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Makers of Ancient Strategy: From the Persian Wars to the Fall of Rome

Page 41

by Victor Davis Hanson

  Julian, 230

  of, 185; defining, 178; fourth philosophy

  Julius Caesar, 2, 6–10, 93, 163; achievements of,

  and, 168; Ionia and, 23–26, 139; Jewish Re-

  206, 209–10, 213; annual councils of, 214;

  volt of 66 ce and, 173–74; modern, 201–2;

  Ariovistus and, 211, 213–14, 218; aristocratic

  Red Army and, 202; sicarii and, 169–70;

  background of, 209; army size of, 209; as-

  slave wars and, 185–202; Spartacus and,

  sassination of, 207, 222; Augustus and, 207;

  8 ( see also Spartacus); terrorism and, 168;

  Britain and, 212–16; brutality of, 213–14,

  urban fighting and, 142

  216, 222; Byzantine Empire and, 207; cha-

  intelligence gathering, 7, 24, 53, 156, 232

  risma of, 217–18; Cicero and, 206; civil war

  intermarriage, 127–31

  and, 206; Conference of Luca and, 212;

  Internet, 2

  corona civica and, 209; Crassus and, 210–12,

  interstate system, 59, 63, 69, 71–73, 77, 86n43,

  217, 219; crossing of Rubicon and, 206, 208,

  87n50, 88n58

  220; cursus honorum and, 210; debts of, 210;

  Ionian Rebellion, 23–26, 139

  democracy and, 207; as dictator, 207–8,

  Ionians, 20; Athenian ties of, 32; barbarian

  219, 222–4; diplomacy and, 215; Egypt and,

  concept and, 25; fire concept and, 17;

  221–22; expansion of military by, 219; Gaul

  insurrection of, 23–26, 139; Persia and,

  and, 166, 206–7, 211–19; genius of, 223–24;

  16–17; preemption and, 100; urban fighting

  Germany and, 211–15, 218; glory-seeking

  and, 147

  of, 210–11, 222; Helvetii and, 211, 213, 218;

  Iran, 12, 18, 128

  Herod and, 175; ideology and, 206; legal

  Iraq, 6, 29; Cyrus’s invasion of, 11–16; diplo-

  command area of, 206; lessons from,

  macy and, 215; fortifications and, 5, 77;

  208–9; naval power and, 212–13; occupa-

  Marduk and, 12, 14; modern insurgents

  tional tactics and, 214–15; as opportunist,

  and, 201; preemption and, 101; security

  211; as orator, 210; pitched battle and, 206;

  zones and, 76–77

  political analysis of, 206–17, 220; Pompey

  Iraq War, 101, 109–2, 140

  and, 208, 210, 217–24; Popular Assembly

  Iron Gates, 229

  and, 211, 223; private armies and, 217–20;

  Isaiah (Biblical prophet), 15

  republican system and, 207; reputation of,

  Isaurians, 169, 171

  210; rewards from, 218–21; Senate and, 206,

  Islams, 109

  210–11, 213, 223; shaping of war and, 211–13;

  isonomia (equality), 22

  slavery and, 212, 218; soldier loyalty to,

  256 Index

  217–18; Spanish bodyguard of, 223; Sparta-

  Magalopolis, 110, 117n25

  cus and, 209; Thirteenth Legion and, 206;

  Maginot Line, 228

  Veneti and, 212; war strategy and, 211–13

  magistrates, 209

  Makers of Modern Strategy: From Machiavelli to

  Kagan, Donald, viii, 4–5, 31–57, 65

  the Nuclear Age (Paret), 1

  kaiser, 207

  Makers of Modern Strategy: Military Thought

  “King of Kings,” 13, 15, 19, 23, 28

  from Machiavelli to Hitler (Earle), 1

  King’s Peace, 86n43, 88n56; autonomy and,

  Malli, 122

  89n63; autonomy clause and, 71–72, 89n63;

  Mantineia, 97–98, 103–7, 110, 117n25, 143

  balance of power and, 89n61; terms of,

  Manius Aquilius, 199


  manumission, 185, 200–201

  Kleombrotos, 97

  Maracanda, 122

  Koestler, Arthur, 201

  Marathon, battle of, 24–26

  Kuwait, 112

  Marcellinus, Ammianus, 234, 236

  Marduk, 12, 14

  Lacedaemon, 62

  Marie Antoinette, 191

  Laconia, 37, 104, 106–8, 186, 188

  Marius, 208, 210

  Lade, 24, 28

  Mark Antony, 93, 171, 175, 221–22

  Laureion, 60

  maroons, 197, 200

  League of Corinth, 119

  Marshall, George, 10

  Lee, John W. I., viii–ix, 7, 138–62

  Marxism, 189, 191

  legionaries, 165, 172–73, 185, 218, 222

  mass deportation, 167

  Legio V Alaudae (Gallic legion), 219

  Mattern, Susan P., ix, 7, 163–84

  Lemnos, 70, 72

  Mauretania Tingitana, 171–72

  Lenin, 201

  Mazaces, 120

  Leontiades, 95

  Mazaeus, 125

  Lepidus, 210

  Media, 12–13

  Lesbos, 33

  medization, 60

  Leuctra, battle of, 97, 103, 109

  Megalopolis, 104–5, 143

  Libya, 120

  Melesias, 45

  Lie, 17–18

  Melian Dialogue, 36

  Light vs. Darkness, 17

  Melos, 55

  Limigantes, 232, 245n17

  Melqart, 131–32

  Livy, 3

  Memphis, 120, 132

  Long March, 202

  Menapii, 214

  Long Walls: destruction of, 67–68, 85n40; for-

  mercenaries, 92n73, 126, 139, 142, 144, 148, 154, 157

  tification strategy and, 5, 52, 59, 63, 65–70,

  Messana, 177

  73, 76–77, 84nn29,30,32, 85n40; maintenance

  Messenia, 143; as breadbasket, 98; helots of,

  of, 73; rebuilding of, 70, 73, 76–77

  6, 93–94, 98, 104–8, 112, 186, 188; Spartans

  Louis XVI, 191

  and, 37

  Lucullus, 210

  messianic idealism, 6, 193, 204n15

  Lusitania, 209

  Metallis of Enna, 191–92

  Luttwak, Edward, 227

  Mexico, 5, 77

  Lycia, 125

  Midas, 120

  Lydia, 12, 13, 16, 23

  Miletus, 123

  Lysander, 67–68

  military: battle formation and, 150; centurions,

  219–20, 222, 226nn20,22; civil authority

  Macedonians, 6, 76, 106, 126–27

  over, 207; Delian League and, 31–34, 43,

  Machiavelli, 10

  45; democracy and, 207; dictators and,

  Maedians, 119

  206–7, 223–24; expansion of powers of, 4;

  Index 257

  military ( continued)

  86n43; Themistocles and, 58–60, 63–65;

  fortifications and, 5, 58–78; frontier defense

  thetes and, 64; Thucydides on, 81n16;

  and, 227–42; gender issues and, 152–53, 156;

  triremes and, 60, 64, 67, 85n37

  historical analysis of, 1–3; hoplites and,

  nemesis (divine anger), 37

  46, 64, 66, 91nn69,72, 94, 97, 103, 107–8,

  Nepos, 100

  114n7, 139–40, 147, 149–53, 156; intelligence

  Nero, 165–66

  gathering and, 7, 24, 53, 156, 232; keeping

  night-vision goggles, 2

  the initiative and, 221; King’s Peace and,

  Nile Delta, 169

  70–73, 86n43, 88n56, 89nn59,63; legionaries,

  Nineveh, 12, 20

  165, 172–73, 185, 218, 222; light infantry,

  no-fly zones, 112

  151; mercenaries, 92n73, 126, 139, 142,

  North Hill of Olynthos, 147

  148, 154, 157; naval power and, 58–59 ( see

  nostril (our men), 219

  also naval power); no-fly zones and, 112;

  Notium, 142, 155

  occupational challenges and, 6, 9–10, 15–

  nuclear weapons, 179

  16; phalanx and, 9, 24, 28, 64, 85n34, 95, 104,

  Nysa, 131–32

  114n7, 150, 154, 185–86; pitched battles and,

  27, 92n73, 95–97, 139, 152–54, 196, 199, 206;

  Oath of Plataea, 61

  private armies and, 217–20; provisioning,

  Ober, Josiah, 73, 92n72

  98–99; satrap system and, 124–29; seasonal

  occupational challenges, 6, 9–10, 15–16

  armies and, 98–99; security zones and,

  ochlos, 94

  76–77; sling bullets and, 141, 148; status

  Octavian, 175

  hierarchies and, 152–53; strategy and, 7 ( see

  Odeion of Pericles, 145

  also strategy); thetes and, 64; urban fight-

  Oenomaus, 190

  ing and, 138–57; Western superiority in, 7;

  Oeum, 147

  world opinion and, 157

  Old Oligarch, 38–40, 50–51

  Mithridates, 199, 209

  oligarchy, 6; Boeotia and, 95–96, 105, 108–12,

  Mithridates VI Eupator, 189

  114n5, 116n21; democracy and, 95–96;

  Mogadishu, 140, 155

  fortifications and, 66–68, 83n28, 85n41;

  Montaigne, Michel de, 93

  Greek empire building and, 38–40, 50;

  Morocco, 171

  Leontiades and, 95; urban fighting and,

  Motya, 148

  138–47, 151–53, 157

  Mounichia hill, 144, 147, 151, 153

  Olynthos, 141, 147–48, 151

  Mouseion hill, 144

  On the Fortune or the Virtue of Alexander

  Mt. Ithome, 104

  ( Plutarch), 128

  Mt. Taygetos, 98, 105

  Opis, 123, 128–30

  multipolar state system, 69, 73, 86n43

  Oracle of Zeus-Ammon, 120, 131

  mutilation, 167

  Orchomenos, 96

  Mycale, 48

  Ortygia, 144

  Mytileneans, 33

  ostracism, 46–47

  Oxus, 121

  Napoleon, 8, 10, 207–8, 218, 223–4

  Oxyartes, 121, 129

  Naucratis, 126

  Naupactus, 188

  pacification, 6

  naval power, 51–53; Athenian, 63–65, 73; British,

  Pagondas, 103

  77–78; Conon and, 58–59, 69–70, 75, 87n47;

  Pakistan, 118

  economic issues and, 69; fortifications

  Pallantion, 144

  and, 63–65; frontier defense and, 227,

  Palmyra, 166

  232–33; Julius Caesar and, 212–13; Long

  pan-Hellenism, 44

  Walls and, 65; ochlos and, 94; Phaleron and,

  Parapamisadae, 129

  65; Piraeus and, 63–65; Spartans and, 62,

  parents, 131

  258 Index

  Paret, Peter, 1

  Callias peace treaty and, 41–43; conquest

  Parmenion, 121, 134

  of Babylon and, 11–16; cosmic order and,

  Parthians, 174–75, 222

  17–19; Cyrus and, 11–18, 26, 122, 139; Darius

  Pashtun tribes, 122–23

  and, 18–19; Darius III and, 119; defeat

  Passion, The (film), 173

  of, 95; Delian League and, 32–34; elitism

  Paul of Tarsus, 173

  and, 15–16, 24; empire building and, 13–14,

  Paullus, Aemilius, 219

  18–19; espionage and, 17, 28; fire concept

  Pausanias, 100

  and, 17; fortifications against, 58–78; infan-

  Pax Persica, 16, 27

  try of, 27–28; Ionians and, 16–17, 20; King’s

  Pax Romana, 200

  Peace and, 70–73, 86n43, 88n56, 89nn59,63;

  Peace of Antalcidas, The, 71

  Mardonius and, 60–61; Pardonius and,

  Pearl Harbor, 101

  60–61; Pax Persica and, 16, 27; proskynesis

  Pelopidas, 95

  and, 129; satrap system and, 41, 69, 119–21,

  Pelopidas (Plutarch), 100

  124–29, 133–34; taxation and, 16; temple

  Peloponnese, 6, 9; battle of Leuctra and, 97;

  burning of, 27–28, 44; tolerance of, 14–15,

  battle of Thermopylae and, 27–28; Epami-

  16; urban fighting and, 142, 144; Xerxes

  nondas’s invasion of, 96–107; slavery and,

  and, 26–28

  186; Spartans and, 20–21

  Persis, 125–26

  Peloponnesian League, 32, 37

  Peucestas, 126

  Peloponnesian Wars, 54, 73; allied squabbles

  phalanx, 9; fortifications and, 64, 85n34; Greco-

  after, 95; ascension of Thebes and, 95;

  Persian Wars and, 24, 28; preemption and,

  Athenian resources and, 34; fortifications

  114n7; slave wars and, 185–86; Spartans

  and, 66–67, 75; Long Walls and, 59; naval

  and, 95, 104; urban fighting and, 150, 154

  power and, 51–52; Pericles on, 111; preemp-

  Phaleron, 65

  tion and, 100, 102–3; slavery and, 188;

  Pharnabazus, 69–70

  tactics learned from, 98; urban fighting

  Pharsalus, 206, 221

  and, 138–42

  Phaselis, 41

  penestai (communal slaves), 187–88

  Pheidias, 94

  Pentekontaetia, 61–62

  Phillip II of Macedon, 76, 93, 100, 119, 127, 141,

  Pergamum, 134, 189

  148, 155

  Pericles, 4–5, 9; Callias and, 42; Cimon and,

  philosophers, 15, 17, 50, 128, 168 , 191–92

  42–43, 46; defense strategies and, 31, 36, 38,

  Philotas affair, 121–22

  40–55; democracy and, 94; empire building

  Philoxenus, 126

  and, 40–55; fortifications and, 58–59, 66, 75,

  Phocylides, 36

  85n34; freedom and, 49; Funeral Oration

  Phoenicia, 126, 132

  of 431 and, 49; Hippodamus and, 64; Long

  Phrada, 121

  Walls and, 65; naval power and, 51–53, 65;

  Phrasaortes, 125

  path-breaking approach of, 31; peace plans

  Phrygia, 119, 125

  of, 42–45; policies of, 31, 36, 38, 40–55; pre-

  pikes, 150

  emption and, 94, 111, 117n27; slavery and,

  Piraeus, 38; fortification building and, 63–65,

  49; Spartans and, 42–45, 48; Thucydides

  67, 70, 77, 83n28; maintenance of, 73;

  and, 45–47, 51, 55; tribute and, 45; tyranny

  Spartan blockade of, 65, 67; Sphrodias’s

  and, 46

  raid on, 72; urban fighting and, 139, 143,

  Perinthos, 148

  147, 151, 153

  Persepolis, 120–22, 134–35

  pirates, 33, 190, 198–200, 209

  Persia, 37; Ahura Mazda and, 17–18; Alexander

  Pisistratus, 21–22

  and, 6, 9, 118–37; Athenian Empire and,

  pitched battle, 27; fortifications and, 92n73;

  4–5, 41–42, 73; battle of Gaugamela and,

  Julius Caesar and, 206; slave wars and, 196,

  119–20, 124–25; battle of Marathon and,

  199; Spartans and, 95–97, 139; urban fight-

  24–26; battle of Thermopylae and, 27–28;

  ing and, 152–54

  Index 259

  Plataea: fortifications and, 60�
��61; Greek em-

  polygamy, 131

  pire building and, 27–28, 48; preemption

  Pompey: achievements of, 210; counter-

  and, 96, 103; street layouts and, 146; urban

  insurgency and, 171, 174; Crassus and,

  fighting and, 138–41, 144, 146, 153, 155

  210–12; death of, 221; Greece and, 220–21;

  Plato, 148, 151, 190

  Julius Caesar and, 208, 210, 217–24; private

  Plutarch, 45, 81n16, 83n28, 84n30, 99, 128, 130

  armies and, 217; proconsular power of,

  Poitiers, battle of, 3

  210; provincial commands of, 210; as

  Poliorkêtika (Aeneas the Tactician), 75, 154–55

  Rome’s greatest general, 224; Senate and,

  polis. See city-states

  210; slave wars and, 198, 200; Spain and,

  politics: Athenian Empire and, 4–5; bipolar

  210, 221; Sulla and, 210; wealth of, 210; as

  state system and, 63, 69, 86n43; democracy

  “the young butcher,” 210

  and, 5–6, 21–23, 34, 207 ( see also democ-

  Pontus, 189, 209

  racy); destruction of Long Walls and,

  Popular Assembly, 211, 223

  67–68; divine sanction and, 18–19; elitism

  Porus, 122

  and, 15–16; empire building and, 34–55 ( see

  preemption, 5–6, 9; aftermath of strategy of,

  also empire building); Epaminondas and,

  105–7; aggressive vs. defensive, 100–103;

  6, 94; espionage and, 17, 28; fortifications

  Alcibiades on, 100; defining, 115n15;

  and, 58–59; frontier defense and, 227–42;

  democracy and, 110; Epaminondas and,

  geopolitics and, 23; Great Panathenaic

  97–100, 103–12; Iraq War and, 101–2, 109–12;

  Festival and, 41; Greek city-states and,

  Israel and, 101–2; lessons learned from,

  4–6, 20, 36, 70, 76, 79n1, 94–97, 100, 103–7,

  107–10; paradox of, 110; Pearl Harbor and,

  112, 114n9, 143, 186; hegemony and, 6, 32,

  101; Peloponnesian Wars and, 100, 102–3;

  42, 70, 74, 86nn43,45, 93–94, 97, 106, 108,

  preventative strategies and, 100–114; re-

  117nn28,29,30, 119, 139; Herod the Great

  source use and, 108–10; Six-Day War and,

  and, 173, 175–76; idealism and, 6, 93, 134;

  101–2; Spartans and, 102; Thucydides and,

  interstate system and, 59, 63, 69, 71–73, 77,

  102–3; United States and, 102, 110–12

  86n43, 87n50, 88n58; Ionian, 16–17; Julius

  priests, 15–17, 59, 168, 175

  Caesar and, 206–17, 220; King’s Peace and,

  primus inter pares, 12

  70–73, 86n43, 88n56, 89nn59,63; legitimiza-

  princeps Graecia (first man of Greece), 93

  tion and, 18; Melian Dialogue and, 36;

  private armies, 217–20

  multipolar state system and, 69, 73, 86n43;

  proskynesis (prostration custom), 122, 128–29

  oligarchs and, 6, 38–40, 50, 66–68, 83n28,


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