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Runes of Royalty: A Demon’s Fall Series: Book Four

Page 10

by Bailey, G.

  I tuck a wave of my blue hair behind my ear and lift my head. I'm Evie Ravenwood, and there is no way I'm going down without one hell of a fight. I will take Cex with me if I fall, and send him straight back to Hell, to the deepest parts where he can never exist again. I stand up, walking out of our bedroom after picking up the rucksack, and walk up the stairs to Hali's door.

  "Hali? Can I come in?" I ask, knocking a few times on her door. I rest the bag I packed her over my shoulder as she opens the door, seeing the bag first and crossing her arms as her eyes narrow on me.

  "I'm not leaving you to fight this alone. Seriously?" she asks, shaking her head. "I'm not a kid you need to hide away."

  "Cheri is waiting downstairs with a few dozen children. All of you are going away because it isn't safe. You are the leaders, the protectors of these children until tomorrow is over. There are five other groups, and you all can meet up if things go badly," I tell her. "This has been planned for a while."

  "‘Things go badly’ means you die, right?" she asks, sitting on the bed and wrapping her arms around her small frame.

  "Hali," I carefully say, stepping closer, knowing there isn't anything I could tell her to make this better.

  "Don't baby me now. I know tomorrow isn't going to be easy for you, and I'm scared to leave. I don't want to lose you again," she says, and I hear her sniffle as she looks down at the floor. I go and sit on the bed next to her, wrapping my arm around her shoulders as she leans her head on me.

  "But if you are here, I will lose for certain because I will only be able to focus on looking after you. It's the same reason Seth is sending Cheri away, and all the parents of the children here. We need to focus," I explain to her. "Tomorrow is dangerous enough. Honestly, those children and Cheri need you to help them. What if a yellow demon bumps into your group? We have heard they are everywhere. This last week, I've been training with you, and I know you are an excellent fighter who can hold her own with that scary ass whip of yours. I am trusting you to keep them safe and make it to the safe house. That is your mission."

  "I can do that," she says, finally looking up at me. "I will keep them safe."

  "Good girl," I reply, leaning closer and pressing a brief kiss to her forehead. "My girl."

  "Evie, you got all loving and stuff recently," she laughs.

  "Don't expect it to last long, I'm feeling all sorts of new emotions recently. It's those damn Protectors and Azi," I say, standing up off the bed. I pick up the bag as Hali stands up, and I help her strap it onto her back.

  "I like the effect they have on you," Hali admits and grins at me before walking out the door. I think I like it, too. I follow Hali down the stairs, where a gathering of children and adults are waiting, all of them looking up to us. I spot Keira with her daughter in the crowd of parents who are both demons and Protectors. Star runs to my side, knocking people out the way, and the children eye the big tiger with interest.

  "It's time," I say, walking through them with Hali. The parents say goodbye as Seth whispers something to Cheri before stepping back. Hali says goodbye to Trex, Nix, Connor and Azi before going to stand at Cheri's side. I nod once at her, proud for how brave she is being.

  "All children need to jump through quickly. I can't hold it open for long," Cheri says loudly, and there are murmurs of agreements. A demon walks over to Hali with a baby, and Hali happily takes the baby and the bag she gives her.

  "I will keep her safe. I promise," Hali says.

  "Thank you so much. I will fight here and make sure it is safe for you to return," the demon says, bowing her head in a respectful way before stepping back.

  “Star, I need you to go with Hali and the others. Keep them safe for me,” I say to her, and she whines but doesn’t disagree as she goes to Cheri’s side. I can feel if something is wrong with Star, and that means I could get to Hali and her quickly if needed.

  "You got this," I tell Hali as the portal burns up. Cheri jumps in first with Star, not looking back, and the children all go through next until just Hali is left.

  "I love you, Evie," she says, making my heart hurt and every protective part of me want to grab her before disappearing into the portal, and then it disappears. There is a deathly silence in the room as blue ash falls onto the floor from the remains of the portal, and the fact sinks in that our children are now gone. At least they are safe, and that is more than we can say for ourselves.

  "I'm going to spend my last night between the legs of my favourite succubus demon. I suggest everyone enjoy their night, too," Seth says, and I throw him a disgusted look as he walks out. I spend the next ten minutes saying goodbye to everyone until just Keira is left. She briefly hugs me at the door, her eyes drifting back to the place where the portal was.

  "Do you think they will be okay?" she asks.

  "Hali and Cheri are smart—and deadly when they need to be. I'm sure they will be safe. The house we sent them all to is heavily warded against intruders that mean harm, and they only have a twenty-minute car journey to the house. We planned it all with my keepers, and they have promised me everything is perfect," I explain to her. “My connection with Star is strong, and I will know instantly if there is an issue.”

  "It's hard to see her go," she says and bows her head. "I'm sure I will not see you on the battlefield tomorrow, but I wish you all the luck I can give. Kill the demon and end this. We need peace."

  "I will end this one way or another," I say, leaning closer. "Demons will rise. I've always believed those words, and so should you. This is the demons’ chance to rise, and we will not let it pass."

  "No, we won't," she says and turns to walk away into the night. I close the door and rest my back against it as I look over at my guys. Each of them is watching me, their looks are so intense that I can only awkwardly bring up the next greatest love of my life.

  "So, who is cooking bacon then?"

  Chapter 20

  "Whoever taught you to cook, Azi, is amazing," I murmur as I eat my bacon-covered chicken and cut up another piece to have. It's been almost awkward as Azi cooked, and we all helped out in the kitchen before we sat down to eat. None of us really knows what to say to each other as we are all too worried about tomorrow.

  "Agreed," Trex says from the other side of the table.

  "How do we prepare for tomorrow?" Connor asks, pushing his food around and not looking the slightest bit interested in eating it.

  "Enjoy tonight?" I suggest and place my fork down. "I know it's hard to relax and enjoy being here, but that is what I think we should do."

  "I have another idea," Nix says. "We should go in the hot tub in the garden which I finally got working. It's a nice night, and who knows if this place will be standing after tomorrow."

  "Love it," I say, grinning. We all clean up the plates before walking out into the small decked garden, where a big hot tub is in the middle. Trex removes the cover as Nix turns on the dim lights outside. I slowly pull my clothes off, well aware that I will be naked in front of all of them at the same time. It's not something I planned, but they have all seen me with no clothes on anyway. I slide into the hot water, choosing a corner spot and resting my head back as I hear them removing their clothes. I look up at the night sky, seeing the millions of stars in the sky and how peaceful they look.

  "Evie, can we see your rune mark?" Trex asks. "And we can show you ours. I've been thinking it would be a smart thing to know if we get separated tomorrow."

  "You've all seen it," I reply.

  "I don't know about the others, but I've been too distracted to read your rune name," Trex replies. I laugh as Nix mutters the same.

  "I know it, I already asked," Connor explains. I roll my eyes at the slight jealousy in Trex’s and Nix's faces, and how Azi is just sipping on the beer he brought out with him. I stand up in the water, turning my back to them so they can see.

  "It's called Ashkin, and it means strength, passion and leadership," I tell them, wondering why they are so silent.

  "And loyalty, whic
h is what mine means, love," Nix whispers as I turn around, floating into the water and looking at Trex last as he points at his rune name on his shoulder.

  "Mine means passion, and you know Connor’s means strength," Trex tells me softly. "So, your rune name means you are like us. And the leadership part is clearly meant for you."

  "Come here, Blue," Connor says, waving a hand for me. I swim across the water, well aware of all their eyes on me as I straddle Connor and settle on his lap, feeling him hard and ready underneath me. Connor slides his hands into my hair, and he kisses me like he can tell me how he feels without words. I feel someone move in right behind me, reaching around and playing with my breasts, rubbing my nipples into hard peaks as I grind against Connor. I look to my side as Connor kisses down my neck, pulling me onto his length, and I let out a long moan as he glides into me.

  Trex moves onto the seat next to us as Connor pounds in and out of me, and I reach my hand over, and he happily lets me rub his length as I rest my head on Connor’s shoulder, getting close. Suddenly, Connor lifts me off him and turns me around, sliding back inside me as I face Nix. Nix stands up in the water, and I slide him into my mouth as Connor continues to thrust in and out of me. I moan as an orgasm slams into me, making me groan as I reach my hands out at my sides. Azi's length slides into my left hand, and Trex stands on my other side, making it possible for me to stroke him, too. There is a perfect moment of pleasure between us all, and I can do nothing but ride out the pleasure. Connor holds my hips perfectly as I feel him come deep inside me, and the rest of my men finish not long after. I rest back in the hot tub, breathless and silent as I try to calm my body down. Holy heck, that was amazing.

  "That's your early birthday present, Vi," Azi says, making us all laugh.

  "How did you know?" I ask.

  "Grey talks," Nix says, and I laugh.

  "I must remember to thank him sometime," I reply to them, cuddling up to Connor's side. "Though please say this isn't just a birthday only thing?"

  "Nah, it's not," Trex says, and I smile as I snuggle into Connor's chest, feeling Trex's hand on my back. Whatever tomorrow may bring, I have a night I know I will never forget.

  Chapter 21

  “Queen Evelina, everything is ready for you like you asked,” Keeper Grey says, coming into the clearing just outside the demon underground from a portal, joining the rest of us. I nod at him, tightening my grip on my bow in my one hand, the cold metal soothing me in a way. I've never been nervous about fighting until this moment right here. The tests for the queen, being hunted by Protectors and everything else in between—all of that never scared me as much as this does. The cold wind blows against my leather, tight clothes that cover me, and a few strands of my hair that have escaped my plait blow past my face.

  “Then it’s time to do this,” I say and reach into my pocket to pull out the stone the reapers gave me. "Burn this with holy fire the moment I take the necklace off," I order Keeper Grey, who bows before he walks to stand right behind me where the other keepers stand. I glance behind me, seeing rows of demons and Protectors, standing side by side. Everyone is ready for this, everyone except for me. The real truth is that I'm terrified to take this necklace off, to face Cex. But being scared is nothing when I compare it to the pain of losing everyone I love. Even if I die today, I had everything I spent my whole life looking for, all in these past few months. I have a family.

  “We are right here, at your side, no matter what,” Trex tells me, holding his glowing green axe in his hand, reflecting off his eyes that are so determined for what is coming next. I look over at Connor by his side, holding two swords, and he softly smiles at me. I look to my other side, seeing Nix and Azi stood close together. Nix has a bow similar to mine, and Azi doesn't need any weapons. He is one.

  “We stick to the plan," I tell them, seeing Seth walking over to us and knowing I only have one more moment alone with my men to say something. "Can you always remember that you all made my life a million times better once I met you? I never believed in fate, but it feels like fate to me that we are together. I love you all. Meeting you was worth even death."

  “Time to get that necklace off, Evie darling," Seth interrupts anything anyone was going to reply as he stops next to Azi's side. I suck in a breath of cold air and lift the necklace off my chest.

  "Father! It's time to help us!" I say, knowing he will come too late to try and stop this. He will hear me call him, no matter what. I told him it would be today or tomorrow, so it's not totally random. Angels won't be able to help this war, and he would only try to stop me. "Ready or not," I mutter before pulling the necklace off my neck. I drop the necklace on the floor and lift my foot, slamming my boot into the stone, and it breaks with a loud snap that echoes around the silent field.

  "Queen Evelina. About time," Cex whispers into my head, feeling like he is right next to me. I stare down at my hands as they start to burn, and I lift them out in front of me, seeing them glowing red. The red power escapes my skin, swirling around my hands and arms as pain slams into my chest. I fall to my knees with a scream, hearing and seeing nothing for a long time.

  "Vi!" Azi shouts somewhere close by, but there is nothing but the power. There is nothing but the black magic killing me, taking everything I have left to fight with.

  "NO!" I scream to myself, shaking my head. I will not let it kill me yet. With every bit of power, of strength I have, I force my head to rise, and I place my hands at my sides. My throat is raw by the time my screams wear off, and I can control the power enough to push it back. I collapse to the ground, shaking and shivering as I feel hands on me.

  "Evie. You okay?" Connor asks, lifting me up.

  "Yes," I say, grabbing hold of my bow as I stand with him. "The power was just too much for a moment..." I drift off as I see the utter chaos around us. There are yellow demons everywhere, flooding out of portals that hover above the ground all around us. Nix is stood nearby, shooting arrows into the hearts and heads of any yellow creatures that get close. Trex is fighting nearby, killing the creatures like they are play toys, and he looks relieved as he sees me for a second and then gets back to it. There is so much noise, so many screams and sounds of weapons being used. Fire, ice and water blast into the sky, mixing with the rising souls of fallen Protectors. The sky almost looks like it is filled with magic.

  "I can feel he is close. Where?" I ask. “Which way did he go?”

  "Azi and Seth are fighting him. They went that way," Connor says, pointing straight ahead.

  "I'm going after them, but you all need to close the portals. The yellow demons have to stop coming through," I tell him, and he shakes his head, clearly wanting to argue that he should stay with me.

  "We are coming with you, love," Nix shouts, overhearing us.

  "You can't. Only Azi and Seth can survive Cex and my black magic," I shout to him, knowing Trex and Connor can hear. I look to Connor, seeing the indecision. "Save our people. Save them, because I have to do this."

  "Go. We have your back," Connor says. Not one part of him looks happy about saying it, but he knows he needs to trust me. I lean up and kiss his cheek before pulling two arrows out of my quiver. I pass Nix, who nods once at me, and I have to pull my eyes away from the pain there.

  I shoot an arrow into a yellow creature that runs in my path, and another one who is fighting one of my demons. I shoot two more arrows as I run, getting to the top of the hill just as one of the yellow creatures tackles me. I lose my bow as I reach for a dagger, slamming it into the creature’s neck as we fall. The creature screams, coughing yellow blood all over me as it dies. I push it off me, pulling my sword off my back and swinging it into the chest of another yellow demon that is waiting. I throw the quiver off my back, pull out another dagger with my other hand, and start running once more. I have to kill two more yellow demons before I finally see Cex fighting off Azi, and Seth is passed out on the ground near them. Azi is slamming fireball after fireball into Cex, who is giving just as good as he is getti
ng. I run faster, knowing I need to help him.

  A Protector bumps into me, a young woman who is holding her stomach. I step around her, slamming my dagger into the yellow demon that hurt her, and it burns up as it dies. I leave the dagger and go to the woman, helping her sit on the grass as she coughs up blood. I go to heal her, but she pushes my hands away, nodding her head in the direction of Azi and Cex.

  "If you don't kill him, no one can. Go, my queen," she pleads, pushing me away. I know full well she will die if I go, there is nothing but more yellow demons around us, heading our way. I look up in the sky, seeing angels appearing and flying down to help us.

  "Take this then," I hand her my sword, and her eyes widen. It hurts to give my sword away, but at least she will be able to fight. "I don't need it, but you do. Keep it and yourself safe."

  "But—" she goes to argue with me, but I'm already leaving, running straight towards Azi and Cex again. I scream as two yellow demons jump on me, knocking me onto the ground, and one of them wraps its hands around my throat. I call my holy fire rune as it lowers its disgusting face close to mine, looking like it's going to bite me. I slam my hands into its chest, but the fire only burns off them and does nothing to get him off me. Suddenly, a flash of silver, and the demon’s head rolls off, and the body is pushed off me. I look up at a man in a cloak, with a large, yellow-blood-covered scythe in his hands.

  "Thank you," I say as I climb to my feet and see the massive army of reapers that have arrived. It's like watching a shadow wash across the yellow demons, nothing but the silver of their scythes visible in the darkness. They clear a straight path to Cex and Azi, the only ones they are staying clear of. I don't even think about thanking them or anything as I run to Azi, seeing him close to Cex. Azi’s whole body is glowing a deep red, fire licking at his skin as he lands a punch in his brother’s face. Cex is the same, though his power is more. So much more.


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