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Nimara: Children of the Gods

Page 13

by Patricia Halladay

  “He wants to attack on your birthday in two months, when you turn 18, but Alpha Eric wants to attack sooner. It was his command that we obeyed. Your Uncle can’t control his pack anymore. No one knows why.” Kyle says, moaning in pleasure. It starts to go faster; I can see Kyle is about to orgasm and cum. He not only does that, but he knots as well. In the split second he does and opens his mouth grunting and moaning, Tania shoves another tube into his mouth, making him drink his own cum. It stays like this for a good 4 minutes. When she uses her sorcery to remove the tube, Kyle pukes.

  “Well one, my birthday is next week Friday, my parents lied to keep me safe. Also, Uncle Tim no longer has his wolf. His wolf Dane left 10 years ago on the night of the attack. So, I would say we can expect the attack in the next few days to at least a week then.” I say and Tania nods in agreement. Then she turns the machine back on and makes Kyle swallow all his cum again. When she takes it out and takes the machine off Kyle, he is puking blood up. His body is attacking itself, something our Silver Shadow blood does to keep the bloodline safeguarded.

  “So, what is Alpha Eric’s reasoning for wanting Nimue or trying to kill her?” Tania asks as she holds up this device, the Hellhound nods vigorously in approval. She places the device again on Kyle’s hard cock, but this looks like to be anything but pleasant. It slams a small rod with a balloon tip into his cock and he screams. Then the metal rod comes back out and leaves like an air tube in place. It's connected to a pump, which Tania turns on and it starts to inflate. She lets it inflate to the point of being painful, she looks at Kyle waiting for his answer and to see if she needs to inflate it more to get him to talk.

  “Please stop, I beg of you!” Kyle cries as he knows what is going to happen.

  “Then answer the question, What. Does. Alpha. Eric. Want. With. NIMUE?” Tania says losing her patients quickly because she has turned the pump on again. To the sounds of Kyle’s screams, she turns it off to let him speak. His cock looks like a salami now.

  “He wants to ascend to become a god! He can only do that as Nimue’s mate since he’s not one of the 7 children of the gods here on earth! If he can’t then he wants her dead so no one can. Please Tania, stop, I am sorry. Please.” Kyle says bawling his eyes out.

  “Perfect, I got what I wanted and needed. He’s all yours Hecate. Have fun.” I say turning to leave and see the huge grin the Hellhound has. He knows now the gruesome stuff is going to happen. “Hey, if you ever want to come visit in between collecting for Hades, you are always welcome too!” I say before adding, “You just have to behave ok?”

  “Thank you Nimara, it would be an honor.” He says with a voice that I honestly would put as pure demonic, but still sexy. He bows and I leave the cell closing the door. I can hear Kyle start to scream again and this time there is a loud pop sound. I walk back upstairs and into the kitchen to see Mitchel putting things away from the day's meals. Guess I am going to raid the leftovers.

  “Don’t you dare mess up my kitchen pup! Your three mates have your dinner upstairs waiting for you. It just went up so it will still be hot.” Mitchel says slapping my hands with a wooden spoon, from grabbing food out of the fridge.

  “Ouch ok I am going. Damn territorial shrew!” I say, walking out of the kitchen rubbing my hand. Worst part, Mitchel is a Shrew shifter. I walk out to the main hall and up the stairs to the third floor where my bedroom is. I notice Kenneth has painted the house in a light sand color, instead of that god awful rose color his mother did. The hard wood floors have all been refinished, they look like the originals from when the house was built in 1792. I love this old house; it has seen some shit in its day. I would love to hear the stories if these walls could talk. I reach my room and open the door; Scott is going into the bathroom with a large pile of towels. While Onyx is helping Bronx set up a small table for us to eat dinner together. It looks cozy having the three of them in here.

  “Hey so what happened? We saw Morgana come back and Tania go down.” Scott says coming over to me from the bathroom giving me a hug and kiss. Onyx and Bronx do the same, and then lead me over to dinner, which Mitchel was right it’s still hot.

  “Well do you remember Kyle Foster?” I ask as we start. Onyx glares at me and Scott growls at Kyle’s name. Bronx doesn’t know Kyle, but he doesn’t look happy either. “He was one of the wolves that attacked me. They are all being commanded by Alpha Nickolas now, because the effects of my Uncle losing his wolf has finally been completed, he’s human.” I say taking a large bite of creamy buffalo salmon, and then continue … “So, it’s no longer my Uncle that’s the biggest threat, it’s Alpha Nickolas.”

  “And why does he want to hurt you? It doesn’t make sense to attack you and try to kill you if he wants you?” Bronx says putting a piece of rare steak in front of my lips that I greedily take. I am starving.

  “Well, he technically didn’t want to hurt me. It became that way when I rejected his ass and banished him from my territory. He wants to ascend.” I say, taking a bite of Scott’s blackened catfish. Damn I think we need to get a shrew for a cook back home!

  “What do you mean “ascend” Onyx asks while pouring a glass of white wine for all of us.

  “Well first off, I am the daughter of Chronos, Father Time. So that would make me part god right? Well, when I was interrogating Kyle, he implied that my mom may have also been a goddess. Which one I don’t know, but it would make sense why both of them want me. The only difference is unlike my Uncle, Alpha Nickolas is willing to kill me if he can’t have me. The fates told me that my gifts would be given to my mates also.” I have finished my first plate, now onto seconds.

  “The conference has been cancelled because of war being declared, I think we should head home first thing in the morning Nimue. It would be best, and then we can see what we can do to keep the clan and you safe.” Scott says and the rest of us just look at him. He’s Kenneth’s Beta, and we haven’t talked about what we are going to do about his position.

  “What about your position here? Kenneth needs you.” I say as tears start to fall, I don’t want to leave my mate here, but know I might have to if a solution can’t be found. All three move quickly to my side, I am in a giant man wrap.

  “Shh little one, we already talked with Kenneth, while you were down doing the interrogation. Morgana and Thane are going to take my place. It opens up more possibilities for the gargoyles to travel this way, establish colonies here and in the western part of Canada. Shh our little Firefox, we are all staying together no matter what.” Scott says and I have started to hiccup from trying to stop the water works. I just look at each one and start to smile as I see they have taken care of everything already.

  “Is your belly full now little one?” Bronx asks, he gives me a kiss and I just nod. All I want to do is curl up and snuggle in my man wrap. “Ok we have a nice hot bath ready for you, and then once you're done, we can all curl up in bed and watch movies. You still need to rest from the attack.” He says, starting to put things in a large gray tub for the kitchen staff to collect later.

  “Are you guys coming?” I ask as the boys have gotten most of the dinner stuff put into the tub and food into containers. I want to be with them as much as possible. I don’t know what is going to happen and I would like for them to have some peace and happiness before the chaos.

  “No, you and Bronx go have a bath. He’s the only one left to claim you. We’ll get things ready out here. Do you want your typical snacks and movies?” Scott asks. Rachel, Scott, and I have always had movie nights since we were little, and when Kenneth was able to, he would join us.

  “Yes please, and whatever you guys want too.” I say following Bronx into the bathroom and close the door. Bronx is shirtless in seconds and checking the water again, he lets some of it out and starts the straight hot water. Steam is soon rising from the tub, signaling it’s good and hot and the water gets turned off. He comes over to undress me, smiling and leaving light kisses on my skin as he does. When he kisses my neck, I giggle moving a
way from him, he realizes when I put my hand to his cheek and give him a kiss.

  “It tickles.” I whisper and he replies.

  “Then I will keep it shaved for you.” He captures my lips in a powerful but gentle kiss, continuing to remove my clothes. I gasp as both his hands slide over my nipples that have become hard. He takes this chance slipping his tongue into my mouth. I bite down playfully and suck on it, to which I earn a growl of lust. We keep going until I pull away and start panting hard, Bronx has slipped my pants and underwear down enough his fingers are caressing my pussy, entering slowly. He turns me so I am bent leaning on the bathroom counter watching him in the mirror. He lowers himself, leaving me excited and trembling from him fingering me. I feel his tongue slip into me, flicking inside and out causing me to moan uncontrollably. He’s letting his gargoyle out because his tongue fills me, and I can feel the muscle work against the walls of my insides.

  “Bronx, I’m cumming ….. Ohh yes, yes, yes!” I scream, heat exploding through my body with the intense orgasm. I hear another growl but this one is filled with pleasure. Satisfied with what he has accomplished so far he doesn’t give me a second to come down as he thrusts his cock hard inside of me. As I scream for more he keeps pounding me harder against the counter, his left hand’s around my neck and his right hand has my nipple pinched. His brown eyes are now black, when he leans over my left shoulder and says,

  “Onyx was right, you will be carrying our pups by the end of the day.” Then he slams into me harder, I feel a piercing pain come from within my pussy and then on my neck as Bronx sinks his teeth in. I scream at the pain, Onyx, and Scott both come in the bathroom, but neither look worried. Bronx turns us enough that Onyx gets on his knees, wraps my legs around his shoulders starting to suck on my clit. Causing me to orgasm again and that is when I feel the piercing pain subside. It turns into a pulsating feeling and a constant warmth. Bronx has knotted inside me, but this feels different. It feels lighter than when Scott knotted.

  Scott has gotten up on the counter with his pants down. He turns my head towards him, he thrusts into my mouth to the back of my throat, and keeps thrusting in and out, fast, and hard. I am so engulfed in what Scott’s doing, that I almost choke as I am hit with a little more pain when Onyx thrust inside of me with Bronx still in there too. Scott grunts releasing his cum into the back of my throat and I drink it down, but instead of letting him pull out I suck onto his cock hard making him moan, “Oh my god Nimue, you’re making me cum again already. Ohh yes please keep sucking baby.” He releases again and I take it all, not letting any go to waste. He bends down to give me a kiss, but instead I move to his ear and say, “my turn” and bite down hard. I get a guttural growl as I place my mark and claim on Scott.

  Onyx and Bronx are still too busy fucking me hard they don’t notice. Once I pull away from Scott, our crest appears on his left shoulder blade, I can see it in the mirror. It still has the cheetah holding the sword with the howling wolf just above, but now it looks like a mountain has been added. I move to Onyx since he’s in front of me and just after I moan and beg for more, to which they grant. I bite down hard on Onyx’s neck. He roars in pain and now Bronx has taken notice.

  “Keep fucking me hard, it feels so good while I mark you as mine.” I voice through our bond and Bronx starts going harder, to which now even Onyx is moaning. I release Onyx and again our crest appears on him, Bronx lifts me so Onyx can pull out, he takes us into the tub. Bronx starts slowing down and leans in … “I have created a block within your womb, only death can harm our pups while you carry them,” and then he kisses me, pulling out. The water is still extremely hot, but after the events of the last 3 to 4 days I welcome it. Bronx steps out of the water and comes down beside me, I smile, and he just smiles back. When he goes to give me a kiss on the forehead I grab around his neck hard. Yanking him forward, I sink my teeth into him. I have now marked and mated all three of these gorgeous men I call mine. Like Scott, Bronx releases a growl, and when I finally release him our new crest appears on his left bicep.

  “Hmmm this feels so good on the aching muscles.” I say, sinking into the water even more and I see Scott pulling his pants up and then helping Onyx from the floor. They both helped Bronx because I was a lot more forceful with him..

  “Enjoy your bath, we will watch one of our movies before we watch Scooby Doo for the rest of the night.” Scott says coming over giving me a kiss, Onyx and then Bronx does as well.

  “When we get some one on one time, I wouldn’t mind you being that rough with me again. That was hot.” Bronx says before kissing me and leaving so I can enjoy the hot water. I don’t know how long I was in there, but Onyx is pacing, and Scott looks worried. Bronx is just holding my wrist and looking at his watch.

  “What happened? What’s wrong guys?” I croak and that’s when I realize something is wrong.

  “We went to get some snacks before the movies, when we came back the window was open and a wolf had you submerged in the tub trying to drown you, but you just smiled at him. Then all of a sudden your hand shot out of the water and straight into his chest to rip out his heart. Hades appeared with a Hellhound; said you gave him permission to visit. The wolf you had a hold of Hades finished off and the hound stayed by your side. You got out of the water and then collapsed.” Scott says, I slowly sit up and take the tea Tania sent up. I look to the corner and sure enough the Hellhound is sitting there watching me. I give him a small smile and wave. He smiles back showing his fangs and the guys just keep looking back and forth between the two of us.

  “This is Tank, he is one of Hades’ Hellhounds. Tank, these are my mates. The redhead is Scott, the brunette is Onyx and the sandy blonde doing the medical stuff is Bronx. Tank likes watching Morgana and Tania do interrogations. So, he’s cool.” I say and the three boys have calmed down a bit.

  “Nice to see you Bronx, it’s been awhile.” Tank says moving his gaze to my now glaring mate.

  “Wait, you know each other?” I say with surprise.

  “Has he told you where he got the name Bronx?” Tank asks looking at me.

  “No but I was going to ask, so now would be a good time to tell us. Please?” I say, giving Bronx the biggest puppy eyes and pouty lip I can.

  “Oh, fuck not again!” Scott says, throwing his hands up, Onyx adds “Good luck with that man!”

  Even Tank starts to laugh and says “Damn you're in trouble, good luck saying no.”

  “Remember John, payback's a bitch!” Bronx says and I am totally confused.

  “Who’s John?” The three of us ask Bronx and he points to Tank.

  “Ok I am totally confused as to why you two use different names.” I say when Bronx just sighs and shakes his head.

  “Your assessment of me was right. I did serve in the Canadian Military, but not as a Medic. Tank and I were actually a part of a Special Forces Unit. We were on patrol in Kandahar when our transport was hit with a roadside IED. Not all of us made it out. A family took those of us who did in for a couple of hours, waiting for an investigative unit to come. Just before they got there though, the militants that hit our transport, attacked the family and us. We were running out of ammunition, and I didn’t want the family hurt for being good people. So, I shifted in front of everyone and then fought with the militants. They didn’t get very far, when I came back, John had shifted into his Hellhound and collected the ones I killed. Hades was there and he was not happy with me, I guess the family was also supposed to die and I wasn’t actually supposed to be there.” Bronx says and the look of regret is all over his face. “I learned that 3 days later, the family was all killed in a raid. I also learned that John wasn’t the Hellhound sent for them this time though. Just after that, when I shifted to help fight, others kept calling me Bronx. I never knew why, but I figured I had done something good that granted me my name.” He finishes.

  “Did Hades ever tell you why he was pissed with you?” Tank asks Bronx, also having a look of regret. Bronx just shook his head. “The daugh
ter, the 16 year old, is a female Hellhound. She was supposed to come down for us to breed with, but you kind of delayed it. That’s why he was pissed.” Tank says, shaking his head. “She told Hades to go fuck himself because he took her whole family to get her. She would only let us touch her if she could name your gargoyle. She found out that he didn’t have one. She named him Bronx, after her favorite Jackie Chan movie, Rumble in the Bronx.” Tank says laughing and the guys are trying not to laugh, but it’s not working. Bronx’s in awe learning where his gargoyle name came from.

  “Awe that’s so cute!” I say getting a smack on the ass as I move past Bronx to get a glass of water.

  “I just have one question for the four of you, what happened to the pups Nimara was carrying? I can’t feel them now. I could before.” Tank ask looking worried that maybe he will have to collect my unborn pups. I can see from the look he, that children are the one soul he never wants to take.

  “They are still there, a gift all gargoyle males have to keep their mates safe while pregnant is a block. It hides the scent and heartbeat of the children. It’s almost like an eggshell is around them, it grows as they do and will dissolve when labor starts. That’s the block I told you about Nimue.” Bronx says, I curl up in bed and the guys are soon to join me, it’s 9:35 pm but I am exhausted again. Tank offer to stay and watch over us for the night. As this was the third attack in just as many days. While drifting off to sleep, he asks if I would name one of the pups after the female hound. I said sure and he told me her name was Talia, that sounds like a beautiful name.

  Chapter 11

  ~ Nimue ~

  I wake up in the meadow of wildflowers again and this time it’s late fall. So many of the flowers have started to spread their seed from the summer festivities of visiting bees, birds, and insects. I can hear laughter coming from different places. I see a little girl with strawberry blond hair sitting by a small lake, she is playing with a lady that has vibrant red curly hair. When I hear …


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