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The Rennillia Series: Volumes 1-5

Page 14

by M. Sembera

  As he paused for me to defend myself, I looked down at the floor silent.

  Finishing up my much deserved berating, he suggested, “I know, you will wait until we almost have a good day, then, tell me what really happened when you went in to get the book.”

  Quickly, I glanced up at him.

  Walking away from the door all I could say was, “Okay, you can go,” as I climbed back into my bed.

  Looking up at Hert still standing in my room, I conceded.

  “I ran into HIM when I was looking for the book. HE said you were marrying me because I was pregnant. Like that’s the only reason why you would,” I couldn’t finish telling Hert what else happened.

  Hert walked to my bed side and asked, “So it’s okay for you to keep secrets. Don’t you think that’s something I would need to know? Why wouldn’t you just tell me?”

  Quietly, I answered, “I didn’t want you to be upset.”

  With a sarcastic tone he informed, “Really how thoughtful of you.”

  Lying down, I replied, “So what now?”

  In a maddened tone, Hert declared, “I really don’t know. What is it that you want Renni because I don’t know what to do anymore,” adding, “Just tell me what it is that you really want and we will go from there.”

  It only took a moment of staring into his blue eyes to answer, “I want you to stay in here with me tonight and every other night. I want you to love me and never stop. I want to be your wife. I don’t care anymore about churches or anything else. I want to go get our marriage license tomorrow then go to the justice of the peace and get married. I want you to make love to me. I want to have this baby and raise her with you. I want her to grow up and be happy. I want us to have grandkids one day. And I never ever want you to walk away from me.”

  As Hert sat down on my bed pulling me to his chest, he quietly revealed, “I always thought I wanted you but it wasn’t until I actually had you that I realized I could have everything I ever wanted,” before taking my face in his hands, enlightening, “Renni, I would give you anything….anything you want, but it doesn’t make a difference if you’re not willing to take it.”

  I couldn’t believe the feeling that washed over me. The love I had for Hert seemed to pale in comparison to how I now felt. There weren’t words to describe it. All I knew was at that moment not only was he mine, but I was his. I had to kiss him.

  Kissing Hert seemed different too. More fulfilling than before it was blissful.

  Hert pulled away, asking, “Renni, are you serious about not waiting anymore. I mean do you really want to get our marriage license tomorrow?”

  Placing my arms around his neck, I replied, “Yes, I am.”

  Still questioning my change of heart, “And you’re sure you want to just go ahead and get married?”

  Smiling at him, I elaborated, “Yes. I don’t see what waiting is going to accomplish. We have to wait three days, but that’s all,” before thinking for a second and saying, “Is that too soon for you. I mean did you want to still wait?”

  With a slight laugh Hert replied, “Ah no, I’m ready. If there wasn’t a three day waiting period I’d be willing to do it tomorrow. I just don’t want you to rush if you’re not ready.”

  Placing my hand on the side of his face, I assured, “I am ready to be your wife.”

  As Hert started to kiss me, all I could think about was in few days there would be no slowing down. We would no longer have to be cautious. There would be no holding back. Knowing the tension and frustration was almost over did not make it easier on either of us. Being so close to our goal made it worse. Every kiss every touch seemed to heighten our awareness of things to come.

  Chapter 18

  Early in the morning I stretched out in bed hearing Hert say, “Good morning.”

  Rolling on my side, I repeated, “Good morning.”

  Delighted there would be a lifetime of mornings just like this one. Thrilled the nights would be so much better. My excitement however came with a price. There was so much to accomplish in such little time. Kissing Hert on the forehead I decided to start off with a shower.

  After my shower, I smiled at myself in the mirror thinking in just three short days I wouldn’t have to stay in the bathroom to get dressed anymore. Stepping out to share my excitement with Hert, I found only an empty bed. I decided to finish getting ready before heading to Hert’s room. I was surprised at how calm I was feeling. Assuming my interest in Emerson’s true feelings for me, past or present, was due to anxiety over marriage; a new worry presented itself. I had to talk to Em.

  Rushing downstairs, I found Emerson in the kitchen.

  “Hey,” I called entering the room.

  He turned greeting me, “Good morning Ren.”

  Intent to get it over as quick as possible, I stated, “We need to talk.”

  Em’s face turned wary as he revealed, “I heard ya’ll arguing last night. I think we should talk. Maybe I was wrong. I thought it would be good for ya’ll to be together, but…”

  Stopping him, I said, “Wait. That’s not what I was talking about,” sighing, I found I didn’t want to talk to him anymore and asked, “Where is Hert?”

  Emerson walked closer to me saying, “He left. He didn’t say where he was going. Ren if it’s not working out…”

  I stopped him again raising my voice a little this time, “Why do you keep saying that? Things are perfect. I wanted to talk to you because we decided not to wait anymore. We are going to get our marriage license today and make an appointment at the courthouse. I wanted to see if your parents could come in early. We have three days and I don’t want them to miss it.”

  Appearing distressed, Emerson replied, “Why are you rushing?”

  Defensive, I argued, “I’m not. I’m just tired of waiting. And just so you know whether you think it’s a good idea or not, that’s what we are doing. I don’t know who you think you are, Em. All your plans and strategies didn’t make me love Hert. Hert and I fell in love with each other of our own free will. Now will you call your parents and ask them to come in early or do I need to?”

  Sounding miserable, Em stated, “You know that means I’m leaving sooner then.”

  Throwing my hands up, I shouted, “No one is making you! That is your choice! You can still wait to leave!”

  Emerson shouted back, “No, I can’t! I can’t stay here with you married to Hert,” stunned, I stared into his eyes as he continued, “Renni last night in your room I… I had to stand by and watch while Hert was there. It wasn’t me you wanted.”

  Sitting down at the table placing my head in my hands, I asked, “What are you saying?”

  Hanging his head, Emerson replied, “I didn’t know it would make me feel this way.”

  Slightly outraged, I snapped, “What way?” afraid of what his answer might be.

  Emerson always selfless, determined to put everyone else’s needs before his own was picking now, three days before I was to be Hert’s wife, to be selfish.

  “You know Ren, I didn’t move to Spain with my parents because I wanted to stay here with you. When Hert told me he loved you, I understood.”

  Nothing more needed to be revealed, I knew what Em was saying. I couldn’t help being hurt. Hurt for Em and for myself.

  I looked over at him, scolding, “And you pick right now to tell me all of this.”

  Emotion seemed to weigh on him as he stated, “I won’t get a chance like this again, to tell you how I feel. There are things you need to know.”

  Livid I replied, “No you won’t because in three days I am marrying Hert but you had ten years of chances and never said a word.”

  Emerson seemed regretful as he apologized, “I’m sorry.”

  Trying to hold myself together, I said, “Don’t be sorry. Just please don’t do this to me. Not right now. Tell Hert I’m upstairs and ready to go when he gets back.”

  Leaving the room I heard him assure, “I will and I’ll call my father right now.”

upstairs, I went straight to Hert’s room. I wanted to be sad but I couldn’t help being angry. It seemed as if Emerson and Hert had been silently competing for me all these years. Now that one of them had claimed victory the other was left wanting. They knew all along how the other felt and waited for me to choose. How could that be right? Is that what really had happened? It didn’t feel right but what else was I supposed to think?

  Hert walked into his room saying, “You ready?”

  Staring at him for a moment, I said, “Not yet.”

  I motioned for Hert to come sit beside me on the bed.

  “Is something wrong?” he asked.

  As he sat down next to me, I replied, “No,” wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him.

  Finding myself not wanting to stop, verifying it was him I wanted, our kiss continued. Every time I felt Hert start to pull away I leaned in farther and held on tighter, until he seemed to give up trying to break free.

  Sliding my hands under his shirt, I whispered, “Come here.”

  I pulled his shirt with me as I laid back. Quickly obeying Hert lay next to me. Moving my hands down his shoulders I started kissing down his neck.

  When I made it to his chest, I heard him express, “Renni, we need to slow down.”

  Moving up eye level with him, I sighed, “Why?”

  With a slight smile and a gentle kiss Hert replied, “We have waited all this time and as much as I want to, we only have three days left.”

  Hert’s sentiment made me want him even more.

  Leaning my forehead against his, I quietly said, “I love you.”

  Smiling, Hert asked, “Are you ready?”

  Wrapping my arms around his neck, I replied, “Yea.”

  As we reluctantly got up, I went into the bathroom to pull my hair up. Hert walked up behind me wrapping his arms around me resting his hands on my belly.

  Leaning to my ear he stated, “I love you.”

  Turning, I hugged him and said, “Let’s go.”

  We made our way downstairs.

  As we walked through the kitchen, Emerson said, “I talked to my father they are leaving tonight to come here.”

  I couldn’t look at him as I stated, “Okay good. Thank you for calling him.”

  Hert replied, “We’ll be back later,” as we walked out of the house to Hert’s car.

  On our way to the courthouse, Hert asked, “If I tell you something do you promise not to be mad at me?”

  Laughing, I said, “I can’t promise that.”

  I noticed he was serious and started to worry.

  He started, “I just want to tell you before we get there in case you change your mind.”

  I stared at him unable to comprehend what Hert could possibly say to change my mind.

  His eyes became remorseful as he confessed, “This morning when you got in the shower, I went downstairs and Roberts was well… I left this morning because I knew he was going to tell you how he felt about you. I know I promised you no more secrets but I thought if I warned you….. I just want you to be sure I’m what you want and I want to be sure too. Not that I wouldn’t kick Roberts’ ass if you decided to be with him but I don’t want you to have any doubts either. Are you mad at me?”

  Finding the entire scenario ridiculous I replied, “I’m not mad. I am however curious why ya’ll are so sure I don’t know what I want. You and Em act like I am going to just take up with whoever offers themselves to me. I love you. You are who I want. Nothing is going to change that but explain to me how you and Emerson can be so close knowing how ya’ll both feel. Jackson, on the other hand, who has never been anything other straight forward about his intentions, no matter what they were, is always kept on the sidelines. Do you think I was surprised when you told me why Jackson started dating me? Because I wasn’t. I was surprised though, when I found out how ya’ll really felt. I am starting to think that maybe it’s because Jackson is the only one who is honest and really my friend. Clearly you and Em always have ulterior motives to everything ya’ll do.”

  Hert pulled the car to the side of the road and turned to me grabbing both my hands, he pleaded, “Forgive me. Okay. No matter what has happened before I was always your friend. As we got older I wanted you but I was always your friend first. That’s why it took so long for me to tell you how I felt. I love you Renni and that’s why I told you I knew about Roberts. I don’t want you to think I’m hiding things from you or playing games with you. Tell me you forgive me and still want to marry me. Please Renni.”

  I took a long look at him before saying, “I’m not mad at you and I don’t think there is anything to really forgive. I guess you thought you were doing the right thing but if I am going to be your wife you need to be on my side. If you’re going to plot and scheme it should be with me, not about me. That means no more plans or decisions with Emerson. From now on it’s me and you.”

  Relief spread across Hert’s face as he agreed.

  Confident that he was sincere, I stated, “Well, let’s get back on the road. After we get the marriage license I need to pick up a few things.”

  There was an extremely long wait at the courthouse. When our number was finally called we walked to the counter. The lady asked for all our information giving me a disapproving look as she noticed my belly. Irritated that a stranger was passing judgment, I made sure to flash my ring toward her every chance I got. It was childish but made me feel better. With license in hand we headed down the hall to the Justice of the Peace office.

  Our appointment was made and we were on our way out to the car when I saw Jackson across the street.

  I never would have believed it if I weren’t standing right there next to Hert when he hollered out, “Jackson. Hey!”

  Jacks waved and crossed the street towards us.

  Catching up, he asked, “Hey, what are ya’ll doin’ over here?”

  Before I had the chance to answer, Hert said, “We got our marriage license.”

  Cheerfully smiling, Jacks said, “Oh yea, it’s getting close huh.”

  I hesitantly informed, “Closer than you think.”

  Jackson looked at us as Hert continued, “We are just going to go ahead and get married. Here at the courthouse. This Friday at one thirty, if you want to come.”

  Jackson seemed to look as surprised as I was at Hert’s invitation. Maybe he finally realized Jacks was owed a certain amount of respect but it was most likely just to make me happy. Either way it made me feel good. Jackson told us goodbye and that he would see us Friday as he had to hurry back to work.

  Reaching out, I held Hert’s hand, “That was nice of you.”

  He grinned, explaining, “I just want him to be there that way he doesn’t forget you’re taken.”

  Bumping Hert with my shoulder I laughed, shaking my head at him.

  Walking hand in hand back to the car, I hoped the next three days would go by as quick as possible.

  In the car, Hert asked, “Where do you need to go?”

  “I need to go get a dress and a few other things for the wedding, then to the jewelry store so you can pick out a wedding band,” I answered.

  Hert looked confused as he said, “I already got you one.”

  With a smirk, I stated, “I meant for you.”

  Smiling back at me Hert said, “I know I was just messin’ with you.”

  I held his hand the rest of the way. Excited we were one step closer.

  After our shopping was done, we returned home. I went directly upstairs to hang my dress in the closet and put Hert’s wedding band in my drawer.

  I hollered, “Come in,” when I heard a knock at my door.

  Emerson walked in.

  Looking thoughtful, he asked, “Did you get everything taken care of?”

  Not making eye contact, I answered, “Yes.”

  Sitting on the corner of my bed, Em informed, “My parents will be here in the morning. They are really excited to see you. My mother has lots of pink stuff for your baby.”

p; Doing my best to force out a smile, I replied, “Okay. I’m excited to see them too.”

  I walked back and forth between the closet and bed trying to appear busy. Emerson could tell I was avoiding a real conversation with him.

  Trying again, he asked, “Ren. Stop for a second. Please?”

  I turned, glaring at him as he continued, “I’m sorry for earlier. It’s just everything is changing. You and Hert are getting married and having a baby. I’m leaving in three days to take over my father’s business. I don’t know how all this happened so fast.”

  I put my feelings to the side, informing him, “I know Em. I probably overreacted a little bit. It’s strange for me too. I mean did you ever think I would actually get married? I didn’t but I love Hert and he loves me the same way.”

  Emerson stood up walked over and hugged me saying, “I know Ren. I am happy for both of ya’ll.”

  I hugged him back saying, “I am happy for you too. I know you will do great.”

  Em let go.

  Walking out of my room, he glanced back saying, “Oh, my parents want to have a dinner tomorrow night.”

  Smiling, I nodded and watched him walk out.

  Things were different now. Somehow they were starting to feel less like change and more like a natural progression of things. I laid across my bed. Rubbing my belly, I could feel my Sophia moving. I could feel my eyes filling up with tears. Hert walked in seeing me laying there holding my belly teary eyed and rushed over to me.

  With great concern he asked, “What’s wrong?”

  Smiling at him, I replied, “Nothing. Your girl is moving around.”

  Lying down next to me Hert placed his hand next to mine spreading his fingers wide across my belly.

  He asked, “What does it feel like?”

  I slid my hands on top of his answering, “It’s kind of hard to explain. It’s like a flutter.”

  Turning my head to the side, I stared into Hert’s eyes smiling sweetly at him.

  He smiled back saying, “I have something for you.”

  Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a small box.

  Looking at the little black felt box, I asked, “Didn’t you already propose?”

  He rolled his eyes saying, “Just open it.”


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