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Nimara: Children of the Gods

Page 14

by Patricia Halladay

  “Momma, Momma look who I found!” a little girl with bright silver hair comes running to me with Lash in tow. “Auntie Lash has come to play with me, can I get my dolls to play with her?” I just look at the little girl eyeing me expectantly and nod with a smile. Then the little girl from the lake starts to come over as well.

  “Momma, Aunt Attie says I can’t hurt the little boy that punched Nyssa at school today. She said that the fates will punish him.” the little strawberry blonde girl says, looking angry that she can’t avenge her sister. The look of anger soon fades as the little silver haired girl comes back with an arm full of dolls and yells, “Jessica come play with me and our dollies! Where is Nyssa?”

  “Ok Talia, I am coming!! Nyssa is with Auntie Lottie; here she comes.” I am crying but smiling too when I hear a little girl behind me.

  “Momma, why are you crying? Please don’t be sad. Sam didn’t hurt me that badly and besides, Talia hit him really hard!” Nyssa says.

  “Oh, sweet baby, I am not sad. I am very happy. Your sisters want to play dollies with you Nyssa. Would you like to go play with them?” I say to the little girl, her eyes go bright and she nods her head. She looks so much like Bronx, but her hair is a deep chocolate color. She leaves Lottie, Lash, Attie and I standing there watching them play. I start to cry even more; these are my babies. I can’t wait for them, to protect them and see them grow into amazing young women.

  “Nimue, we have brought you here, to ask for your permission on something important.” Lottie says, turning to look at the Sisters of Fate, I wait for their question.

  “These three beautiful girls are your children yes, but we would like permission for them to take our place as the Sisters of Fate. We are getting older and it has been a millennia since new blood was brought into the council of gods. We would like the girls to take our place.” Attie says and it me confuses why I would need to give my permission; this is something truly that should be made by them when they become of age. As if reading my thoughts, Lash continues.

  “We need permission, because we have to put it into their Path of Life now, while it is still being created by Lottie. That is why we ask; it will be woven into their blood and into their lives. As you can see your one daughter is of sound mind geared towards consequence. Much like Attie was when she was a child.” Lash says, smiling brightly remembering how they were growing up.

  “I can tell there is something you are leaving out. You three don’t hide things well, rather you put it into a puzzle. Call it getting out of an uncomfortable situation.” I say, raising an eyebrow. I recall the last time we talked and there is still somethings puzzling me. I know they can’t tell me everything, but it is still frustrating.

  “You are smarter than most give you credit for!” The three women laugh at the face I give Attie, she’s the smart ass of the group. I turn from the three women and watch the girls play. They fade, and I see three teenage girls in their place.

  “Momma, why is Nyssa planning daddy Scott’s birthday party? She got to plan daddy Onyx’s birthday too!” Jessica asks and Talia answers her.

  “Because she always has the best ideas and knows how to make it happen. You know how to make the party a night no one will forget, in a good way.” Talia says, looking over a list that Nyssa handed her. I can already see the roles they will become, and I couldn’t be happier.

  “Yes, please and thank you. My girls can become the Fate. As long as what you are showing me is them as they would be without that influence.” I say, turning back to the Sisters.

  “We can’t show you anything that has not been decided yet. So, this is them no matter what your decision is.” Lottie tells me. “Now it’s time for us to go, you will remember this when the time is right, for now to protect the girls and you. You need to forget.” she continues, and I go blank. The meadow fades and I can hear children’s laughter and them saying “We love you momma, see you soon.”

  I wake up to Tank curled up in his Hellhound laying at my feet and the three guys are nowhere to be found. When I start to move, Tank wakes up. I pat his head, tell him bathroom and to go back to sleep. When I walk in I smell sulfur, it’s faint but still there. I sit and do my business, when I get up to wash my hands there is a loud crashing sound. I hear snarling and then a yelp, I walk out into the room to see three wolves attacking Tank. A fourth lays dead on the bed, the three don’t get to finish their attack, silver rope comes out and strangles them. They all fall unconscious, so I use the silver to tie them up. Just as the door gets blown off the hinges by Tania, guess a spell was placed to keep anyone from helping me.

  “Tank, are you ok?” Tania rushes to the hound as he shifts back. He looks at Tania and smiles nodding.

  “Good, if you enjoy what Tania and Morgana do during interrogations, then you will love what I do for torture.” I say, grabbing one of the men. “You are going to wish you never agreed to help that stupid fucking Alpha and my useless fucking Uncle.” He gulps and is visibly shaking as I drop him. Tank looks at me questioningly, I walk back into the bathroom, taking a small key from its hiding place and walk over to the sink. There is a small, locked cabinet under it and use the key to open it up. Inside are some chemicals and I go for the largest bottle. It's a 5 liter bleach looking jug, it is anything but bleach. It’s liquid silver nitrate, wolfsbane, mistletoe (The Christmas kind) and Mountain Ash tree sap. This lovely mixture is even bad for me to get on my skin. Kenneth stocks for my creative interrogation, and this is the perfect time for it. While I was grabbing my supplies, the guards come to take the men away, but I stop the guards and have the men taken into the bathroom instead. The guards see my jug, one smiles like the Cheshire cat.

  “Do you need more? We have it stocked in the Armory.” One of the guards ask.

  “Yes please, I want a jug for each.” I say, smiling the guard leaves the bathroom. Then he takes off like a bat out of Hell and runs to get me 2 more jugs. As he makes it to the top of the stair, the guys all come running up. He stops and tells them that I am fine, but I have requested more of my “special” cleaner. Then he takes off again to the armory, and the 6 guys get to my room.

  “I’ll pay for the damages Kenneth, there is a company that does historic restoration and renovations in Kingston. Just have them send me the bill.” I say, changing into my clothes and pull my hair back.

  “Are you sure you are ok?” The guys are trying to hug me, but I push them away. I see hurt in their eyes but at the moment they will have to deal with it. I have something to do.

  “Onyx you know what is going to happen, so you can explain it to Scott and Bronx, if you want to stay and watch fine. If not I would say leave the house. You will hear them scream. Does anyone have a video recorder? And a way to send it to the soon to be dead Alpha and my Uncle?” I say. Onyx has realized the severity of what I am about to do and just shakes his head.

  “We stay, when you go like this it isn’t good, and it takes too long for you to come back. You have us now; we will help you.” He says, kissing me. It feels warm and the sensation it sends brings me back a bit. I give him a small smile and nod. I listen while he explains what is happening to Scott and Bronx. Both of the guys stare at me in disbelief. The guard returns with two more jugs and is still grinning while completely breathless. I go to the bathroom after grabbing the jugs from him. Tania and Tank are sitting on the counter looking at the men in the shower stall. I place two men at one end and one near the drain. He’s first, and he is going to scream. They all start to wake up when I start to cut the guy’s clothes off. He is squirming but stops when I put a silver coated claw under his dick. I grab my first jug and start.

  “So, you two are going to watch your friend suffer, if you don’t answer my questions and tell me what I want to know. I will then start on one of you. Just so you know, this is being recorded and will be sent back to your family and pack to let them know they have fucked with the wrong lycan.” I say, putting a watering can spout on the jug and hold it upside down for the mixtu
re to start dripping on the guy. He starts screaming right away when the first few drops hit his head and the burning starts. I loop the bottle through the shower hose so that I can move away, and it can remain dripping. Tank is smiling so hard I swear his face is going to crack. Tania turns on the fan so that the smell doesn’t get too bad. The other two are watching in horror as their friend's head is melting away and he continues screaming. I walk back in and stop the dripping mixture, the first guy has actually stopped also, he died a little quick for my liking but oh well I will keep going.

  “So, who was the one that ordered this attack?” I say, looking at the two cowering. I walk over grabbing the one on my right and throw him beside his dead friend.

  “Please don’t hurt my son, we were told to by Alpha Nickolas. He killed my mate and daughter, said it was your fault for rejecting him as your mate. Why would you reject your mate the Moon goddess gave you?” The man asks watching his son trying not to cry.

  “I never rejected my mates that Gaia gave me. I am a Silver Shadow lycan, my goddess never gave me a psycho for a mate. He’s pissed the spell his father and my Uncle put on me, after they murdered my parents never worked. You should remember Alpha Kai and Luna Jessica. Don’t you?” I ask with a look that could set souls on fire.

  “Oh, my goddess, no he said you were a wolf like us, and that you declared war because he tried to claim you as his true mate. He lied and now he’s going to get us all killed! Oh, my goddess what have we done?” The man says starting to realize his Alpha lied.

  “Do you know when he plans on attacking my clan? I need to know so I can get the children, and others to safety first. I don’t want any more innocent people hurt because some psycho has delusions of grandeur and won’t take no for an answer.” I say through gritted teeth.

  “If we fail to bring you back today, the plan is to attack by Friday next week. Because he wants to do the most damage during the Life Celebration, he doesn’t plan on just taking you out, he wants to take out all the Leaders he can to take over. He is waiting until then because our numbers for the attack have lessened since Monday. Wolves are getting picked off by the border patrol, we were about 300 but since Monday we have lost about 117 wolves. He’s hoping to get more rogues to join us.” The man says as he sees me walk over to his son again. Terrified both start to cry. I grab the young man and bring him back to his father; I notice now that he’s only 15 years old.

  “Just so you know, the only rogues that may help are those that have turned bloodlust. All others know who I am and that I will give them sanctuary. If I remember right, my parents did that for you at one time also.” I say causing his eyes to widen more, now he knows.

  “Little Nim? Oh goddess, no! I am so sorry, we thought you died in the attack. We left the edge of the pack territory when we heard who was taking over. I’m there because he attacked the Black Water pack, it was my mate’s pack. Those of us they didn’t kill, he uses to attack others. I am so sorry.” He says crying, he has lost more than just his child and mate. He has lost all hope now, it would be me to give him sanctuary again to help rebuild themselves.

  “Kenneth what do you want done with these two?” I ask when Kenneth walks in, he looks at me surprised that they aren’t dead like their friend.

  “Did you get what you needed out of them?” He asks looking at me like I have three heads.

  “Yes I did, talk to the council, tell all Leaders there will be a meeting in the conference center about the Life Celebration. I will tell you the rest in your office, the walls have ears. Sorry Tank it wasn’t as good as I promised.” I say turning to the now face planted Hellhound at the shower glass wall.

  “That was awesome! I have never seen someone MELT, and I am a Hellhound. Damn girl! I so want to be around for the next one!” Tank says with a high pitched and squeaky voice from excitement. Tania just shakes her head and smiles; he’s going to be around a lot then. I walk out of the bathroom and out of the bedroom. The bedroom’s being cleaned, the bed torn down and the wall is being patched up. I walk down into Kenneth’s office and Rachel scrunches her nose.

  “I stink don’t I?” She nods and points to the bathroom attached to Kenneth’s office, I walk in and turn the water on. As I am about to strip, my guys walk in and all of them look horrible. I don’t give them a chance to say anything, I walk over to each one and shred their clothes and push them into the shower. I do the same to my own and walk in. I start by getting a cloth, lather and start to wash Bronx down, while Scott and Onyx do the same to me. I turn and do the same for Onyx and then Scott.

  When Scott gets to my pussy things go differently, he starts to rub my clit and then Onyx bends me forward and starts fingering me. I am braced by Bronx in front and when I feel Onyx actually slide his cock into me, I am pushed forward, and Bronx slides his cock into my mouth to the back of my throat. The movement is timed perfectly, and both are going at a good pace and rhythm. Bronx grunts first and releases causing me to gulp him down, some drips from the corner of my mouth. Soon after Onyx moans, I feel a warm pulse go through my pussy. They both give me a kiss and walk back into the water to get rinsed off.

  Scott walks in front of me and picks me up. He pushes me against a wall, I squeal at the cold tiles touching my back, it turns into a moan as Scott thrusts upward inside of me and latches onto my lips. He is holding me up and thrusting hard, as I rip my lips away and scream his name while cum runs onto the shower floor. Once I have caught my breath, he puts me down to wash me again. When we finish, Onyx walks back in dressed, with new clothes for Scott and me. The ones I shredded are gone off the floor. We walk out and Kenneth’s office is full, all the Leaders are here, I am surprised we can all fit.

  “Nimue, we thought it best to talk here, the Conference center isn’t soundproof like my office is. So please let everyone know what’s going on.” Kenneth says and I walk up beside him behind his desk, he has a stool for me to stand on. I start to tell all the Leaders about everything, from the attacks on my clan, to the three attacks on me here in the Tiger Lily Pride. I tell them about what I have learned about Eric and Uncle Tim’s reasoning behind their actions and that war was declared. I then fill in the information that I gained from the wolves from this morning.

  “So, because he’s pissed that he doesn’t get to forcefully mate and claim you to become a god, he’s going to attack the rest of us, to basically take the kingdom away from Alpha King Brody.” Alpha Trent says, Kenneth and I nod our heads in agreement. “And he’s going to ruin a week that has become sacred for us. It’s a time we celebrate all our fallen, no matter what the reason. How self-absorbed can you get?” It was a no answer needed question, so we continue with our discussion.

  “My mates requested that we head home today, so that we can get prepared for what is to come. If anyone needs anything before coming for the 2 days please send a message with Tenelle and we will get it prepared. I also ask that you come the back way into our territory. I will put the Elite Guards on notice so that you are able to get in quickly and unseen by Alpha Nickolas’s pack. Just present your id the council had specially made for us. If there is nothing else we need to get going. Pride Leader Kenneth, I am sorry for all of this. Please make sure to send me the bill for repairs and clean up.” I say getting off my stool, Kenneth helps me down to which Scott and Bronx growl at him. The leaders leave and don't notice. We wait for the room to clear, once it has, Tania, Tank, Morgana and Thane join us.

  “What the hell Scott?” Kenneth asks and everyone just looks at Scott. Dexter is in control; he brings me closer to him and growls again. Bronx and Onyx look like they want to bitch slap Kenneth.

  “And you thought pregnant females were hormonal.” Rachel says laughing and Kenneth just looks at her with his eyebrows furrowed together. Then he looks at me with eyes as big as dinner plates and just goes “OH.” Dexter rests his head on my shoulder, and I intertwine my fingers with Bronx and Onyx’s.

  “I would give you all a hug and a handshake in congratulations,
but that will get me killed.” Thane says looking at his brother, whose eyes are black.

  “I was going to say the same thing man. Damn I have to drive home with these people too.” Draven says and just shakes his head.

  “No need to do that I will portal them home Draven, you will have to take home a few others. Morgana’s staying here with Thane to become Kenneth’s Beta, but there are several other mates that were found, and they want to come back to the clan. Considering the situation, I think it’s better for them not to drive, there may be another attack if they do.” Tania says.

  “I actually agree with that. Who’s in the jeep with me?” Draven asks, Tania hands a list that Draven looks over and then says … “Who’s Tank? What pack is he from? What species?”

  “That’s me, I am a Hellhounds of the Underworld, retired and I have accepted to become Tania’s chosen mate. Hades already agreed, said it would be good to have someone close to his niece that he can fully trust. Well other than his sister Hecate of course.” Tank smiles his shark tooth grin and Tania wraps her arms around his waist.

  “Really Mom? That is amazing! I am so happy for you!” Morgana says with tears starting to well up. When Tania goes to hug her daughter, she takes a sharp breath and looks at Thane.

  “You are as bad as your brother! You little devil! Thank you for keeping her and the baby safe though!” Tania says giving both Morgana and Thane a hug and kiss. “I will pop over when I can and as much as I can, there’s going to be a lot of babies to help take care of and I am sure Kenneth and Rachel will want the extra help with their twins also.”

  “Twins, we need to be pregnant before we can have twins.” Kenneth says laughing until he looks at Rachel and she just smiles with a beautiful light blush spreading on her cheeks. I swear his eyes are going to pop out of his head right now. He hugs her and starts talking to her quietly.


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