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Merry Me

Page 9

by Amanda Siegrist

  "Good morning. Or maybe I should say good afternoon. How may I help you?" the petite blond woman from behind the counter asked.

  The words froze on the tip of her tongue. This woman worked with Elliot daily? Blond hair, although swept into a delicate ponytail, looked lovelier than Lynn's ratty hair, especially with her bangs flat now. Her green eyes sparkled with friendliness, and a wide smile that just said to Lynn men loved to kiss. She could just imagine what the rest of the woman's body looked like if she stood up. She couldn't compete with this woman.

  Wait? That was crazy. Elliot didn't want to date this woman. Did he? Maybe he did, and couldn't because she worked with him. What a terrible idea to come!

  "Are you alright, ma'am? How can I help you?" the nice woman said, finally standing up a little.

  Lynn's face flamed with heat as her eyes trailed from the top of the woman's face and down the rest of her body. She was bound to reopen her gash on her forehead from fainting with disgust. She had the body of a model. Thin, voluptuous, and if she could see underneath the pants she wore, she figured legs to die for. Definitely, a terrible idea.

  The woman started to reach for the phone, to call the mental ward probably, snapping her out of her stupor. "I'm here to see Elliot. Is…is he in?"

  The woman stopped reaching for the phone and a small smile emerged. "He is. Can I have your name to let him know you're here?"

  "Um…it's Lynn. I'm—"

  "Oh, Lynn, his girlfriend. I didn't think I'd get to meet you so soon. He's mentioned you a time or two, not like his dad. His dad just loves talking about you. His dad and my dad volunteer together at the church. My dad relays a lot of what his dad says, so it's sort of second hand words. But they were all good words, of course. The chief is more shy, or not necessarily shy, just doesn't talk about his personal life as much. But any time he speaks about you, his face just lights up. It's nice to see. I never see him get excited like that. I am just talking too much. I could go on and on and on. I'm Daphne, it's so nice to meet you," she said as she held her hand out.

  Lynn smiled, a real smile, as she shifted the cookies in her arm and shook Daphne's hand. The trembles in her hand had to be obvious. How pathetic did that make her?

  Girlfriend. She had no idea Elliot thought of her like that. It sounded quite nice.

  "It's nice to meet you, too, Daphne. I'm sorry for zoning out there. I was just appreciating your necklace. It's gorgeous." Such a dumb excuse for her weirdness earlier, but anything to explain her staring that was borderline rude. And it wasn't a lie. It was a very gorgeous necklace. Long gold chain, with five tiny diamonds lining down in a single line. It looked expensive.

  Daphne placed a hand over her necklace. "Thank you. My boyfriend gave it to me for my birthday. What do you have there in your arms?"

  Lynn glanced at the container. "Cookies. I thought Elliot might enjoy them."

  "Oh, boy, a woman after his own heart. He'll love 'em. You can go on back. He'll be delighted to see you."

  "Are you sure? I don't want to intrude if he's busy."

  "Nonsense. He won't mind. Just follow that hallway to the end and take a right. His door is the last one on the left." Daphne pointed to the right with a bright smile.

  Lynn nodded in thanks, her footsteps echoing down the hallway as freedom slowly ebbed away.

  Nonsense! He would be happy to see her.

  What an idiot! Such silly, ridiculous thoughts about that woman. Daphne had a boyfriend. Elliot wanted her, not any other woman. Talk about insecurity. She had no need to feel that way. But maybe she did because it had been so long since she left her heart open to a man. What would happen when she lost him? The outcome scared her.

  She turned the corner, slowing her steps as she neared the last door on the left. Heart pounding like a jackhammer, she raised her hand to knock, except his door stood wide open. He sat at his desk, a hand shoved in his hair, staring at something. He had a frown plastered on his face and deep wrinkles lining his forehead. She wanted to wrap him up in her arms and take the sadness away. That sadness in him always made her heart ache.

  A few taps on the doorframe did the trick to get his attention when he didn't notice her standing there. "Knock, knock. I hope I'm not intruding."

  Elliot stood up so fast with an instant smile replacing his frown. "Definitely not. Just the sort of surprise I needed." He rounded the desk and pulled her into his arms for a deep kiss.

  No hesitation. No rejection.

  He took his time saying hello. Something she seriously enjoyed as the warmth of his body filled up her aching heart.

  "Well, I certainly like this greeting." She backed up a step, only because she didn't want to drop the container of cookies. Staying in his arms forever sounded like a great plan.

  "And I certainly like this visit. What's that?" He eyed the container, anticipation in his eyes.

  "Cookies. I had an urge to bake and thought of you. I really hope I'm not intruding."


  "You can never intrude on me, Lynn."

  He grabbed the container, lifted the lid and inhaled the wonderful scent. He pulled one out. The sweet flavors swirled inside his mouth, trailing down to his heart. A container full of cookies. His smile couldn't possibly get any wider. She made these for him. And definitely made just by her with no help from Laura. The delicate colors on each cookie looked meticulous. Not like the ones he had the other day she had made with Laura. Those cookies hadn’t been painted with such precision. Was he dreaming? The perfect woman for him, and found so easily. He should've stopped for coffee at that diner ages ago.

  "I guess I can let you get back to work."

  Elliot grabbed her arm before she could walk away, lightly tossing the container onto his desk. Wrapping her close, he inhaled the wonderful cookie scent that lingered on her. "What's the rush? I need a break. Did you eat lunch yet?"

  Geez, why hadn't his nerves gone away yet when she was near? What a dumb question. It was already two o'clock in the afternoon. Of course she probably ate.

  "You didn't eat yet? That's not healthy for you, Elliot." She swiped a lock of hair back that fell onto his forehead. "I had a small lunch, but I'll keep you company. You should eat."

  "I definitely need the company." He smiled, kissing her lightly on the lips. "Where's Laura?"

  A light blush graced her cheeks. "She's spending the night with a friend. I have the night to myself."

  "Really?" He smoothed a hand down her back, stretching his fingers like a web. She felt so delicious molded into his body. If the door wasn't wide open, he would've pulled her even closer. "Any specific plans you had?"

  "Well, what sort of plans do you have?"

  "Anything that has to deal with you." He kissed her again before reluctantly letting her go.

  Tossing his papers in a haphazard pile, his heart thumped like a teenager eager for their first date. "I'm going to call it a day. I didn't even want to come in today, but I had to. When I started as Chief I wanted to be out in the streets. I work one Saturday every month with a different officer patrolling. I enjoy it and I think they do too."

  "Why Saturday's?"

  "Why not? They work on weekends. I thought it would only be fair. Not much happens around here, though, so it's sort of just getting to know my officers on a one-to-one basis more than anything. Today, I got up rather early, around three, and rode with two different guys. I just got back to the office about an hour ago. Now that you're here, I'm ready to take the rest of the day off."

  "You have to be tired, Elliot. If you want to go home and crash, that's fine."

  "Do you want to know why I got up so early? It's because I couldn't sleep without thinking about you. Now that you're here, and have the entire night free, I'm not passing up this opportunity. So, Laura is having a sleepover?" He rounded his desk as his lips curled into a delicious grin.

  "Yes, she is."

  "Does that mean you can have a sleepover? Or maybe that's—"

  She put a finger
to his lips. "I would love to spend the night. You've earned it, and much more."

  "I don't know what I did to deserve someone like you."

  Pulling her back into his arms, he stole a kiss. His tongue slid in with ease, deepening the kiss to a higher level. Just a small taste of what was in store for tonight. Kissing her was like a drug he couldn't get enough of. The day got better the moment she walked through his door. A sleepover. Hell, yeah, he loved sleepovers.

  Nipping her bottom lip, savoring her sweet taste one more time, he pulled away before the door magically shut and he showed her just what kind of sleepover would occur tonight. "Let's grab a bite to eat, then head home."

  "I like that plan."

  He grabbed his jacket hanging on the coat rack in the corner, shoved it on and swiped his cookies from his desk. "I plan to eat all of these later. You're more than welcome to surprise me with cookies anytime."

  "I enjoy baking, so you might be in luck."

  His heart swelled with joy. Future visits from her would be like visiting heaven every day. He wrapped his arm around her as they walked to the front.

  "Daphne, you have a great night. I'm heading out for the day," Elliot said, trying not to grin like an idiot at Daphne, who clearly saw his silly grin anyway.

  "You have a wonderful night, Chief. So good to meet your girlfriend. Just a sweetheart. Hope to see you again, Lynn." Daphne waved to them as they walked out.

  "Sorry about that." The sidewalk opened to swallow him whole. Clearly, it wouldn't be just his dad out to embarrass him.

  "About what? She's very nice. I zoned out in front of her and she was pleasant the entire time."

  "About the girlfriend bit. Did that bother you?" He stopped walking and grabbed her hand. Maybe a bit too tightly. Could she feel the nerves running through him?

  "No, actually, it sounded quite nice. Did it bother you?"

  "Not in the least. I'm just sorry that people keep doing that to you. You know, my dad telling you to call him dad. I would never rush you into anything."

  "Don't worry, Elliot."

  Elliot started to lean in for a kiss when the last person he ever wanted to see walked up to them.

  "Elliot, how are you? I missed you these last few days. Just where in the world have you been?" Marybeth asked, her eyes barely spared Lynn a glance. Dressed in a deep red coat, just like the other day, left a man to his imagination of what could be underneath.

  Elliot pulled Lynn closer, squeezing her hand in reassurance. Not that she needed it because she blew Marybeth out of the park with looks, grace, and elegance. Maybe it was more for his benefit. How would Lynn take Marybeth's words? She made it sound like there was something going on between them when there wasn't.

  "Hello, Marybeth. I'd like you to meet my girlfriend Lynn." He glanced at Lynn. "This is Marybeth. She's been a friend of the family for a long time. Her father and my father golf all the time in the summer."

  He turned back toward Marybeth, his smile never wavering. The slight anger couldn't be mistaken in Marybeth's eyes. Did she finally understand he didn’t want to date her?

  "I had no idea you were seeing anyone, Elliot."

  "I am." Simply put. She couldn't misinterpret that.

  Marybeth looked at her watch, exclaiming with overdone enthusiasm. "Oh, my, look at the time. I need to get going. Nice to meet you, Lynn."

  "You too, Marybeth," Lynn replied softly.

  "Will I see you at the Christmas party tonight, Elliot? You didn't forget, I hope." Marybeth smiled brightly at him.

  "I hate to admit, I might have. Lynn and I will try to make it." Elliot smiled back as his arm tightened around Lynn.

  Marybeth moved her eyes slowly from Elliot to Lynn. Her hazel eyes lacked their usual spark, but her smile never wavered. "That'd be great. I hope you can make it. I must run now. See you tonight, Elliot."

  Marybeth started to glide by him, but not without running a hand down his arm as she passed by. Her intent was clear. She still didn't get the message he had no feelings for her. Even though Lynn stood in his arms, the other side of him suddenly felt dirty where Marybeth had touched him. A shower seemed necessary.

  "Sorry…again. We don't have to go tonight." Elliot continued walking, gently brushing his hand up and down her back. Nervous flutters surrounded his heart as he waited for Lynn's response. She had been very quiet throughout the entire encounter. She probably thought he slept with Marybeth, which he never did. Nor ever would.

  More silence. What was she thinking?

  "I've never been with Marybeth. If you were wondering. I just don't want you to get the wrong impression. I'm sorry, Lynn."

  She leaned into him, resting her head on his arm as they walked. "You have nothing to be sorry about. We can go to the party, if you want. If you're expected to go, then you should."

  "I might be expected to go. I really did forget about the party. You distract me easily. But I'm not going unless you go with me. Do you want to go?"

  "It's been a long time since I went to a Christmas party. I'd love to go."

  Chapter 9

  Gregory stood in the doorway while Lynn shuffled through the clothes in the closet. Happiness swooped in, filling his heart that he hadn't felt in a long time. He liked Lynn. He especially liked her for his son. Absolutely perfect for him. Thankfully, his son saw that as well.

  Every year, Christmas approached with a doomed outlook. Worry came with it each time. Stress he shouldn't have, wondering if his son would see anything wonderful in front of him because Christmas was here, the blinders firmly affixed to his eyes. He never came out of his funk when the holidays rolled around.

  Not this year. His son's smiles were brighter. Christmas music could be played in the house without low grumbles and the switch magically turning off. Presents filled the house. His son was finally letting the holiday spirit back in.

  Lynn must've really made an impression on him. Having any sort of affection for a woman was rare as well. It tore his heart up that his son would never find happiness. Now it all seemed possible.

  Perhaps now would be a good time to break the news to Elliot. He would be ready to handle it with Lynn here. He hoped so, anyway.

  "So, what do you think, my dear?"

  Lynn glanced at Gregory, a frown marring her beautiful features. "These are so lovely. I feel terrible wearing one of your wife's dresses to the party. It wouldn't be too much trouble for me to run home quickly and grab one of my own."

  "Nonsense. My wonderful Abigail would've wanted you to wear one. The party starts in less than two hours. No sense in rushing. I'm glad you're coming along. It wasn't so difficult going to this when Abigail was here. She just loved mingling with everyone, passing along her infectious spirit. The first Christmas with just me and Elliot, I saw how miserable he was. He can hide his feelings well from everyone. I think this year he'll actually enjoy himself again, because of you."

  "You honestly don't think Elliot will mind if I'm wearing one of these? Maybe we should wait for him to get back home." Lynn ran a hand down a green dress. "I'm sorry about your wife. I can see the pain in Elliot's eyes when he talks about her. She sounds like she was an amazing woman. I don't like seeing him unhappy."

  Gregory stepped inside the room, one he generally didn't venture into because most of Abigail's belongings were in there. So painful at times.

  He placed a tender hand on her shoulder. "She was the love of my life. She would have loved you. As soon as he gets back from the store picking up a pie and a bottle of wine for the party, he'll be knocked off his feet seeing you in this dress."

  Gregory grabbed the green dress from the closet. He held it up, admiring the beauty of the dress and the way Lynn's eyes lit up at the prospect of wearing it. "I do believe you have your eye on this one. My beautiful Abigail, I don't think she ever wore it. She had this nasty habit of buying things, thinking she would use it or wear it or whatever her mind thought at the time. Half of these clothes she never wore. She loved shopping for clo

  The dress hung in his hand, suddenly burning him straight to the gut. He swallowed to relieve the dryness in his throat and coughed. "You'd think it was Elliot who wanted to keep all of these things. He had such a hard time when she passed. It's me who refused to let him get rid of her stuff. Oh, we cleaned out a lot of her belongings, but there were just some things I couldn't part with. I can't even tell you why I kept the new clothes she never wore. Damn, I miss her."

  Lynn smiled, taking the dress from his hands. "Laura's father, Trent, he died when she was a baby. In a car crash. You would think I would've been freaking out more when I crashed my car. Driving never makes me nervous, though. He was my rock, my savior, the only other person in the world I had. I still have some of his things. A small box tucked away in my closet that I take out now and again. And in the very, very back corner of my closet, I have a few shirts and his one nice suit. Every time I think about getting rid of them, I feel like a part of me will be gone as well. I understand perfectly what you're saying, Gregory. And for the first time in my life, I feel like it's not just Laura and me anymore. Elliot, and you, have reached into my heart taking quite a hold of it."

  "Oh, you've grabbed my heart as well, Lynn. And Elliot, well, I've never seen him happier than he is with you. So blessed that he met you." Gregory pulled her into a hug, squeezing delightfully. "Wear the green dress. I think Elliot will love it. I'll let you get ready."

  Gregory smiled at her as he left the room.

  Yes, that dress was perfect.

  Perfect enough to distract his son from the blowing news he had.



  Lynn couldn't seem to hang the dress back up. Would it bother Elliot? It didn't seem to bother Gregory, his suggestion, really, that she wear the dress.

  Going home would've been the wiser decision. She should've insisted harder. Why did any sort of smile from a Duncan man make her forget her side of the arguments? Gregory had that special power over her as well. Even though she desired to wear one of these beautiful dresses hanging in the closet, she should wear one of her own. Not that her dresses could compete with the ones in front of her. They couldn't. She would look like a rag doll if she showed up in one of her own.


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