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Nimara: Children of the Gods

Page 8

by Patricia Halladay

  “Okay Tania, you’re on speaker and inside of her room. She is asleep so we need to hurry, we don’t want wake her.” I says. Tania starts to say something in Ancient Greek. As Tania finishes what she is saying, she says goodnight, telling me to give Nimue a hug and kiss for her. I leave to sit on duty outside in the hall with Peter.

  “Okay man, spill! Now that I know who the hell Onyx has been going on about for what seems like forever. Why haven’t either of you told her that the two of you are her mates?” Peter says smiling at me, like this is something completely new for him to know about his good friend.

  “Well for one, with me being a cat shifter I actually found out 3 years before I was supposed to. I am only 20 and usually we don’t find our first mate until 21. Second, Onyx and I agreed because of this shit with her Uncle Tim, we would wait. He also found his mate before she was of age and told her too. Now she loves him only because she feels she has too, and he treats her like shit. We didn’t want that with Nimue.” I tell Peter. He scrunches his eyes together while thinking about the whole situation to begin with.

  “I highly doubt that. The two of you found out for a reason. What was the clearing Onyx was talking about?” Peter asks as he looks like he is still trying to put two and two together.

  “There was an attack earlier this morning in Nimue’s territory. Some surviving Crystal River pack members had traveled there for protection after their pack was destroyed. Some of them were poisoned and attacked their friends and family. After the attack, she was “visited” by the goddess Gaia. It wasn’t really the goddess, but someone casting a spell. After the visit, Tania contacted the council of the gods. Well, that resulted in Hephaestus coming to speak with Nimue. He told her that someone had been using sorcery on her to trick her into claiming the wrong person as her mate. It is common knowledge that her Uncle Tim, the Black Shadow Alpha has been trying to take over the clan but has been unsuccessful so far. This is all his doing and when she went to give her clan information to the council this morning, Alpha Eric Nickolas tried to claim her as his mate. He tried once before but I interrupted that, and he was pissed. He wanted me punished and removed from escorting Nimue, Kenneth said a big HELL NO to that. But when he tried the second time, she did the best thing ever! She did a full-on public rejection and exiled him from her territory. Then after the council meeting Merlin took her to his home to break the spell that was being used against her. And here we are now.” I say, a look of pure entertainment on my face remembering Nimue’s rejection of Alpha Nickolas.

  “Ok let me make sure I got everything right,” Peter says with a look of shock, “Her Uncle’s a power-hungry asshole, that’s trying to take leadership of her clan from her. He’s using any means to do so, which includes and not limited to sorcery, murder, tampering with the gods will and altering her Path of Life. He’s attacking family members' packs, because I believe the Crystal River pack belonged to his sister and brother-in-law. He’s also using torture and poisons to control people. And the absolute fucking icing on the cake, he’s trying to eliminate her mates, you, and Onyx before you can all claim each other. Is that all?”

  “For the most part yes, I think so.” I say nodding at Peter’s statement.

  “Well holy fuck!! Her and I should have a meeting to swap stories and ideas of how to end the bullshit. I thought my shit was bad! It’s like a step lower on the chart of “Oh god to What the fuck.” I know I shouldn’t, but I feel sorry that Nimue has to go through all of this shit.” Peter just has a look of “wow my life is a lot better than I thought” on his face and shakes his head.

  “Yeah don’t, that girl will hand you your ass and smile while doing it.” I say laughing at Peter’s eyes almost popping out of their sockets. “Rachel and I have known Nimue, well since forever. My parents were the Beta Male and Female of this pride before I was. Her parents were the Alpha and Luna of the Silver Shadow Pack. It was two months after the attack that killed her parents, that I met Onyx. I believe it was at her 8th birthday party, and we became like brothers. We made sure Nimue has always felt loved, protected, and safe. If anything challenges that, one or both of us take it on and destroy it from getting to Nimue. So… I guess you can say we have always known we were her mates, but it was never a sure thing until 2 years ago. Although I am sure Onyx should have known before then.” I say, starting to really think about it.

  “He should have known when he was 18, but something makes sense.” Peter says, now I am intrigue. “Onyx went to Elder Sutherland, told him he felt strange and that he could hear someone chanting near his room one night. Well, when Elder Sutherland had Elder Merlin look at Onyx, he knew right away someone had put a block on him. Onyx has truly loved Nimue all along, even before he knew they were mates and that is why he only figured it out 2 years ago. Because that was when Elder Merlin removed the block and essentially killed the caster.” Peter finishes.

  “How would that kill the person who cast the spell over Onyx?” I ask. I have always been interested in magic, both natural and practical.

  “Well, the Elders are our link to the gods. When they are here on earth, we have easier access to speak with them if we know their earthly form. When an Elder removes a spell or curse placed by a caster, the caster dies because their magic is cut from their soul. Like Leader Thomas was Hades in human form before that night. So, if another vampire put a curse on me, I would have gone to Elder Brenton or to Leader Thomas to have it removed, and the vampire would die because the Elder or God would take their magic as payment for their act. You met Onyx after the attack on Silver Shadow pack, I remember that attack because it wasn’t the only one that night. Our coven was attacked too by bloodlust rogues, and Coven Leader Thomas or Hades, was killed.” Peter recalls the night like it just happened, tears run down his face and he quickly wipes them away.

  “It seems too much of a coincidence that 2 specific groups were attacked by bloodlust rogues on the same night, and both had Gods for leaders.” I say, rubbing my chin in thought.

  “What do you mean?” Peter started to really think about that night, to see if he could remember anything.

  “Nimue's parents, Alpha Kai and Luna Jessica were the god Chronos and the goddess Gaia. Only my parents and Kenneth’s parents knew, and they went to fight and help save them. One of the rogues even confessed to being there on Alpha Timothy’s orders to kill them and take Nimue back for Alpha Tim to claim.” I say. A look of realization comes across Peter’s face.

  “Shit, that morning I was sent with a message for Alpha Kai, the attack on them must have happened just after I left. I had left in the morning from my coven and made it there by 2 pm. They gave me blood to build my strength for the trip back.” Peter has now found what the missing piece was to both attacks.

  “Do you know what was in that message?” I ask almost too excited. I have realized something too. The letters had information that someone didn’t want made public, so the attacks had two different purposes.

  “No, but I know who would, Elder Brenton would know. We need to talk to him!” Peter says with the same excitement.

  “Holy fuck you two are loud!” Nimue say, opening the door.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  “Shit sorry Nim, we didn’t mean to wake you up.” Scott say, looking guilty and is slightly blushing. Awe how cute he goes as red as his hair!

  “It’s 5 am, you didn’t wake me up. I get up at this time every morning for training, scent marking and border patrol. Come on, I need to go for a run since we are not on my territory. Hey wait did you two stay out here all night?” I ask, realize Scott is still wearing the clothes from yesterday.

  “Yea, we did. To make sure that those two fucking idiots didn’t try anything. The Alpha King has even taken notice and is sending his best soldiers to each territory for added protection.” Scott says rubbing the back of his neck, “Oh yea, this is Peter Grendier, he is a good friend of Onyx’s and he’s from Darkmouth Coven in Nova Scotia.” Peter b
rings his hand forward to shake when we do he gasps and almost doesn’t let go at first. Scott shakes him by the shoulder, effectively bringing Peter back to the present. It was strange but it is not the first strange thing to happen in the last 24 hours, so I shake it off.

  “You okay man?” Scott asks as Peter starts to focus again.

  “Yea, I just had a vision I guess you could call it. First time for that.” Peter replies.

  “Well, you can tell us later, as long as what you saw doesn’t happen any time soon. If it does start talking, like now.” Scott says, raising his eyebrow at Peter.

  “Oh no, it doesn’t happen for like another hundred years.” Peter says with some surprise.

  “Ok then it can wait.” I say, “Scott, who is coming on my run with me? You two need sleep!”

  “Nim I am fine, I will go with you, but Morgana is supposed to be here.” Scott says as we walk down the hall.

  “Like hell, you have been up for 24 hours, go to bed! You will be no use in saving my ass if I need someone, especially if you’re a walking zombie from sleep deprivation.” I say kind of like his wife. That’s funny, me, Scott’s wife. It could happen right? We would totally have cute babies! Wait, what the hell? I shake off the thought and keep walking. When we get to the lobby, Scott turns around just in front of me, causing me to walk straight into his chest.

  As I do, I get wrapped in a set of arms and a soft rumble, I know he is laughing at me. I wrap my arms around his upper stomach. I just stand there enjoying our hug when I hear someone clear their throat. Scott turns us around; he doesn’t let me go and I start laughing. I look at Onyx just standing there upset he is left out. I grab his arm and pull him over and wrap my arm around him too. Peter is laughing at us when he takes out his phone and snaps a picture.

  “Hey, I better get a copy of that!” I squeal as both Onyx and Scott squeeze tighter.

  “I don’t have you in my contacts, but I will send it to Onyx, get it from him.” Peter says, he shakes his head and continues to laugh. “Aww look at how cute the three of you are together!” Peter does his best impression of a girl as possible.

  “That was just wrong man, never do that again! Hey Onyx, Peter and I have to go talk to the council and Kenneth. We figured something out that will help a lot with this shit with Nimue and Alpha Tim. I will fill you in as soon as I finish talking to the council. In the meantime, this little Firefox wants to go for a run, and I haven’t seen Morgana anywhere. Can you go with her?” Scott asks when he lets go of me and grabs my hand to keep me from trying to leave.

  “Yes I can go.” Onyx says, he too has let go of me and grabbed my other hand. I start swinging our joined hands like young children do to annoy their parents enough to have them let go of their hands. It totally backfires because both of them start doing it too. Damn, they are cute sometimes, our babies are going to be so cute. Yay, so excited for our cute babies… Where the hell did that come from? Fuck a duck sideways, why am I thinking like this all of a sudden?

  “You know I would definitely go for that Nim. It would be so fun! I am sure they can be rough and gentle!” Amara purrs …

  “Where the hell did you come up with that? We get that spell removed and now we are horny teenagers?” I ask Amara, astonished at her confession of wanting to have both Scott and Onyx in bed. She then starts sending me images of different positions with one or both of them. “Fuck Amara! Horny ass wolf!”

  “Like you aren’t thinking it too! How would we have cute pups if we didn’t?” She replies along with more images.

  “Ok can someone please just come for a run, Amara’s getting sick minded, I would rather not just sit and have her sending me dirty horny images!” I say getting flustered and blushing like crazy.

  “Ohh really? Can she send those images my way?” Peter asks, wiggling his eyebrows up and down. Onyx and Scott both agree with Peter’s request and want them too.

  “Oh boy! Scott, where is the border patrol at this moment? I will go with them, as they will be ready to go and I can keep up with them.” I ask with big puppy eyes and push my lip out in a pout. Hopefully, it’s cute and works.

  “Damn, that is going to be trouble!” Onyx says as he tries to look anywhere but my eyes.

  “Fuck! Ok, let me find out just a second.” Scott says, shaking his head in defeat and I start to happy dance.

  “Told you that was going to be trouble!” Onyx says as Scott glares at him.

  “Well thanks for the help!” Scott says back as sarcastically as possible.

  “I can go with her; I need to spread my wings anyways. They are cramped from sleeping with a constantly moving Morgana. The woman never stays still, even in her sleep.” Thane says, walking downstairs and comes over to us.

  “Perfect, there you go. Speaking of Morgana, shouldn’t she be going too? Draven said she is to be your escort this morning.” Scott tells me as a yawn slips from his lips. Without thinking I walk over, stand on my tippy toes, and give him a kiss.

  “Go get some sleep. I will be fine with Thane, see you later.” and with that I give him another kiss, and then walk over to Onyx and do the same. Both guys are surprised but still have huge grins as Thane and I walk out the door turning and wave at them.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  “Oh, I have to say a huge thank you to Merlin, that’s for damn sure!” Scott says, looking at me. I’m still watching the door.

  “Wow, I did not think it would start that quick. I know Merlin said she would feel some of the mating changes, but it wouldn’t be a complete fix until her birthday next week.” I say realizes I haven’t told Scott yet.

  “What do you mean? Her birthday isn’t until October.” Scott says as we walking out the door to go talk to the council.

  “No, it’s actually August 13, her parents told everyone a different day to protect Nimue. They knew she would be able to bond completely with Amara. Luna Jessica gave birth in wolf form, Amara was born as a true lycan pup, and shifted into Nimue after. That’s why Tim wants the clan, he thinks all of us with Silver Shadow blood can do it. But I still haven’t figured out Alpha Nickolas’s complete role yet. There has to be more to it than just helping Tit.” I finish when we make it to the Conference hall. Scott’s speechless as he is learning just how amazing and rare his mate truly is. Peter has finally put all the pieces together.

  “The message I was sent to deliver to Alpha Kai that day must have been to warn him that his brother was going to try and take Nimue. The attack was to kill both the Alpha and Luna, so he could get his hands on Nimue. The attack on my Coven was because Leader Thomas knew this and was going to present the proof to the council. To stop Alpha Timothy.” Peter looks at me and Scott. Almost everything has clicked, and now that we know, we will protect Nimue even more.

  “What can we help you boys with at such an early hour. Peter said it was urgent.” Elder Brenton says as he and the other Elders take their seats. Merlin has a smile and a bright gleam; he knows we have figured it out.

  “Grandfather, I am sorry for waking you and the other council members, but we have found the common link between the attack on Darkmouth Coven and Silver Shadow Pack 10 years ago.” Peter says as the council all start to look at each other, talking and asking questions. Then they look back to Peter, Scott and I.

  “Explain what it is that you found Peter. We would like to be able to catch the one behind it all and punish him, her or them.” Elder Rant-claw says, he is more than happy to bring justice to the families. One of the new packs created by some of the survivors from Silver Shadow, his daughter Ella became Luna of. He knows all the stories and witness accounts. He also knows the devastation it caused for Nimue.

  “The attack on Silver Shadow was to get the Alpha and Luna out of the way, to make it easier for Alpha Timothy Simon to get Nimue. She is a rare shifter, with great power. Grandfather, do you still have a copy of the message that Leader Thomas had me deliver to them that day?” Peter asks, looking to Elder Brento

  “Yes, I do. It’s right here. I keep it in the case folder for the attack on the coven. But I have never read it, truthfully I respected Leader Thomas too much to snoop.” Elder Brenton says.

  “Then please do so now. It has most of the answers and we have figure out the rest.”

  Chapter 7

  ~ Onyx ~

  July 30, 2010

  Alpha Kai,

  I wish I were sending this to you on better terms Chronos, but that is not the case. There is going to be an attack on your pack, and I am afraid that it is your brother Timothy that is the root of the problem. He has figured out that Luna Jessica, is the earth-bound goddess Gaia. That your daughter Nimue, is her only mortal child that will ascend, taking her place among the Gods. It is with this knowledge he wants Nimue.

  He has not figured out who you are though, and for that I am grateful. The triplets have said that it’s Gaia’s time to go back to the heavens, truthfully I wish it were not. No child should ever have to lose their mother or father, but like you I will not tempt the Fates. I would hate to be on the end of their wrath. I don’t know when the attack is going to happen, so I am writing this in hopes to prepare you, and that you have few to no casualties. I have also found out that Timothy has aligned himself with the Alpha of the Northern Lake pack. So, you are facing two threats not one. Let me know when and where. My coven and I will be there to help protect your family the best we can.

  I am sending an exact copy to my father, Elder Brenton. So that if anything happens and I am no longer around, the evidence has been given to someone else to help destroy all plans Timothy has. The young vampire that is bringing this to you, can be trusted. Please send anything you may need kept safe with him. He has been instructed to come back to me directly.

  Please wish my beautiful niece a very happy birthday. I know you changed the date from August 13 to October 31, as a form of protection. Please let her know that I am always thinking of her and wishing for her future to be a happy one.


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