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Runes of Royalty: A Demon’s Fall Series: Book Four

Page 9

by Bailey, G.

  "Please use this to order your food and drinks," the waiter says, handing Azi a tablet. That's a fancy way of ordering food. Azi nods, ushering the waiter away as he goes to pull out a chair. Azi takes over, holding a chair out for me and waving me to my seat.

  "Such a gentleman, what have you done to my demon?" I ask.

  "I can't be a gentleman and a demon?" he asks, and I smirk.

  "Apparently you can," I say, "though I'd like the demon back for the bedroom later."

  "Bedroom?" he chuckles. "With an audience? That room is never empty."

  "Audience or perhaps partners to join in?" I counter with a grin. "I've never had a threesome before. Could be interesting."

  "You have four partners in love with you. It would more than three, Vi," he says, but there is a smile on his lips that makes me think I might get my way in the future. Azi clicks a few things on the tablet before handing it to me. I scan through the menu and find a creamy bacon pasta that looks good and a chocolate dessert for after.

  "I've ordered us some cocktails to try. I hope you do not mind," Azi says as I hand him back the tablet, and he places it on the table holder. It's not long until the food arrives, and Azi requests that the waiter put some light music on and leave us alone for a while. The music comes on a little later, a familiar tune played on a piano.

  "Nice?" Azi asks after I've eaten a few bites of my pasta and he has dug into his steak and chips.

  "Very," I answer. "Yours?"

  "Delicious," he replies. "Hali seems to be happy here with Cheri and another friend she has made."

  "Is the other friend a girl?" I ask, because Hali, the little minx, has not told me a word about this other friend. Though I did ask if she liked Cheri as more than a friend the other night, because they are so close, and she said she likes guys. I told her I wouldn’t care either way, but it was fun to see her embarrassed to talk to me about this stuff.

  "No, a boy. I have my eyes on him, do not worry," he says, and I laugh. Of course he has.

  "I need you to promise me something. Something I can't ask of the others because they don't know what this magic is doing to me," I eventually say as we finish our food. I nervously sip on my glass of wine as Azi stares at me, placing his knife and fork down.

  "Anything," he replies.

  "If it kills me, promise to live for Hali. The witches will try to kill her because of that mark of hers. They will never stop, and without protection, she might as well die with me," I carefully say.

  "You will not die," he growls out, his eyes glowing a brighter red than a moment before.

  "I'm saying if I do. I need to know you won't leave her to follow me," I reply. Azi pushes the table away and gets up, storming to the window where he stands still watching the city.

  "You ask too much of me," he finally says.

  "Azi...let your demon out for me. I need to talk to him," I ask. “I need him.”

  "He will kill you," Azi growls, looking down at me like I'm insane. "My sin is control, and you are the only person in the world I can't control. My demon would see you as a challenge he would kill to win."

  "I think he loves me as much as you do. I want to know if I'm right. Trust me, Azi...I want to meet him," I reply, knowing it is important. “Plus, you both already have all of me, there is nothing left to win.”

  "I won't be able to stop him," he warns me.

  "And I can fight all on my own. I can also fly, and I will jump out this window and leave if need be," I tell him.

  "Promise?" he asks, watching me closely.

  "Yes," I say, tilting my head to the side. I take a good step back as Azi looks down at the ground, and there is a noticeable change in the air as he lets his demon take control. All of Azi's skin lightly glows red, but it's nothing on his eyes as he lifts his head to look at me. They are nearly all black, with a bright red line around them that glows intensely.

  "Mine," he growls, sounding nothing like Azi's voice at all.

  "Will you make sure Azi stays alive?" I ask.

  "In exchange?" he counters.

  "I will be your mate," I answer, knowing what demons promise to each other when they mate. Demons don't mate like any other creature I know. I only have to promise myself to him for eternity and for him to say the same to me for us to be mated. Words have so much power, and demons believe this more than anyone. "When this war is over, I promise myself to you for eternity."

  Azi storms over to me, pulling me into his arms and kissing me harshly. It's a brutal, demanding kiss, and I love every second of it. His hands go to my sides, where he pulls at my shirt, ripping a hole down the back before letting it fall. I quickly undo his buttons on his shirt before he spins me around, pushing me face first against the glass. Luckily, no one can see us up here, especially how my breasts are pushed against the cold glass, and it somewhat feels good.

  Azi rips my trousers off next before wrapping a hand around my waist, and his other hand slides a finger inside of me as my legs part. I moan as his fingers torture me, and all too soon, he removes his hand. I look at Azi in the reflection of the glass as he steps between my legs, and his hands hold my hips tightly as he thrusts into me. It isn't Azi, not really in this moment. It's his demon wanting full control, and damn, does it feel good. Azi thrusts in and out of me, his black eyes locked with mine the entire time. His hand slides between my legs, pushing my ass further into him as he arches me down.

  "I promise my heart, my demon and everything to you for eternity, Vi," Azi whispers in my ear, and I cry out as pleasure shoots through my body. "Vi!" Azi shouts my name with a roar as he comes. We both breathlessly stare at each other in the now steamy glass window. "Eternity, Vi. Death means nothing in the game of our souls."

  Chapter 18

  "When did you get slow, dude?" I ask, spinning my sword around in my hand and jumping to the left as Trex tries to land a hit. We are both covered in sweat; the cold air from the open doors to the warehouse is doing nothing to cool us down as we train together. I don’t usually fight against Trex as I tend to prefer solo training or fighting with Hali who is deadly with that whip of hers. Trex is hard to beat, and I damn well know it.

  "You're bad for a man's ego, you know that?" he replies, grinning at me before swinging his sword and hitting mine hard as I block him.

  "Oh Trexy, I can be good for your ego if you like," I say, jumping back and loving the playful wink he gives me. I love training with Trex, it is the only time where he is laid back, chilled almost. The crowd around us cheers and claps as we circle each other, neither one of us wanting to give up the fight and lose. Trex runs at me first, and I spread my wings out, flying into the air and jumping onto his back, holding my sword at his neck. The crowd cheers my name while Trex drops his sword and places his hands in the air. "I win."

  "You're a cheat," Trex says as I jump down and wink at him as he turns to look at me. I drop my sword and wrap my arms around his shoulders, smiling up at him.

  "But you love me anyway," I reply, kissing him once before pulling away as I know we have people watching. Way too many people watching even for my liking.

  "You're such a pain in the ass, Evie," he mutters in a playful tone.

  "Evie, Keeper Grey asked to see you," Hali says, coming up to us as I break away from Trex. She high fives Trex before he ruffles her hair, and she pushes him away.

  "And what's in it for you, kid?" Trex asks her, crossing his beefy, sweaty arms.

  "He said he would give me a useful book on witches if I came and got her," Hali replies, shrugging her shoulders.

  "Let's go then. I wanted to see him anyway. He still hasn't given me my sword back, despite several promises," I say, kissing Trex's cheek before walking off at Hali's side.

  "A witch book, huh?" I say as we head down the busy streets of the demon underground, heading further and further into the main part of the place.

  "It's about time I learnt about my heritage," she quietly says. "It's not like I can just ask any witch for information."
  "No, you can't," I reply. “And it is a smart move to learn more about your people. Not all witches are bad, even if a few in charge are. Maybe one day, witches will change their mind about you, and if not, then you have me.”

  "Can I ask you something?" she asks after taking my words in.

  "Anything, Hali," I tell her.

  "Did my mum ever speak of my father? Did she say who he was or is?" she asks.

  "She didn't tell me much, but only that he didn't fight for her or you when he should have. Rita ran from the witches and your father in fear. So even if he is still alive, I know he could never be the father who would deserve you," I tell her my honest opinion. The fact is if he is alive, he hasn’t come for Hali or tried to find her. He didn’t stop the queen from killing Rita, or even try.

  "I wish mum was here sometimes. You know? I think she would be so proud of you, Evie," she tells me, not giving me her opinion on her father, and that’s okay.

  "She would be proud of you, and all we can do is make sure we keep making her spirit proud. I'm never going to forget your mum, never. I love her even now, and I remember her like it was only yesterday we last saw each other. Rita was my mum in every way I needed, and I hope I am that for you. I want to be whatever you need until you are older and strong enough to need me no longer...and even then, I will be there," I tell her, needing her to understand my feelings on her.

  "I love you,'re my second mum. You always have been," she says, stepping closer and wrapping her arms around my waist. I rest my head on top of hers, holding her to me for a second, and breathe in her coconut and almond hair conditioner. We may be different in so many ways, but we are so much the same. And gods do I love her. She is my family.

  "Sorry to interrupt, Queen Evelina. It might be safer to come inside," Keeper Grey says, and I lift my head to see him standing outside the door to a container, and he bows his head.

  "What are your plans for today, Hali?" I ask her as she lets me go and shyly waves a hand at Keeper Grey who nods in a respectful way to her.

  "Just hanging out with Cheri. She has this awesome bedroom with a huge TV and all the new movies. Oh, and an awesome snack collection she steals from her dad," she tells me.

  "Sounds like fun. Go on, and I will see you later," I say.

  "See you later," she says and goes to walk away when she stops and looks back at me. "I keep having these terrible dreams where you die. Your whole body is on fire, both holy fire and this red power that is scary to even look at. It consumes you, and you let it. I hate these dreams...and I hate that they feel like more." I shiver as I listen to her speak, knowing her mum had dreams of the future as it was one of her powers. With how close Hali is getting to receiving her powers, she could be seeing my future.

  "They are just dreaming. Nothing more, Hal," I say, knowing it would hurt and scare her more to tell her the truth. She tensely smiles, like she knows the truth but doesn't want to call me out on it, before disappearing into the street. I rub my face before turning around and walking over to Keeper Grey.

  "You asked to see me?" I question him with a kind smile.

  "Evelina, you seem upset. Maybe a cup of tea would help settle your nerves before we talked?" he suggests.

  "I won't say no to a cup of tea," I reply, letting him lead me into his new home. I shut the door behind me, pausing in my steps to see the lounge we have come into. There is nothing but books everywhere, piled in every corner and littered around the sofas. I quickly catch up to Keeper Grey as he opens the door to a kitchen and waves a hand at one of the three stools in front of a counter. I sit down, resting my arms on the counter as I aimlessly watch Keeper Grey make us both a cup of tea. Keeper Grey slides my cup to me, and I rest my hands around it as I watch the steam rise for a moment.

  "Did you ask me here to tell me you found something?" I question.

  "We did find information about black magic and what it can do. We have found nothing on how to contain it or save you, to my uttermost frustration," he says, shaking his head after he speaks. "I heard your father is going to take the power from you and save you in the end."

  "No, he will not. I chose to take this power, not him, and I very much doubt his plan will work. It is more likely to kill us both," I explain to him. "I am glad you asked me here, though. I wanted to speak alone with you."

  "I am sad to hear this about your father. I truly believe his death would be a good way for him to free his soul," Keeper Grey says and glances at my necklace. "We do not have much time, do we?"

  "No. I am going to take the necklace off in two days. It is my birthday, oddly enough, and a good day to finish this," I tell him. I haven’t told anyone else what day it is, and I never told Hali. She always tried to guess though.

  "I did not know it is your day of birth in two days," he says. "Perhaps a different day would be better. Have you spoken to your men about this?"

  "They do not know it will be my birthday, and I'd rather you didn't tell them, please," I tell him.

  "Of course, your secret is safe with me, Evelina," he says, and I knew it anyway. "Though I doubt that was the real reason you came here to speak with me."

  "You asked me here, remember?" I reply.

  "I did. I wanted to give you back your weapons. I have made some changes to your sword and bow. Ones suitable for a queen," he tells me and walks to the side of the kitchen. I sip my tea while I wait for him to come back, and when he does, he places my sword on the counter in front of me. The purple sword now has white runes all the way down the side that look familiar, even if I can't read them. He rests my mother's white bow next to the sword, and I see the same runes on them.

  "It is your name. They say the weapons named by the queen are special. I wanted to do something for you," he explains to me.

  "Thank you. I really mean that," I say, placing my hand on the sword. "Now I need to ask you to do something. A queen’s demand, in a way."

  "Anything," he replies.

  "I want you to tell five keepers this so that my wishes are kept alive even if some of you die in the war," I explain to him.

  "That is a smart move," he responds.

  "I want Hali to be made queen of the Protectors and demons in my place if I die. I do not want her crowned until she is eighteen, and only Hali can choose a new Protector to be regent on her behalf. She must be protected because she is so special, and I do not know any other way to make sure she is," I tell him. “My guys will do their best, but really she needs more than they can give her. More than I could before I was queen.”

  "The keeper in me that believes the queen of the Protectors should have Protector blood wants to tell you that this is a bad idea. The man I am knows Hali would be a queen her guardian would be proud of. I will keep your order and make it so if it is needed," he replies. I knew I liked him.

  "If I die, there will be no royal blood left. In some ways, that could be a good thing, but in others, I hope we never have to find out," I say.

  "You are smart to make plans for her future," he says, "though I hope to see you have many children and for one of them to win a test for the throne in the future."

  "Maybe one day," I say. I hope.

  "I have something else for you before you go," Keeper Grey says, reaching into his pocket and handing me a letter. My name is written across the top of it, but I don’t recognise the handwriting.

  "Who is it from?" I ask.

  "Erica. I don't know why she gave me it for you, but she did just before the final test. She told me to give you it, and tell you to only open it when Cex is dead," he says, and I frown. What kind of crazy was she on? I thought she loved Cex, so why would she write a letter that can only be opened when he is dead. It doesn’t make a tiny bit of sense, then again none of Erica’s actions or thoughts ever did.

  "Right...well, she was a crazy psychopath," I mutter, sliding the letter into the back of my trousers.

  "She was crying as she gave me this, full body sobs that even I struggled to hear. I have
never seen emotions much in Erica's eyes, but there was something I couldn't quite place with the moment she handed me that," he explains to me. “In the end, she was still your sister, so please don’t throw that away.”

  "I will tell you what it says. As much as I have no love for my dead sister, I will not open it until Cex is dead. Respect for the wishes of the dead, and all that," I say, knowing I won’t throw it away. I hate Erica and everything she has ever done, but a deeper part of me is curious what the letter could possibly say.

  "And all that," he replies, bowing his head as I pick my weapons up and head for the door. I look back at him once, pausing.

  "Thank you for everything, Keeper Grey. I wanted to tell you that," I say, and he very slowly bows, and when I meet his eyes, I see they are cloudy with tears.

  "I must thank you for the time I've had with you. You are a true queen who reminds me so much of your mother," he says. "I am proud to know you." I shakily nod, before leaving his house, because there isn't anything else we can say to each other. It feels like I'm saying goodbye to a long lost uncle or something with Keeper Grey. I look down at the gemstone, seeing the glow is down to about a quarter now, and the rest of the gem looks like a diamond. Time is running out.

  Chapter 19

  Staring at the mirror, I finish drying my hair off with the dryer, just as Connor comes into the bedroom, and I turn the hairdryer off. Connor looks comfy in his low rise trousers and blue shirt.

  "They are here. It's time you told her," he gently suggests. "I can come with you if you want, Blue?"

  "No, it is alright. We will be down soon," I tell him.

  "I packed her a bag of food, including her favourite hot chocolate. It might help," Connor says, tucking the bag into the rucksack by the door.

  "She will love you for that," I reply.

  "I just hope she understands," Connor sadly says before walking out and leaving the door open. I look back at myself in the mirror, just about recognising the stressed version of myself. Life has never been easy for me, and I've always fully accepted it. I just did what I had to do to survive and carry on. Now I know there is every chance tomorrow could be it for me, the end of the life I've fought for. I keep telling myself it's all going to be okay, like the fool I am, because denial is much nicer than the truth. The truth is depressing and makes me want to run away. In some ways, I only have one more day left of denial.


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