ~

  “Welcome back child, how do you feel?” Merlin asks. I start to stiffly sit up and groan. Onyx, himself looks to be tied up in a mind-link conversation. “Don’t worry, he is letting the rest of the clan and Hecate know about what I found out about the Sorcerer. I am sure she is even more pissed now at your Uncle than before.” Merlin adds as he hands me some water to help me recover from the spell clearing so to speak. The headache and lack of energy is starting to hit hard, it is the same feeling as when Tania does a memory viewing. It fucking sucks!

  “About the same as when Hecate goes wandering through my memories. Like Mac has squeezed the hell out of me and used me as a soccer ball.” I say, while trying to move, but quickly stop as my body’s way too sore to do anything.

  “Ok, the rest of the clan has been informed of what’s happening. Tania says that the pack gathering outside of the Southern border has grown in numbers, by 50 or 60 wolves. She said also that there was something very disturbing happening. Your Aunt and cousin are tied to Ironwood trees, and there is another there as well. He was recently added within the last hour or so.” Onyx says, walking over to me and lifts me bridal style to carry me back.

  “I can walk Onyx; I promise I can.” I say, burying my head into his chest again and start to fall back to sleep.

  “Sure, you can child, that’s why you're falling asleep in his arms.” Merlin says smiling, “It’s late, Onyx when you get back to the Guest house, have Scott bring the two of you some dinner to your rooms, and then my dear you need to sleep. You have a lot to do over the next two weeks including a fight with your Uncle.” Merlin continues as stairs form into the earth and leads us back to the surface. He was right, it’s late. The sun has started to set so I would put it at about 8:30 pm. Wow, working magic does take a long time doesn’t it. It’s not like in the movies where it’s done in seconds.

  “I also have to kill Alpha Nickolas, Chronos gave his blessing for me to do so.” I say in between yawns and burying my head further into Onyx. I didn’t realize we had stopped moving at my confession.

  “What do you mean Chronos gave his blessing? When did you talk to Father Time?” Merlin asks almost a little shocked that I was given his blessing in the first place.

  “During you cleansing, I went to a meadow of wildflowers and met Lottie, Attie and Lash. They answered 2 question I had, although they said I could ask 3. When I told them about you clearing the spell that altered my Path of Life, they were more than just pissed. I asked for forgiveness because I planned on killing Alpha Nickolas. They said that Chronos gave his blessing for this to happen, because he was living on borrowed time.” I say yawning my head off, getting a little annoyed because all I want to do is sleep and all Merlin wants to do is talk, after he told me to sleep. Holy fuck man make up your bloody damn mind would you.

  “Wow! That’s something I wasn’t expecting. The Fate to use the transition time to talk to someone. Hecate must have helped them, because that can actually kill a person being in two places at once.” Merlin says, we have started towards the guest house now that we are back above ground. Merlin leaves towards the conference center, to go back to his room. It has specifically designed rooms to protect and enhance the Elder’s powers. Onyx still won’t put me down, but I am not complaining. A guard open the front door for us, and Draven, Scott and Rachel are waiting in the main lobby.

  “Where have you two been? You missed both lunch and dinner! What happened to Nimue?” Rachel says exasperated with worry and placing her hand on my forehead. She definitely has to be pregnant.

  “Hold that explanation Onyx, Kenneth wants us moved into the main house now. A lot has happened since you two disappeared all day.” Draven says and shortly after sighs as I know Onyx just mind-linked him about where we had been.

  “Can it wait until morning to tell Nimue? Merlin cleared the spell that has been placed on her for years, that’s why she’s so drained. The Sisters of Fate also came during the transition time and spoke with Nimue.” Onyx says passing me to Scott, his arms have to be losing feeling from carrying me.

  “She met the Sisters of Fate? Oh wow! I wonder why the gods have such an interest in Nimue all of a sudden. Hopefully, it’s something amazing and a gift she will enjoy.” Rachel says checking my temperature again.

  “It doesn’t matter, I’ll take Nimue up to her room here for tonight. I’ll also stay on guard at her door. When she’s rested, we will move her over immediately and discuss everything. There’s no reason to do it now. Most of it has been dealt with, and the Royal Elite Guard has been sent to your clan territory to help deal with Alpha Tim and Alpha Eric Nickolas.” Scott says, looking at Draven to make his point clear.

  “Alright, but there should be someone else with you to guard Nimue while she rests. Who knows what they will try to do again?” Draven says, with a look of determination and resolve.

  “And that will be me, Winnie
the Pooh.” A sudden deep voice with an east coast accent says. It’s enough to startle me awake and make the others turn, with a few growls.

  “And who the fuck are y…...” Draven’s cut off by Onyx.

  “Peter! It’s great to see you man, it’s been a couple hundred years; maybe a past life or two!” Onyx says giving Peter that stupid brotherly hug handshake thing.

  “Great to see you again Onyx, I would say it would be a past life or two on your end, as this is the only life I have ever lived.” Peter replies back.

  “Draven, Scott and Queen Rachel this is Peter Grendier. He’s from the Darkmouth Vampire Coven in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. He’s here for the conference, but Merlin said the Sisters of Fate wanted us to ask Peter for help.” Onyx says to help put minds at ease.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  “Ok perfect we have a temporary plan in place. Now Peter, if you will come with me, I am taking Nimue to bed.” I say, glaring at Draven.

  “Fine. See you in the morning. Morgana will come get Nimue for training and breakfast.” Draven yells at my retreating back. We are soon stopped in front of my room door.

  “Do you have the room key?” Peter asks me.

  “No, it’s in her back jeans pocket.” I say, slightly lifting her ass up.

  “Ok, who’s grabbing it? I don’t want her mate rip my head off.” Peter says, stepping back like she has an infectious disease.

  “No worries, you’re good friends with her one mate. If he says you’re a good guy, then you’re alright in my books, since I am one of her other mates.” I says. Nimue is lightly snoring, she is out again.

  “From the looks of things, I would say the two of you have not told her yet, so what gives?” Peter asks as he quickly moves to grab the key out of my back pocket and open the door. I lay Nimue on her bed. Peter and I completely checkout the room and locked the windows. Ensuring no one will be coming in. I call Tania and put it on speaker.


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