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Empath Rising

Page 18

by Archibald Bradford

  I have to help her!

  There was that terrible pain again. He could feel the blood on his chin, his chest. He heard the man shouting at him to get out of the way but he wouldn’t, he’d sooner die.

  Wow, you were so brave Master!

  I had to be, he was humiliating her…


  The image of a beautiful blue crystal falling towards the ground flashed into their mind.

  I have to catch it!


  But he didn’t answer, his focus on the crystal, he remembered the dive; the air leaving his lungs as he hit the ground, the desperate grab.

  He felt the precious stone nestled safely in his hand.

  Thank goodness, I thought she might have been hurt.

  Not that that wasn’t totally badass but…who?



  Her name… is Milly… that… is her heartstone… It’s near… I can feel it!

  He felt steady warmth nestled below his throat and heard a shocked gasp echo through their mind.

  You know Milly? MY Milly?! You know my sister?!

  Images of her flew through their shared mind, each a different moment with a different emotion tied to it, but always they glowed with love:

  Her face when she first held him after he caught her heartstone.

  Her eyes when she kissed him for the first time when he accepted her bond.

  Her nipples, dripping with cream, a balm for his wounded chest.

  Her butt, wiggling deliciously while her head was buried in a bag of feed, munching happily.

  Her smile while he gently tended to her hooves.

  Her arms as she hoisted Clint in the air and tossed him off a bridge.

  Her lips wrapped around his cock while he thrust into her mouth.

  Her eyes again, this time when he thrust himself into her moist pussy.

  Her face again, now dripping with his cum.



  You gave my sister a facial? Twice?!

  Er, yeah… I guess.

  …I’m going to rip your dick off.

  With their minds shared he could tell that she didn’t really mean it, she was in shock. He tried to explain.

  I think she wanted me to.

  …Well shit.

  With greater and greater ease they examined his memories and Erica was awestruck with what she saw: Milly was not only safe, she was happy! And they had bonded to the same man! They were sisters for real now!

  She sobbed inside their mind as the implications hit, combing through every memory, desperate to join in every tender moment that they had shared. Wanting, needing, to be part of them.

  The cottage! I want to see it! Can I see it, please?

  Bemused, Nameless tried to picture his home… Nameless!

  No wonder I couldn’t remember my fucking name, I don’t have one!

  Yeah that’s neat, show me the cottage! Show me where Milly is!

  Another image popped into his mind instead.

  Milly bleeding on the ground, having been struck down by the Tenebrae in her rage.


  A mutual scream.

  With frantic effort the shared minds sought to regain consciousness, desperate to reach the side of their fallen love.


  Jan gave a great yelp of surprise when the pair on the ground leapt upwards and bowled her over, as they cried out in unison.

  “Noooooooo!! Milly!!”

  Miranda’s head whipped towards them, her reflexes kicking in.


  The Wolfen leapt back to her feet as best she could but before she could grab hold of her target the pair were at Milly’s side, both crying out in desperation.

  “What have I done?! Not again! Please Milly! Please be okay!” Erica sobbed.

  Miranda and Jan loomed behind her, both in shock at her sudden coherence.

  “Milly are you alright?” Nameless hovered over her, desperate to comfort her but afraid to jostle her.

  His own fears were compounded by the fears radiating from Erica’s emerald green heartstone clutched in his hand.

  “She’s fine! She’s a Minotaur for fuck’s sake! She’ll be fine!” Miranda had found her voice, eyes narrowed she took stock of the unusual pair before her as they fussed over Milly’s unconscious form; “Which is more than I can say for you two if you don’t start talking.”

  “Who is this old lady, Master? Ugh, she stinks like a wet dog…” Erica crinkled her nose as she looked up at Miranda, who rapidly lost her cool.

  “Old lady!? And you don’t exactly smell like a rosebush yourself you little… wait… MASTER?!”

  “Master, she’s really loud, I don’t like her.” Erica pouted as she clung to Nameless’s arm.

  He looked trapped, three different things vying for his attention: Miranda’s ire, Milly’s injury and Erica calling him master. It was one thing in the vague fog of their shared consciousness but out in the real world it had more of an impact.

  A fourth thing rapidly attracted his attention.

  Jan was snarling, a murderous glare fixed on Erica.

  “O-okay, let’s all just calm down for a bit and not do anything rash.” He held one hand up in a pacifying gesture.

  Miranda ground her teeth for a moment.

  “Jan! Heel!” The snarling stopped; “Her heartstone, let me see it. Now.”

  Despite Erica’s plaintive meow, he outstretched his hand and dropped the precious crystal into Miranda’s palm.

  She acted like it might explode at any second.

  She examined it intently for several tense moments. Finally she let out an awed breath.

  “It’s gone! Completely gone! The darkness, there is no trace of it!”

  “Of course it’s gone, Master drove it away! Now give him back my heart you bitch!” Erica protested.

  Miranda drew herself up. Her nostrils flared for a moment before she quickly calmed down.

  “I’m afraid I can’t do that. By the authority of the Aegis I have to confiscate this heartstone until such time as it is deemed-”

  “BULLSHIT!! Where was the Aegis when I was getting my ass pounded by fat slobs every day?! Where was the Aegis when Milly was thrown into the arena to get beaten half to death over and over?! What fucking good is the Aegis if the only time they step in is to take me away from the only decent man I’ve ever met?! NOW GIVE HIM BACK MY HEART OR WE ARE SO GOING TO THROW DOWN!!”

  Erica was on her feet, clawed fists balled at her side, her ears flat to her head and her tail puffed up many times its normal size, her fury more than a match for Miranda’s.

  Jan was ready to pounce, broken leg or not. No one talked to her mate like that.

  Miranda took in the furious cat girl, sizing her up. She pursed her lips as she thought about the situation, and then wordlessly handed the heartstone back to Nameless.

  There was a beat.

  Then they all turned as Milly groaned.

  “Milly!” Erica’s fury vanished and she was back at the cow’s side in an instant, both she and Nameless imploring Milly to be okay.

  “Milly please say something, anything!” Nameless begged.

  Her eyes fluttered open.

  “Um… fart?” Nameless and Erica were both taken back a bit. Milly looked at them, shifting uncomfortably; “You said to say anything!”

  “Oh you humongous goof ball!” Erica threw her arms around her.

  “Wait… Erica?”

  “Yeah, sister it’s me, and I am so sorry!” Erica sobbed into Milly’s ear.

  “But, how did you get here? The last thing I remember, Master and I were…” Her eyes shot open as her memories caught up to her; “There’s a Tenebrae out here somewhere and she is really strong, you need to run!”

  Erica cried harder, then laughed, then cried again.

  It took several moments to persuade Milly that they were safe, and once Erica was convinced that her sister had suffered no
real ill effects from her assault she wiped her tears away and abruptly turned and pounced on Nameless.

  He collapsed under the Katje’s sudden weight with an unmanly squeak.

  Milly watched in confusion as her sister bathed her master’s face with her tongue, purring intensely and grinding her mostly naked groin against his crotch.

  “Um… Erica? Master? What is going on?”

  Milly wasn’t angry, only confused, what she saw made no sense.

  “Mmmm… Master you taste so good, I can’t wait to taste all of you...”

  Milly’s jaw dropped.


  “That’s right Milly, we’re sister for real now: we share the same master… this gorgeous hunk of man-meat pulled me out of the darkness… I… I was lost, Milly, I was a Tenebrae.” She paused in her face grooming long enough to look sheepish; “I’m also the one that dropped a boulder on your head. Sorry about that.”

  “That’s alright I guess… wait… so… you bonded with my man?” Milly’s tone had shifted dangerously low as she took in the situation.

  Everyone but Erica paused as they watched her face in apprehension.

  Erica rambled on excitedly, still grinding against Nameless.

  “Yeah, not sorry about that though. The way I see it, we can do all sorts of fun things together now! Like, I know you got a couple facials already. We could swap cum together. You could sit on my face while he fucks you from behind, your fingers rooting around in my pussy. Oh! I could slurp his cum out of you when he finishes! Or we could just fuck each other’s brains out while he watches, jerking himself off until he sprays all over those perfect tits and then I could lick it all up like a good kitty-” Her voice faltered as she finally noticed that Milly was looming over her, face hidden in moon-lit shadow; “Er… Milly?”

  “Master… my sister and I need to have a long talk… about her taking my things without asking… COULD I BORROW HER FOR A SECOND?!”

  Nameless swallowed and gave a short nod, as if she was really asking…

  Milly scooped Erica up without breaking stride and stomped off into the bushes, the cat girl yowling from under her arm.

  “Milly! It’s not like that! He saaaaaaved me!!” Whatever else she had to say was lost in the crashing of the agitated Minotaur plowing her way through the undergrowth.

  “Well kid, you have a knack for stepping in it. I’ll give you that. That’s twice now you’ve violated the charter.” The other girls gone, Miranda had slumped down beside him gingerly; “Except this time, it could be really bad for you, and them.” She sighed at him.

  “H-how so?” The sting from the numerous scratches on his arms and chest from Erica’s claws suddenly caught up with him.

  Jan wordlessly limped over and dropped down to his other side and began seeing to the cuts.

  “How old do you think I am?” Miranda tenderly rubbed her shoulder.

  Jan had done what she could with the sling but her collar bone was definitely broken and it hurt like a bitch. Maybe she could persuade the kid to part with some of Milly’s milk.

  “I don’t know, you look like you’re in your late twenties… but you have grey hair…”

  “I’m fifty three. Do you know why I look so young?”

  “Um, because of the bond with Jan right?” He vaguely remembered from school.

  “Partly, I also have two other bonds; together the three of them keep me healthy and fit. The healthy part is due to the nature of the bond. The fitness part is due to me needing to keep three lovers satisfied sexually.”

  He turned pink at the image.

  “Jan and I were together for eight years before a cute little frog named Jez bounced into our lives. Despite how I just made it sound it was not a spontaneous thing.” She eyed him critically; “Jan and I had prepared for that bond months in advance, we didn’t know who would take to me. But we did have some idea who might. And of those candidates we deliberately avoided any that Jan didn’t like, or didn’t mesh with.”

  “I loved Jez right away! Her tongue is even longer than mine!” Jan chirped while massaging ointment into his cuts.

  Miranda rolled her eyes.

  “Thing is we prepared. We prepared so that none of the girls got hurt, or jealous, or lonely, or scared. We all knew what we were getting into. Even then it can be a handful for me sometimes.” Jan blew an abrupt raspberry on Nameless’s exposed shoulder. Miranda paused at the rude noise then continued; “Meanwhile you keep stumbling into these bonds by accident, and if you weren’t what you are, I would have no choice but to confiscate both girls, for their own good.”

  “But there wasn’t any time to prepare! She was dying, Miranda! The guilt of what she did, or thought that she did. I-It was killing her I could feel her slipping away in my arms!”

  “Yeah, I get that. Not your fault. But it is your responsibility. Here’s the short of it, you are a tamer now. A tamer with no formal training or experience, but one who could potentially bond with any monster anywhere. You have this capacity because you are also an Empath, which is the only reason I haven’t taken both of those girl’s stones away from you. It’s how you were able to save that cat girl. It’s also how, I figure, you knew me and Jan were in this mess.”

  She gave him a speculative look as he stared at her, wondering what the hell an ‘Empath’ was.

  “You felt something when you touched Jan’s stone in the bathhouse, right?”

  He thought for a moment, remembering the strange feeling when he had touched the amber stone.

  “Yeah, ah, yeah she was, well…”

  “Hot to trot? Randy? Concupiscent?” Jan piped in when she saw how red his face was.

  “Er, that.”

  “That’s your gift, which I think you might already have figured out.” Miranda said with a nod and then a grimace at the pain the movement caused in her shoulder.

  “I can sense what monster girls are feeling?”

  “Yes, but only if you’ve had direct contact with their heartstone, it’s an inversion of what they do with us, except more powerful. Jan can sense my feelings, and only my feelings, because of the bond. You merely have to touch a stone, any stone, and you can sense theirs.”

  He shuddered.

  “That’s insane…”

  “Tell me about it, look I’m not the best person to tell you this stuff. Only an Empath could really describe what it is to be an Empath. For now, the major concern is those two girls. They know each other right?” At his nod she continued; “That’s lucky, really lucky. If they already have a relationship with each other then all you have to do is balance it.”

  She nodded at his heartstones, one in his hand, and the other around his neck.

  “Try to feel what they’re feeling, one at a time. Start with the cat, since you were just inside her.”

  Jan barked a laugh at her phrasing, and then whistled innocently to the side at Miranda’s glare.

  He held the precious green stone up to his chest, closed his eyes and tried to remember how he connected with her before.

  It was… far easier now, like using a limb for the second time. He understood the basics but was still clumsy. He sucked in his breath as he could suddenly taste something intimately familiar to him.

  Erica was suckling hungrily at Milly’s nipple. She was happy, she was hungry, and she was HORNY, nearly as turned on by Milly as she was by him. The heat of the fresh bond was on her and she needed it BAD. She pictured them both in bed with her, tossing her back and forth, loving her.

  He pulled back from her mind with a gasp and a nervous glance at Miranda.

  “Well? Are they killing each other?”

  “Not… exactly.” He pressed his finger tips to Milly’s stone, hidden in its braid.

  Joy overwhelmed him.

  Despite how she had stormed off earlier, Milly was overjoyed. She held her beloved sister to her breast, stroking her ears as she nursed her. She could finally feed her properly, finally get her healthy again.

  They had talked; she wrung all of the details out of Erica, and then clutched her to her breast. They were going to be a family again and it was all thanks to her master.

  She was so going to suck him off later.

  Erica could help, like she had said before, they would swap his stuff as he rubbed himself on her breasts; all three of them in their bedroom, pleasuring each other all night and into the morning. When her lovers hungered they could both feed from her breasts at the same time.

  The idea was sheer bliss.

  Nameless nearly shot in his pants at the level of passion he felt from his pets.

  And they were his, he could feel that now. He felt both of them. Erica deserved every ounce of love that he had to give, and so he would give it and he knew Milly already did. He wanted to be at their side, wanted to hold them both close and never let go.

  His eyes let out a few joyous tears and he gasped out a sob at the poignancy of the moment they shared in the woods. He also knew that they knew that he knew. He felt their love reach for him; he was clutching both stones now. It was perfect.

  Right up until Miranda had Jan slap him across the face.

  “I said one at a time!!” Miranda looked worried for him, and then pissed at him when he laughed in her face.

  He laughed until he had to hold his stomach; he actually sank to the ground he laughed so hard. Miranda must have thought that he had come unhinged.

  He regained control after several moments.

  “S-s-sorry, HA, it’s just. You were so worried! And that is so at odds with the situation. They’re fine, we’re fine. Better than fine. I get why you’re concerned, believe me, and I was too, until I shared in what they are feeling right now. Miranda, oh goodness, the sheer joy they feel right now! They missed each other so much it ached and now they are together again and it… it’s a little intoxicating.” She looked at him skeptically; “They’re coming back I need to… I need go to them.” He got to his feet and walked off.

  She looked into the woods but saw no sign of the duo. Jan’s ears perked up and shifted towards where they had gone.

  “He’s right, they are coming back. I can hear them. They’re talking about blowing him.”

  Miranda groaned.

  “Somebody get me out of these god damned woods.”


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