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Love Walks In

Page 13

by Samantha Chase

“It’s not possible,” he muttered and picked up his phone to call Elaine’s extension.


  All the tension he’d been feeling started to leave his body. “Elaine, it’s Hugh. Is Aubrey with you?”

  “No,” she said pleasantly. “Last I saw her was about three hours ago and she was heading back to her suite to do some work. Have you tried calling her there?”

  He hadn’t. “No. But thanks. I’ll try her there.” Hanging up the phone, Hugh mentally chastised himself for not calling her room first. “Idiot,” he murmured and dialed Aubrey’s room. After leaving her a voice-mail message, Hugh hung up and cursed. “Where the hell is she?”

  Rising, he paced his office a few times and realized he wasn’t going to get anything done until he knew where Aubrey was—and why she didn’t stop by and see him like they had planned. Lately, it seemed no one could keep a meeting time. This was the second time in a week he was having to chase someone down.

  Maybe she was purposely avoiding him. He stopped in his tracks. Maybe she was uncomfortable after their kiss last night and was having second thoughts about the two of them. “Well damn,” he said, grabbing his cell phone from his desk and leaving the office. Whether Aubrey was having second thoughts or not, they still had to work together, and she’d told him she’d stop by the office and update him on her progress. She hadn’t. As her boss, it was his responsibility to remind her of her commitment to this campaign.

  He hoped she wasn’t having second thoughts. It would be fine if she had simply lost track of time because she was working, but he’d have a problem with anything else.

  Hugh never allowed himself to get involved with a member of his staff. It was never an issue before—no one had ever tempted him the way Aubrey had. Now that he had a taste of her, he knew he wanted—needed—more.

  Once outside, Hugh had to stop and say hello to guests and even took a minute to talk to one of the landscapers about the shape of some of the tropical plants. He was on a mission, but it was also important to take the time to talk to people and address issues regarding the resort. He was walking by the pool area when he stopped short. And listened.


  He may not have known her for very long, but he already knew the sound of her laughter. Turning around, he walked through the gate and looked around. Her laughter rang out again and Hugh spotted her at a table far in the corner.

  And she wasn’t alone.

  Why was it that every time he stumbled upon her, she was talking to a man? Did she ever sit by herself?

  It wasn’t until he got closer that he realized who she was sitting with, and everything in him went hot…and then cold.


  Son of a… Hugh felt as if he’d been punched in the gut, but he refused to let it show. By now he should be used to this. Women were attracted to him until his rock-star baby brother showed up. Normally it wasn’t a big deal, but with Aubrey, it was. Last night she didn’t even know who Riley was. No doubt she had Googled him and realized what a big star he was.

  No wonder she’d blown him off today. Riley Shaughnessy was a much bigger fish, and apparently women were into that sort of thing.

  He’d thought maybe Aubrey was different.



  It took a minute for Hugh to collect his thoughts and get himself under control. If this was how it was going to be, he’d deal with it. Alone. Without any witnesses. There was no reason for Riley to see how betrayed he felt or for Aubrey to see she’d hurt him. He’d dealt with worse and he’d survived. With a steadying breath, he made his way around the pool toward them.

  “So there I was, about a hundred people staring at me, and I knew I was completely screwed!”

  Aubrey laughed. “What did you do?”

  “I had to make a choice—I could admit I’d lied to get the gig and risk getting thrown out, or I could pretend to pass out and hope it was enough of a diversion to get me out of there.”

  “Please tell me you chose fake passing out!”

  Riley laughed and shook his head. “Hell no! I knew a little bit of Spanish and somehow managed to convince the crowd to sing along with me…in English! It was probably the most off-key, mispronounced sing-along in the history of music, but at least I didn’t have to look like a fool! I played the super-extended version—it lasted about fifteen minutes—and by then, my time was up!”

  “Oh my goodness! That’s awesome! I can’t imagine…”

  “Well, well, well,” Hugh said pleasantly as he strolled casually up to the table. “It’s been a long time since I heard the old cantina karaoke story.” He plastered a smile on his face while fighting the urge to punch his brother in the face. Not only had he stolen his girl, but he was doing it with cheesy, outdated stories!

  “Hey, bro,” Riley said, saluting him with his drink. “You finally breaking out of the office for the day?”

  Hugh looked at him and then at Aubrey, who looked beautiful and carefree and…hell. Just looking at her made his chest hurt. “I wanted to check in with Aubrey about her meeting today with Elaine. You were supposed to give me a progress report. The only way we’re going to stay on track and get things done is to discuss where you’re at.”

  Aubrey looked at her watch and gasped. “Oh! Hugh, I am so sorry. I came out here to work because it was so beautiful out and then Riley came over and we got to talking and—”

  “It’s fine,” Hugh interrupted. “I’m in between meetings right now, so why don’t you give me a brief rundown and then send me an email with a detailed report.” His tone was cool, impersonal, and a little bit firm.

  “Dude,” Riley said. “Ease up. She’s not on a deadline to cure cancer, it’s a party, for Pete’s sake.”

  “She’s being paid to work, not sit poolside playing groupie with you,” Hugh snapped and then cursed himself. His brother was no idiot. He was going to know Hugh was pissed and he’d instantly lost the upper hand. Dammit.

  Aubrey shuffled some papers around and cleared her throat to get his attention. She gave him a rundown of the sights she had seen with Elaine and how she was going to incorporate some of the local flavor into the party in West Palm Beach. “I’m meeting with your chef over at Patrice’s in the morning to discuss some menu options.”

  “Make sure you’re not interrupting his prep time,” Hugh said.

  “Hugh, seriously, what is your deal?” Riley asked. “This girl is a genius. She’s been telling me about her ideas and honestly, they’re brilliant. Just relax and let her do her thing.”

  That was it. Hugh had hit his limit. “This really isn’t any of your concern, Riley,” he snapped. “I don’t walk around backstage at your shows telling you or your entourage how to do things, and I would appreciate it if you showed me the same courtesy.”

  Riley looked ready to argue but kept his mouth shut.

  “I… I um… I let Jacques tell me what time would work for him,” Aubrey began meekly. “And I let him know if anything changed or came up, we could talk at a later date. I was just excited about the opportunity to speak with him.”

  Hugh nodded silently and mentally counted to ten. “Anything else?”

  Aubrey looked through her notes, then straightened up and smiled brightly. “Yes. So…um…Riley and I were talking and after we covered the food and the decor, we started talking about entertainment. After checking his calendar, he said he would be able to perform at at least one of the launches! Isn’t that great?”

  Her smile was so bright and hopeful, but all Hugh could see was red. “You did what?” he asked through clenched teeth, directing his attention at Aubrey.

  “Hugh…” Riley warned.

  “I… We just…” She cleared her throat. “I’m not sure what the problem is.”

  “You asked my brother to perform at one of the launches? Do I have that right?”
  “He offered,” Aubrey said weakly, confusion written all over her face.

  “He offered,” Hugh repeated, glaring at his brother. “So now you’re in the habit of doing little private parties?”

  Riley stood calmly. “I’m not going to do this with you here,” he said. “If you have something to say to me, I’ll meet you back at your place.” Turning, he smiled down at Aubrey. “Can I walk you back to your room?”

  “We’re not done talking, Aubrey and I,” Hugh said tightly.

  Ignoring him, Riley kept his focus on Aubrey. “My offer still stands.”

  She shook her head. “Thank you, but like Hugh said, we still have things to discuss.”

  He nodded. “Thank you for having lunch with me. I hope to see you again before I leave.” Then he took one of her hands in his and kissed it. “Take care, Aubrey.” He shot Hugh an angry glance before walking away.

  It wasn’t until he was out of sight that Hugh finally looked at Aubrey again. “Let’s get one thing straight, I do not use my family for any of my business endeavors.”

  Aubrey sighed loudly. “Riley offered, Hugh. I did not approach him or ask him about it. It was his idea!”

  He waved her off like he didn’t believe her and then turned to walk away. “Either way, forget it. It’s not happening. Email me your report and…”

  “Hey!” she called after him as she came to her feet. Hugh turned slowly and faced her. “I don’t know what just went on here, but I’m telling you now, I don’t like it.”

  Hugh arched a brow at her. “Oh really? You don’t like it? Well, that’s too bad.”

  She came around the table and advanced on him. “I don’t think so. If you have a problem with me, then say it. Don’t come out here and insult me and talk down to me. Especially after kissing me last night!” She took a deep breath and let it out. “Now I’ll admit I mismanaged my time today, but it’s not a crime. If you’re having second thoughts about what happened last night, at least have the decency to say it. Don’t attack me for something ridiculous to get yourself out of it.”

  For a minute, Hugh wasn’t sure what to do or say. She thought he was having second thoughts? Seriously? He took a deliberate step closer to her, his eyes never leaving hers. “You were supposed to meet with me when you got back. It’s very important to me that people keep their word. When you tell me you’re going to be somewhere or do something, then I expect you to do it.”

  Now it was Aubrey’s turn to cock a brow at him. “You expect me to do it? I’m sorry,” she began sarcastically, “I didn’t think I was behaving like a wayward child. I messed up, Hugh!” she cried with frustration. “News flash, most people do. Nobody’s perfect!”

  Part of him had to respect the fact that she wasn’t backing down, and part of him was so completely turned on and overwhelmed with the need to touch her that it was almost painful. Then he remembered how cozy she’d looked with his brother and it was like a bucket of ice water being dumped over his head.

  “I get it, but if you want to hang around playing groupie to my brother, do it on your own time.” He turned and strode away.

  And this time, he didn’t stop or turn back when she called after him.

  He was at a crossroad—literally. If he took the path to the left, he would be back at his office. The path to the right led to his apartment.

  And Riley.

  “Screw it,” he muttered. He wasn’t ready to deal with his brother just yet. He had work to do. Or he could find work to do. Either way, Hugh planned on holing up in his office for the next several hours until he got his emotions under control.

  Walking through the lobby, his head concierge, Ricardo, called out to him, but Hugh ignored him. He just needed to get to his office. To shut the door. Lock it. And sit and wallow or fume or whatever he needed to do to get his head back on straight.

  Nearly tearing the door from its hinges, Hugh stepped into his office and slammed the door before locking it.

  “Did that make you feel better?”

  Son of a bitch. Turning around, Hugh faced the very person he was trying to avoid. “What the hell do you want?” he grumbled, walking over to his desk and sitting down.

  “I want to know what your problem is,” Riley said, taking a seat facing Hugh.

  “Right now? I have too much work to do and I had to waste time traipsing around looking for Aubrey because she blew off our meeting.”

  “For real? That’s what you’re going with?” He leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees as he stared Hugh down. “We don’t lie to one another, Hugh, so cut the bullshit.”

  Hugh’s eyes narrowed to slits. “You don’t want to go there right now. Trust me.”

  “I’ve got nothing else to do,” Riley said and gave him a cocky smile. “I can sit here all night and wait. Try me.”

  Hugh wanted to unleash all his anger and frustration on Riley right then and there, but didn’t want to show his weakness. Didn’t want his brother to know his insecurities. And most of all, he didn’t want his pity.


  So he simply ignored him. Facing his computer, Hugh pulled up a couple of financial reports and studied them. He sent off a couple of emails to various resort management teams regarding the reports. He even managed to make a few phone calls.

  All while Riley sat and stared at him, looking for all the world like he was completely comfortable sitting there silently.

  It pissed Hugh off even more.

  After an hour, Hugh shut everything down and straightened his desk, still pretending Riley wasn’t there. Sure, he felt like a twelve-year-old, but for the life of him, he couldn’t seem to stop himself. Collecting his things, he made his way to the door and felt more than heard Riley behind him.

  “Are you done yet?” Riley finally asked as they walked out the door.

  Hugh ignored him.

  They walked out of the lobby and stepped outside. “That’s cool,” Riley said. “This has been the most relaxing time I’ve had in months. I’m really enjoying myself.”

  If it was possible, Hugh felt his blood begin to boil.

  Together they took the path back to Hugh’s apartment. Riley kept up a running commentary the entire time about everything they saw—the trees, the flowers, the lighting—he even tried to engage Hugh in a conversation about a lizard that crossed their path.


  By the time they reached the elevator, Riley had given up on talking and started humming and whistling, which he knew bothered his brother. When Hugh turned and glared at him, Riley simply grinned and whistled with a little more enthusiasm.

  Inside the apartment, Riley closed the door and broke out in a full chorus of his latest song. Hugh slammed his keys down on the dining room table and went to the kitchen to grab himself a beer, certain he was going to go insane any minute if his brother didn’t shut up.

  Beer in hand, he turned and ended up face-to-face with Riley.

  “I can keep this up all night, bro,” Riley said, still grinning. “You forget, I sing for a living. I’m used to spending hours at a time on stage or in the studio. I don’t tire easily.” When Hugh still didn’t utter a sound, Riley leaned in until they were almost nose to nose and began to sing “Ninety-nine Bottles of Beer on the Wall.”

  “That’s it!” Hugh shouted, shoving Riley away to put some distance between them. “I can’t stand it anymore! Just shut the hell up already!”

  “No can do. I’m going to keep going until you tell me what that was all about by the pool. I get you’re all uptight about…everything, but there was no reason for you to be such a complete jackass. To me and to Aubrey.”

  Hugh gripped the neck of the bottle so tight he feared he’d break it. “You and Aubrey? How nice.”

  With a nod, he followed Hugh into the living room. “Oh…I get it. You’re not pissed Aubrey didn’t com
e to your office, you’re pissed she was hanging out with me.” He laughed. “Seriously, Hugh, what the hell?”

  “Don’t you get enough women on your own? I mean, you’re a freaking rock star. Women chase you all over the world! Clearly that’s not enough for you, because you had to go make a move on Aubrey. Why? Did it tick you off because she had no idea who you were? Was it so big of a blow to your colossal ego that you needed to make sure she got to know you?”

  All of the lighthearted, good-natured ease Riley had been sporting for the last hour disappeared. His eyes narrowed and his voice was almost deadly calm. “Let’s get one thing straight: I did not make a move on Aubrey. You told me how you felt about her and I would never do that to you. Hell, I would never do that to anyone. I was sitting by the pool and saw her come out to work. I went over to say hello. I thought it might be nice to get to know her—especially if she’s someone special to you. I figured there had to be something about her if you were so head over freaking heels this fast.”

  Riley took a deep breath and rolled his shoulders to ease some of the tension he was feeling. “Contrary to popular belief, I don’t need my ego stroked. I don’t walk around thinking everyone in the world should know who I am. I’m okay with who I am and what I do, and that’s the second time in as many days you’ve gone there with me and I’m sick of it.” He started to say more, but gave up. Throwing his hands in the air in defeat, he stalked toward his bedroom.

  “Where the hell are you going?” Hugh demanded.

  “I’m packing. I had no idea you thought so little of me.” Looking over his shoulder, he almost looked sad. “Good to know how you really feel, Hugh.” Then he slammed the door.

  Hugh stared at the closed door for a solid minute before he could make himself move. Shaking his head with disgust, he knew he had to make things right. With a muttered curse, he walked over to Riley’s door. He didn’t bother knocking, he just walked in and found Riley putting his suitcase on the bed.

  “I don’t feel like that,” Hugh said, his voice low.

  “Seems to me you do.”

  “Yeah, well… I’m just out of sorts right now and you’re a convenient target.”


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