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The Rennillia Series: Volumes 1-5

Page 16

by M. Sembera

  Looking at Erin, I stated, “I hope Emerson finds his right person.”

  Agreeing, she said, “He will,” before she continued saying, “Speaking of Emerson, I wonder what the men are up to. I hope they are not home yet. We need to make sure Scott does not see you until tomorrow.”

  Choking a little, I asked, “What?”

  She replied, “It is bad luck dear. He cannot see you for twenty four hours before the wedding. I will have Fidora bring you dinner in your room tonight and you will see Scott at the courthouse tomorrow.”

  As I politely smiled, I consider the fact that Emerson’s mother might be crazy. Out of everything Hert and I had been through, our stubbornness, his secrets, my lies, Jackson's flirting, Em's last minute declaration, not to mention me being pregnant with another man’s child, and she thinks Hert seeing me tonight would jinx the whole thing. Yes, she was definitely crazy.

  There was a gasp of frustration from Erin when we returned home and the men were already there.

  She ordered, “Wait here!” as she got out of the car.

  Obeying, I disagreed with her idea of bad luck, however, I now found it electrifying not seeing Hert until tomorrow. She might be crazy but she certainly knew how to make things more exciting. Erin came back to the car fussing about how Hert was making a simple situation difficult. Rushing me inside and up to my room, she warned me not to open the door for anyone but her.

  Excitement coursing through my veins, I tried to imagine what Hert was doing downstairs, wondering if he was doing the same. Walking to my closet I pulled out my new dress. Pleased I had picked a light pink color I couldn’t wait to put it on. When I started imagining Hert taking it off, I decided to go through some of Sophia’s gifts to calm myself. I definitely wanted to stay relaxed so I could sleep tonight.

  I started to go through the first bag and heard a knock at my door. Walking over to open it I heard Hert’s voice on the other side.

  “Don’t open the door. I brought you dinner. I had to wrestle it away from Fidora and I had to swear to Mrs. Roberts that I wouldn’t see you,” he said.

  Thrilled that he really did miss me, I replied, “I love you.”

  Hearing the smile in Hert’s voice as he said, “I wish I could kiss you,” made my heart pound.

  I assured, “I wish you could too. You better get back downstairs before you get in trouble. See you tomorrow.”

  I heard him say, “I love you,” before going downstairs.

  Slowly, I opened my door. Grabbing the tray, I quickly shut the door. Sitting next to my plate was a folded piece of paper with a little heart drawn on it.


  I promise I didn’t know when I left this morning I wouldn’t see you again until tomorrow. I miss you already. Jackson is making fun of me right now for writing this. We are at The Bar and I just found out Mrs. Roberts isn’t going to let me see you until we are getting married. If she won’t give this to you I might be sliding it under your door. I’m not sure exactly what the pre-wedding rules are. Anyway I want you to know I love you since I won’t get to tell you goodnight tonight. See you tomorrow. I love you, Hert

  Too excited to really eat I picked at my food a little before setting it on the bedside table. I put my pajamas on hoping if I got in bed I would fall asleep and tomorrow would arrive effortlessly. I climbed into bed, snuggling up in the comforter. Picking up my note, I kissed it and placed it back on the pillow beside me. Tossing and turning I fought visions of the upcoming events, finally drifting off to sleep.

  Chapter 21

  The day finally arrived. Filled with tingly butterflies, I slid out of bed. Taking a shower I could feel a smile permanently fix itself across my face. More excited than nervous, I tried to move slowly in order to waste time. I finally had a use for my little box of underthings I ordered months ago. Luckily they were stretchy enough to fit. Putting them on I wrapped a towel around myself over them, just in case Fidora brought me breakfast. My door opened slowly, but it wasn’t Fidora.

  I heard Erin ask, “Are you dressed dear?”

  Replying, “Kinda, you can come in,” as I stepped out of my bathroom.

  Smiling at me, she said, “I thought you might be hungry,” and handing me a plate with toast on it and a glass of juice, “Would you like some help getting ready?”

  Taking the plate from her, I nodded.

  “I have something for you, I’ll be right back,” as she turned to leave my room.

  I sat down on my bed eating my toast as she quickly returned.

  Handing me a white satin robe, she said, “I meant to give this to you yesterday.”

  Thanking her, I set my plate down and put it on.

  When I finished my toast, Erin informed, “The men are leaving in about an hour. Jackson and Emerson both want to see you before they leave.”

  I smiled, “Okay,” and asked, “How should I fix my hair?”

  Erin looked as if she might cry, “I would like to fix your hair for you.”

  Walking over, I hugged her, “I would really like that.”

  Always proper, she shook off her emotion and said, “Put your makeup on then, and I will go get some things from my suitcase to fix your hair.”

  Replying, “Yes ma’am,” I went back into the bathroom and did just as she requested.

  Stepping out of my bathroom, I saw Emerson standing in my room.

  A little surprised, I blurted, “Oh, hey!”

  Softly smiling at me, he replied, “I just wanted to see you before we leave, so I could really tell you goodbye. After the wedding my mother has a short reception planned back here and then we are leaving.”

  Walking toward him I reached out for his hand.

  As Em gave it to me he expressed, “I really am sorry about the other day.”

  I held his other hand too as I assured, “It's okay. Everything’s okay.”

  Pulling me forward Emerson hugged me saying, “I love you Rennillia.”

  Opening my eyes wide, trying to stop tears from rolling down my cheeks I replied, “I love you too, Em.”

  Slowly letting go, he told me, “Take good care of Hert. I know he’ll take care of you.”

  With a modest smile, I nodded and watched Emerson walk out of my room.

  Erin stepped back in with a giant travel case filled with hot rollers, brushes, and bobby pins.

  Setting it on my bed she ordered, “Alright dear, sit down and I will get started.”

  Sitting there while Erin worked on my hair, I closed my eyes wondering if Hert was as excited as I was or if he was getting nervous or worried or having second thoughts.

  When she was done rolling up my hair, she said, “I assume you will have something new. I have an old, borrowed, and blue for you.”

  Looking up at her I watched her open a box, and pull out a silver hair comb. It was covered in tiny diamonds.

  As she handed it to me she explained, “I wore this on my wedding day. There is a small sapphire in the middle.”

  Whispering, “It’s beautiful,” as I handed it back to her.

  Placing it back in the box, Erin urged, “Cover your face. I am going to spray your hair before I take the curlers out.”

  Doing as I was told, I waited for her to finish before questioning, “Do you think I am going a little overboard? I mean we are just going to the courthouse.”

  Smiling, she shook her head at me correcting, “My dear this is your wedding day.”

  Taking a deep breath, I sat up in the chair as Erin unrolled my hair.

  As she tugged and pulled at my hair, she said, “Okay, I am going to spray you again.”

  I felt her slide the comb in the back of my hair before she walked around me saying, “You can go look now.”

  I slowly stood up and walked to the bathroom. My hair had never looked so perfect. Large perfect curls loosely covered my head with a small gather in the back for the comb.

  As I walked back out I said, “It’s perfect.”

  Erin smiled back at me sa
ying, “My dear, today you are perfect,” before packing up her travel case and telling me, “You have one last visitor. I am going downstairs to make sure the men have everything they need before they leave. I will call you down once they are gone.”

  Again, I thanked her.

  Staring at my dress still on its hanger, I walked over getting Hert’s wedding band out of my drawer.

  As I placed it on top of my dresser, I heard Jackson declare, “Good lord woman! Mr. Roberts was right! Hert is a lucky man.”

  Smiling wide, I rolled my eyes and shook my head at him.

  Nodding with a giant grin, Jackson continued, “Well, last chance before you’re a married woman.”

  Shaking my head at him, I laughed, “Shut up.”

  His smile slightly faded as he expressed, “You know I’m not very good at this sorta thing Ren but I have never seen you so happy. I guess you and Hert belong together.”

  I couldn’t help myself. Throwing my arms around him I held on tight.

  I breathed, “Thank you.”

  Squeezing me back, he said, “Okay you keep that up and you won’t make it to your wedding,” as I laughed, he exclaimed, “Oh I almost forgot, Hert asked me to give this to you,” before Jackson handed me a small box quickly kissed my cheek and stated, “You know if things don’t work out you know where to find me,” then winked at me.

  Laughing, I shouted, “Bye Jacks!”

  When he walked out I sat down, opening my box.

  This must have been my something new Erin was talking about. Inside the box was a large cushion diamond matching the one on my finger, also set in platinum it hung on a matching chain.

  Setting my something new on my dresser next to Hert’s wedding band, I heard Erin say, “They are gone do you need help putting your dress on?”

  I responded, “Yes. Thank you.”

  After she helped me put my dress on, Erin stated, “You are beautiful,” gently hugging me.

  My hands were shaking as I walked over to my dresser putting my necklace on.

  I picked up Hert’s ring as I turned to her and said, “Okay, I’m ready.”

  With an endearing smile Erin stated, “I will have the driver bring the car around to the front,” as she walked out.

  Standing in my room by myself for a moment I thought, when I come back here I will be Hert’s wife. Filled with anticipation, I took a deep breath and headed downstairs.

  Our drive to the courthouse felt like the longest ride in the history of time. Finally pulling up in front, I noticed there were hardly any people there.

  I thought aloud, “I wonder if something is going on.”

  Smiling at me, Erin stated, “There is. Your wedding,” as I looked at her in disbelief, she added, “Mason made some calls and for the next hour the only thing going on here is your wedding.”

  Overwhelmed, I couldn’t make the words come out of my mouth.

  Erin patted my hand and said, “I know dear, you are welcome.”

  We walked up the courthouse steps. A man standing at the door opened it for us. Emerson and Jackson were standing in the receptionist area.

  Seeing the box in my hand, Emerson said, “I’ll take that,” and handed it to Jackson.

  Jackson took Hert’s wedding band out of its box and slid it in his pocket.

  Em leaned down and whispered, “I have yours.”

  Erin ordered, “Stand together so I can take a picture.”

  We stood there arm in arm Emerson on my right and Jackson on my left.

  Erin directed, “Okay, count to twenty then walk in.”

  Suddenly my hands started to shake.

  Emerson looked down at me and said, “Take a deep breath Ren, your face is turning red.”

  Jackson stopped counting as he broke out in laughter making me laugh too.

  Once our laughter subsided, I exhaled and said, “Okay here we go.”

  Emerson tapped on the covered double doors in front of us and they opened from the inside.

  My heart melted when I saw Hert standing at the end of the room. Looking incredible in his suit and tie. He smiled at me and I smiled back. The music started and the three of us made our way to him. I wanted to look around and smile at Jackson’s parents but I couldn’t take my eyes off Hert.

  When we reached the end of the room Hert stepped toward me, while Emerson walked to Hert’s side and Jackson to mine. His blue eyes taking my breath away, Hert held out his hand. Taking it, we stood in front of the Justice of the Peace hand in hand. When it was time to love, honor and cherish, I felt like we were moving in slow motion. As rings were exchanged with shaky hands, we promised ourselves to each other. Hert was told to kiss me and when he did it felt like we were the only two people in the room.

  Turning to face everyone we were introduced as Mr. and Mrs. Scott Herterand. We slowly walked towards the doors. Hert’s hands were on my shoulders. Stopping outside on the steps we thanked everyone and said we would see them back at the house. The Roberts’ driver was still parked in front. As Hert held the door open for me I got in. When he slid in next to me shutting the door behind him we waved goodbye.

  The courthouse disappeared behind us.

  As Hert put his arm around me kissing the side of my head he whispered, “I love you Mrs. Herterand.”

  Sliding my hand into his suit jacket, I leaned up to his ear and whispered back, “I love you.”

  Placing my other hand on the side of Hert’s face I guided it to mine.

  As I started to kiss him, he whispered, “Hold on, Renni.”

  Confused, I whispered, “Why? Don’t you want me?”

  Hert lightly kissed my lips then quietly stated, “Like you wouldn’t believe. To be honest, I am trying really hard not to think about how much I want you but we are on our way back to a house full of people.”

  Understanding how it might be uncomfortable, I rested my head on his shoulder as we continued home.

  Arriving home before the others returned was frustrating. At least with other people here I could be distracted. In the kitchen I pulled a bar stool up and sat down.

  I smiled at Hert and complimented, “You look very handsome,” as I watched him loosen his tie.

  He walked over to me and said, “You are so beautiful.”

  I started to grin and shared, “You know this is where we had our first kiss. Right here on this very stool,” as I pulled him closer by the front of his jacket.

  Raising an eyebrow, he asked, “Really? Right here? In this exact spot?” as I nodded smiling at him, Hert placed his hand under my chin and kissed me.

  We both jumped a little when the back door opened.

  Jackson walked past us laughing, “Am I interrupting?” and patting Hert on the back.

  Exhaling loudly, I said, “Yes, you are,” as I smiled at him.

  He alleged, “Ah, you’ll be alright.”

  Hert helped me off the stool as everyone else trickled into the house. Gathering in the dining room, everyone congratulated us. We cut the cake and had punch. It wasn’t long before Jackson left with his parents. The caravan of people returned, taking the Roberts’ suitcases out to the car. It was getting to be that time. Emerson gave me a hug and said he would call. I watched as he and Hert shook hands both stone faced silently nodding at each other. Em’s parents told us goodbye as we thanked them again for everything. Then we were alone.

  Hert took his suit jacket off laying it on the couch as he walked toward me. Before he could wrap his arms around me, I pulled him to me by his tie and started kissing him. With no reason to stop now he picked me up carrying me upstairs to his room. In Hert’s room, I held on tight as he sat me down, pulling him onto the bed with me. With urgent kisses and frantic hands we removed everything standing in our way. Hert’s kisses grew softer.

  He whispered, “Are you ready,” and I nodded.

  With some difficulty maneuvering around my belly, Hert gave a reassuring smile and with slow determination he succeeded. The emotion and tangible proof of
being loved and wanted at the same time was incredible as all of our frustrations melted away.

  Chapter 22

  Waking up married, in Hert’s arms was indescribable. After we enjoyed a very good morning, I was thrilled that not only could I now leave the bathroom door open; I also had company in the shower. I would have been perfectly happy going straight back to bed but I decided to start off the day being a good wife and make breakfast for my husband.

  Sitting at the table together I glanced back and forth at my ring and Hert’s.

  Stating, “I can’t believe we are finally married,” I smiled wide.

  Smiling at me, Hert replied, “I can’t believe we finally…”

  A little embarrassed at his revelation, I quickly tried to steer the conversation back revealing, “I liked waking up with you this morning.”

  Raising an eyebrow, Hert stated, “I liked our ‘good morning’.”

  Feeling my face turn red I looked down at my plate as Hert pulled my chair closer to him.

  Wrapping his arms around me he asked, “Didn’t you?” kissing the side of my head.

  I quietly nodded.

  Hert unwrapped his arms and placed his hands on the sides of my face urging, “Look at me Renni,” as I looked into his concerned eyes he offered, “If you didn’t we can try...”

  Mortified, I pulled away and shouted, “Oh my gosh Hert, yes I enjoyed it! It was better than I ever imagined it being! I’m still tingly allover, okay!” picking up my plate and carrying it to the sink.

  Hert walked up behind me, slowly putting his arms around me he quietly stated, “Alright now Mrs. Herterand, don’t get all worked up. A simple job well done would have sufficed.”

  Between Hert’s ‘Mrs. Herterand’ and his obvious curiosity over the fulfillment of my needs, I realized I was being ridiculous.

  I was his wife now. Not only had Hert seen every part of me, he had cherished it while doing so.

  Turning to face him, I placed my arms around his neck assuring, “'Job well done' doesn’t come anywhere near how you satisfied me.”

  The thrill of my compliment reflected in his eyes as he leaned in enthusiastically kissing me.

  As Hert's kisses subsided, he leaned his forehead to mine asking, “What would you like to do today?”


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