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Love Walks In

Page 14

by Samantha Chase

  Riley turned. “That’s bullshit and you know it. You know what I think? I think you’re angry and frustrated and so damn scared to do the wrong thing you’re almost paralyzed. You want Aubrey? Then go get her! It shouldn’t matter that you just met. It shouldn’t matter that she works for you! You’re into her, she’s into you, and all you’re doing is making yourself and everyone around you miserable while you map out every move so you can feel safe.”

  “It’s not that easy!”

  “Then make it that easy!” Riley fired back. “God, Hugh. What the hell is wrong with you? Both you and Aidan are so careful and cautious and it’s almost painful to watch! He almost lost Zoe because of it and you’re going to do the same thing!”

  “It’s not the same thing, Riley. You have no idea, so don’t go there.”

  Folding his arms across his chest, Riley simply glared at him. “What would happen if you just walked across the property to Aubrey’s room and knocked? What do you think could possibly go wrong if she opened the door and you took her in your arms and kissed her?”

  Hugh’s heart started to pound and he felt a wave of anxiety wash over him. “I…it’s…she would probably…”

  “She’d probably kiss you back. Then she’d probably invite you in. And then, if you’re lucky, she’d ask you to stay.” He threw out his hands. “Dude, what have you got to lose? Women love a man who can be spontaneous! Don’t be the guy who has to pencil in sex on his calendar because you’re too uptight to simply go with what you’re feeling!”

  How could he possibly explain to his brother why he felt the way he did? How could he put into words that his spontaneous behavior was the reason their mother was gone? The reason his five siblings lost their anchor?

  He couldn’t.

  Hugh understood what Riley was saying—he truly did—and while he knew the likelihood of something bad coming from going after Aubrey was slim, he just didn’t know if he was willing to take the chance.

  He’d never second-guessed himself with a woman. Maybe it was because he’d never felt quite this strongly about one before. It scared the hell out of him even more.

  “Okay, fine,” Riley said with disgust. “Sit there and work it all out in your head like you always do. But know this—Aubrey is a pretty fantastic woman. I can see why you feel the way you do. She’s smart and funny and beautiful. But if you noticed it, so will somebody else. So while you’re sitting here making graphs and charts in your head and working out the perfect timeline, some other guy is going to swoop in and make his move.” He stopped. “Not me. But someone else will. If you keep parading her around all of your resorts introducing her to people, she’s going to catch someone else’s eye, and you’ll be all but forgotten. You’ll be her boss and nothing more. Is that what you want?”

  With his heart racing, his palms sweating, and his throat dry, Hugh knew he had to make a decision. Fast. He looked at his brother, who was smiling smugly. He shook his head. “No. No, that’s not what I want.”

  Riley’s smile softened and he crossed his arms over his chest. “What do you want then?”

  “Aubrey. I just want Aubrey.”

  “Then go get her, bro.”

  And for the first time in seventeen years, Hugh Shaughnessy did something impetuous.

  He went after the girl.

  Chapter 6


  Aubrey couldn’t sit still. It had been several hours since Hugh had left her by the pool, and she was still bristling with anger and frustration. She was having a hard time believing his complete turnaround toward her was all because she had lost track of the time. And if that was the case, then she had seriously misjudged him.

  And it was a shame, because she felt a connection to Hugh Shaughnessy she’d never felt with any other man.


  With a sigh, she walked over to her desk and sat down. Her laptop was open and her email program was up, waiting for her to compose her stupid report to Hugh. A report. He wouldn’t even talk to her—he’d simply relegated her to employee mode and walked away.


  She slouched slightly in her seat. It didn’t seem right. Hugh was behaving like a major jerk, but Aubrey couldn’t believe that was who he really was. He was nice. He was considerate and he could be funny.

  And he kissed like a dream.

  She groaned.

  All night she had tossed and turned—all she could think about was kissing Hugh. If Riley hadn’t shown up when he had, Aubrey had no doubt she would have practically begged to spend the night with him. It had been a long time since she’d been intimate with a man and even though she had thought she could have gone that route with Paul—and at the time didn’t think it would be a big deal—she realized she couldn’t have gone through with it. It had taken just one kiss from Hugh and Aubrey had known she had been missing out on something amazing. A connection—a connection paired with a damn-near perfect kiss that was like nothing she’d ever experienced before.




  Even now, she began to shift uncomfortably in her seat. Damn Hugh Shaughnessy for getting her all hot and bothered and then turning into a jerk! Straightening, she began to type furiously. “He wants a report, I’ll give him a report,” she muttered as her fingers pounded the keyboard.

  With all her experience typing inquiry letters, thank you notes, and reports for fund-raisers and charity events, this was a no-brainer. The only difference with this one was she was making it as cool and clinical as she possibly could. No banter, no personal comments, just the straight business facts and figures.

  When she was done, Aubrey sat back and read her work. Everything was there, itemized and written in a clear and concise manner so it would be easily understood. It was boring as hell to read but it wasn’t her problem. She was about to hit send when there was a knock at the door.

  Frowning, she rose and walked across the room, wondering if it was Riley coming to check on her. He was a nice enough guy and she enjoyed talking with him this afternoon, but for all of his sex-symbol status, Aubrey didn’t feel a damn thing. No attraction, no need to get flirty with him—he was simply a nice guy who was easy to hang out with.

  And he wasn’t Hugh.

  There was enough of a resemblance you could tell they were related, but their personalities and mannerisms were unique to each of them. Aubrey was certain if she mentioned to her friends she had eaten with Riley Shaughnessy, they’d be green with envy. She shrugged. Just a nice guy.

  Without bothering to look through the peephole, she pulled the door open and felt her heart skip a beat at the sight of Hugh. He looked…rattled. Every time she had seen him, he was completely composed and put together—never a hair out of place. And right now he looked disheveled, nervous, and as much as it pained her to admit it, sexier than she’d ever seen him.

  His arms were bracketed in the door frame, and he stared at her with a dark intensity that made her shiver. For all she knew, he was here to yell at her some more—or fire her—but she couldn’t find the strength to care. His name was a whisper on her lips before she could stop it.

  Their eyes locked on one another. Aubrey began to tremble. This was a side of him she didn’t know—not that she knew him at all—but the way he seemed to barely be holding on to his control told her that whatever brought him here, he wasn’t happy about it.

  Unable to stand the silence for another minute, Aubrey opened her mouth to speak.

  She never got a word out.

  In an instant, Hugh’s hands reached out and cupped her face as he claimed her lips with his. Aubrey barely had time to think, to register what was happening, but she immediately went up on tiptoes and raked her hands through his hair, pulling him close.

  If she’d thought last night’s kiss was hot, it was nothing compared to this. He backed her up and then kick
ed the door shut. Once he had her against the wall, he simply devoured her.

  Aubrey thought she heard herself whimper, but she was too caught up in the sensations. His hands were no longer on her face—they were moving, touching her, exploring her as his body pressed in so close she could feel his heart beat.

  When his lips left hers, Aubrey drew in a breath and let it out slowly. The things Hugh was doing to her with his hands and his lips had her moving restlessly against him. With her hands still anchored in his hair, she whispered, “I thought you were mad at me.”

  Hugh nipped at her collarbone and shook his head. “No. Not you,” he said breathlessly, seemingly unwilling to let his mouth leave her skin. “Me.”

  He was mad at himself? For what? But before she could let that thought take hold, his mouth was back against hers. And then she couldn’t think at all. Only feel.

  Shamelessly she rubbed against him, needing more, wanting more. His erection pressed up against her belly and although Aubrey wouldn’t have minded staying locked like this forever, she knew it would only get better if they left the entryway. Trying her best to convey what she was feeling without breaking their kiss, she ran one foot along the back of his leg and almost cried out when Hugh rocked against her.

  “Hugh…please,” she panted, moving her lips from his briefly.

  She didn’t need to say anything more. His hands immediately traveled down her back and cupped her bottom, gently squeezing before he lifted her. Aubrey wrapped her legs around his waist and sighed with relief.

  This was really happening.

  Hugh was really here. With her.

  He swiftly carried her across the room, gently placing her down on the bed and immediately following her down. But he wasn’t kissing her. His hands weren’t moving. Instead, he was looking at her—really looking at her.

  “My God, you are so beautiful,” he said, his voice a husky whisper. Aubrey felt herself blush under his gaze. “I didn’t plan this. I didn’t intend to come here and…and…”

  “Pounce?” she said softly, a slow smile crossing her face. Relief flooded her when he smiled too.

  “Exactly. I swore I’d go slow. I promised myself I’d have some self-control and take the time for us to get to know each other.”



  “Stop talking.” Her arms wound around him to pull him down closer. “There are many ways to get to know one another,” she said, leaning up to trail kisses along his jaw before she gently bit down on his earlobe. “And I think what we’re doing now is a great way to start.”

  Hugh went completely still and Aubrey felt a moment of panic. Maybe she was being too forward? Maybe he didn’t like it when she took control? Maybe…

  That intense gaze was back, and it took every ounce of control she possessed to not move when all she wanted to do was feel him everywhere. Now.

  “I need to know,” he began, one hand trailing up to gently skim across her cheek, “that you’re sure. I don’t want to rush you. I don’t want you to have any regrets that I came here and…pounced.”

  She smiled, knowing she would never forget this moment. This man, who was confident in every aspect of his world, suddenly seemed a little uncertain. A little vulnerable.

  Slowly, Aubrey shifted and let one of her hands mimic his, skimming down the side of his face. She loved the scratchiness of his skin as she cupped his cheek. “Hugh Shaughnessy, I knew as soon as I saw you in your office that this was where I wanted to be.”

  “It wasn’t that long ago,” he said, still giving her time to think about her actions. Time to change her mind.

  “Sometimes time doesn’t matter. Sometimes you have to just go with what feels right.” She sighed happily. “And this? This feels right.”

  Relief seemed to wash over his features.

  “I don’t want you to leave,” she said, her voice a little stronger than it had been moments ago. “And I don’t want you to slow down.”

  A sexy smile crossed his face. “Sometimes slow is a good thing, sweetheart.”

  She couldn’t help but smile back. “Oh, absolutely. But sometimes,” she said slowly, rocking up into him, “things are too good to take slow.”

  Hugh leaned forward and ran his tongue along the slender column of her throat. “Maybe I just want to take my time and savor you. Every. Inch. Of. You.”

  Oh my. Gently, Aubrey placed her hands on Hugh’s shoulders and put some space between them. “That’s a lot to consider. But maybe this will help.” Then she crossed her arms in front of herself and pulled her tank top over her head, revealing her black lace bra. The shirt went flying as she relaxed back against the mattress, inwardly smiling at the look of naked desire on Hugh’s face as he took in the sight of her.

  “You win,” he said.

  * * *

  When Hugh opened his eyes later on, the room was dark. He was curious about the time but didn’t have the energy to lift his head from the pillow. How it was possible to be so completely exhausted and exhilarated at the same time, he wasn’t sure, but it was exactly how he felt. Hell, if Aubrey rolled over and told him she wanted him again, he’d be completely on board.

  Damn. The woman had simply blown his mind. While he knew he’d had great sex before, what he’d just experienced with Aubrey—twice—was completely different. There was something about…everything. Everything about her—the way she looked, the way she talked, the way she gave herself so completely to him—made Hugh’s chest tighten.

  It’s too soon.

  It wasn’t the first time the thought had entered his mind. If he were honest, he’d admit he wanted Aubrey from the moment he saw her—thong viewing aside. He fought it, telling himself it was too soon—it was impossible to be feeling this strongly for a woman he’d just met. And yet…here they were. And they were physically compatible almost to the point of spontaneously combusting.

  He was already getting hard again just thinking about it.

  In his arms, Aubrey started to stir. She stretched, her bare bottom brushing up against him. The arm he’d banded around her waist tightened as he pulled her closer, loving the feel of her. Unable to help himself, he placed a gentle kiss on her temple, wishing she’d wake up.

  Sighing, Hugh forced himself to be patient. Besides, there were a lot of things racing through his mind, mainly about the mystery that was Aubrey. In the short time they’d known one another, he knew she was smart, articulate, and creative. He knew she had a complicated relationship with her parents and never willingly talked about them.

  He wanted to know why. He wanted to know about her childhood, where she grew up, what her dreams were. He wanted… Hugh stopped and mentally cursed. He wanted it all.


  Hugh wasn’t an expert on these things, but even he knew when something was more than a fling. This wasn’t about sex or getting Aubrey out of his system.

  He was falling in love.

  He could argue it was too soon until he was blue in the face, but it didn’t change a thing. He wanted to take Aubrey home to meet his family, and he couldn’t wait to show her all of his resorts. Hell, he wanted to show her his world. All of it.

  He wanted them to be together.

  “Hugh?” Aubrey whispered, turning around in his arms so they were face-to-face.

  He placed a soft kiss on her forehead, her eyelids, and the tip of her nose before landing on her lips. It was one of those lazy, drugging kisses and they both sank into it. Hugh pulled back first. “Hey, you,” he said softly.

  “Hi,” she said with a sigh. “Sorry I fell asleep.”

  “Nothing to be sorry for. Are you hungry?”

  “Mmm… I think I am.”

  “Do you want to go down to one of the restaurants or would you like to order in?”

  “In.” She stretched, causing her entire body to rub again
st his. “Definitely in.” Aubrey shimmied a little until her face was level with Hugh’s chest. She rained tiny kisses along his collarbone and pecs, and her tongue traced lazy circles around his nipple.

  It could have been a groan, it could have been a growl. Whatever it was, all Hugh knew was he never wanted Aubrey to stop. His hand anchored itself into her glorious mane of blond hair. He whispered her name as he sighed with pleasure. “You’re killing me.”

  “Well, I think it’s only fair. You made me feel like that…multiple times.”

  He chuckled. “Sweetheart, if you don’t stop, dinner will be a thing of the past. The next opportunity you’ll have for a meal will be breakfast.”

  Aubrey’s actions slowed slightly before she pulled back and looked at him. “You can think of food at a time like this?” she teased.

  The twinkle in her eyes was quickly becoming addictive. Tucking a finger under her chin before letting his hand skim across her cheek, he returned her smile. “Maybe I’m just making sure we both have enough energy to get us through round two.”

  “Round two?” she repeated. “I thought we had that already.”

  Hugh shook his head. “Oh no. That was just the beginning. We have a long night ahead of us. Now we’ve napped a bit and we’ll have something to eat.”

  Aubrey looked at him as her smile grew. “I really like the way you think, Shaughnessy.”

  “As much as I hate to move, let me get up and call in an order for us. What would you like?”

  “Whatever you’re having will be fine.”

  Hugh sat up. “Are you sure? You’re not in the mood for anything in particular?”

  “I’m learning you have excellent taste in food, and after last night’s fried chicken, I’m willing to bet that whatever you order, I’m going to love it.”

  In his mind, Hugh knew what day of the week it was and what he normally ate. But suddenly, it wasn’t what he wanted.

  He’d taken a big leap of faith today—he’d broken one of the main rules he lived his life by. Maybe it wouldn’t be a bad thing to go a little rogue one more time.


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