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Empath Rising

Page 19

by Archibald Bradford

  More laughter greeted her words, this time she couldn’t help but snort out a laugh of her own.

  Chapter 14:

  Afternoon Recovery

  It took a couple hours for the battered and bloodied group to make their way out of the woods, retrieve their cart, and stumble along into Wayfelt.

  Once more Nameless had relinquished another ruined shirt to preserve a girl’s modesty and Erica was just as ecstatic to receive it as Milly had been days before.

  It was just after dawn, and the people in town were starting to stir, but after the frantic race through the night to rescue Miranda and Jan, Nameless couldn’t remember ever being so tired.

  He was propped up by Erica, who took every advantage to press her firm little breasts against him and whisper endearing filth into his ears. Miranda was likewise half carried by Milly, who also pulled the cart in which rode a mortified Jan as they made their way towards the Aegis station.

  They drew a great deal of attention from the early risers and eventually several Aegis members, alerted to their approach by the locals, found them and helped the fatigued group into the compound.

  Milly had long since given everyone some of her milk (something Nameless found deeply uncomfortable as they each had to take it in turn to drink directly ‘from the tap’) and that had helped with the worst of their injuries, namely Miranda’s shoulder and Jan’s leg.

  But crude splints, improvised slings and a few mouthfuls of Minotaur milk weren’t enough to get the job done, so a visit to the infirmary was in order. It had been a long night and even the powerful heifer was ready for a nap.

  Erica, on the other hand, was completely wired.

  The heat from her fresh bond kept her wide awake, ready to tear her new Master’s clothes off with her teeth to get at his cock. She kept herself in check however, not wanting the spoil the intimacy that had settled on the trio by being overly aggressive. She took her cue from Milly, who simply looked at her with a warm smile and gave her head a gentle shake.

  Not yet. Soon.

  They were shown to the infirmary where they each had to undergo a complete physical from a green skinned, red-headed and very naked Dryad.

  Miranda went to report in to whoever she needed to report in to, brushing off the Dryad’s ministrations with a muttered “It can wait”.

  Milly and Erica refused to be parted from Nameless as the licentious tree spirit tended to his wounds. It was just as well, he was too tired to fend off her hands when they went for his pants but his girls certainly weren’t.

  With her healing touch Erica’s claw marks became a distant memory and Milly’s head wound a passing dream. Nameless heard more than a little bit of giggling when the Dryad tended to Jan but he was too out of it to be curious.

  He was so drowsy he wondered if someone could die of tiredness, his eyes felt like someone had rubbed sand in them.

  The redhead, whose hair was now noticeably tussled, no doubt by Jan’s tongue, led him and his pets into a bathing room where Milly and Erica gave Nameless what was probably an incredibly erotic sponge bath if he wasn’t too tired to remember it.

  Once they were finished cleaning up, the towel clad trio was led by the Dryad into a darkened room with a massive bed in it.

  Before he could collapse in the bed however the Dryad took him by the arm and whispered in his ear.

  “Are the rumours true? Are you really an Empath?”

  “Guh, I dunno maybe.” He slurred, staring at her freckled button nose.

  “I overheard them saying that you were, that you pulled a Tenebrae out of her darkness. Empaths are precious beings to us monsters; the only ones who can save us from ourselves if our hearts dim. Just know that you will always have a friend in Wayfelt, noble Empath. And if you need anything else, anything at all, just let me know and I will be there for you. Oh, and I am unbonded…”

  The redhead’s meaning was clear, but she seemed to clue in that the ‘Noble Empath’ was asleep on his feet and probably not comprehending her smoldering looks at all, so with a huff she gave him a kiss on the lips and left it at that.

  “Gawd your hot Master! Even dead on your feet you have girls throwing their panties at you. Or I guess not, she was really naked.” Erica giggled as she and Milly toweled their hair dry beside him.

  “She seemed nice, I’ve never met a Dryad before, and the way she healed Master’s cuts! That was more than my milk could do! Still, the part about being unbonded was a bit much.” The girls helped Nameless out of his towel and into bed.

  “Yeah, I don’t think I’m quite ready to share our Master, not when I haven’t even tasted his dick yet.”

  Erica and Milly giggled together as they laid him down and snuggled in on either side of him, he noticed their warmth but not much else as he was asleep as soon as he was horizontal.

  He didn’t even feel Erica’s hand on his cock, nor Milly’s as she firmly removed it with another shake of her head.

  Not yet kitty.


  “You’re positive?” An austere woman in a smart uniform was in the process of debriefing a much disheveled Miranda.

  Her blue tinged image was suspended in a column of water that was being supported in the arms of an Undine, the elemental’s webbed hands gently waving back and forth through it, sending ripples across the surface to keep her magic swirling within.

  “Yes, he pulled her back from almost total regression, she had me and Jan dead to rights and he just grabbed her and held her until she woke up. I’ve never seen an Empath at work but I examined her stone myself. It was jade green, no hint of darkness at all. And after interviewing the girl it’s my opinion that she is entirely recovered, heart as bright as any I’ve seen.”

  “Bloody hell, an Empath…well, we both know the world needs another. I will send this up the chain of command. No doubt Lady Essig will want to meet him, but that is way above my pay grade. In the meantime, I’m sorry Miranda you look like shit, but you are the most experienced operator in that neck of the woods.”

  “Protection detail?”

  “Just until I hear back from the higher ups. On my authority take the Undine with you to Kettering, to keep the communication line as short as possible.”

  “Wouldn’t it be better to keep him in Wayfelt?”

  The woman gave a shake of her head.

  “No, too much attention there, best to keep him off the beaten path. Besides, I imagine he’d be more comfortable at home.”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  “You have two girls still in Garland correct?”


  “Well, your call. I can have them sent out to you if you like.”

  “I’d appreciate it ma’am, no telling how long we’ll be here, I could use the backup and Jan could use the company.”

  The woman snorted.

  “Like you don’t need the company yourself? Get that shoulder tended to.”

  “One other thing ma’am.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “The girl, Erica, she went dark for a damn good reason. Roaming tent town, battlers and rape rallies.” The illusory woman grimaced; “The whole operation is mobile, they stay in one place no more than a month to avoid the sweeps.”

  “Bastards. Any idea where they might be?”

  Miranda’s gave a predatory grin.

  “Yes, if my estimates are correct. Based on the last date she remembers, she went dark nearly a year ago, and she said they were parked in the woods north of Greyhaven and that they follow a set loop. So if they aren’t there yet…”

  “Copy, I will put every tac-team we have in the area on high alert, we’ll shut them down Miranda, I promise you that. If your intel proves out we may have need of your Empath before the week is out, but again, above my pay grade.”

  “Yes ma’am, good hunting.” Miranda brought the fist of her good arm over her heart in salute which the blue tinged woman returned before the column of water collapsed.

  The Undine that had
been supporting it stared at Miranda with wide eyes.

  Undine magic made for an effective communications network but they were notorious gossips.

  Miranda stared back.

  “Nalia right?” The Undine nodded; “Well, you heard Commander Morrow, you’re coming with me. And you are not to repeat anything that you heard in this briefing to anyone, it could endanger the Empath and we have to protect him at all costs, am I understood?”

  “Of course Aegis, by the Sacred Current no human will hear of this from me.” The blue skinned girl earnestly answered.

  “Ugh, how many of your sisters have you told already?” Miranda’s head hurt.

  “Um… just the ones in the bathhouse, and some in the pool… and one by the river, but only so that they could help protect him!”

  “Yeah, and I’ll just bet they would all be happy to help protect him from in his bed?”

  The gossip managed to look guilty, yet a little sly.

  “Hmmm… it would make it easier.”

  “Well make sure that you also tell them he has two bond-mates already and is probably still a virgin!”

  “Oh!” the water elemental shuddered; “I haven’t been with a virgin in ages!”

  Miranda put her face in her hand and let out an exasperated breath.


  Milly was dosing, sleep still illusive, when she felt a gentle lick on her nose, it brought her to wakefulness and she gazed deeply into Erica’s emerald eyes.

  “Erica? What’s the matter?”

  “Milly, our man… he’s important, isn’t he?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’m too horny to sleep so I’ve just been laying her thinking. I was a Tenebrae Milly! I was gone! And he just, reached into my mind and fixed me, he brought me back!”

  Her lip trembled at the memory and Milly cupped her cheek in her hand to comfort her.

  “It’s okay Erica. I promise it’s going to be okay.”

  “Ha… Milly that’s the thing, I know! I can still feel him inside me, his warmth… it’s glorious.” She shuddered in ecstasy; “And that Dryad, I could smell her, she was wet for him Milly. That much was obvious.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “I-I don’t know, it’s just… he’s important, and I’m just a whore from the tents.”

  “Don’t say that!” Milly admonished, sitting up slightly, Nameless stirred in his sleep, and both girls froze, not wanting to wake him; “You’re my sister and I love you, and our master will love you too.”

  “That’s not what I mean, it’s just. He’s important.”

  “Why do you keep saying that?”

  “Because important people get hurt, important people make enemies. We have to protect him Milly and I don’t know how!”

  Milly looked at her and at last she recognized her fear. The kind of desperate fear that you can only have for someone you love more than life.

  Milly thought of how she had reacted to that same fear…

  “I threw a man off a bridge a few days ago.”


  “His name was Clint, the third owner I’d had since Brant. Master saved me from him, and Miranda, the Aegis lady, who you need to be nicer to by the way! She made it official. Anyways, he tried to steal my stone away from Master, and he-he hit him! I was so mad! So I picked him up and I threw him off a bridge.”

  “Fuuuuck… Milly! That’s badass!” Erica was impressed, and proud. Milly had always been so meek…

  “The point is, we can protect him. Together we will keep him safe. Together we will do whatever it takes.” Milly was never so sure of anything in her life.

  “What if-” Erica swallowed her nerves; “-what if what it takes is for him to find more bond-mates?”

  Milly looked shocked for a moment.

  “Weren’t you the one just talking about how you haven’t even tasted his thingy yet?” She hissed, pulling Erica closer by one ear, their noses touching. Erica winced a bit at the tightness of her grip but didn’t try to pull away.

  “Milly, sharing him with you will be easier than breathing. I need you both: my sister and my master. But you don’t know what that darkness was like, I felt what true sorrow was and it was horrible. Without him that is what we would face and I can’t- I WON’T -let that happen!”

  Tears streaked down her cheeks, one ran down the tip of her nose and onto Milly’s.

  “So what, we just troll his… his wee-wee out in the open for any girl to chase after?” At Milly’s words Erica shook her head with a snort.

  “First of all, we need to get you some better words for Master’s penis! Secondly: no. I just think we need to be open to the idea of Master bonding with other girls. Especially if these new sisters could help us protect him. You know that’s how the Aegis people do it right? They bond with a bunch of girls and form these, like, super squads or whatever.”

  Milly pouted.

  “Milly are you doing that thing with your lip because you’re mad at me or because you know I’m right?”

  “…Both. I haven’t even had him for a week and then you came along-” Erica looked hurt; “-That’s not what I meant! I love you and I am thrilled that we are together again and that we became bond-sisters, but I’ve only had sex with him once, and you haven’t even had a chance yet. And it is good Erica! And I don’t want to surround him with other girls when we haven’t even really gotten started yet!”

  “Milly…” Erica sobbed as her fears began to overwhelm her again; “He’s too important for us-”

  “No he damn well is not” Nameless’s voice broke in, causing Milly to let out a startled moo and Erica to let out a spitting hiss.

  Noticing only now that his gentle snoring had stopped some time ago, they both flinched back as they looked down at his face and felt his emotions.

  He was angry.


  “I don’t want to hear another word out of either of you, until I’ve said my peace.”

  They nodded limply. He took a breath and rubbed at his gritty eyes. As he spoke he shifted his gaze between their faces, making sure to address them both.

  “I didn’t plan any of this. Milly, you fell into my life and it was the best thing that ever happened to me. And Erica, when Milly told me that she used to have a sister she was so sad it was hard to talk about it with her. She thought you were dead! So you can imagine my joy when she found you again. Miranda told me how important it is, and how difficult it can be, to keep more than one girl happy. Aegis tamers prepare for months to make sure everything is balanced. The thing I fear most in the world is that I will fail at that. Milly didn’t see that darkness, but I did Erica, and the thought of you two falling into that makes my blood run cold. I have had sex exactly one time and it was fantastic but I am still really nervous about doing it again, especially with both of you at once. But I know that’s what you want, and I know that you need it Erica. I would be doing it right now if I wasn’t so dog tired. But I am self-aware enough to know that I don’t know what the hell I’m doing sexually.” Milly made to protest but Nameless overrode her; “Baby, I am not done talking yet. Erica, you saw the baggage I have in my head, you both know my insecurities. I didn’t plan any of this and I am man enough to admit that I wasn’t ready for it either. Now don’t think for one second that I regret meeting either of you, but none of us was prepared for this, which means we need to think. We can’t let fear dictate what we do next.”

  He took a few deep breaths then pulled the girls tight to his chest. Milly sobbed, Erica said nothing, listening intently.

  “To add to all of that, Miranda told me I’m something called an Empath, which basically means I can read the emotions of any girl whose heartstone I’ve touched and could potentially use that power to bond with any monster girl in the world. I don’t know what that really means yet. I’ve just been reacting to one situation after another, I thought I had my feet under me with Paul and the cottage but we ran out of there in the dea
d of night and Erica would you please take your hand off my dick.”

  Erica had grabbed his penis in her hand and was stroking it slowly. At his words she jerked her hand back.

  “Sorry Master! It’s just… you are so fucking hot when you’re mad! Will you spank me later?”

  “Erica, what did I just say about my sexual experience? I’m nowhere near ready for bondage.” He said dryly, his steam seemingly spent.

  Milly gave a quiet sob of laughter as she accepted that he wasn’t mad at her but stressed about the whole situation.

  “What I really want you two to take to heart is this; I am not too important for you, Erica I know we sort of just met, but the intimacy we shared when you helped me remember myself was more than enough that I can safely say I love you. Both of you, and I always will. If we do bring another girl into our life then we will make that decision together. In the meantime we leave tomorrow’s problems for tomorrow because we are all way too tired to solve them tonight, or this morning, whatever it is. We are in the middle of an Aegis compound. We are safe. And most importantly, Milly, baby, you do need a better word for my wee-wee; I propose: ‘The Nameless God’.”

  Milly and Erica both laughed tearfully, reassured by his words, they managed to forget their anxieties, and then they began to shower his face with kisses and licks until he finally had to beg them to let him go back to sleep.


  Nameless came to wakefulness again several hours later, he still felt like he had sand in his eyes but his head was telling him that sleeping this late in the afternoon was bad.

  Milly still slept draped over his right side, her breath lightly tickling his hair and the comfortable weight of one breast rested on his shoulder. A slight wetness below his collar bone told him a certain kitty had been snacking recently.

  He felt a spike of excitement from Erica’s stone, which he still clutched in his hand wrapped around the Katje’s slender body draped over his left side.

  “Hello Master.” She purred at him.

  “Um… hello Erica.” He was suddenly embarrassed, incredibly aware of her naked body pressed against his.


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