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The Rennillia Series: Volumes 1-5

Page 15

by M. Sembera

  I sat up. Opening the box, I immediately smiled wide. It was a ring. A signet ring engraved with my soon to be initials RMH.

  Patting his chest with my hand, I joked, “Are you marking your territory?”

  Hert pulled me down in his arms, announcing, “That’s right baby!” as we laughed together Hert’s voice turned serious when he asked, “Are you ready for Friday?”

  Quickly answering, I said, “Yes sir.”

  With thoughtful eyes, he inquired, “What about after we get married?”

  I couldn’t catch my breath. It still made me nervous having this type of discussion with Hert.

  Trying not to laugh, he saw the embarrassment in my eyes and apparently found it amusing.

  Mildly offended, I asked, “Are you laughing at me?”

  He stated with honesty, “Yes, I am. Renni you are fixing to be my wife and you still get all silly when we talk about sex. I’m not trying to pressure you I promise. But after the other night I kinda want to know what you decided on. Yes or no?”

  Shifting my eyes so they weren’t staring directly into Hert’s, I answered, “Yes.”

  Hert had a pleasant look on his face as he suggested, “How about we stay in my room tonight?”

  Smiling I agreed, knowing he had work in the morning.

  “Are they going to be mad at you at work? Don’t you have to take Friday off too now?” I asked.

  Hert replied, “No that’s where I went this morning. I explained what was going on and I have to work tomorrow morning but after that I’m off until Monday.”

  Thrilled Hert would be off for a while, I said, “Em said his parents want to have a dinner tomorrow night.”

  Nodding, he said, “Yea I know,” then recommended, “You know we probably shouldn’t sleep in the same room while they’re here.”

  Laughing, I said, “Oh, ya' think?”

  Hert smiled and hinted, “You know what that means?” as I shrugged my shoulders he informed, “After tonight, the next time we sleep together you will be Mrs. Herterand.”

  My whole body tingled with anticipation as I imagined what it would be like.

  Chapter 19

  The alarm clock was an unpleasant reminder of what little sleep we had. Not wanting to waste the night sleeping we reminisced and discussed our hopes for the future.

  I grabbed hold of Hert as he tried to get out of bed asking, “When will you be back?”

  Kissing my forehead he replied, “I’m not sure. It shouldn’t take more than a few hours. Are you going back to sleep?”

  Thinking that was a wonderful idea, I declined stating, “No. Emerson’s parents are coming in this morning and I need to make sure I’m presentable.”

  Smiling at me, he asked, “Are you going to be in here when I get out of the shower?” as I nodded Hert grabbed his clothes and shut the bathroom door.

  Snuggling back up in the sheets, I decided this would be our room. My room was nice but there was something about this one being Hert’s. It was exciting just being in here. Knowing I was lying in Hert’s bed made my heart race. Thinking we could turn my room into Sophia’s, my mind shifted to pink. Planning when Hert was back to work, I would start preparing her room. I couldn’t wait to see what Em’s mother had brought for her. My mind immediately switched back to Hert as I saw him step out of the bathroom. Freshly showered and fully dressed my heart melted.

  Propping up on my elbow, I suggested, “Do you really have to go into work?”

  He answered with a smile, “Yes.”

  Pouting, I said, “Fine just leave me then.”

  Laughing he sat down next to me on the bed saying, “I’ll be home in a little while Renni.”

  Making a face, I confirmed, “I know. I love you.”

  Touching my cheek, he pledged, “I love you too.”

  With Hert off to work I went to my room and took a shower. I was a little irritated that I now had to wear a camisole under my favorite sun-dress. There was no way I was going to be around Em and especially Jacks spilling out the top of my clothes. I fixed my hair and even put makeup on. Putting my earrings on, I walked downstairs. Jackson was in the living room.

  I smiled saying, “Hey!”

  He glanced over at me and shouted, “Damn Girl! Are you trying to kill us?”

  Not thinking about how long it had been since Jacks and Em had seen me all dressed up, I looked down at my dress and asked, “Should I change?”

  Emerson always congenial, said, “No you look very nice Ren,” as he elbowed Jackson giving him a look before continuing to say, “You’re just in time my parents are pulling up right now.”

  A caravan of people carrying suitcases and bags entered the house walking straight upstairs to the master bedroom at the end of the hall, and back down. Empty handed, they quickly exited.

  Jackson leaned down and muttered, “Must be nice,” in my ear.

  Smiling, I nudged him. Standing back with Jackson I watched Emerson walk to the door greeting his parents.

  I heard Mrs. Roberts say, “Oh, son I have seen you. Where is Rennillia?”

  As Em stepped back, I stepped forward greeting, “Hi, Mrs. Roberts.”

  She rushed over to me putting her arm around mine insisting, “You call me Erin. We are all adults now.”

  Feeling privileged, I agreed, “Yes ma’am.”

  She whisked me off to the kitchen before I could greet Mr. Roberts saying, “Let me see that ring,” and “Oh it’s gorgeous,” as she chattered on I could hear the men talking in the living room.

  “Oh honey, you look just beautiful. I have so many gifts for the baby, and where is Scott I want to see him too,” she went on.

  I answered, “He had to work this morning. He should be here in a little while.”

  She continued, “He was always such a handsome boy you are going to have such a beautiful baby.”

  Her statement, although sweet made me cringe a little knowing my Sophia would look nothing like Hert.

  Then surprisingly she added, “He is such a hard worker. On the way here Mason was saying how The Office here could not survive without him. So I told him 'well then Scott should be the one to run it' and Mason agreed. Isn’t that exciting dear? You are about to marry the vice president of a very successful corporation.”

  Politely smiling, I said, “Yes ma’am.,” feeling I was being talked at instead of to.

  Grateful when the guys made their way into the kitchen, giving me a little break from Erin’s chatter.

  I stood up, shaking Mr. Roberts hand as he looked at me wide eyed, exclaiming, “Goodness! You look like you swallowed a pumpkin!”

  I laughed as Erin shushed him, saying, “Oh you leave her alone Mason. She looks absolutely stunning.”

  Mr. Roberts rolled his eyes at her informing me, “Jackson is going to run me to The Office. I will ride back with Scott.”

  It was very charming the way Erin seemed to smile sweetly at him as he kissed her goodbye. Mr. Roberts was distinguished and always well dressed and Erin was perfection, never a hair out of place. Even though they were part of an elite upper class, you could tell when they looked at each other, they were still young and in love on the inside.

  Erin looked at me, asking, “Will you and Scott be joining us for dinner tonight?”

  I replied, “Yes ma’am,” as she stood up saying, “Oh good. Mason and I have a surprise for the two of you,” before she looked over at Emerson and said, “You can get the baby gifts out of our room and put them in Rennillia’s. I am going to freshen up.”

  When she left the room, I felt exhausted.

  As I exhaled, leaning my head back, Emerson stated, “Yea, that’s what I grew up with.”

  Laughing, I said, “Your mother is wonderful, but she’s like a whirlwind. I need a nap now.”

  Patting me on the shoulder, Em replied, “We better get upstairs.”

  In my room Emerson brought in bag after bag. Erin sat in a chair as I stood beside her.

  “Thank you so much,”
I cheered, thinking she went a little overboard.

  Directing Em on which bags to bring directly to her, she explained, “Now I know you have a lot to do right now so take your time. I just want to show you a few of my favorites right now.”

  The first was a very soft pink blanket that had Sophia embroidered in the corner, next was a Tiffany set consisting of a silver spoon, cup, and rattle, last there was a picture frame that said MOM and DAD. I started to cry when I notice the pictures in it. One was of Hert and I as kids the second was from right before we graduated. Not realizing then what was completely obvious now. There was a familiar sting in my heart when I saw Hert with his arm around me as we looked at each other.

  Putting my arm around Erin, I squeezed her shoulder’s saying, “Thank you so much.”

  Patting my hand, she insisted, “You are very welcome dear. I am going to take a little nap. Tell Mason I am in our room when he gets back.”

  I obeyed saying, “Yes ma’am.”

  Emerson informed, “I think I’m going to go back downstairs and wait for my father.”

  Smiling, I nodded as he left the room.

  Sitting on the end of my bed, I held the picture frame staring at the pictures inside it. Glancing up as I heard someone outside my door, I saw Hert standing there.

  Walking in my room, he asked, “Are you trying to make these last few days as painful as possible?”

  Tilting my head to the side, I replied, “Yes. Yes I am.”

  Grinning he walked up to me. Taking my face in his hands he laid a slow passionate kiss on my lips.

  With a sigh, I asked, “Who’s torturing who now?”

  Still grinning he sat next to me on the bed. Looking at the pictures with me, Hert leaned his head against mine.

  I informed, “Em’s parents got all this stuff for Sophia.”

  Hert laughed, “Yah. Mr. Roberts told me she went baby crazy. He also offered me a new position at work.”

  Smiling I told Hert, “I know Erin told me.”

  Noticing he didn’t look thrilled about it, I asked, “You don’t seem happy.”

  Scooting closer to me Hert replied, “No I am. It’s a lot more money for pretty much what I already do. I can set my own hours and work from home if I needed to.”

  Curious, I questioned, “Then what’s the problem?”

  Hert put his arm around me answering, “There’s no problem. I’m just a little preoccupied with how you look right now.”

  Turning towards him, I asked, “How do I look?”

  Standing up, he offered, “I’ll tell you after we’re married.”

  Gasping, “Oh!” as I stood up, I thought it best if we joined everyone downstairs.

  Downstairs everyone sat in the living room. Hert offered me the open chair and stood behind me. After visiting for a while, dinner was ready and we all proceeded to the dining room. Hert and Mr. Roberts sat at opposite ends of the table while Jackson and I filled in one side, with Erin and Emerson filling in the other.

  Before we started eating, Mr. Roberts stood up proclaiming, “I would like to say congratulations to Rennillia and Scott on their engagement. Scott I am proud to call you our new Vice President at MR Industries. Rennillia I know you will be a good wife and mother. The two of you are very near and dear to us. As a wedding present we would like to give you this house, provided there will always be a place at your table for us.”

  Standing up Hert walked over and shook Mr. Roberts' hand saying, “Of course.”

  After the announcement, we ate dinner sharing stories and catching up.

  It was late when we left the table. Jackson told everyone goodbye and started to hug me, then quickly backed away patting my shoulder when Hert glared at him. As everyone else adjourned to their perspective bedrooms, Hert and I lingered downstairs.

  Sitting on the couch with his arm around me, I said, “I wish it was Friday already.”

  Leaning his head on mine, Hert comforted, “We just have to make it through tomorrow.”

  Pouting, I asked, “Will you walk me to my room?”

  Standing up, Hert took my hand pulling me to my feet. Hand in hand, we walked upstairs.

  When we reached my door he quickly kissed me and said, “Goodnight.”

  I watched Hert walk into his room before I entered mine.

  Looking around at all the bags, I rubbed my belly whispering, “A lot of people love you.”

  After pulling my pajamas on, I washed my face and brushed my teeth. As I climbed into bed, I realized how exhausted I was and fell right to sleep.

  Chapter 20

  Hearing a knock on my door, I slowly sat up in bed.

  Trying to wake up, I yelled, “Yes?”

  My door slowly opened and Hert walked in. It appeared as though he was trying to be sneaky as he quietly walked to my bedside.

  Crouching down next me, he whispered, “Good morning, I just want to warn you Mr. Roberts is stealing me for the day. We are going golfing with Roberts and Jackson, then out for drinks. Mrs. Roberts is taking you to some Society Tea and then shopping,” then quickly kissed my forehead saying, “I love you good luck.”

  As he left my room, I rolled over pulling the comforter over my head.

  Deciding it was the least I could do, after all the Roberts’ had done so much for us, I dragged myself out of bed. After my shower I found some socially appropriate attire. Fixing my hair and makeup, I proceeded downstairs. Erin was at the kitchen table having coffee, while the men stood around the bar.

  Mr. Roberts nudged Hert saying, “You’re a lucky man Scott. She gets prettier every day.”

  Sitting down at the table with Erin, I heard Hert respond, “Yes, she does.”

  Trying to hide my smile, I looked at Erin and cheered, “Good morning.”

  She smiled back at me repeating, “Good morning.”

  Fidora brought me breakfast as the men told us goodbye before leaving.

  Erin smiled and informed, “I was going take you to our Society Tea but I am thinking since you are getting married tomorrow we should go somewhere else.”

  I was curious but didn’t want to seem rude so I replied, “Yes ma’am.”

  Still smiling she suggested, “Why don’t you change into something less formal. We will be spending the day at a spa.”

  Smiling wide, I jumped up and hurried upstairs to change. Pulling on my favorite pair of maternity jeans and a shirt, I brushed my hair out and pulled it into a pony tail. Thrilled I was going to have a relaxing day before tomorrow’s big event, I mentally thanked Hert for the good luck. Apparently it worked.

  The driver arrived to take us to the spa.

  On the way, Erin asked, “Why are you and Scott not sharing a room?”

  Shocked at her question, I replied, “Um, we are waiting until we get married.”

  Politely smiling at me, she questioned, “Isn’t it a little late for that dear?”

  Taking a deep breath, I tried, “It’s never too late to do the right thing.”

  She wasn’t buying it.

  Still very polite, she pressed, “Now why don’t you tell me what is really going on.”

  Doing my best to be honest without being entirely truthful, I explained, “We weren’t actually together when I got pregnant. We sort of' fell in love after. So we really are trying to do things right even though it doesn’t seem like it.”

  Placing her hand on mine Erin’s eyes reminded me of her son’s, soft and understanding, as she stated, “Well dear it is about time the two of you ended up together. The rest of us have known for years that you and Scott belonged together.”

  I started to cry as thoughts of my mother suddenly clouded my mind.

  “Thank you, for everything,” I sniffled.

  Patting my hand she nodded handing me a tissue.

  My mother barely talked to me when she was alive but suddenly I missed her and wondered how she would want to spend the day before I got married.

  Struck by a sudden realization, I asked Erin, “Can
I ask you for a favor?”

  Smiling she nodded.

  “Can we stop somewhere before we go to the spa?” I asked.

  She replied, “Sure dear where would you like to go?”

  Almost afraid to say it out loud, I quietly answered, “The institution.”

  She seemed to understand as she alerted the drive that we were making a detour.

  Pulling to the front Erin offered, “Take your time dear.”

  With a slight smile I got out of the car.

  Inside, I talked to the receptionist and went to the second floor.

  When they wheeled her in I greeted, “Hello Ms. Herterand,” before saying, “I know you don’t like us to come when it’s not our usual day but I am here by myself. We are getting married tomorrow and I just need to know, are you happy for us?”

  Staring through me as usual, she said, “Yes I am.”

  Unable to help myself, I hugged her and was amazed to find her hugging me back.

  As I pulled away, I pleaded, “Come tomorrow. It’s not in a church or anything it’s just at the courthouse. Please come.”

  Emotionless, she declined, “No, thank you. I will see you next week.”

  I answered, “Yes ma’am,” and watched them wheel her away.

  Leaving the institution I felt better. Hert’s mom wouldn’t be there but she was happy for us and she hugged me back.

  Feeling a sense of appreciation for Hert and I’s unusual circumstances, surrounding our relationship, I took a deep breath.

  Getting back into the car, I said, “Ok, I’m ready.”

  Erin replied, “Let’s be on our way then.”

  She took it as I was ready for my spa day. Which I was, but I really meant I was ready to marry Hert. No matter how sure I thought I was before seeing Ms. Herterand there was no more thinking now, I knew. Excited again about the spa and spending time with someone who wasn’t a guy, I smiled the rest of the way.

  At the spa I got a manicure, pedicure, and a massage. When we left I felt relaxed and euphoric.

  On the way home Erin revealed, “Rennillia it is not always easy to be married. Sometimes it is really hard. It is worth it, the good and the bad, if you are with the right person.”

  Smiling at her, I nodded. Knowing not only was she right, I knew Hert was my right person. I couldn’t help feeling sad for Em.


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