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Merry Me

Page 10

by Amanda Siegrist

  The dress still hung in the air, her hands clutching the material with a death-like grip. Her feet were like lead. Moving toward the closet was impossible.

  Gregory's words teetered back and forth. The green dress, slim and delicate, with a few beautiful glittering rhinestones on the front sparkled brightly. The elegance spoke to her. Enticed her.


  Ugh! Why would she think of her? She had been pleasant enough when she met her. But perhaps she had been a little too friendly with Elliot.

  Then he reassured her nothing ever occurred between them. And damn it, she had needed that reassurance. The smile and sultry words Marybeth had spoken had brought her insecurity front and center. She needed to look her best tonight, especially if she wanted to show Elliot she could look as sophisticated as Marybeth. She had felt very dowdy compared to her. Marybeth's hair had been perfectly styled in a beautiful coif, flawless makeup, and high heels that would've had Lynn falling flat on her face.

  Lynn had tried to appear confident in front of her. Marybeth looked like a smart woman. She had probably seen nothing but a meek and mild woman. No competition for Elliot's affection.

  Could there be some competition? How couldn't he want that woman? Lots of men probably liked Marybeth with her gorgeous looks and delicate body.

  Apparently, Elliot knew better than that. Hopefully, anyway.

  Wiping the doubt and insecurities away once again, she clutched the dress tighter and headed to the bathroom.


  "Do I look alright? Is my tie straight? What is she doing? Do you think she changed her mind?"

  "Elliot, calm down. I haven't seen you this nervous since you took Sara O'Brian to the homecoming dance. She's beautifying herself like women do. She's just as nervous, so stop worrying. You two were meant for each other." Gregory straightened Elliot's tie.

  "Meant for each other? You really think so, because I'm really starting to think that. She surprised me with cookies today. Dad, I can't even tell you how that made me feel. No other woman I dated ever did anything thoughtful like that."

  "She's wonderful, I agree. So don't screw it up."

  Elliot frowned at his dad's back as he walked away. Don't screw it up? Shit! Was he screwing up somehow? Maybe he was pushing her too soon, wanting to spend so much time with her. Before he could continue his internal war of emotions, a sweet voice spoke from behind him.

  "I'm ready. I hope you weren’t waiting on me. I tried to get ready as quickly as possible."

  Elliot turned around, his steady stance wobbling a little. Where was a chair to hold himself up when he needed it?

  Absolutely exquisite. Dressed in a long green dress that personified her slender body, made him ache more than he ever had before. The top of the dress scooped into a lovely, graceful form, giving him just a hint of cleavage. It hugged her body all the way from her breasts to her thighs, where a small slit on the side gave him just a peek of her beautiful legs he always loved admiring. She wore a pair of silver high heels, just enough height to bring her to his level, but not high enough to tower over him. The shoes looked familiar, the dress a small hint of recognition as well. She sparkled like a rare emerald worth dying for.

  "You hate it, I can just go—"

  "No, Lynn. You're gorgeous. Shit, you have me standing here like a lovesick school boy," Elliot said, grabbing her hand before she could walk away.

  He pulled her closer. His skin prickled with desire as all of the heat flowed straight below his belt. Devouring her from head to toe felt necessary. Like, now. Screw the party. "This dress makes me want to peel it right off you and see what is underneath. The only reason I would hate it, is all the other men who will be gawking at you tonight. I'm not really looking forward to that. Let's stay home."

  "So you like it?"

  "Love it."

  He kissed her neck, peppering small kisses to her ear. A tiny giggle erupted from her sweet lips as the sound of footsteps echoed in the air. Damn his dad for interrupting. He released a breath and shifted his body away from her. His pants were uncomfortably tight. Talk about embarrassing, but it did clearly show how much he truly loved that dress on her.

  "Oh, Lynn, you look absolutely beautiful. My Abigail was a beauty, but I'm not sure the dress would've looked like that on her." Gregory smiled, his eyes glancing down at her feet. "Ah, I see her shoes fit you as well. What are the odds?"

  "This is Mom's stuff? I thought the shoes looked familiar. I don't recall this dress, though." Elliot stood back, taking in his fill. Hard as a rock again. His pants were becoming more uncomfortable each time his eyes glossed over another part of her gorgeous body.

  "If you don't like me wearing your mother's things, I can—"

  "Stop. You look beautiful. My mother wouldn't mind." Elliot grabbed her hand and planted a light kiss. "I love this dress on you. You're wearing it. That's final."

  "As I told Lynn, your mother never wore that dress. She bought it for, who knows what, and I kept it for…no clue. Obviously, for this special occasion." Gregory checked his watch, then glanced nervously at Elliot. "I should get going. I'll meet you two lovebirds at the party."

  "Meet us? Why wouldn't you just drive with us?" Elliot asked.

  "Well, I've been meaning to tell you. Now seems like a good time as any. I'm picking up my date, Gabby." Gregory fiddled with his tie.

  Words failed him. Complete bafflement washed over. "Date? As in, dating?" His dad shouldn't be dating anyone. It was wrong. All wrong.

  "Yes, Elliot. She's a wonderful woman who makes me happy. I can't wait for you to meet her."

  "I'm not sure I can say the same thing, Dad. What about Mom?"

  "Don't speak to me that way, Elliot. Ever. I loved your mother and I always will. She's been gone three years, and she wouldn't want me to be unhappy. I'm not sure why you would." Gregory gave Lynn a smile as he walked toward the front door. "I'll see you at the party. I expect you to be polite to Gabby. Just fake it like you do concerning the holidays. You're good at it."

  His dad closed the door with a quiet ease. What should have been a wonderful evening, alone with Lynn, instantly turned into a disaster. Definitely, screw the party.

  A small, soft touch soothed his heart as Lynn squeezed his hand. "Are you okay, Elliot?"

  "I just want to stay home with you and forget that conversation ever happened. He shouldn't be dating."

  "Why not?"

  Such a simple question, but loaded nonetheless. He whipped his eyes to her. Her concern reflected prominently. "Because he just shouldn't."

  "Do you really want to stay home?" She rubbed a soft thumb over his hand, calming his heart even further. But how could he be calm when his father was dating someone?


  "Yes, I want to stay home." He sighed heavily. "But we can't. My dad will know why we didn't show. Plus, I'm the chief of police, it's sort of expected I go to this party. Most of the town council members will be there, the mayor, and anyone else who thinks they're important. They'll all wonder why I didn't show if I bail out."

  "I'll go grab my purse from the bedroom." She kissed him lightly on the lips. "Elliot, maybe I'm overstepping my boundaries, but why is it so wrong for your father to be happy? He didn't want to tell you about this new woman. You could see how nervous he was, probably because he knew how you'd react. Didn't you see it? He truly cares for this woman. Give her a chance."

  "Why should I? What about my mother? He's just going to throw that love away."

  Elliot dropped her hand and turned around. Taking her comfort and being angry at the same time wouldn't work. She didn't do anything wrong, but her words hurt. His dad shouldn't be dating anyone. Period. End of story.

  "Just because he's seeing someone new doesn't mean he's throwing her love away. He spoke to me earlier about her, and I could hear the love, the longing to see her once again. But he's moving on with his life because she's not here anymore. I know how he feels."

  Elliot glanced back at her,
his brows dipping with confusion. "What?"

  "I told you about Trent. You know what he meant to me. He still holds a place in my heart. I would never throw his love away, but I can make room for a bit more love. If I wasn’t willing to make room for another man, do you think I'd be here in this room with you right now? Do you think I would've ever given you a chance? If you think your father shouldn't have the chance to be happy with another woman, then maybe I shouldn't give you a chance either. It's the same thing."

  She left him standing there speechless. God, what was she saying? More words he didn't want to hear. His father was dating and it sounded like he was on the verge of losing Lynn.

  Don't screw it up.

  Boy, those words held so much meaning now. Because that's exactly what he was doing. Screwing everything up. As much as he wanted to ignore what she said, her words held a ring of truth. She lost someone she deeply loved and decided to give him a chance after how many years of being alone. Why couldn't his dad do the same thing?

  Because it hurt. Hearing those words from his dad had swiftly ripped his heart from his chest with one giant punch. His dad wanted him to give this woman a chance. How could he? Did that truly mean he'd lose Lynn if he didn't?

  They left a few minutes later for the party. The silence that filled the truck crumbled Elliot's heart into tiny pieces. Putting it all back together seemed nearly impossible. Since the moment she spoke those words, it's like she slipped further and further away from him. He was going to lose her. The first time he felt a moment of true happiness, just to be ripped away without effort. It would be all his fault.

  Small talk seemed futile. What could he say to gain reassurance he wouldn't lose her? Nothing short of accepting this woman into his life would work. So he stayed quiet, just as she did. He would lose her. And why? Because his dad wanted to live out the rest of his life with someone else. To have a bit of happiness since his mom died.

  Hurting his father again. Something he was obviously good at. And with potential health concerns. He hadn't seen any other signs of forgetfulness, but that didn't mean he didn't worry about it. His dad still loved his mom. He knew this. He saw it all the time in the little things his dad did or said.

  Damn, Lynn was right. She was gone and his dad had to move on. Accepting that and living it with would be hard. How could he do that without his heart breaking into a million pieces?

  By the time they reached the party and stepped into the ballroom, a smile appeared on his face as if nothing had happened.

  Faking it.

  Just like his dad said he could do with ease. Shame swamped his bones, but it didn't stop him from replacing his smile with a frown. Nope. His smile shined brightly as he laughed with everyone, talked with enthusiasm, and grinned as if he hadn't had a care in the world. To his surprise, Lynn appeared just as happy alongside him. It looked as if they were a new couple, happy, no problems between them. That couldn't be farther from the truth.

  Lynn excused herself to use the bathroom. The hint of pain in her eyes before she walked away tore him up. The first sign that she really wasn't happy or enjoying herself.

  Faking it.

  Obviously, she knew how to do it as well.

  She loved Christmas. This party was supposed to make her happy. Truly happy. Not this sham they were both putting on.

  Getting out of the house to enjoy such an extravagant party during the holidays probably didn't happen very often for her. Every year, everyone always dressed in their finest clothes, wore the best jewelry they owned, and if they were special enough, received an invitation to the Christmas party. City officials, the Mayor, prominent businessmen and women from around the town and surrounding areas, even Senator Barkins attended the party, especially since he grew up in Mulberry. For such a small town, it was an honor to be invited. A tradition that had been going strong for the last thirty years. Another reason he couldn't miss the blasted party.

  The ballroom, located in the oldest hotel in town that held the party every year, had been decorated beautifully. White Christmas lights were strung around the room, giving off an elegant appearance. A big tree that sat centered in the middle of the room, stood out brightly with its colorful arrangements of lights, ornaments, and presents sitting under the tree. Lynn's eyes had lit up by all of the presents under the tree. Everyone came with a gift in tow, placing it under the tree. He informed her they would be delivered tomorrow to the children at the hospital in Mulberry and the surrounding areas. Another beautiful smile had graced her features. Another reason for him to like Christmas again.

  She grumbled a tiny bit he didn't tell her about donating a gift. She would've donated as well. Of course. That sounded just like her. Not that she told him specifically, but he knew money was tight. None of that mattered to her. She was a loving, giving person. He had donated two gifts, one from him and one from her. Although, he didn't specify that to her. No need for another argument to ensue.

  He loved seeing her enthusiasm for the holiday. So why did the night have to start out the way it did? Or continue on the way it was?

  She was so damn beautiful. He certainly wasn't having fun watching some of the men and the way they looked at her. They all could see her beauty, her sweetness. Would her attention be drawn to another man in the room? Would he lose her completely before the night ended?

  Clenching his fists, he relaxed them gradually and shoved his hands into his pockets when his dad, and the woman he assumed was Gabby, made a path straight to him. Where was Lynn? Why was she taking so long in the bathroom? He needed her here, now, more than ever. She calmed him. Brought him peace like nothing else.

  "Elliot, we've been trying to make our way to you and Lynn the entire night. It's just so busy. So many people to say hello to. Where's Lynn?" Gregory asked as if nothing was wrong between them.

  "She had to use the restroom. She should be right back." Elliot glimpsed at the woman next to his dad. She wore a gold-colored evening gown that fit her perfectly. It showed her elegance, yet dissuaded her age to make her appear younger. She had fine wrinkles lining her eyes as she smiled at him. Short, white hair styled in light waves that made her look lovelier than what brown or black or even blonde hair would've made her look. While she would never look more beautiful than his mother, she had a beautiful quality to her that he could appreciate.

  "Well, I'd like you to meet Gabby. Gabby, this is my son, Elliot."

  His father's hand trembled as he pointed during the introduction. More shame consumed him. His father was worried he'd make a scene, or at least, say something rude. Talk about being a horrible son.

  He produced a genuine smile as he held out a hand. "Nice to meet you, Gabby. I'm afraid my dad hasn’t told me much about you because I've been in my own little world regarding Lynn. We just started dating. I guess I'm still in the butterfly stage where my nerves take over and all I think about is her."

  "Gregory pointed you and Lynn out in the crowd and I can see why your mind is distracted. She's beautiful. It's a pleasure to meet you, Elliot. Gregory talks about you all the time." Gabby shook his hand, placing a soft hand over their clasped hands. "He also talks about your mother. She sounds like she was a wonderful woman. I wish I could have met her. I miss my Phillip every day."

  "Phillip?" Elliot inquired as she finally let go of his hand. Amazing. She had managed to calm his heart a little. Just like Lynn.

  "My late husband. I'm a widow as well. I was a bit lost at first, leaning towards the church for comfort. That's where I met Gregory. He fills my days with happiness again," she said, nudging his shoulder.

  Gregory placed an arm around her, squeezing her with delight. He looked at Elliot, gratefulness pouring from his eyes.

  Well, at least he wasn't still screwing things up. No matter what he felt moments before when he shook Gabby's hand, he needed some space. And where was Lynn? She had been gone a long time.

  "Maybe I should check on Lynn."

  "Why don't I check on her for you? You can't ex
actly walk into the women's restroom, can you?" Gabby said with a small chuckle.

  "No, I suppose not."

  She walked away before he could argue with her. He had wanted to check on Lynn. He had wanted to escape.

  "So what do you think?"

  "I think I acted like a jerk, Dad. She seems nice. Can we talk about it later?" He ran a hand through his hair. No escaping his dad. Always straight and to the point. "I really am worried about Lynn. We sort of argued. She was on your side about Gabby. It felt like she gave me an ultimatum while trying to get me to see how much of an idiot I am."

  "An ultimatum? She doesn't seem like the type. Maybe you misunderstood her." Gregory placed a hand on Elliot's shoulder. "I never wanted you two to argue over something like this. I'm sorry if I surprised you with the news. I've wanted to tell you for a while now. I just didn't know how. Your mother will always have a place in my heart. I did it tonight, well, because I had to since Gabby is my date for the party. But also, because I thought Lynn being there would help soften the blow. I'm sorry if you're fighting because of me. That wasn't my intention."

  "I just have to keep the faith that I can fix this. I just hope she's not hiding in the bathroom because of me."

  Gregory squeezed his shoulder a bit. "Maybe she just got caught in some conversation. I think I saw Marybeth walk toward the bathroom when we were making our way to you."

  "You did? I'll be right back, Dad."

  Elliot walked away. Marybeth hadn't acted that horrible in front of them earlier today, but Elliot wasn't immune to how vicious she could be. She was a spoiled brat who always got her way with a snap of her fingers to her father. Just one more reason he didn’t want to date her. High maintenance. He didn't need that sort of woman in his life.

  He needed Lynn. What were the odds they were having a nice conversation about the party? He didn't know how much more Lynn could take. So much for having a sleepover.


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